"ff634f", "75-100" =>"ffa15e", "50-75" => "ffde5e", "25-50" => "caff98", "0-25" => "e2ecff", "down" => "515151" ); # # Load scaling # $conf['load_scale'] = 1.0; # # Default color for single metric graphs # $conf['default_metric_color'] = "555555"; # # Default metric # $conf['default_metric'] = "load_one"; # # remove the domainname from the FQDN hostnames in graphs # (to help with long hostnames in small charts) # $conf['strip_domainname'] = false; # # hide down hosts from cluster view # $conf['cluster_hide_down_hosts'] = false; # # Optional summary graphs # This function is deprecated. Please configure included reports # in the UI or default.json. Please do not use #$conf['optional_graphs'] = array('packet'); # Enable Zoom support on graphs $conf['zoom_support'] = true; # # Time ranges # Each value is the # of seconds in that range. # $conf['time_ranges'] = array( 'hour'=>3600, '2hr'=>7200, '4hr'=>14400, 'day'=>86400, 'week'=>604800, 'month'=>2419200, 'year'=>31449600, # Needs to be an entry here to support 'r=job' in the query args to graph.php 'job'=>0 ); # this key must exist in $conf['time_ranges'] $conf['default_time_range'] = 'hour'; # Graph Engine to use $conf['graph_engine'] = "rrdtool"; #$conf['graph_engine'] = "graphite"; $conf['graphite_url_base'] = ""; $conf['graphite_rrd_dir'] = "/opt/graphite/storage/rrd"; # Don't forget a trailing "." when specifying a prefix. # Default is empty. $conf['graphite_prefix'] = ""; # One of the bottlenecks is that to get individual metrics we query gmetad which # returns every single host and all the metrics. If you have lots of hosts and lots of # checks this may be quite heavy so you may want to cache data $conf['cachedata'] = 1; $conf['cachemodule'] = 'Json'; $conf['cachefile'] = $conf['conf_dir'] . "/ganglia_metrics.cache"; $conf['cachetime'] = 1200; // How long to cache the data in seconds # Different settings for Nagios $conf['nagios_cache_enabled'] = 1; $conf['nagios_cache_file'] = $conf['conf_dir'] . "/nagios_ganglia.cache"; # Cache data for how many seconds $conf['nagios_cache_time'] = 45; # # Graph sizes # $conf['graph_sizes'] = array( 'small'=>array( 'height'=>65, 'width'=>200, 'fudge_0'=>0, 'fudge_1'=>0, 'fudge_2'=>0 ), 'medium'=>array( 'height'=>95, 'width'=>300, 'fudge_0'=>0, 'fudge_1'=>14, 'fudge_2'=>28 ), 'large'=>array( 'height'=>150, 'width'=>480, 'fudge_0'=>0, 'fudge_1'=>0, 'fudge_2'=>0 ), 'xlarge'=>array( 'height'=>300, 'width'=>650, 'fudge_0'=>0, 'fudge_1'=>0, 'fudge_2'=>0 ), 'xxlarge'=>array( 'height'=>700, 'width'=>1150, 'fudge_0'=>0, 'fudge_1'=>0, 'fudge_2'=>0 ), 'mobile'=>array( 'height'=>95, 'width'=>220, 'fudge_0'=>0, 'fudge_1'=>0, 'fudge_2'=>0 ), # this was the default value when no other size was provided. 'default'=>array( 'height'=>100, 'width'=>400, 'fudge_0'=>0, 'fudge_1'=>0, 'fudge_2'=>0 ) ); $conf['default_graph_size'] = 'default'; $conf['graph_sizes_keys'] = array_keys( $conf['graph_sizes'] ); # sets a default graph size separate from the regular default graph size. You # can also set this default on a per-view basis by setting 'default_size' in # the view .json file. $conf['default_view_graph_size'] = 'medium'; # sets a default graph size for optional graphs separate from the regular # default graph size. $conf['default_optional_graph_size'] = 'medium'; # The API can serve up graphs, but the URLs should be fully qualified. # The default value is a hack to serve up the called hostname when # possible. It is best to define this manually. $conf['external_location'] = "http://localhost/ganglia-2"; # In earlier versions of gmetad, hostnames were handled in a case # sensitive manner # If your hostname directories have been renamed to lower case, # set this option to 0 to disable backward compatibility. # From version 3.2, backwards compatibility will be disabled by default. # default: true (for gmetad < 3.2) # default: false (for gmetad >= 3.2) $conf['case_sensitive_hostnames'] = true; # The following property controls whether the graphs contained in metric # groups are initially displayed or collapsed $conf['metric_groups_initially_collapsed'] = false; # The following property controls whether opening a metric group is # remembered in your sesssion $conf['remember_open_metric_groups'] = true; # Overlay events on graphs. Those are defined by specifying all the events # in events.json $conf['overlay_events'] = true; # Settings for allowing the Nagios API to be used as an additional # event source. Will only be enabled if overlay_nagios_events is true. $conf['overlay_nagios_events'] = false; $conf['overlay_nagios_base_url'] = 'http://localhost/nagios'; # If you have periodic events that happen often e.g. they will make the # graph poorly. By default we exclude events on monthly and yearly graphs $conf['overlay_events_exclude_ranges'] = array("month", "year"); # Overlay events line can be either dashed or solid. Use "solid" for solid # lines, anything else (including blanks) means a dashed line. $conf['overlay_events_line_type'] = "dashed"; # What is the provider use to provide events. # Examples: "json", "mdb2" $conf['overlay_events_provider'] = "json"; # Where is the Overlay events