Lines Matching refs:dialogId

1 dialogId("m-tatinek", "font_small", "Father was right. The linux users must be mad.")
2 dialogId("v-kdojiny", "font_big", "Who else would make so many barriers.")
3 dialogId("m-zadarmo", "font_small", "To top it all off they did it for free.")
5 dialogId("m-zamykali", "font_small", "It is clear now, they were trying to protect themselves from …
6 dialogId("v-horydoly", "font_big", "They were building mountains, valleys, ...")
7 dialogId("m-linuxaci", "font_small", "The linux users!")
8 dialogId("v-ven", "font_big", "There is one last task: to put them away.")
11 dialogId("v-musime", "font_big", "We must put them away.")
12 dialogId("m-radi", "font_small", "I think we should be happy if we manage to get one.")
13 dialogId("v-radeji", "font_big", "But if we manage both we would be happier.")
15 dialogId("m-nemyslis", "font_small", "Do you think that gettin one linux user out is enough?")
16 dialogId("v-forkovat", "font_big", "No I don’t. The remaining one could fork himself.")
19 dialogId("m-ukolem", "font_small", "Our goal is to reconcile the linux users.")
20 dialogId("v-alespon", "font_big", "Or at least to get them out.")
23 dialogId("m-vykaslat", "font_small", "In my opinion it would be better to give up on the linux user…
24 dialogId("v-nabourali", "font_big", "But they hacked this game and we can’t win while they’re here.…
27 dialogId("v-snazit", "font_big", "Wow, you had to try pretty hard to put only one linux user away. …
28 dialogId("m-nestaci", "font_small", "But it isn’t enough to win.")
31 dialogId("v-vyrobil", "font_big", "I would like to tell the player to not take this room too seriou…
32 dialogId("m-sileny", "font_small", "He was probably mad.")
34 dialogId("v-osobne", "font_big", "Player, if you are a linux user, don’t take this madness personal…
35 dialogId("m-ostatni", "font_small", "We aren’t talking about you, we are talking about the others.")
39 dialogId("m-samem", "font_small", "It’s interesting, they are quarreling about the same problems.")
40 dialogId("v-argumenty", "font_big", "And they are using the same arguments.")
42 dialogId("v-dole", "font_big", "What have you got over there on the bottom?")
43 dialogId("2-bubliny", "font_linuxer2", "Frozen bubbles.")
44 dialogId("1-odpadnou", "font_linuxer1", "If you join three bubbles of the same color they will drop…
46 dialogId("m-vtipni", "font_small", "If only the linux users would be funny.")
47 dialogId("1-rozdil", "font_linuxer1", "I know one super joke, do you know the difference between ch…
48 dialogId("text14", "font_white", "man chattr > 1; man chmod > 2; diff 1 2")
49 dialogId("2-trapnejsi", "font_linuxer2", "It’s more embarrassing than the last comic strip on userf…
50 dialogId("1-trilobyte", "font_linuxer1", "And do you know what eight trilobites is? It’s one trilob…
51 dialogId("text15", "font_white", "Ha ha ha")
55 dialogId("2-nezaujata", "font_linuxer2", "Look, this room is trying not to be opinionated. There is…
56 dialogId("1-prvni", "font_linuxer1", "Why did you say Debian first?")
57 dialogId("2-abecedy", "font_linuxer2", "I am reciting in alphabetical order.")
59 dialogId("1-archlinux", "font_linuxer1", "So you should start with Arch Linux.")
60 dialogId("2-zapomel", "font_linuxer2", "Sorry, I forgot about it. So Arch Linux, Debian, ...")
61 dialogId("1-podruhe", "font_linuxer1", "Why did you say Debian twice?")
63 dialogId("2-naprogramovana", "font_linuxer2", "This game was programmed on Debian.")
64 dialogId("1-ubuntu", "font_linuxer1", "Why wasn’t it done on Ubuntu?")
65 dialogId("2-vykradacka", "font_linuxer2", "Ubuntu is just a bad copy of Debian.")
67 dialogId("1-zkousel", "font_linuxer1", "Have you tried Ubuntu?")
68 dialogId("2-root", "font_linuxer2", "No, but I’ve heard plenty. Can you log in as the root on it?")
69 dialogId("1-nepotrebuje", "font_linuxer1", "Ubuntu doesn’t need antiquities like a root user.")
70 dialogId("2-postavene", "font_linuxer2", "But it is based on them.")
71 dialogId("1-rozhrani", "font_linuxer1", "An interface between the user and Unix exists in every dis…
73 dialogId("2-slackware", "font_linuxer2", "What about Slackware?")
74 dialogId("1-balickovaci", "font_linuxer1", "Oh yes, but its packaging system is lousy.")
75 dialogId("2-svuj", "font_linuxer2", "At least it’s owned by Slackware.")
78 dialogId("2-hadi", "font_linuxer2", "Do you know why there are snakes?")
79 dialogId("1-jazyka", "font_linuxer1", "Of course, it’s the logo of the best programming language.")
80 dialogId("2-C", "font_linuxer2", "When did C get a logo with snakes?")
81 dialogId("1-prekonane", "font_linuxer1", "C is ancient and outdated. Now there are C++ and Java.")
82 dialogId("2-pomala", "font_linuxer2", "Java is an interpreted programming language so it’s very slo…
83 dialogId("1-pohodli", "font_linuxer1", "I am not interested in speed but in programming comfort.")
84 dialogId("2-prave", "font_linuxer2", "Yes, you are.")
87 dialogId("1-wilber", "font_linuxer1", "Look, Wilber!")
88 dialogId("2-maskot", "font_linuxer2", "It is the mascot of a great graphics application.")
89 dialogId("1-dohnat", "font_linuxer1", "Which is trying to catch up to Photoshop.")
90 dialogId("2-neni", "font_linuxer2", "The GIMP is not Photoshop. It works completely differently.")
91 dialogId("1-zamaskovali", "font_linuxer1", "The GIMP developers say that to conceal their inability…
94 dialogId("1-nebavi", "font_linuxer1", "I am bored with this music.")
95 dialogId("2-skriptik", "font_linuxer2", "Couldn’t you write a script for this?")
96 dialogId("v-prepinani", "font_big", "And I am bored with the music switching.")
98 dialogId("text0", "font_white", "mplayer kufrik.ogg")
99 dialogId("text1", "font_white", "mplayer menu.ogg")
100 dialogId("text2", "font_white", "mplayer rybky01.ogg")
101 dialogId("text3", "font_white", "mplayer rybky02.ogg")
102 dialogId("text4", "font_white", "mplayer rybky03.ogg")
103 dialogId("text5", "font_white", "mplayer rybky04.ogg")
104 dialogId("text6", "font_white", "mplayer rybky05.ogg")
105 dialogId("text7", "font_white", "mplayer rybky06.ogg")
106 dialogId("text8", "font_white", "mplayer rybky07.ogg")
107 dialogId("text9", "font_white", "mplayer rybky09.ogg")
108 dialogId("text10", "font_white", "mplayer rybky10.ogg")
109 dialogId("text11", "font_white", "mplayer rybky13.ogg")
110 dialogId("text12", "font_white", "mplayer rybky14.ogg")
111 dialogId("text13", "font_white", "mplayer rybky15.ogg")
114 for i = 0, 29 do dialogId("key"..i, "", "") end
115 for i = 0, 17 do dialogId("space"..i, "", "") end
116 for i = 0, 13 do dialogId("enter"..i, "", "") end