/************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/symbology/qgssvgcache.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/ class QgsSvgCache : QgsAbstractContentCacheBase { %Docstring(signature="appended") A cache for images / pictures derived from SVG files This class supports parameter replacement in SVG files according to the SVG params specification (http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-SVGParamPrimer-20090616/). Supported parameters are: - ``param``(fill): fill color (with no opacity value) - ``param``(fill-opacity): fill color opacity - ``param``(outline): outline color (with no opacity value) - ``param``(outline-opacity): outline color opacity - ``param``(outline-width): width of outline strokes E.g: ¶meters = QMap() ); %Docstring Returns an SVG drawing as a QImage. :param path: Absolute path to SVG file. :param size: size of cached image :param fill: color of fill :param stroke: color of stroke :param strokeWidth: width of stroke :param widthScaleFactor: width scale factor :param fitsInCache: :param fixedAspectRatio: fixed aspect ratio (optional) :param blocking: forces to wait for loading before returning image (optional). :param parameters: is a map of parameters to dynamically replace content in SVG. .. warning:: The ``blocking`` parameter must NEVER be ``True`` from GUI based applications (like the main QGIS application) or crashes will result. Only for use in external scripts or QGIS server. %End QPicture svgAsPicture( const QString &path, double size, const QColor &fill, const QColor &stroke, double strokeWidth, double widthScaleFactor, bool forceVectorOutput = false, double fixedAspectRatio = 0, bool blocking = false, const QMap ¶meters = QMap() ); %Docstring Returns an SVG drawing as a QPicture. :param path: Absolute path to SVG file. :param size: size of cached image :param fill: color of fill :param stroke: color of stroke :param strokeWidth: width of stroke :param widthScaleFactor: width scale factor :param forceVectorOutput: :param fixedAspectRatio: fixed aspect ratio (optional) :param blocking: forces to wait for loading before returning image (optional) :param parameters: is a map of parameters to dynamically replace content in SVG. .. note:: The returned QPicture contains the SVG file centered over the picture origin. I.e. if it is rendered using QPainter.drawPicture( QPointF( 5, 10 ), picture ) it will be drawn centered over the point (5, 10). Appropriate translation to the destination painter based on the picture's boundingRect may need to be applied if rendering the SVG using the top-left or other reference point is desired. .. warning:: The ``blocking`` parameter must NEVER be ``True`` from GUI based applications (like the main QGIS application) or crashes will result. Only for use in external scripts or QGIS server. %End QSizeF svgViewboxSize( const QString &path, double size, const QColor &fill, const QColor &stroke, double strokeWidth, double widthScaleFactor, double fixedAspectRatio = 0, bool blocking = false, const QMap ¶meters = QMap() ); %Docstring Calculates the viewbox size of a (possibly cached) SVG file. :param path: Absolute path to SVG file. :param size: size of cached image :param fill: color of fill :param stroke: color of stroke :param strokeWidth: width of stroke :param widthScaleFactor: width scale factor :param fixedAspectRatio: fixed aspect ratio (optional) :param blocking: forces to wait for loading before returning image (optional). :param parameters: is a map of parameters to dynamically replace content in SVG. :return: viewbox size set in SVG file .. warning:: The blocking parameter must NEVER be ``True`` from GUI based applications (like the main QGIS application) or crashes will result. Only for use in external scripts or QGIS server. .. versionadded:: 2.14 %End void containsParams( const QString &path, bool &hasFillParam, QColor &defaultFillColor, bool &hasStrokeParam, QColor &defaultStrokeColor, bool &hasStrokeWidthParam, double &defaultStrokeWidth, bool blocking = false ) const; %Docstring Tests if an SVG file contains parameters for fill, stroke color, stroke width. If yes, possible default values are returned. If there are several default values in the SVG file, only the first one is considered. Blocking forces to wait for loading before returning image (optional). WARNING: the blocking parameter must NEVER be ``True`` from GUI based applications (like the main QGIS application) or crashes will result. Only for use in external scripts or QGIS server. %End void containsParams( const QString &path, bool &hasFillParam, bool &hasDefaultFillParam, QColor &defaultFillColor, bool &hasFillOpacityParam, bool &hasDefaultFillOpacity, double &defaultFillOpacity, bool &hasStrokeParam, bool &hasDefaultStrokeColor, QColor &defaultStrokeColor, bool &hasStrokeWidthParam, bool &hasDefaultStrokeWidth, double &defaultStrokeWidth, bool &hasStrokeOpacityParam, bool &hasDefaultStrokeOpacity, double &defaultStrokeOpacity, bool blocking = false ) const /PyName=containsParamsV3/; %Docstring Tests if an SVG file contains parameters for fill, stroke color, stroke width. If yes, possible default values are returned. If there are several default values in the SVG file, only the first one is considered. :param path: path to SVG file :param hasFillParam: will be ``True`` if fill param present in SVG :param hasDefaultFillParam: will be ``True`` if fill param has a default value specified :param defaultFillColor: will be set to default fill color specified in SVG, if present :param hasFillOpacityParam: will be ``True`` if fill opacity param present in SVG :param hasDefaultFillOpacity: will be ``True`` if fill opacity param has a default value specified :param defaultFillOpacity: will be set to default fill opacity specified in SVG, if present :param hasStrokeParam: will be ``True`` if stroke param present in SVG :param hasDefaultStrokeColor: will be ``True`` if stroke param has a default value specified :param defaultStrokeColor: will be set to default stroke color specified in SVG, if present :param hasStrokeWidthParam: will be ``True`` if stroke width param present in SVG :param hasDefaultStrokeWidth: will be ``True`` if stroke width param has a default value specified :param defaultStrokeWidth: will be set to default stroke width specified in SVG, if present :param hasStrokeOpacityParam: will be ``True`` if stroke opacity param present in SVG :param hasDefaultStrokeOpacity: will be ``True`` if stroke opacity param has a default value specified :param defaultStrokeOpacity: will be set to default stroke opacity specified in SVG, if present :param blocking: forces to wait for loading before returning image (optional). .. note:: Available in Python bindings as containsParamsV3 .. warning:: The ``blocking`` parameter must NEVER be ``True`` from GUI based applications (like the main QGIS application) or crashes will result. Only for use in external scripts or QGIS server. .. versionadded:: 2.14 %End QByteArray getImageData( const QString &path, bool blocking = false ) const; %Docstring Gets the SVG content corresponding to the given ``path``. ``path`` may be a local file, remote (HTTP) url, or a base 64 encoded string (with a "base64:" prefix). The class default missingContent byte array is returned if the ``path`` could not be resolved or is broken. If the ``path`` corresponds to a remote URL, then class default fetchingContent will be returned while the content is in the process of being fetched. The ``blocking`` boolean forces to wait for loading before returning result. The content is loaded in the same thread to ensure provided the remote content. .. warning:: The ``blocking`` parameter must NEVER be ``True`` from GUI based applications (like the main QGIS application) or crashes will result. Only for use in external scripts or QGIS server. %End QByteArray svgContent( const QString &path, double size, const QColor &fill, const QColor &stroke, double strokeWidth, double widthScaleFactor, double fixedAspectRatio = 0, bool blocking = false, const QMap ¶meters = QMap() ); %Docstring Gets the SVG content corresponding to the given ``path``. ``path`` may be a local file, remote (HTTP) url, or a base 64 encoded string (with a "base64:" prefix). The parameters ``size``, ``strokeWidth`` for width of stroke, ``widthScaleFactor`` for width scale factor, ``fill`` for color of fill, ``stroke`` for color of stroke and ``fixedAspectRatio`` for fixed aspect ratio (optional) are needed to get the entry from cache or creates a new entry if it does not exist already. The ``blocking`` boolean forces to wait for loading before returning image. The content is loaded in the same thread to ensure provided the image. .. warning:: The ``blocking`` parameter must NEVER be ``True`` from GUI based applications (like the main QGIS application) or crashes will result. Only for use in external scripts or QGIS server. %End signals: void statusChanged( const QString &statusQString ) /Deprecated/; %Docstring Emit a signal to be caught by qgisapp and display a msg on status bar. .. deprecated:: Deprecated since QGIS 3.6 -- no longer emitted. %End void remoteSvgFetched( const QString &url ); %Docstring Emitted when the cache has finished retrieving an SVG file from a remote ``url``. .. versionadded:: 3.2 %End protected: virtual bool checkReply( QNetworkReply *reply, const QString &path ) const; }; /************************************************************************ * This file has been generated automatically from * * * * src/core/symbology/qgssvgcache.h * * * * Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again * ************************************************************************/