#!/usr/local/bin/perl # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNU gv; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # Author: Markus Steinborn (see CONTRIBUTORS for the e-mail address) # This program updates ~/.gv by removing all incompatible entries. @res = (); %res = (); %resDefault = (); $saveUnchanged = 1; $help = 0; $altNavigation = 0; $replaceNavigation = 0; $i18n = 0; for $i (@ARGV) { $saveUnchanged = 0 if $i eq "-r"; $altNavigation = $replaceNavigation = 1 if $i eq "-n"; $altNavigation = $replaceNavigation = 2 if $i eq "-N"; $replaceNavigation = 1 if $i eq "-s"; $i18n = 1 if $i eq "-i"; $help = 1 if $i eq "-h"; $help = 1 if $i eq "--help"; $help = 1 if $i eq "--usage"; print "Ignoring further filename $i\n" if $i !~ /^-/ && defined $filename; $filename = $i if $i !~ /^-/ && !defined $filename; } if ($help) { print "Syntax: gv-update-userconfig [-r] [-n] [-N] [-s] [filename]\n\n"; print "filename: specifies file to update. Defaults to '~/.gv'\n"; print "-r : Remove resources that have default value, too\n"; print "-n : Switch to alternative navigation\n"; print "-N : Switch to standard navigation\n"; print "-s : Remove navigation resources\n\n"; print "gv-update-userconfig is a simple script to update an .gv config file to\n"; print "the current version of gv by removing all entries known to cause problems\n"; print "with the current version of gv.\n\n"; exit(0); } $filename = "$ENV{HOME}/.gv" unless defined $filename; open ($file, "<", $filename) or die "Cannot open $filename for reading.\n"; while (<$file>) { chomp; $read = $_; $line = $read; while ( $read =~ /\\$/ ) { $read = <$file>; chomp $read; $line .= "\n$read"; } push (@res, $line); if ($line =~ /^([^:]+):/ ) { $res{$1} = $line; } } close $file; while () { chomp; $read = $_; $line = $read; while ( $read =~ /\\$/ ) { $read = ; chomp $read; $line .= "\n$read"; } if ($line =~ /^([^:]+):/ ) { $resDefault{$1} = $line; } } $VER = "gv 3.5.8"; if (defined $res{"GV.version"}) { $res{"GV.version"} =~ m/(gv [\.0-9]+$)/ ; $VER = $1; } %remove = (); sub compare { my $a1 = $_[0]; my $a2 = $_[1]; my $b1 = substr($a1,3); my $b2 = substr($a2,3); my @c1 = split(/\./, $b1); my @c2 = split(/\./, $b2); push (@c1, "0") while @c1 < @c2; push (@c2, "0") while @c1 > @c2; for (my $i = 0; $i < @c1; $i++) { return 1 if $c1[$i] < $c2[$i]; return 0 if $c1[$i] > $c2[$i]; } return 0; } $remove{"GV.version"} = 1; $remove{"GV.scales"} = 1 if compare($VER, "gv"); $remove{"GV.gsCmdConvPDF"} = 1 if compare($VER, "gv"); $remove{"GV.scales"} = 1 if compare($VER, "gv"); $remove{"GV.control.baseTranslations"} = 1 if $replaceNavigation; $remove{"GV.control.prevPage.baseTranslations"} = 1 if $replaceNavigation; $remove{"GV.control.nextPage.baseTranslations"} = 1 if $replaceNavigation; $newfile = ""; for $line (@res) { if ($line =~ /^([^:]+):/ ) { $name = $1; $changed = 0; $tmp1 = $resDefault{$name}; $tmp2 = $line; $tmp1 =~ s/\t+/ /g; $tmp1 =~ s/\x09+/ /g; $tmp1 =~ s/: +/: /g; $tmp1 =~ s/^[\t ]+/\t/mg; $tmp1 =~ s/[\t ]+\\n/\\n/g; $tmp2 =~ s/\t+/ /g; $tmp2 =~ s/\x09+/ /g; $tmp2 =~ s/: +/: /g; $tmp2 =~ s/^[\t ]+/\t/mg; $tmp2 =~ s/[\t ]+\\n/\\m/g; $changed = 1 if $tmp1 ne $tmp2; $newfile .