Lines Matching refs:dialogId

2 dialogId("lod-v-silenost0", "font_big", "I have a suspicion that we are about to discover something…
4 dialogId("lod-v-silenost1", "font_big", "I always knew that: the gods must be mad.")
6 dialogId("lod-v-silenost2", "font_big", "God is mad and the whole world is his plaything.")
8 dialogId("lod-m-pravda0", "font_small", "I think that you are right.")
10 dialogId("lod-m-pravda1", "font_small", "I am afraid that you are right.")
12 dialogId("lod-m-pravda2", "font_small", "Yes, it is shocking.")
14 dialogId("lod-m-costim", "font_small", "What are we to do about it?")
16 dialogId("lod-v-internovat", "font_big", "We can’t leave it this way. We must incarcerate them.")
18 dialogId("lod-m-co", "font_small", "What must we do?")
20 dialogId("lod-v-cvok", "font_big", "Put them into the mad... I mean into the detainment facility of…
22 dialogId("lod-m-oba", "font_small", "You are right. Shall we take both of them?")
24 dialogId("lod-v-golf", "font_big", "Of course. If we leave one of them here, any mad idea could occ…
26 dialogId("lod-m-jednoho", "font_small", "Hardly with this club. I think we should be happy if we ma…
28 dialogId("lod-v-koho", "font_big", "Well. Which one?")
30 dialogId("lod-m-zluty", "font_small", "The yellow one.")
32 dialogId("lod-m-modry", "font_small", "The blue one.")
34 dialogId("lod-v-zluty", "font_big", "That yellow one.")
36 dialogId("lod-v-modry", "font_big", "That blue one.")
38 dialogId("lod-m-hrac", "font_small", "We will leave this to the player.")
40 dialogId("lod-v-hrac", "font_big", "We shall leave this to the player.")
42 dialogId("lod-v-hul", "font_big", "Look at that club: something terrible happened to it.")
44 dialogId("lod-m-ozizlana", "font_small", "A pld probably sucked upon it.")
46 dialogId("lod-v-hravost", "font_big", "Mother was right. Abnormal playfulness is the root of all ev…
48 dialogId("lod-m-palka", "font_small", "That’s true. It would be much easier if that table tennis ba…
50 dialogId("lod-v-micky", "font_big", "By the way, did you notice that the real golf ball is in the u…
52 dialogId("lod-m-vyznam", "font_small", "Is there some hidden symbolism?")
54 dialogId("lod-v-kdovi", "font_big", "Who knows.")
56 dialogId("lod-m-micek", "font_small", "I thought it was a table tennis ball up there.")
58 dialogId("lod-v-rozliseni", "font_big", "It’s hard to say with this screen resolution.")
60 dialogId("lod-m-bohove", "font_small", "This time our goal is to get out one of those gods.")
62 dialogId("b1-voda1", "font_yellow", "Miss!")
64 dialogId("b1-voda2", "font_yellow", "Miss!")
66 dialogId("b1-voda3", "font_yellow", "Miss!")
68 dialogId("b1-voda4", "font_yellow", "Miss!")
70 dialogId("b1-voda5", "font_yellow", "Miss!")
72 dialogId("b1-zasah1", "font_yellow", "Hit!")
74 dialogId("b1-zasah2", "font_yellow", "Hit!")
76 dialogId("b1-zasah3", "font_yellow", "Hit!")
78 dialogId("b1-zasah4", "font_yellow", "Hit!")
80 dialogId("b1-potop1", "font_yellow", "Sank!")
82 dialogId("b1-potop2", "font_yellow", "Sank!")
84 dialogId("b1-potop3", "font_yellow", "Sank!")
86 dialogId("b1-vyhral", "font_yellow", "I won, you sissy!!!")
88 dialogId("b1-zacinam", "font_yellow", "I start!")
90 dialogId("b1-dobre", "font_yellow", "Well!")
