// @configure_input@ /**************************************************************************\ * * This file is part of the Coin 3D visualization library. * Copyright (C) by Kongsberg Oil & Gas Technologies. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * ("GPL") version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * See the file LICENSE.GPL at the root directory of this source * distribution for additional information about the GNU GPL. * * For using Coin with software that can not be combined with the GNU * GPL, and for taking advantage of the additional benefits of our * support services, please contact Kongsberg Oil & Gas Technologies * about acquiring a Coin Professional Edition License. * * See http://www.coin3d.org/ for more information. * * Kongsberg Oil & Gas Technologies, Bygdoy Alle 5, 0257 Oslo, NORWAY. * http://www.sim.no/ sales@sim.no coin-support@coin3d.org * \**************************************************************************/ // This file contains the generic, "templatize-able" parts of the // So*PlaneViewer sourcecode. /*! \class So@Gui@PlaneViewer Inventor/@Gui@/viewers/So@Gui@PlaneViewer.h \brief The So@Gui@PlaneViewer class is for examining 3D models by moving the camera in orthogonal planes. \ingroup components viewers The So@Gui@PlaneViewer is a viewer that is useful for "CAD-style" applications, where you want the end-user to examine your model with the viewpoint set from one of the three principal axes.
Controls: Hitting any of the X, Y or Z buttons in the panel on the right side of the render canvas will "flip" the current camera direction around it's focal point to point along the selected axis (towards negative infinity). The So@Gui@PlaneViewer also provides a user decoration's button for toggling between orthographic or perspective camera view volumes and projection methods. This is the bottom-most click button on the right decoration border. It also inherits the decoration buttons from the So@Gui@FullViewer: the arrow for switching to "scenegraph interaction" mode, the hand for setting back to "camera interaction" mode, the house for "reset camera to home position", the blueprint house for "set new camera home position", the eye for "zoom camera out to view full scene" and the flashlight for setting "click to seek" mode. Note that a common faulty assumption about all the viewer-classes is that user interaction (in the "examine"-mode, not the scenegraph-interaction mode) influences the model or 3D-scene in the view. This is not correct, as it is always the viewer's \e camera that is translated and rotated. The initial position of the camera is placed such that all of the scenegraph's geometry fits within it's view. */ // ************************************************************************* #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for pan() and zoom() #include // for adjusting final camera orientation before seek #include // ************************************************************************* // To access SoGuiPlaneViewerP "private implementation" class. #define PRIVATE(ptr) (ptr->pimpl) // ************************************************************************* SO@GUI@_OBJECT_SOURCE(So@Gui@PlaneViewer); // ************************************************************************ /*! \fn So@Gui@PlaneViewer::So@Gui@PlaneViewer(@WIDGET@ parent, const char * const name, SbBool embed, So@Gui@FullViewer::BuildFlag flag, So@Gui@Viewer::Type type) The public constructor, to be used by application programmers who want to instantiate the plain, standard So@Gui@PlaneViewer. */ So@Gui@PlaneViewer::So@Gui@PlaneViewer(@WIDGET@ parent, const char * const name, SbBool