Summary : This is the definitions of all hangul codes supported by "HCODE ver 2.0". More details and discussions on hangul code in addition to this document are included in the hcode package version 2.1 from June-Yub Lee. (, Thanks. Sep, 18, 1994 June-Yub Lee at Courant Institute Contents -------- I. G0/G1 Switching Codes II. ASCII Code points for 7bit III. Trigem Combination Code and 3byte modern hangul codes IV. KSC5601 2byte Precomposed Chars and 8byte Combination Code V. ISO-2022-KR and SDN Mailing Code VI. Code points of HAN3 code and 2-Set Keyboard Layout ======================== I. G0/G1 Switching Codes ======================== --------------------------------------------------- |76543210|76543210|765432 10|765 43210 -------------|--------|--------|------ --|--- ----- ASCII | | | |0xx xxxxx -------------|--------|--------|------ --|--- ----- Trigem | | |1xxxxx xx|xxx xxxxx -------------|--------|--------|------ --|--- ----- KSC5601 | | |1yyyyy yy|1yy yyyyy -------------|--------|--------|------ --|--- ----- han3 |10001111|1yyyyyyy|1yyyyy yy|1yy yyyyy KSC5601* |10001111|11111011|1yyyyy yy|1yy yyyyy --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- |0 8 |16 24 |32 40 |48 56 -------------|--------|--------|------ --|--- ----- KSC5601-8byte|A4 D4 |A4 1YY |A4 1YY |A4 1YY --------------------------------------------------- hcode Internal Code --------------------------------------------------- |76543210|76543210|765432 10|765 43210 -------------|--------|--------|------ --|--- ----- ASCII |00000000|00000000|000000 00|0xx xxxxx -------------|--------|--------|------ --|--- ----- Trigem |00000000|00000000|1xxxxx xx|xxx xxxxx -------------|--------|--------|------ --|--- ----- han3 |10001111|1yyyyyyy|1yyyyy yy|1yy yyyyy -------------|--------|--------|------ --|--- ----- KSC5601 |10001111|11111011|1yyyyy yy|1yy yyyyy -------------|--------|--------|------ --|--- ----- KSC5601-8byte|11011000|1yyyyyyy|1yyyyy yy|1yy yyyyy -------------|--------|--------|------ --|--- ----- NOT A CHAR |11111111|00000000|000000 00|000 00000 --------------------------------------------------- x=0/1, yyyyyyy=YY=subset of 94chars ============================== II. ASCII Code points for 7bit ============================== ----------------------------------------------------------------- | 00 nul| 01 soh| 02 stx| 03 etx| 04 eot| 05 enq| 06 ack| 07 bel| | 08 bs | 09 ht | 0a nl | 0b vt | 0c np | 0d cr | 0e so | 0f si | | 10 dle| 11 dc1| 12 dc2| 13 dc3| 14 dc4| 15 nak| 16 syn| 17 etb| | 18 can| 19 em | 1a sub| 1b esc| 1c fs | 1d gs | 1e rs | 1f us | | 20 sp | 21 ! | 22 " | 23 # | 24 $ | 25 % | 26 & | 27 ' | | 28 ( | 29 ) | 2a * | 2b + | 2c , | 2d - | 2e . | 2f / | | 30 0 | 31 1 | 32 2 | 33 3 | 34 4 | 35 5 | 36 6 | 37 7 | | 38 8 | 39 9 | 3a : | 3b ; | 3c < | 3d = | 3e > | 3f ? | | 40 @ | 41 A | 42 B | 43 C | 44 D | 45 E | 46 F | 47 G | | 48 H | 49 I | 4a J | 4b K | 4c L | 4d M | 4e N | 4f O | | 50 P | 51 Q | 52 R | 53 S | 54 T | 55 U | 56 V | 57 W | | 58 X | 59 Y | 5a Z | 5b [ | 5c \ | 5d ] | 5e ^ | 5f _ | | 60 ` | 61 a | 62 b | 63 c | 64 d | 65 e | 66 f | 67 g | | 68 h | 69 i | 6a j | 6b k | 6c l | 6d m | 6e n | 6f o | | 70 p | 71 q | 72 r | 73 s | 74 t | 75 u | 76 v | 77 w | | 78 x | 79 y | 7a z | 7b { | 7c | | 7d } | 7e ~ | 7f del| ----------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================== III. Trigem Combination Code and 3byte modern hangul codes ========================================================== First byte with MSB ON and following 3*5bits=15bits refers a syllable. The following is the codepoints for each 5bits range with the standard Romanization code agreeed by N. S. Korea in 1992. See the table h3Bcode.h for conversions between 3byte codes. And you should notice that the 3byte codes for modern hangul will be converted from/to this trigem code. { "", FILL, "K", "Kk", "N", "T", "Tt", "R", "M", "P", "Pp", "S", "Ss", "", "C", "Cc", "Ch", "Kh", "Th", "Ph", "H", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }, { "", "", FILL, "a", "ae", "ya", "yae", "eo", "", "", "e", "yeo", "ye", "o", "wa", "wae", "", "", "oe", "yo", "u", "weo", "we", "wi", "", "", "yu", "eu", "yi", "i", "", "" }, { "", FILL, "k", "kk", "ks", "n", "nc", "nh", "t", "l", "lk", "lm", "lp", "ls", "lth", "lph", "lh", "m", "", "p", "ps", "s", "ss", "ng", "c", "ch", "kh", "th", "ph", "h", "", "" } There is a serious trouble in transforming between 2-set approaching codes(with consonant and vowel) and 3-set approaching codes(with consonant initial and final separately and also vowel) since you can't distinguish init-K from final-K if the syllable is not a normal. (If you have an assumption that all syllables have initial and vowel, then it's okay.) To resolve this problem you need at least one FILL code, either FILL-init or FILL-Vowel. Traditionally, there is no clear definitions to declare Final-only syllables for N-byte, Key board input, or Romanization since all of them is based on 2-set approach. Now I will make my "own" definitions to grantee that hcode is "round-trip compatible". I am introducing NULL-VOWEL "a" in N-byte code (the first vowel(A) start from "b") and "L" in keyboard simulation according to han3term keyboard input and "!" for Romanization. This NULL-VOWEL will be added when you have a final without vowel. However, there is other problem in romanizaion code that is there is no code points for "Cho-Seong I-Eung" so it's a good idea to introduce a NULL-INITIAL(@). Romanization code is case insenstive. And '-' will separate two syllables in