dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_INIT(configure.in) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(selectwm, 0.4.1) AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) AM_MAINTAINER_MODE AC_PREREQ(2.50) AC_ISC_POSIX AC_PROG_CC AM_PROG_CC_STDC AC_HEADER_STDC AM_PATH_GLIB_2_0(2.0.0,,AC_MSG_ERROR([*** GLIB >= 2.0.0 not installed - please install first ***])) AM_PATH_GTK_2_0(2.0.0,,AC_MSG_ERROR([*** GTK+ >= 2.0.0 not installed - please install first ***])) ALL_LINGUAS="fr" AM_GNU_GETTEXT AC_OUTPUT([ m4/Makefile Makefile src/Makefile doc/Makefile po/Makefile.in ]) echo echo ---------------------------------- echo selectwm echo echo GLIB...................... : `pkg-config glib-2.0 --modversion` echo GTK ...................... : `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --modversion` echo Native Language Support .. : $USE_NLS echo echo Type \"make\" and \"make install\" to compile and install selectwm echo