92 dialogId("b1-znovu", "font_yellow", "Shall we play another one?")
94 dialogId("b1-nepodvadim", "font_yellow", "I don’t cheat.")
96 dialogId("b1-spletl", "font_yellow", "It was a mistake, probably...")
98 dialogId("b2-voda1", "font_cyan", "Miss!")
100 dialogId("b2-voda2", "font_cyan", "Miss!")
102 dialogId("b2-voda3", "font_cyan", "Miss!")
104 dialogId("b2-voda4", "font_cyan", "Miss!")
106 dialogId("b2-voda5", "font_cyan", "Miss!")
108 dialogId("b2-zasah1", "font_cyan", "Hit!")
110 dialogId("b2-zasah2", "font_cyan", "Hit!")
112 dialogId("b2-zasah3", "font_cyan", "Hit!")
114 dialogId("b2-zasah4", "font_cyan", "Hit!")
116 dialogId("b2-potop1", "font_cyan", "Sank!")
118 dialogId("b2-potop2", "font_cyan", "Sank!")
120 dialogId("b2-potop3", "font_cyan", "Sank!")
122 dialogId("b2-vyhral", "font_cyan", "He, he, he... I won!")
124 dialogId("b2-dobre", "font_cyan", "Well!")
126 dialogId("b2-znovu", "font_cyan", "Shall we try it again?")
128 dialogId("b2-rikal1", "font_cyan", "You already tried this!")
130 dialogId("b2-rikal2", "font_cyan", "You already said that!")
132 dialogId("b2-nemuze", "font_cyan", "It can’t be a miss on this space.")
134 dialogId("b2-podvadis", "font_cyan", "You cheat!!!")
136 dialogId("b2-spatne", "font_cyan", "I have tried that - and you said ‘miss’!")
138 dialogId("b1-1", "", "")
140 dialogId("b1-2", "", "")
142 dialogId("b1-3", "", "")
144 dialogId("b1-4", "", "")
146 dialogId("b1-5", "", "")
148 dialogId("b1-6", "", "")
150 dialogId("b1-7", "", "")
152 dialogId("b1-8", "", "")
154 dialogId("b1-9", "", "")
156 dialogId("b1-10", "", "")
158 dialogId("b1-a", "font_yellow", "A%1.")
160 dialogId("b1-b", "font_yellow", "B%1.")
162 dialogId("b1-c", "font_yellow", "C%1.")
164 dialogId("b1-d", "font_yellow", "D%1.")
166 dialogId("b1-e", "font_yellow", "E%1.")
168 dialogId("b1-f", "font_yellow", "F%1.")
170 dialogId("b1-g", "font_yellow", "G%1.")
172 dialogId("b1-h", "font_yellow", "H%1.")
174 dialogId("b1-i", "font_yellow", "I%1.")
176 dialogId("b1-j", "font_yellow", "J%1.")
178 dialogId("b2-1", "", "")
180 dialogId("b2-2", "", "")
182 dialogId("b2-3", "", "")
184 dialogId("b2-4", "", "")
186 dialogId("b2-5", "", "")
188 dialogId("b2-6", "", "")
190 dialogId("b2-7", "", "")
192 dialogId("b2-8", "", "")
194 dialogId("b2-9", "", "")
196 dialogId("b2-10", "", "")
198 dialogId("b2-a", "font_cyan", "A%1.")
200 dialogId("b2-b", "font_cyan", "B%1.")
202 dialogId("b2-c", "font_cyan", "C%1.")
204 dialogId("b2-d", "font_cyan", "D%1.")
206 dialogId("b2-e", "font_cyan", "E%1.")
208 dialogId("b2-f", "font_cyan", "F%1.")
210 dialogId("b2-g", "font_cyan", "G%1.")
212 dialogId("b2-h", "font_cyan", "H%1.")
214 dialogId("b2-i", "font_cyan", "I%1.")
216 dialogId("b2-j", "font_cyan", "J%1.")