a word. However, any letters which is not a vowel nor a consonant will be regarded as a syllable separator, that means you may use {Han-Keul} or {Han.Keul}. ============================================================== IV. KSC5601 2byte Precomposed Chars and 8byte Combination Code ============================================================== 2350 Chars = 94 chars/page * 25 pages(B0-D8) And also 19 + 21 Modern Jamos in A4 pages. See the table h2Bcode.h for the codepoint of each character. If there is no precomposed character then 8byte sequence could be used. 51 codes (A4A1-A4D3) are used for Modern hangul (Initial 19+ Vowel 21+ Final_Only 11(27-16Common Consonant) ). However hcode can read all of 94 jamos in A4 pages, for example, "LK" is not a initial for the Trigem codepoint is 0x8449. Strictly speaking, hcode ver 2.1 does not conform KSC5601-1989 in the sense that it accepts . And also it will generate in addition to . So round trip compatibilities of modern hangul files by hcode is granteed. (However "hcode -AB given | hcode -BA" might generate slightly different sequence if given doesn't conform the standards.) 42 ancient jamos A4D5-A4FE (34consonant+8vowels) will be used only for transformation with han3 code. A4A1 - ¤¡, ¤¢, ¤¡¤µ, ¤¤, ¤¤¤¸, ¤¤¤¾, ¤§ A4A8 - ¤¨, ¤©, ¤©¤¡, ¤©¤±, ¤©¤², ¤©¤µ, ¤©¤¼, ¤©¤½ A4B0 - ¤©¤¾, ¤±, ¤², ¤³, ¤²¤µ, ¤µ, ¤¶, ¤· A4B8 - ¤¸, ¤¹, ¤º, ¤», ¤¼, ¤½, ¤¾, ¤¿ A4C0 - ¤À, ¤Á, ¤Â, ¤Ã, ¤Ä, ¤Å, ¤Æ, ¤Ç A4C8 - ¤Ç¤¿, ¤Ç¤À, ¤Ç¤Ó, ¤Ë, ¤Ì, ¤Ì¤Ã, ¤Ì¤Ä, ¤Ì¤Ó A4D0 - ¤Ð, ¤Ñ, ¤Ñ¤Ó, ¤Ó, FILL, ¤¤¤¤, ¤¤¤§, ¤¤¤µ A4D8 - ¤¤A, ¤©¤¡¤µ, ¤©¤§, ¤©¤²¤µ, ¤©A, ¤©B, ¤±¤², ¤±¤µ A4E0 - ¤±A, C, ¤²¤¡, ¤²¤§, ¤²¤µ¤¡, ¤²¤µ¤§, ¤²¤¸, ¤²¤¼ A4E8 - D, E, ¤µ¤¡, ¤µ¤¤, ¤µ¤§, ¤µ¤², ¤µ¤¸, A A4F0 - ¤·¤·, ¤·, ¤·¤µ, ¤·A, F, ¤¾¤¾, B, ¤Ë¤Á A4F8 - ¤Ë¤Â, ¤Ë¤Ó, ¤Ð¤Å, ¤Ð¤Æ, ¤Ð¤Ó, ., .¤Ó * A /\ B -- C ___ D |_| E |_| |_| F _____ /__\ /\ | | |_| |_| |_| | | \/ --- ----- /-\ /-\ /-\ /-\ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ ==================================== V. ISO-2022-KR and SDN Mailing Code ==================================== Basic code points come from KSC-5601 and we use SO/SI (^N/^O) to switch G0 from/to G1 instead of using MSB on. To specify the designation set, ISO-2022-KR, hcode puts "ESC$)C\n" at the front of the first Hangul of the text. This definition may be different from original definition from Uhhyung Choi's. This is more efficient way to put the designation sequence. For input, hcode has no problem to read hangul text if the sequence is before hangul text. SDN Mailing code is extended version of ISO-2022-KR to encode MSB ON characters in the header fields according to RFC-1342. Transformation method is changing 8bit*3chars to 6bits(=64)*4 printable chars. See SDN documents from about the coding. Input of SDN for hcode