embed, So@Gui@FullViewer::BuildFlag flag, So@Gui@Viewer::Type type) : inherited(parent, name, embed, flag, type, FALSE) { PRIVATE(this) = new So@Gui@PlaneViewerP(this); PRIVATE(this)->constructor(TRUE); } /*! \fn So@Gui@PlaneViewer::So@Gui@PlaneViewer(@WIDGET@ parent, const char * const name, SbBool embed, So@Gui@FullViewer::BuildFlag flag, So@Gui@Viewer::Type type, SbBool build) A protected constructor, to be used by application programmers who want to extend the So@Gui@PlaneViewer. */ So@Gui@PlaneViewer::So@Gui@PlaneViewer(@WIDGET@ parent, const char * const name, SbBool embed, So@Gui@FullViewer::BuildFlag flag, So@Gui@Viewer::Type type, SbBool build) : inherited(parent, name, embed, flag, type, FALSE) { PRIVATE(this) = new So@Gui@PlaneViewerP(this); PRIVATE(this)->constructor(build); } /*! \fn So@Gui@PlaneViewer::~So@Gui@PlaneViewer() The destructor. Cleans up all internal resources used by the So@Gui@PlaneViewer instance. */ So@Gui@PlaneViewer::~So@Gui@PlaneViewer() { delete PRIVATE(this); } // ************************************************************************ // Documented in superclass. SbBool So@Gui@PlaneViewer::processSoEvent(const SoEvent * const ev) { #if SO@GUI@_DEBUG && 0 // debug SoDebugError::postInfo("So@Gui@PlaneViewer::processSoEvent", "[invoked], event '%s' " "(isViewing()==%d, isSeekMode()==%d, mode==%d)", ev->getTypeId().getName().getString(), this->isViewing(), this->isSeekMode(), PRIVATE(this)->mode); #endif // debug // We're in "interact" mode (ie *not* the camera modification mode), // so don't handle the event here. It should either be forwarded to // the scenegraph, or caught by So@Gui@Viewer::processSoEvent() if // it's an ESC and ALT press (to switch modes). if (!this->isViewing()) { return inherited::processSoEvent(ev); } // Events when in "ready-to-seek" mode are ignored, except those // which influence the seek mode itself -- these are handled further // up the inheritance hierarchy. if (this->isSeekMode()) { return inherited::processSoEvent(ev); } SbBool processed = FALSE; const SoGuiPlaneViewerP::PlaneViewerMode currentmode = PRIVATE(this)->mode; SoGuiPlaneViewerP::PlaneViewerMode newmode = currentmode; const SoType type(ev->getTypeId()); const SbVec2s size(this->getGLSize()); const SbVec2s pos(ev->getPosition()); const SbVec2f posn((float)pos[0] / (float) So@Gui@Max(size[0], (short int)1), (float)pos[1] / (float) So@Gui@Max(size[1], (short int)1)); PRIVATE(this)->ctrldown = ev->wasCtrlDown(); PRIVATE(this)->shiftdown = ev->wasShiftDown(); if (type.isDerivedFrom(SoMouseButtonEvent::getClassTypeId())) { processed = TRUE; const SoMouseButtonEvent * event = (const SoMouseButtonEvent *) ev; const SbBool press = (event->getState() == SoButtonEvent::DOWN) ? TRUE : FALSE; if (press) { // Called twice to initialize both "now" (current) and "then" // (previous) pointer location. PRIVATE(this)->setPointerLocation(pos); PRIVATE(this)->setPointerLocation(pos); } switch (event->getButton()) { case SoMouseButtonEvent::BUTTON1: PRIVATE(this)->button1down = press; if (press && (currentmode == SoGuiPlaneViewerP::SEEK_WAIT_MODE)) { newmode = SoGuiPlaneViewerP::SEEK_MODE; this->seekToPoint(pos); // implicitly calls interactiveCountInc() } break; case SoMouseButtonEvent::BUTTON2: processed = FALSE; // pass on to superclass, so popup menu is shown break; case SoMouseButtonEvent::BUTTON3: PRIVATE(this)->button3down = press; break; #ifdef HAVE_SOMOUSEBUTTONEVENT_BUTTON5 case SoMouseButtonEvent::BUTTON4: if (press) SoGuiFullViewerP::zoom(this->getCamera(), 0.1f); break; case SoMouseButtonEvent::BUTTON5: if (press) SoGuiFullViewerP::zoom(this->getCamera(), -0.1f); break; #endif // HAVE_SOMOUSEBUTTONEVENT_BUTTON5 default: