#Moving Object definition file for Ultimate Stunts #This file describes the Jeep Wrangler car #All values are in SI units [description] fullname = Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 SS [body] #Geometry definition file geometry = cars/alfa6c_2500/body.glb #body mass in kg mass = 1330 #Center of mass relative to the body origin in m centerofmass = 0,0.3,0.5 #size (defines the moments of inertia) in m size = 1.90, 1.50, 4.68 #Camera position relative to CM camerapos = 0, 0.87, -0.5 #Air resistance cw times front area #according to formula F = cwA * v^2 cwa = 0.6 #Rotation damping constant rotationdamping = 25.0 [frontwheels] #Geometry definition file geometry = cars/alfa6c_2500/wheel.glb #static friction coefficient mu = 1 #roll friction coefficient roll = 0.008 #wheel mass in kg mass = 18.0 #position relative to body origin in m position = 0.73, 0.15, -1.62 #spring constant for the suspension suspk = 70000.0 suspd = 25000.0 #Normalised stiffness of the tyre #The longitudinal and lateral velocities # of the tyre surfaceare multiplied with # these values before they are used in # the tyre force curve tractionstiffness = 5 cornerstiffness = 50 #The maximum brake torque in Nm #At low velocities the brake force depends #on the axis' angular velocity brakemax = 500.0 #max steering angle in rad steermax = 0.07 #Fraction of traction torque supplied traction = 0 #Aerodynamic downforce coefficient #F = coeficient * v^2 downforce = 0.3 [rearwheels] #Geometry definition file geometry = cars/alfa6c_2500/wheel.glb #static friction coefficient mu = 1 #roll friction coefficient roll = 0.008 #wheel mass in kg mass = 18.0 #position relative to body origin in m position = 0.73, 0.15, 1.18 #spring constant for the suspension suspk = 80000.0 suspd = 35000.0 #Normalised stiffness of the tyre #The longitudinal and lateral velocities # of the tyre surfaceare multiplied with # these values before they are used in # the tyre force curve tractionstiffness = 5 cornerstiffness = 50 #The maximum brake torque in Nm #At low velocities the brake force depends #on the axis' angular velocity brakemax = 500.0 #max steering angle in rad steermax = 0.0 #Fraction of traction torque supplied traction = 1 #Aerodynamic downforce coefficient #F = coeficient * v^2 downforce = 0.3 [engine] #Torque in Nm of a non-rotating engine (@ 0 RPM) zerotorque = 200 #Max torque point. Torque in Nm, engine speed in rad/s maxtorque = 206 w_maxtorque = 334 #Max power point. Power in W, engine speed in rad/s maxpower = 77000 w_maxpower = 502 #Engine speed in rad/s where the engine doesn't generate torque anymore w_zero = 575 #Gear ratios gear0 = -4.0 gear1 = 4.0 gear2 = 2.5 gear3 = 1.6 gear4 = 1.0 gear5 = 0 gear6 = 0 #The differential ratio differentialratio = 3.21 [sound] engine = cars/generic/engine.wav #Base engine rad/s of the sound sample enginerps = 388 [skin] texture = cars/generic/license.jpg defaultcolor = 0.2,0.2,0.2 [dashboard] #The dashboard background texture and its height #The height is a fraction of the width background_tex = cars/alfa6c_2500/dash.png background_hth = 0.5 crash_tex = cars/generic/crash.png #The steer texture, position, radius and its maximum angle (degrees) steer_tex = cars/alfa6c_2500/steeringwheel.png steer_pos = 0.71,0.13 steer_rad = 0.23 steer_ang = 145.0 #An analog velocity gauge. texture, position, radius, and gauge settings. #an0,an1 = min. + max. angle of the needle #max = velocity (m/s) where the maximum angle is reached analog_vel_tex = cars/alfa6c_2500/tacho.png analog_vel_pos = 0.11,0.19 analog_vel_rad = 0.068 analog_vel_an0 = -180 analog_vel_an1 = 135 analog_vel_max = 53.2 #An analog RPM gauge. texture, position, radius, and gauge settings. #an0,an1 = min. + max. angle of the needle #max = engine speed (rad/s) where the maximum angle is reached analog_rpm_tex = cars/alfa6c_2500/rpm.png analog_rpm_pos = 0.53,0.19 analog_rpm_rad = 0.068 analog_rpm_an0 = -180 analog_rpm_an1 = 135 analog_rpm_max = 602 [controls] #Steering speed (fraction/s) when steering away from neutral steerspeed_out = 0.4 #Steering speed (fraction/s) when steering towards neutral steerspeed_in = 2.5 #Dependency of steering speed on car speed #formula: dsdt = {steerspeed_in | steerspeed_out} / (1.0 + steerspeed_v_factor * |v|) steerspeed_v_factor = 0.01