file stored $conf['overlay_events_file'] = $conf['conf_dir'] . "/events.json"; # If using MDB2, connection string: $conf['overlay_events_dsn'] = "mysql://dbuser:dbpassword@localhost/ganglia"; $conf['overlay_events_color_map_file'] = $conf['conf_dir'] . "/event_color.json"; # For event shading. Value in hex, 'FF' = 100% opaque. # the _shade_ value should be less than _tick_ $conf['overlay_events_tick_alpha'] = '30'; $conf['overlay_events_shade_alpha'] = '20'; # Colors to use e.g. in graph_colors $conf['graph_colors'] = array("0000A3", "FF3300", "FFCC33", "00CC66", "B88A00", "33FFCC", "809900", "FF3366", "FF33CC", "CC33FF", "CCFF33", "FFFF66", "33CCFF"); # Are heatmaps enabled $conf['heatmaps_enabled'] = 1; # Decorated titles are of the form cluster/host, graph_title/metric, # time range. By setting this attribute to false the clsuter/host and # time range items are excluded. $conf['decorated_graph_title'] = true; # If set to yes, will display stacked graph (aggregated metric across hosts) in cluster view $conf['show_stacked_graphs'] = 1; # If set to false the grid view under the main tab will be displayed only if # the grid name is not "unspecified", or a parent grid has been defined. # If set to true the grid view will always be displayed even when only a # single cluster has been defined. $conf['always_display_grid_view'] = true; # In the host view, should we include/exclude optional cluster graphs? $conf['optional_cluster_graphs_for_host_view'] = true; # Color for the timeshift line $conf['timeshift_line_color'] = "#FFD17F"; # Color for trend line $conf['trend_line_color'] = "#53E2FF"; # Control whether arguments can be passed into php reports $conf['enable_pass_in_arguments_to_optional_graphs'] = false; # Control wether present graphs with 'bytes', 'Bytes', 'bytes/s', 'Bytes/s', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'bits', 'Bits', 'bits/s', 'Bits/s' # as vertical label have their base value set to 1024 $conf['rrdtool_base_1024'] = false; # Metrics autocompletion picker. This loads all metrics asynchronously # during search, rather than pre-loading at page load. $conf['picker_autocomplete'] = false; # Allow views to be generated on the fly by passing the json object # along with the 'ad-hoc-view' parameter. While there are no known # vulnerabilities, passing a complex json object on a url may be an # attack vector for malicious users so ad-hoc-views are disabled by # default. $conf['ad-hoc-views'] = false; # Configure memcache server(s) for any memcached capabilities. $conf['memcached_servers'] = array ( '' ); # Choose between tabular or calendar views $conf['display_events_using_calendar'] = false; # Organize views using a tree. A new attribute "parent" has been # added to the json definition of a view that is used to specify # the path from the root node to its desired folder, e.g. # "Exchange Servers/Throughtput". Individual path entries are # separated by a forward slash. $conf['display_views_using_tree'] = false; # Array of pathnames that define view tree nodes that should be opened # when the tree is first created in a browser session. Path entries are # separated using "--" #$conf['view_tree_nodes_initially_open'] = array(); # Gmetad will send back information that is not utilized # in many code paths. This will pre-emptively strip out the tags in # those code paths to save time during XML parsing. $conf['strip_extra'] = true; # By default we'll just download Jquery, Cubism and D3 required libraries from a CDN that offers # that for free. If that is undesirable you can override this in conf.php by putting # downloading the asset and putting relative path or absolute paths to it e.g. #$conf['cubism_js_path'] = "js/cubism.v1.min.js"; $conf['jquery_js_path'] = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"; $conf['jquerymobile_js_path'] = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-mobile/1.4.5/jquery.mobile.min.js"; $conf['jqueryui_js_path'] = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.2/jquery-ui.min.js"; $conf['rickshaw_js_path'] = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/rickshaw/1.5.1/rickshaw.min.js"; $conf['cubism_js_path'] = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cubism/1.6.0/cubism.v1.min.js"; $conf['d3_js_path'] = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.5/d3.min.js"; $conf['protovis_js_path'] = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/protovis/3.3.1/protovis.min.js"; $conf['jstree_js_path'] = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jstree/3.2.1/jstree.min.js"; $conf['jstree_css_path'] = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jstree/3.2.1/themes/default/style.min.css"; $conf['jquery_flot_base_path'] = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/flot/0.8.3/jquery.flot"; # Enable Cubism integration http://square.github.io/cubism/ $conf['cubism_enabled'] = true; $conf['cubism_default_height'] = 30; $conf['cubism_default_step'] = 15; # Set this if you are fronted by a proxy and that ends up messing with Cubism URL detection #$conf['ganglia_url_prefix'] = "https://metric.domain.com"; #$conf['ganglia_url_suffix'] = "/ganglia";