break; } // switch (event->getButton()) } // SoMouseButtonEvent::getClassTypeId() if (type.isDerivedFrom(SoKeyboardEvent::getClassTypeId())) { const SoKeyboardEvent * event = (const SoKeyboardEvent *) ev; const SbBool press = (event->getState() == SoButtonEvent::DOWN) ? TRUE : FALSE; #if SO@GUI@_DEBUG && 0 // debug SoDebugError::postInfo("So@Gui@PlaneViewer::processSoEvent", "keyboard %s: \"%c\"", press ? "press" : "release", event->getPrintableCharacter()); #endif // debug switch (event->getKey()) { case SoKeyboardEvent::LEFT_CONTROL: case SoKeyboardEvent::RIGHT_CONTROL: processed = TRUE; PRIVATE(this)->ctrldown = press; break; case SoKeyboardEvent::LEFT_SHIFT: case SoKeyboardEvent::RIGHT_SHIFT: processed = TRUE; PRIVATE(this)->shiftdown = press; break; default: break; } } // SoKeyboardEvent::getClassTypeId() if (type.isDerivedFrom(SoLocation2Event::getClassTypeId())) { processed = TRUE; const SoLocation2Event * event = (const SoLocation2Event *) ev; PRIVATE(this)->setPointerLocation(pos); const SbVec2f prevn((float) PRIVATE(this)->pointer.then[0] / (float) So@Gui@Max(size[0], (short int)1), (float) PRIVATE(this)->pointer.then[1] / (float) So@Gui@Max(size[1], (short int)1)); do { if (currentmode == SoGuiPlaneViewerP::ROTZ_MODE) { PRIVATE(this)->rotateZ(PRIVATE(this)->getPointerOrigoMotionAngle()); break; } if (currentmode == SoGuiPlaneViewerP::TRANSLATE_MODE) { if (posn != prevn) { SoGuiFullViewerP::pan(this->getCamera(), this->getGLAspectRatio(), PRIVATE(this)->panningplane, posn, prevn); } break; } if (currentmode == SoGuiPlaneViewerP::DOLLY_MODE) { if (posn[1] != prevn[1]) { float value = this->getRightWheelValue() + (prevn[1] - posn[1]) * 10.0f; this->rightWheelMotion(value); this->setRightWheelValue(value); } break; } } while (FALSE); } // SoLocation2Event::getClassTypeId() enum { BUTTON1DOWN = 1 << 0, BUTTON3DOWN = 1 << 1, CTRLDOWN = 1 << 2, SHIFTDOWN = 1 << 3 }; unsigned int combo = (PRIVATE(this)->button1down ? BUTTON1DOWN : 0) | (PRIVATE(this)->button3down ? BUTTON3DOWN : 0) | (PRIVATE(this)->ctrldown ? CTRLDOWN : 0) | (PRIVATE(this)->shiftdown ? SHIFTDOWN : 0); #if SO@GUI@_DEBUG && 0 // debug SoDebugError::postInfo("So@Gui@PlaneViewer::processSoEvent", "button1==%d, button3==%d, " "ctrl==%d, shift==%d", PRIVATE(this)->button1down, PRIVATE(this)->button3down, PRIVATE(this)->ctrldown, PRIVATE(this)->shiftdown); #endif // debug switch (combo) { case BUTTON1DOWN: case BUTTON1DOWN|BUTTON3DOWN: newmode = SoGuiPlaneViewerP::DOLLY_MODE; break; case BUTTON3DOWN: case CTRLDOWN|BUTTON1DOWN: case SHIFTDOWN|BUTTON1DOWN: newmode = SoGuiPlaneViewerP::TRANSLATE_MODE; break; case CTRLDOWN|BUTTON3DOWN: case CTRLDOWN|SHIFTDOWN|BUTTON1DOWN: newmode = SoGuiPlaneViewerP::ROTZ_MODE; break; case CTRLDOWN: case CTRLDOWN|SHIFTDOWN: newmode = SoGuiPlaneViewerP::ROTZ_WAIT_MODE; break; default: if ((currentmode != SoGuiPlaneViewerP::SEEK_WAIT_MODE) && (currentmode != SoGuiPlaneViewerP::SEEK_MODE)) { newmode = SoGuiPlaneViewerP::IDLE_MODE; } break; } if (newmode != currentmode) { if (newmode == SoGuiPlaneViewerP::ROTZ_MODE) { PRIVATE(this)->setCanvasSize(size); PRIVATE(this)->setPointerLocation(pos); PRIVATE(this)->setPointerLocation(pos); } PRIVATE(this)->changeMode(newmode); } // If not handled in this class, pass on upwards in the inheritance // hierarchy. return processed || inherited::processSoEvent(ev); } // ************************************************************************ // Documented in superclass. void So@Gui@PlaneViewer::actualRedraw(void) { if (PRIVATE(this)->mode == SoGuiPlaneViewerP::ROTZ_MODE) { PRIVATE(this)->updateAnchorScenegraph(); } inherited::actualRedraw(); } // ************************************************************************ // documented in superclass void So@Gui@PlaneViewer::setSeekMode(SbBool on) { #if SO@GUI@_DEBUG if (!!on == !!this->isSeekMode()) { SoDebugError::postWarning("So@Gui@PlaneViewer::setSeekMode", "seek mode already %sset", on ? "" : "un"); return; } #endif // SO@GUI@_DEBUG inherited::setSeekMode(on); PRIVATE(this)->changeMode(on ? SoGuiPlaneViewerP::SEEK_WAIT_MODE : (this->isViewing() ? SoGuiPlaneViewerP::IDLE_MODE : SoGuiPlaneViewerP::SCENEGRAPH_INTERACT_MODE)); } // ************************************************************************ // Documented in superclass. void So@Gui@PlaneViewer::setCursorEnabled(SbBool enable) { inherited::setCursorEnabled(enable); PRIVATE(this)->setCursorRepresentation(PRIVATE(this)->mode); } // ************************************************************************ // Documented in superclass. void So@Gui@PlaneViewer::setViewing(SbBool enable) { if (!!enable == !!this->isViewing()) { #if SO@GUI@_DEBUG SoDebugError::postWarning("SoQtPlaneViewer::setViewing", "unnecessary invocation"); #endif // SO@GUI@_DEBUG return; } inherited::setViewing(enable); PRIVATE(this)->changeMode(this->isViewing() ? SoGuiPlaneViewerP::IDLE_MODE : SoGuiPlaneViewerP::SCENEGRAPH_INTERACT_MODE); } // ************************************************************************ // Documented in superclass. const char * So@Gui@PlaneViewer::getDefaultWidgetName(void) const { return "So@Gui@PlaneViewer"; } // Documented in superclass. const char * So@Gui@PlaneViewer::getDefaultTitle(void) const { return "Plane Viewer"; } // Documented in superclass. const char * So@Gui@PlaneViewer::getDefaultIconTitle(void) const { return "Plane Viewer"; } // ************************************************************************ // Documented in superclass. void So@Gui@PlaneViewer::bottomWheelStart(void) { PRIVATE(this)->changeMode(SoGuiPlaneViewerP::TRANSLATE_MODE); } // Documented in superclass. void So@Gui@PlaneViewer::bottomWheelMotion(float value) { // This method set up the bottom wheel to control camera translation // in the horizontal direction. if (value != this->getBottomWheelValue()) { SoGuiFullViewerP::pan(this->getCamera(), this->getGLAspectRatio(), PRIVATE(this)->panningplane, SbVec2f(value, 0), SbVec2f(this->getBottomWheelValue(), 0)); } inherited::bottomWheelMotion(value); } // Documented in superclass. void So@Gui@PlaneViewer::bottomWheelFinish(void) { PRIVATE(this)->changeMode(SoGuiPlaneViewerP::IDLE_MODE); } // Documented in superclass. void So@Gui@PlaneViewer::leftWheelStart(void) { PRIVATE(this)->changeMode(SoGuiPlaneViewerP::TRANSLATE_MODE); } // Documented in superclass. void So@Gui@PlaneViewer::leftWheelMotion(float value) { // This method set up the left wheel to control camera translation // in the vertical direction. if (value != this->getLeftWheelValue()) { SoGuiFullViewerP::pan(this->getCamera(), this->getGLAspectRatio(), PRIVATE(this)->panningplane, SbVec2f(0, this->getLeftWheelValue()), SbVec2f(0, value)); } inherited::leftWheelMotion(value); } // Documented in superclass. void So@Gui@PlaneViewer::leftWheelFinish(void) { PRIVATE(this)->changeMode(SoGuiPlaneViewerP::IDLE_MODE); } // Documented in superclass. void So@Gui@PlaneViewer::rightWheelStart(void) { PRIVATE(this)->changeMode(SoGuiPlaneViewerP::DOLLY_MODE); } // Documented in superclass. void So@Gui@PlaneViewer::rightWheelMotion(float value) { // This method set up the right wheel to control camera movement in // the inwards direction. SoGuiFullViewerP::zoom(this->getCamera(), this->getRightWheelValue() - value); inherited::rightWheelMotion(value); } // Documented in superclass. void