= "$line\n" if !defined $remove{$name} and ($saveUnchanged or $changed); if (defined $remove{$name} && $name ne "GV.version") { print "Removing resource $name\n"; } else { if (!$saveUnchanged and !$changed) { print "Removing default resource $name\n"; } } } else { $newfile .= $line."\n"; } } $newfile .= "GV.version:\t\tgv\n" unless $i18n; if ($i18n) { for $i (keys %resDefault) { $ok = 0; $ok = 1 if $i =~ /\.label$/i ; $ok = 1 if $i =~ /\.title$/i ; $ok = 1 if $i =~ /^GV\*scales/i ; $ok = 1 if $i =~ /^GV\*strings\./i ; next unless $ok; next if defined $res{$i}; $newfile .= $resDefault{$i} . "\n"; } } if ($altNavigation == 1) { $res = $resDefault{"GV.control.prevPage.baseTranslations"}; $res = $res{"GV.control.prevPage.baseTranslations"} if defined $res{"GV.control.prevPage.baseTranslations"}; $res =~ s/(:[^\n]+GV_Page\().*?\)/\1!page-1,bottom)/ ; $res =~ s/(:[^\n]+GV_Page\().*?\)/\1!page-5,bottom)/ ; $res =~ s/(:[^\n]+GV_Page\().*?\)/\1!page-10,bottom)/ ; $newfile .= "$res\n"; $res = $resDefault{"GV.control.nextPage.baseTranslations"}; $res = $res{"GV.control.nextPage.baseTranslations"} if defined $res{"GV.control.nextPage.baseTranslations"}; $res =~ s/(:[^\n]+GV_Page\().*?\)/\1!page+1,top)/ ; $res =~ s/(:[^\n]+GV_Page\().*?\)/\1!page+5,top)/ ; $res =~ s/(:[^\n]+GV_Page\().*?\)/\1!page+10,top)/ ; $newfile .= "$res\n"; $res = $resDefault{"GV.control.baseTranslations"}; $res = $res{"GV.control.baseTranslations"} if defined $res{"GV.control.baseTranslations"}; $res =~ s/(Prior:[^\n]+GV_Page\().*?\)/\1!page-1,bottom)/ ; $res =~ s/(Next:[^\n]+GV_Page\().*?\)/\1!page+1,top)/ ; $newfile .= "$res\n"; } elsif ($altNavigation == 2) { $res = $resDefault{"GV.control.prevPage.baseTranslations"}; $res = $res{"GV.control.prevPage.baseTranslations"} if defined $res{"GV.control.prevPage.baseTranslations"}; $res =~ s/(:[^\n]+GV_Page\().*?\)/\1!page-1)/ ; $res =~ s/(:[^\n]+GV_Page\().*?\)/\1!page-5)/ ; $res =~ s/(:[^\n]+GV_Page\().*?\)/\1!page-10)/ ; $newfile .= "$res\n"; $res = $resDefault{"GV.control.nextPage.baseTranslations"}; $res = $res{"GV.control.nextPage.baseTranslations"} if defined $res{"GV.control.nextPage.baseTranslations"}; $res =~ s/(:[^\n]+GV_Page\().*?\)/\1!page+1)/ ; $res =~ s/(:[^\n]+GV_Page\().*?\)/\1!page+5)/ ; $res =~ s/(:[^\n]+GV_Page\().*?\)/\1!page+10)/ ; $newfile .= "$res\n"; $res = $resDefault{"GV.control.baseTranslations"}; $res = $res{"GV.control.baseTranslations"} if defined $res{"GV.control.baseTranslations"}; $res =~ s/(Prior:[^\n]+GV_Page\().*?\)/\1!page-1)/ ; $res =~ s/(Next:[^\n]+GV_Page\().*?\)/\1!page+1)/ ; $newfile .= "$res\n"; } open ($file, ">", $filename) or die "Cannot open $filename for writing.\n"; print $file $newfile; close $file;