%feature("docstring") OT::StratifiedExperiment "Base class for stratified experiments. Available constructor: StratifiedExperiment(*center, levels*) Parameters ---------- center, levels : two sequences of float Sequences which have different meanings according to the nature of the stratified experiment: Axial, Composite, Factorial or Box (see corresponding documentation). Notes ----- A StratifiedExperiment object can be used only through its derived classes: - :class:`~openturns.Axial` - :class:`~openturns.Box` - :class:`~openturns.Composite` - :class:`~openturns.Factorial`." // --------------------------------------------------------------------- %feature("docstring") OT::StratifiedExperiment::getCenter "Get the center of the stratified experiment. Returns ------- center : :class:`~openturns.Point` Sequence which has different meanings according to the nature of the stratified experiment: Axial, Composite, Factorial or Box (see corresponding documentation)." // --------------------------------------------------------------------- %feature("docstring") OT::StratifiedExperiment::setCenter "Set the center of the stratified experiment. Parameters ---------- center : sequence of float Sequence which has different meanings according to the nature of the stratified experiment: Axial, Composite, Factorial or Box (see corresponding documentation)." // --------------------------------------------------------------------- %feature("docstring") OT::StratifiedExperiment::getLevels "Get the levels of the stratified experiment. Returns ------- levels : :class:`~openturns.Point` Sequence which has different meanings according to the nature of the stratified experiment: Axial, Composite, Factorial or Box (see corresponding documentation)." // --------------------------------------------------------------------- %feature("docstring") OT::StratifiedExperiment::setLevels "Set the levels of the stratified experiment. Parameters ---------- levels : sequence of float Sequence which has different meanings according to the nature of the stratified experiment: Axial, Composite, Factorial or Box (see corresponding documentation)."