Lines Matching +refs:cr +refs:bit +refs:names

27 \def\({} % ) kludge for alphabetizing certain section names
78 their system header files, because the names of the header files are not as
79 standard as the names of the functions. (For example, some \CEE/ environments
121 index entries, and section names */
122 @d max_names 4000 /* number of identifiers, strings, section names;
127 @d longest_name 10000 /* section names and strings shouldn't be longer than this */
193 @d raw_int 51 /* \&{int}, \&{char}, \dots; also structure and class names */
294 @ The cross-reference lists for section names are slightly different.
338 @ A third large area of memory is used for sixteen-bit `tokens', which appear
693 @^high-bit character handling@>
854 if (delim=='<') delim='>'; /* for file names in |#include| lines */
919 @ Section names are placed into the |section_text| array with consecutive spaces,
1036 @<Print error messages about unused or undefined section names@>;
1064 processing described above. If |spec_ctrl==section_name|, section names will
1066 is parsed: It allows for section names to appear in \pb, but these
1068 definitions of section names.
1118 C_xref(section_name); /* do not reference section names in comments */
1262 walks through the tree of section names and prints out anomalies.
1645 $$\hbox{|exp| }\left\{\matrix{\hbox{|binop|}\cr\hbox{|ubinop|}}\right\}
1836 `\.{\\X$n$:}$\,\ldots\,$\.{\\X}' surrounding section names, where
1850 @^high-bit character handling@>
1874 \yskip\halign{\quad#\hfil&\quad#\hfil&\quad\hfil#\hfil\cr
1875 \.{!=}&|binop|: \.{\\I}&yes\cr
1876 \.{<=}&|binop|: \.{\\Z}&yes\cr
1877 \.{>=}&|binop|: \.{\\G}&yes\cr
1878 \.{==}&|binop|: \.{\\E}&yes\cr
1879 \.{\&\&}&|binop|: \.{\\W}&yes\cr
1880 \.{\v\v}&|binop|: \.{\\V}&yes\cr
1881 \.{++}&|unop|: \.{\\PP}&yes\cr
1882 \.{--}&|unop|: \.{\\MM}&yes\cr
1883 \.{->}&|binop|: \.{\\MG}&yes\cr
1884 \.{>>}&|binop|: \.{\\GG}&yes\cr
1885 \.{<<}&|binop|: \.{\\LL}&yes\cr
1886 \.{::}&|colcol|: \.{\\DC}&maybe\cr
1887 \.{.*}&|binop|: \.{\\PA}&yes\cr
1888 \.{->*}&|binop|: \.{\\MGA}&yes\cr
1889 \.{...}&|raw_int|: \.{\\,\\ldots\\,}&yes\cr
1890 \."string\."&|exp|: \.{\\.\{}string with special characters quoted\.\}&maybe\cr
1892 quoted\.\}&maybe\cr
1893 \.{@@'7'}&|exp|: \.{\\.\{@@'7'\}}&maybe\cr
1894 \.{077} or \.{\\77}&|exp|: \.{\\T\{\\\~77\}}&maybe\cr
1895 \.{0x7f}&|exp|: \.{\\T\{\\\^7f\}}&maybe\cr
1896 \.{77}&|exp|: \.{\\T\{77\}}&maybe\cr
1897 \.{77L}&|exp|: \.{\\T\{77\\\$L\}}&maybe\cr
1898 \.{0.1E5}&|exp|: \.{\\T\{0.1\\\_5\}}&maybe\cr
1899 \.+&|ubinop|: \.+&yes\cr
1900 \.-&|ubinop|: \.-&yes\cr
1901 \.*&|raw_ubin|: \.*&yes\cr
1902 \./&|binop|: \./&yes\cr
1903 \.<&|prelangle|: \.{\\langle}&yes\cr
1904 \.=&|binop|: \.{\\K}&yes\cr
1905 \.>&|prerangle|: \.{\\rangle}&yes\cr
1906 \..&|binop|: \..&yes\cr
1907 \.{\v}&|binop|: \.{\\OR}&yes\cr
1908 \.\^&|binop|: \.{\\XOR}&yes\cr
1909 \.\%&|binop|: \.{\\MOD}&yes\cr
1910 \.?&|question|: \.{\\?}&yes\cr
1911 \.!&|unop|: \.{\\R}&yes\cr
1912 \.\~&|unop|: \.{\\CM}&yes\cr
1913 \.\&&|raw_ubin|: \.{\\AND}&yes\cr
1914 \.(&|lpar|: \.(&maybe\cr
1915 \.[&|lpar|: \.[&maybe\cr
1916 \.)&|rpar|: \.)&maybe\cr
1917 \.]&|rpar|: \.]&maybe\cr
1918 \.\{&|lbrace|: \.\{&yes\cr
1919 \.\}&|lbrace|: \.\}&yes\cr
1920 \.,&|comma|: \.,&yes\cr
1921 \.;&|semi|: \.;&maybe\cr
1922 \.:&|colon|: \.:&no\cr
1923 \.\# (within line)&|ubinop|: \.{\\\#}&yes\cr
1924 \.\# (at beginning)&|lproc|: |force| |preproc_line| \.{\\\#}&no\cr
1925 end of \.\# line&|rproc|: |force|&no\cr
1927 dollar signs quoted\.\}&maybe\cr
1928 \.{and}&|alfop|: \stars&yes\cr
1929 \.{and\_eq}&|alfop|: \stars&yes\cr
1930 \.{asm}&|sizeof_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1931 \.{auto}&|int_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1932 \.{bitand}&|alfop|: \stars&yes\cr
1933 \.{bitor}&|alfop|: \stars&yes\cr
1934 \.{bool}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1935 \.{break}&|case_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1936 \.{case}&|case_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1937 \.{catch}&|catch_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1938 \.{char}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1939 \.{class}&|struct_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1940 \.{clock\_t}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1941 \.{compl}&|alfop|: \stars&yes\cr
1942 \.{const}&|const_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1943 \.{const\_cast}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1944 \.{continue}&|case_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1945 \.{default}&|case_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1946 \.{define}&|define_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1947 \.{defined}&|sizeof_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1948 \.{delete}&|delete_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1949 \.{div\_t}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1950 \.{do}&|do_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1951 \.{double}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1952 \.{dynamic\_cast}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1953 \.{elif}&|if_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1954 \.{else}&|else_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1955 \.{endif}&|if_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1956 \.{enum}&|struct_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1957 \.{error}&|if_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1958 \.{explicit}&|int_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1959 \.{export}&|int_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1960 \.{extern}&|int_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1961 \.{FILE}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1962 \.{float}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1963 \.