title: Inline Links latexconfig: article Just a [URL](http://url/file.txt). [URL and title](/url/file.txt "title"). [URL and title](/url/file.txt "title preceded by two spaces"). [URL and title](/url/file.txt "title preceded by a tab"). [URL and title](/url/file.txt "title has spaces afterward" ). 5 [Empty](). [**URL** and *title*](/url/file.txt "title"). [URL and title](/url/file.txt "title"). [URL and title](/url/file.txt 'title'). [URL and title](/url/file.txt (title)). 10 [URL and title](/url/file.txt ""). [URL and title](/url/file.txt "*title*"). [URL and title] (/url/file.txt "*title*"). [URL and title] (/url/file.txt "*title*"). [URL and title]( /url/file.txt "title"). 15 [URL and title]( /url/file.txt "title"). [URL and title]( "title"). [URL and title]( "title"). [URL and title]( "title").