Lines Matching refs:Issue

41 * Allow unset ``SERVER_SOFTWARE`` in App Engine (Pull #1704, Issue #1470)
62 (Issue #1682)
89 unspecified. (Pull #1608, Issue #1603)
91 * Upgrade bundled rfc3986 to v1.3.2. (Pull #1609, Issue #1605)
124 * Switched the default multipart header encoder from RFC 2231 to HTML 5 working draft. (Issue #303,…
136 * Implemented a more efficient ``HTTPResponse.__iter__()`` method. (Issue #1483)
149 * Remove Authorization header regardless of case when redirecting to cross-site. (Issue #1510)
151 * Add support for IPv6 addresses in subjectAltName section of certificates. (Issue #1269)
157 * Remove quadratic behavior within ``GzipDecoder.decompress()`` (Issue #1467)
159 * Restored functionality of ``ciphers`` parameter for ``create_urllib3_context()``. (Issue #1462)
173 * Add ability to handle multiple Content-Encodings (Issue #1441 and Pull #1442)
175 * Skip DNS names that can't be idna-decoded when using pyOpenSSL (Issue #1405).
193 headers can be set via ``Retry.remove_headers_on_redirect``. (Issue #1316)
195 * Fix ``util.selectors._fileobj_to_fd`` to accept ``long`` (Issue #1247).
200 a chunked HEAD response. (Issue #1234)
203 attempted to auth via certificate + chain (Issue #1060)
209 * ``read_chunked()`` on a closed response returns no chunks. (Issue #1088)
220 IPv6 proxy. (Issue #1222)
223 is available on ``MaxRetryError.reason``. (Issue #1112)
226 deadlocks with a blocking connectionpool. (Issue #1167)
228 * Fixed compatibility for cookiejar. (Issue #1229)
230 * pyopenssl: Use vendored version of ``six``. (Issue #1231)
240 ``socket_options`` flag to the ``PoolManager``. (Issue #1165)
269 * Add retry counter for ``status_forcelist``. (Issue #1147)
277 (Issue #1080)
287 * Updated the date for the system clock check. (Issue #1005)
290 (Issue #1032)
296 to fail when it is injected, rather than at first use. (Issue #1044)
305 was not in the method whitelist. (Issue #1059)
314 proxies, and controlled remote DNS appropriately. (Issue #1035)
329 * Remove markers from to assist ancient setuptools versions. (Issue
332 * Disallow superscripts and other integerish things in URL ports. (Issue #989)
338 being suppressed. (Issue #1015)
340 * Prefer user-supplied Host headers on chunked uploads. (Issue #1009)
364 (Issue #258)
367 (Issue #977)
369 * Fixed handling of wildcard certificates when using PyOpenSSL. (Issue #979)
375 * Accept ``SSLContext`` objects for use in SSL/TLS negotiation. (Issue #835)
377 * ConnectionPool debug log now includes scheme, host, and port. (Issue #897)
379 * Substantially refactored documentation. (Issue #887)
382 (Issue #858)
384 * Normalize the scheme and host in the URL parser (Issue #833)
387 contains retries history. (Issue #848)
396 * Fixed infinite loop in ``stream`` when amt=None. (Issue #928)
421 * Disable IPv6 DNS when IPv6 connections are not possible. (Issue #840)
424 overridden. (Issue #830)
427 ``source_address``. (Issue #830)
430 (Issue #861)
432 * Fixed installing ``urllib3[socks]`` extra. (Issue #864)
435 called by subclasses. (Issue #873)
440 ``HTTPResponse`` but can be replaced with a subclass. (Issue #879)
446 * Fix packaging to include backports module. (Issue #841)
452 * Added Retry(raise_on_status=False). (Issue #720)
454 * Always use setuptools, no more distutils fallback. (Issue #785)
456 * Dropped support for Python 3.2. (Issue #786)
459 (Issue #790)
461 * Fixed regression with IPv6 port parsing. (Issue #801)
464 the PYTHONWARNINGS environment variable. (Issue #816)
466 * Handle unicode headers in Py2. (Issue #818)
468 * Log certificate when there is a hostname mismatch. (Issue #820)
470 * Preserve order of request/response headers. (Issue #821)
476 * contrib: SOCKS proxy support! (Issue #762)