So@Gui@PlaneViewer::rightWheelFinish(void) { PRIVATE(this)->changeMode(SoGuiPlaneViewerP::IDLE_MODE); } // ************************************************************************ // Documented in superclass. void So@Gui@PlaneViewer::afterRealizeHook(void) { PRIVATE(this)->setCursorRepresentation(PRIVATE(this)->mode); inherited::afterRealizeHook(); } // ************************************************************************ #ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP_THIS // This method locates a named node in the superimposed scene. static SoNode * get_scenegraph_node(SoSearchAction * search, SoNode * root, const char * name) { search->reset(); search->setName(SbName(name)); search->setInterest(SoSearchAction::FIRST); search->setSearchingAll(TRUE); search->apply(root); assert(search->getPath()); return search->getPath()->getTail(); } // ************************************************************************* // Remaining code is for the SoGuiPlaneViewerP "private // implementation" class. #define PUBLIC(ptr) (ptr->pub) SoGuiPlaneViewerP::SoGuiPlaneViewerP(So@Gui@PlaneViewer * publ) { PUBLIC(this) = publ; } SoGuiPlaneViewerP::~SoGuiPlaneViewerP() { if (this->superimposition != NULL) { PUBLIC(this)->removeSuperimposition(this->superimposition); this->superimposition->unref(); } } void SoGuiPlaneViewerP::commonConstructor(void) { this->mode = SoGuiPlaneViewerP::IDLE_MODE; this->canvas = SbVec2s(0, 0); this->pointer.now = SbVec2s(0, 0); this->pointer.then = SbVec2s(0, 0); this->ctrldown = FALSE; this->shiftdown = FALSE; this->button1down = FALSE; this->button3down = FALSE; static const char * superimposed = { "#Inventor V2.1 ascii\n\n" "" "Separator {" " DEF so@gui@->orthocam OrthographicCamera {" " height 1" " nearDistance 0" " farDistance 1" " }" " LightModel {" " model BASE_COLOR" " }" "" " Separator {" " DEF so@gui@->geometry Coordinate3 {" " point [" // coordinates set from code " 0 0 0," " 0 0 0," " 0 0 0," " 0 0 0" " ]" " }" " BaseColor { rgb 1 1 1 }" " DEF so@gui@->style0 DrawStyle { }" // lineWidth set in code " DEF so@gui@->mainline IndexedLineSet {" // fat line (exterior) " coordIndex [" " 0, 1, -1, 1, 2, -1, 1, 3, -1" " ]" " }" " BaseColor { rgb 0.5 0.5 0.5 }" " DEF so@gui@->style1 DrawStyle { }" // lineWidth set in code " USE so@gui@->mainline" // thin line (interior) " }" "}" }; SoInput * input = new SoInput; input->setBuffer((void *)superimposed, strlen(superimposed)); SbBool ok = SoDB::read(input, this->superimposition); assert(ok && "error in superimposed scenegraph"); delete input; this->superimposition->ref(); SoSearchAction s; this->super.coords = (SoCoordinate3 *) get_scenegraph_node(&s, this->superimposition, "so@gui@->geometry"); this->super.camera = (SoOrthographicCamera *) get_scenegraph_node(&s, this->superimposition, "so@gui@->orthocam"); // drawstyle settings for the superimposed lines will be updated on // demand, according to the capabilities of the GL driver & context. this->lineds[0] = (SoDrawStyle *) get_scenegraph_node(&s, this->superimposition, "so@gui@->style0"); this->lineds[1] = (SoDrawStyle *) get_scenegraph_node(&s, this->superimposition, "so@gui@->style1"); PUBLIC(this)->addSuperimposition(this->superimposition); PUBLIC(this)->setSuperimpositionEnabled(this->superimposition, FALSE); } void SoGuiPlaneViewerP::rotateZ(const float angle) const { SoCamera * const camera = PUBLIC(this)->getCamera(); if (! camera) return; // probably a scene-less viewer SbVec3f dir; camera->orientation.getValue().multVec(SbVec3f(0, 0, -1), dir); camera->orientation = camera->orientation.getValue() * SbRotation(dir, angle); } void SoGuiPlaneViewerP::viewPlaneX(void) const { SoCamera * const camera = PUBLIC(this)->getCamera(); if (! camera) return; // probably a scene-less viewer