is perfectly fine but I made hcode not generate SDN code since the header fields should be made by mailer. In fact, you can't put hangul headers from your text. (Well, it's possible but it's a cheating). That's why SDN is allowed only for input. ===================================================== VI. Code points of HAN3 code and 2-Set Keyboard Layout ===================================================== This code was developed by Hyeongkyu Chang ( and JaeKyung Song ( for han3term. It is upward compatible with KSC-5601-1987. The code is based on fixed size so it's clear. I think code point given below and Section I of this document is all of what you need to understand this code. 29 Vowels match with those in A4 Page in KSC5601-1989 and 83 Consonants is super set (has 19 additionals) of KSC chars. However, you should notice that the sorting order of HAN3 and KSC 5601-1989 is different for ancient jamos. ÀÚÀ½ ÄÚµå (83°³) + ¸ðÀ½ ÄÚµå (29°³) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0/8 1/9 2/a 3/b 4/c 5/d 6/e 7/f -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0xa0: ä¿ò, ¤¡, ¤¢, ¤¡¤©, ¤¡¤µ, ¤¡¤µ¤¡, ¤¤, 0xa8: ¤¤¤¡, ¤¤¤¤, ¤¤¤§, ¤¤¤µ, ¤¤.4, ¤¤¤¸, ¤¤¤¾, ¤§, 0xb0: ¤§¤¡, ¤¨, ¤©, ¤©¤¡, ¤©¤¡¤µ, ¤©¤§, ¤©¤±, ¤©¤±¤¡, 0xb8: ¤©¤², ¤©¤²¤µ, ¤©.6, ¤©¤µ, ¤©.4, ¤©.7, ¤©¤¼, ¤©¤½, 0xc0: ¤©¤¾, ¤±, ¤±¤¡, ¤±¤©, ¤±¤², ¤±¤µ, ¤±.4, .1, 0xc8: ¤², ¤²¤¡, ¤²¤§, ¤²¤©, ¤³, ¤²¤µ, ¤²¤µ¤¡, ¤²¤µ¤§, 0xd0: ¤²¤¸, ¤²¤¼, ¤²¤½, .6, .0, ¤µ, ¤µ¤¡, ¤µ¤¤, 0xd8: ¤µ¤§, ¤µ¤©, ¤µ¤±, ¤µ¤², ¤µ¤²¤¡, ¤¶, ¤µ¤¸, ¤µ¤º, 0xe0: ¤µ¤», ¤µ¤¼, ¤µ¤½, ¤µ¤¾, .4, ¤·, ¤·¤µ, ¤·¤·, 0xe8: .7, .8, .8¤µ, .8.4, ¤¸, ¤¹, ¤º, ¤», 0xf0: ¤¼, ¤½, .9, ¤¾, ¤¾¤¾ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0xa0 ä¿ò, ¤¿, ¤À, ¤Á, ¤Â, ¤Ã, ¤Ä, 0xa8: ¤Å, ¤Æ, ¤Ç, ¤Ç¤¿, ¤Ç¤À, ¤Ç¤Ó, ¤Ë, ¤Ë¤Á, 0xb0: ¤Ë¤Â, ¤Ë¤Ó, ¤Ì, ¤Ì¤Ã, ¤Ì¤Ä, ¤Ì¤Ó, ¤Ð, ¤Ð¤Å, 0xb8: ¤Ð¤Æ, ¤Ð¤Ó, ¤Ñ, ¤Ñ¤Ó, ¤Ó, .#, .#¤Ó -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 3¹ÙÀÌÆ® ÇѱÛ(°¡Äª han3) ÀÇ Å° ¹èÄ¡Ç¥ ---------------------------------------- +---------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ |Q ¤³|W ¤¹|E ¤¨|R ¤¢|T ¤¶|Y Y|U U|I I|O ¤Â|P ¤Æ| | ¤²| ¤¸| ¤§| ¤¡| ¤µ| ¤Ë| ¤Å| ¤Á| ¤À| ¤Ä| +-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+ |A .1|S .2|D .3|F .4|G .5|H H|J J|K .#|L .$| | ¤±| ¤¤| ¤·| ¤©| ¤¾| ¤Ç| ¤Ã| ¤¿| ¤Ó| +-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+----+ |Z .6|X .7|C .8|V .9|B .0|N N|M M| | ¤»| ¤¼| ¤º| ¤½| ¤Ð| ¤Ì| ¤Ñ| +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ .1: ____ .2: ¤¤¤¤ .3: ¤·¤· .4: .5: ¤¾¤¾ | | /\ |__| / \ __ /____\ / \ \__/ .6: .7: .8: .9: .0: | | ----- | ------ | | | | |___| ___ __|__ | | |_| |_| | | / \ / \ ------ | | | | |___| \___/ \_____/ ____ |_| |_| ___ / \ ___ / \ \____/ / \ \___/ \___/ .#: . (¾Æ·¡ ¾Æ) .$: NULL ¸ðÀ½ (¹Þħ¸¸À» ¾²°í ½ÍÀ»¶§ »ç¿ëµÈ´Ù.)