479 in Timeout defaults checking. (Issue #763)
485 * Fixed regression in IPv6 + SSL for match_hostname. (Issue #761)
491 * Fixed ``pip install urllib3[secure]`` on modern pip. (Issue #706)
493 * pyopenssl: Fixed SSL3_WRITE_PENDING error. (Issue #717)
495 * pyopenssl: Support for TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2. (Issue #696)
497 * Close connections more defensively on exception. (Issue #734)
500 repeatedly flushing the decoder, to function better on Jython. (Issue #743)
502 * Accept ``ca_cert_dir`` for SSL-related PoolManager configuration. (Issue #758)
509 conflicts with other Python 3 shims. (Issue #688)
512 OpenSSL. (Issue #701)
522 ``'CERT_REQUIRED'``. (Issue #650)
525 PyOpenSSL as dependencies. (Issue #678)
532 Google AppEngine environment. (Issue #664)
534 * Dev: Added test suite for AppEngine. (Issue #631)
536 * Fix performance regression when using PyOpenSSL. (Issue #626)
540 compatible for now, but please migrate). (Issue #640)
543 request using ``release_conn=False``. (Issue #644)
546 like GET. (Issue #657)
549 errors. (Issue #642)
552 (Issue #660)
554 * Fix host parsing for IPv6 proxies. (Issue #668)
557 per host. (Issue #671)
561 (Issue #674)
566 * Migrate tests to Tornado 4. (Issue #594)
569 (Issue #603)
571 * Fix streaming decoding regression. (Issue #595)
574 (Issue #599)
576 * Fix hanging when chunked HEAD response has no body. (Issue #605)
583 (Issue #558)
586 (Issue #563)
589 (Issue #560)
592 (Issue #585)
595 (Issue #587)
597 * Stop relying on the stdlib's default cipher list. (Issue #588)
603 * Fix file descriptor leakage on retries. (Issue #548)
605 * Removed RC4 from default cipher list. (Issue #551)
607 * Header performance improvements. (Issue #544)
609 * Fix PoolManager not obeying redirect retry settings. (Issue #553)
615 * Pools can be used as context managers. (Issue #545)
617 * Don't re-use connections which experienced an SSLError. (Issue #529)
619 * Don't fail when gzip decoding an empty stream. (Issue #535)
621 * Add sha256 support for fingerprint verification. (Issue #540)
623 * Fixed handling of header values containing commas. (Issue #533)
629 * Disabled SSLv3. (Issue #473)
631 * Add ``Url.url`` property to return the composed url string. (Issue #394)
633 * Fixed PyOpenSSL + gevent ``WantWriteError``. (Issue #412)
636 (Issue #481)
638 * Fixed SSL-related timeouts not being detected as timeouts. (Issue #492)
640 * Py3: Use ``ssl.create_default_context()`` when available. (Issue #473)
643 (Issue #496)
646 (Issue #499)
649 (Issue #501)
651 * Handle ``body`` param in ``.request(...)``. (Issue #513)
653 * Respect timeout with HTTPS proxy. (Issue #505)
655 * PyOpenSSL: Handle ZeroReturnError exception. (Issue #520)
661 * Apply socket arguments before binding. (Issue #427)
663 * More careful checks if fp-like object is closed. (Issue #435)
666 getting included. (Issue #440)
668 * Allow performing *only* fingerprint verification. (Issue #444)
670 * Emit ``SecurityWarning`` if system clock is waaay off. (Issue #445)
672 * Fixed PyOpenSSL compatibility with PyPy. (Issue #450)
675 (Issue #443)
683 package of urllib3, you may need to tweak things. (Issue #415)
688 (Issue #426)
691 (Issue #326)
694 ``urllib3.exceptions.HTTPException``-extending exception. (Issue #326)
699 ``.reason`` property. (Issue #326)
702 ``urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError``. (Issue #326)
705 ``urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError``. (Issue #418)
708 (Issue #417)
711 ``urllib3.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError``. (Issue #419)
713 * Apply socket arguments before connecting. (Issue #427)
719 * Fix TLS verification when using a proxy in Python 3.4.1. (Issue #385)
