Lines Matching refs:Nonterminal

14 /BinaryGenerator/, /NaryGenerator/, and /Nonterminal/ are all refinements of 
317 [section Nonterminal]
321 A Nonterminal is a symbol in a __peg__ production that represents a
333 Nonterminal's /Signature/ specifies both the consumed and inherited
338 where `RT` is the Nonterminal's consumed attribute and `A0` ... `AN`
339 are the Nonterminal's inherited attributes.
345 The Nonterminal models a C++ function. The Nonterminal's consumed attribute is
347 Nonterminal. Its inherited attributes are analogous to function arguments.
351 r(expr) // Evaluate expr at parse time and pass the result to the Nonterminal r
356 semantic actions anywhere in the Nonterminal's definition. This
357 __phoenix__ placeholder refers to the Nonterminal's (consumed)
359 Nonterminal's attribute.
368 in __phoenix__ semantic actions anywhere in the Nonterminal's
369 definition. These __phoenix__ placeholders refer to the Nonterminal's
375 at runtime. A locals descriptor added to the Nonterminal declaration
376 will give the Nonterminal local variables:
395 which correspond to the Nonterminal's local variables `T0` ... `T9`.
398 [[`x`] [A Nonterminal]]
399 [[`X`] [A Nonterminal type]]
401 the Nonterminal's inherited attributes.]]
407 Nonterminal the following must be met:
411 [[`x`] [In a generator expression, invoke Nonterminal `x`] [`X`]]
412 [[`x(arg1, arg2, ..., argN)`][In a generator expression, invoke Nonterminal `x`
415 [[``] [Set the name of a Nonterminal] [`void`]]
416 [[``] [Get the name of a Nonterminal] [`std::string`]]