SbVec3f dir; camera->orientation.getValue().multVec(SbVec3f(0, 0, -1), dir); SbVec3f focalpoint = camera->position.getValue() + camera->focalDistance.getValue() * dir; camera->position = focalpoint + camera->focalDistance.getValue() * SbVec3f(1, 0, 0); camera->orientation = SbRotation(SbVec3f(0, 1, 0), float(M_PI) / 2.0f); } void SoGuiPlaneViewerP::viewPlaneY(void) const { SoCamera * const camera = PUBLIC(this)->getCamera(); if (! camera) return; // probably a scene-less viewer SbVec3f dir; camera->orientation.getValue().multVec(SbVec3f(0, 0, -1), dir); SbVec3f focalpoint = camera->position.getValue() + camera->focalDistance.getValue() * dir; camera->position = focalpoint + camera->focalDistance.getValue() * SbVec3f(0, 1, 0); camera->orientation = SbRotation(SbVec3f(1, 0, 0), -float(M_PI) / 2.0f); } void SoGuiPlaneViewerP::viewPlaneZ(void) const { SoCamera * const camera = PUBLIC(this)->getCamera(); if (! camera) return; // probably a scene-less viewer SbVec3f dir; camera->orientation.getValue().multVec(SbVec3f(0, 0, -1), dir); SbVec3f focalpoint = camera->position.getValue() + camera->focalDistance.getValue() * dir; camera->position = focalpoint + camera->focalDistance.getValue() * SbVec3f(0, 0, 1); camera->orientation = SbRotation(SbVec3f(0, 1, 0), 0); } void SoGuiPlaneViewerP::setCanvasSize(const SbVec2s size) { this->canvas = size; } void SoGuiPlaneViewerP::setPointerLocation(const SbVec2s position) { this->pointer.then = this->pointer.now; this->pointer.now = position; } int SoGuiPlaneViewerP::getPointerXMotion(void) const { return this->pointer.now[0] - this->pointer.then[0]; } int SoGuiPlaneViewerP::getPointerYMotion(void) const { return this->pointer.now[1] - this->pointer.then[1]; } float SoGuiPlaneViewerP::getPointerOrigoAngle(void) const { SbVec2s now = this->pointer.now; now[0] -= this->canvas[0] / 2; now[1] -= this->canvas[1] / 2; double nowradval = (now[0] != 0) ? atan(fabs((double) (now[1] / now[0]))) : 0.0; if (now[0] < 0) nowradval = M_PI - nowradval; if (now[1] < 0) nowradval = 2 * M_PI - nowradval; return (float)nowradval; } float SoGuiPlaneViewerP::getPointerOrigoMotionAngle(void) const { if (this->pointer.then == this->pointer.now) return 0.0f; SbVec2s now = this->pointer.now; now[0] -= this->canvas[0] / 2; now[1] -= this->canvas[1] / 2; SbVec2s then = this->pointer.then; then[0] -= this->canvas[0] / 2; then[1] -= this->canvas[1] / 2; double nowradval = (now[0] != 0) ? atan(fabs((double) (now[1] / now[0]))) : 0.0; if (now[0] < 0) nowradval = M_PI - nowradval; if (now[1] < 0) nowradval = 2 * M_PI - nowradval; double thenradval = (then[0] != 0) ? atan(fabs((double) (then[1] / then[0]))) : 0.0; if (then[0] < 0) thenradval = M_PI - thenradval; if (then[1] < 0) thenradval = 2 * M_PI - thenradval; return (float)(nowradval - thenradval); } // This method updates the contents of the scenegraph which renders // the rotate-"anchor". void SoGuiPlaneViewerP::updateAnchorScenegraph(void) const { // must re-check this, since the GL context may be different between // invocations: SbVec2f range; float granularity; PUBLIC(this)->getLineWidthLimits(range, granularity); // Draw a thinner line on top of a fat line, to make an outline. const float lw0 = So@Gui@Clamp(5.0f, range[0], range[1]); const float lw1 = So@Gui@Clamp(3.0f, range[0], range[1]); if (this->lineds[0]->lineWidth.getValue() != lw0) { this->lineds[0]->lineWidth = lw0; } if (this->lineds[1]->lineWidth.getValue() != lw1) { this->lineds[1]->lineWidth = lw1; } float x = float(this->pointer.now[0]) / float(this->canvas[0]); float y = float(this->pointer.now[1]) / float(this->canvas[1]); float aspectratio = PUBLIC(this)->getViewportRegion().getViewportAspectRatio(); SbViewVolume