721 * Add ``disable_cache`` option to ``urllib3.util.make_headers``. (Issue #393)
724 ``urllib3.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError``. (Issue #399)
730 ``setsockopt`` configuration of new sockets. (Issue #397)
733 ``HTTPConnection.default_socket_options``. (Issue #397)
735 * Fixed ``TypeError`` bug in Python 2.6.4. (Issue #411)
747 * Fix AppEngine bug of HTTPS requests going out as HTTP. (Issue #356)
750 for the test suite. (Issue #362)
752 * Added support for specifying ``source_address``. (Issue #352)
768 * Use ``backports.ssl_match_hostname`` if it's installed. (Issue #274)
771 returns the number of bytes read so far. (Issue #277)
773 * Support for platforms without threading. (Issue #289)
777 HTTP/HTTPS url with port 80/443 explicitly provided. (Issue #305)
780 (Issue #309)
783 (Issue #310)
787 the resulting TCP packets will be smaller. (Issue #254)
790 from the default 64 to 1024 in a single certificate. (Issue #318)
794 (Issue #329, #333)
796 * Headers no longer lose their case on Python 3. (Issue #236)
799 certificates on inject. (Issue #332)
802 wrapping them in ``MaxRetryError``. (Issue #348)
804 * Fixed open socket leak with SSL-related failures. (Issue #344, #348)
811 (Issue #231)
813 * Fixed Python 3.4 support. (Issue #238)
819 * More exceptions are now pickle-able, with tests. (Issue #174)
821 * Fixed redirecting with relative URLs in Location header. (Issue #178)
823 * Support for relative urls in ``Location: ...`` header. (Issue #179)
826 file-like functionality. (Issue #187)
829 skip hostname verification for SSL connections. (Issue #194)
832 generator wrapped around ``.read(...)``. (Issue #198)
834 * IPv6 url parsing enforces brackets around the hostname. (Issue #199)
837 ``urllib3.poolmanager.PoolManager.connection_from_host(...)`` (Issue #204)
840 header. (Issue #217)
842 * Added HTTPS proxy support in ``ProxyManager``. (Issue #170 #139)
845 can specify headers. (Issue #220)
848 (Issue #221)
850 * Use international headers when posting file names. (Issue #119)
852 * Improved IPv6 support. (Issue #203)
858 * Contrib: Optional SNI support for Py2 using PyOpenSSL. (Issue #156)
865 (Issue #130)
868 closed proxy connections and larger read buffers. (Issue #135)
871 on some platforms. (Issue #133)
873 * Added SNI support for SSL/TLS connections on Py32+. (Issue #89)
875 * Tests fixed to be compatible with Py26 again. (Issue #125)
878 to the ``ssl_version`` parameter of ``HTTPSConnectionPool``. (Issue #109)
881 (Issue #126)
883 * Exceptions are now pickleable, with tests. (Issue #101)
885 * Fixed default headers not getting passed in some cases. (Issue #99)
888 Section 3.5. (Issue #110)
891 (Issue #92)
894 namespace. (Issue #113)
898 was due to a redirect. (Issue #92, #114)
901 (Issue #149)
904 that are not files. (Issue #111)
906 * Pass `strict` param down to ``httplib.HTTPConnection``. (Issue #122)
910 servers). (Issue #140)
912 * Streaming decompression support. (Issue #159)
925 (Issue #11)
928 uri. (Issue #8)
933 * Fixed bug with pool depletion and leaking connections (Issue #76). Added
947 * Improved url parsing. (Issue #73)
949 * IPv6 url support. (Issue #72)
960 values. (Issue #48)
963 Python 3. (Issue #53)
965 * AppEngine support with Py27. (Issue #61)
974 * Fixed packaging bug of not shipping ``test-requirements.txt``. (Issue #47)
980 * Fixed another bug related to when ``ssl`` module is not available. (Issue #41)
1000 (Issue #41)
1003 completing properly. (Issue #28, uncovered by Issue #10 in v1.1)
1019 Py32's ``ssl_match_hostname``. (Issue #25)
1021 * Fixed cross-host HTTP redirects when using ``PoolManager``. (Issue #10)
1023 * Fixed ``decode_content`` being ignored when set through ``urlopen``. (Issue