In LaTeX, literal blocks can be customized with the "literal-block-env" setting. This test file exists to check if the LaTeX writer output compiles and looks as expected. Start with a plain literal block:: $\sin^2(x)$ and $\cos^2(x)$ equals one: \[ \sin^2(x) + \cos^2(x) = 1 % for all x \] A latex "code-block" (set with "literal-block-env", if syntax highlight is "none"): .. code:: latex $\sin^2(x)$ and $\cos^2(x)$ equals one: \[ \sin^2(x) + \cos^2(x) = 1 % for all x \] A literal block in a table: ==== =========== ==== test :: test \sin^2 x ==== =========== ==== A literal block in a table with auto-width columns: .. table:: :widths: auto ==== =========== ==== test :: test \sin^2 x ==== =========== ==== .. note:: A literal block in an admonition:: \sin^2 x .. role:: custom .. role:: custom-role Parsed literal block with inline markup and leading whitespace: .. parsed-literal:: *emphasis*, **strong emphasis**, ``inline literals``, standalone hyperlinks (, internal_ and external_ hyperlinks, _`internal` hyperlink targets, images via substitution references (|example|), footnote references [*]_, citation references ([CIT2002]_), and more. Here are some explicit interpreted text roles: a PEP reference (:PEP:`287`), an RFC reference (:RFC:`2822`), an abbreviation (:ab:`abb.`), an acronym (:ac:`reST`), code (:code:`print "hello world"`), maths :math:`\sin^2(x)`, :sub:`subscript` and :sup:`superscript`, :custom:`custom` :custom-role:`roles`, and explicit roles for :title:`Docutils`' :emphasis:`standard` :strong:`inline` :literal:`markup`. .. [*] This footnote is referenced in a `parsed literal` block. It contains a literal block:: \sin^2 x .. [CIT2002] Sample Citation, 2017. .. _external: .. |EXAMPLE| image:: ../../../docs/user/rst/images/biohazard.png