{for}&|for_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1964 \.{fpos\_t}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1965 \.{friend}&|int_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1966 \.{goto}&|case_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1967 \.{if}&|if_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1968 \.{ifdef}&|if_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1969 \.{ifndef}&|if_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1970 \.{include}&|if_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1971 \.{inline}&|int_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1972 \.{int}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1973 \.{jmp\_buf}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1974 \.{ldiv\_t}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1975 \.{line}&|if_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1976 \.{long}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1977 \.{make\_pair}&|ftemplate|: \.{\\\\\{make\\\_pair\}}&maybe\cr
1978 \.{mutable}&|int_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1979 \.{namespace}&|struct_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1980 \.{new}&|new_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1981 \.{not}&|alfop|: \stars&yes\cr
1982 \.{not\_eq}&|alfop|: \stars&yes\cr
1983 \.{NULL}&|exp|: \.{\\NULL}&yes\cr
1984 \.{offsetof}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1985 \.{operator}&|operator_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1986 \.{or}&|alfop|: \stars&yes\cr
1987 \.{or\_eq}&|alfop|: \stars&yes\cr
1988 \.{pragma}&|if_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1989 \.{private}&|public_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1990 \.{protected}&|public_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1991 \.{ptrdiff\_t}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1992 \.{public}&|public_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1993 \.{register}&|int_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1994 \.{reinterpret\_cast}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1995 \.{return}&|case_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
1996 \.{short}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1997 \.{sig\_atomic\_t}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1998 \.{signed}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
1999 \.{size\_t}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
2000 \.{sizeof}&|sizeof_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
2001 \.{static}&|int_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
2002 \.{static\_cast}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
2003 \.{struct}&|struct_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
2004 \.{switch}&|for_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
2005 \.{template}&|template_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
2006 \.{TeX}&|exp|: \.{\\TeX}&yes\cr
2007 \.{this}&|exp|: \.{\\this}&yes\cr
2008 \.{throw}&|case_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
2009 \.{time\_t}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
2010 \.{try}&|else_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
2011 \.{typedef}&|typedef_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
2012 \.{typeid}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
2013 \.{typename}&|struct_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
2014 \.{undef}&|if_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
2015 \.{union}&|struct_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
2016 \.{unsigned}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
2017 \.{using}&|int_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
2018 \.{va\_dcl}&|decl|: \stars&maybe\cr
2019 \.{va\_list}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
2020 \.{virtual}&|int_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
2021 \.{void}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
2022 \.{volatile}&|const_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
2023 \.{wchar\_t}&|raw_int|: \stars&maybe\cr
2024 \.{while}&|for_like|: \stars&maybe\cr
2025 \.{xor}&|alfop|: \stars&yes\cr
2026 \.{xor\_eq}&|alfop|: \stars&yes\cr
2027 \.{@@,}&|insert|: \.{\\,}&maybe\cr
2028 \.{@@\v}&|insert|: |opt| \.0&maybe\cr
2029 \.{@@/}&|insert|: |force|&no\cr
2030 \.{@@\#}&|insert|: |big_force|&no\cr
2032 \.{\{\}} |big_cancel|&no\cr
2033 \.{@@;}&|semi|: &maybe\cr
2034 \.{@@[@q]@>}&|begin_arg|: &maybe\cr
2035 \.{@q[@>@@]}&|end_arg|: &maybe\cr
2036 \.{@@\&}&|insert|: \.{\\J}&maybe\cr
2037 \.{@@h}&|insert|: |force| \.{\\ATH} |force|&no\cr
2039 \.{\\X}$n$\.:translated section name\.{\\X}&maybe\cr
2042 quoted\.{\ \}\\X}&maybe\cr
2044 \.{\\C\{}translated comment\.\} |force|&no\cr
2046 \.{\\SHC\{}translated comment\.\} |force|&no\cr
2389 @ In \CEE/, new specifier names can be defined via |typedef|, and we want
3053 than to squeeze the last bit of space from the memory arrays.
3357 @^high-bit character handling@>
3405 @^high-bit character handling@>
3624 @d section_code 0200 /* returned by |get_output| for section names */
3654 level, since section names cannot be inside of section names.
3696 char scratch[longest_name]; /* scratch area for section names */
3911 error message that displays the whole buffer will look a little bit sensible.
4233 multiply defined section names (if the |flag| parameter is
4328 @<Output all the section names@>;
4427 @^high-bit character handling@>
4433 @^high-bit character handling@>
4484 @^high-bit character handling@>
4589 @ The following recursive procedure walks through the tree of section names and
4598 section_print(p) /* print all section names in subtree |p| */
4613 @ @<Output all the section names@>=section_print(root)
4623 printf("%ld names (out of %ld)\n",
4648 of identifiers in section names are not indexed. Underlined entries