vv = this->super.camera->getViewVolume(aspectratio); // know we have ADJUST_CAMERA mapping if (aspectratio < 1.0f) vv.scale(1.0f / aspectratio); SbVec3f p = vv.getPlanePoint(1.0, SbVec2f(x, y)); this->super.coords->point.set1Value(0, SbVec3f(0, 0, 0)); this->super.coords->point.set1Value(1, SbVec3f(p[0], p[1], 0)); float angle = this->getPointerOrigoAngle(); SbRotation r(SbVec3f(0, 0, 1), angle); SbVec3f xarrow(-0.02f, -0.1f, 0.0f); r.multVec(xarrow, xarrow); SbVec3f pa = SbVec3f(p[0] + xarrow[0], p[1] + xarrow[1], 0); this->super.coords->point.set1Value(2, SbVec3f(pa[0], pa[1], 0)); SbVec3f yarrow(-0.02f, 0.1f, 0.0f); r.multVec(yarrow, yarrow); pa = SbVec3f(p[0] + yarrow[0], p[1] + yarrow[1], 0); this->super.coords->point.set1Value(3, SbVec3f(pa[0], pa[1], 0)); } // Set cursor graphics according to mode. void SoGuiPlaneViewerP::setCursorRepresentation(PlaneViewerMode modearg) { #if SO@GUI@_DEBUG && 0 // debug SoDebugError::postInfo("So@Gui@PlaneViewer::setCursorRepresentation", "mode==%d", mode); #endif // debug assert(PUBLIC(this)->getGLWidget()); if (!PUBLIC(this)->isCursorEnabled()) { PUBLIC(this)->setComponentCursor(So@Gui@Cursor::getBlankCursor()); return; } switch (modearg) { case SoGuiPlaneViewerP::SCENEGRAPH_INTERACT_MODE: PUBLIC(this)->setComponentCursor(So@Gui@Cursor(So@Gui@Cursor::DEFAULT)); break; case SoGuiPlaneViewerP::IDLE_MODE: case SoGuiPlaneViewerP::DOLLY_MODE: PUBLIC(this)->setComponentCursor(So@Gui@Cursor(So@Gui@Cursor::UPARROW)); break; case SoGuiPlaneViewerP::ROTZ_WAIT_MODE: case SoGuiPlaneViewerP::ROTZ_MODE: PUBLIC(this)->setComponentCursor(So@Gui@Cursor::getRotateCursor()); break; case SoGuiPlaneViewerP::SEEK_WAIT_MODE: case SoGuiPlaneViewerP::SEEK_MODE: PUBLIC(this)->setComponentCursor(So@Gui@Cursor(So@Gui@Cursor::CROSSHAIR)); break; case SoGuiPlaneViewerP::TRANSLATE_MODE: PUBLIC(this)->setComponentCursor(So@Gui@Cursor::getPanCursor()); break; default: assert(0 && "unknown PlaneViewer mode"); break; } } /*! Overridden to make sure camera orientation is not affected by a seek */ void So@Gui@PlaneViewer::computeSeekFinalOrientation(void) { So@Gui@ViewerP * thisp = ((So@Gui@Viewer *)this)->pimpl; thisp->cameraendorient = thisp->camera->orientation.getValue(); } void SoGuiPlaneViewerP::changeMode(PlaneViewerMode newmode) { if (newmode == this->mode) { return; } switch (newmode) { case SoGuiPlaneViewerP::TRANSLATE_MODE: case SoGuiPlaneViewerP::DOLLY_MODE: PUBLIC(this)->interactiveCountInc(); break; case SoGuiPlaneViewerP::ROTZ_MODE: PUBLIC(this)->interactiveCountInc(); PUBLIC(this)->setSuperimpositionEnabled(this->superimposition, TRUE); PUBLIC(this)->scheduleRedraw(); break; default: break; } switch (this->mode) { case SoGuiPlaneViewerP::ROTZ_MODE: PUBLIC(this)->setSuperimpositionEnabled(this->superimposition, FALSE); PUBLIC(this)->scheduleRedraw(); // fall through case SoGuiPlaneViewerP::TRANSLATE_MODE: case SoGuiPlaneViewerP::DOLLY_MODE: PUBLIC(this)->interactiveCountDec(); break; default: break; } if (newmode == SoGuiPlaneViewerP::TRANSLATE_MODE) { // The plane we're projecting the mouse coordinates to get 3D // coordinates should stay the same during the whole pan // operation, so we should calculate this value here. SoCamera * cam = PUBLIC(this)->getCamera(); if (cam == NULL) { // can happen for empty scenegraph this->panningplane = SbPlane(SbVec3f(0, 0, 1), 0); } else { SbViewVolume vv = cam->getViewVolume(PUBLIC(this)->getGLAspectRatio()); this->panningplane = vv.getPlane(cam->focalDistance.getValue()); } } this->setCursorRepresentation(newmode); this->mode = newmode; } #endif // DOXYGEN_SKIP_THIS // ************************************************************************* #undef PRIVATE #undef PUBLIC