Lines Matching defs:KINMemRec

59 typedef struct KINMemRec {  struct
61 realtype kin_uround; /* machine epsilon (or unit roundoff error)
66 KINSysFn kin_func; /* nonlinear system function implementation */
67 void *kin_user_data; /* work space available to func routine */
68 realtype kin_fnormtol; /* stopping tolerance on L2-norm of function
70 realtype kin_scsteptol; /* scaled step length tolerance */
71 int kin_globalstrategy; /* choices are KIN_NONE, KIN_LINESEARCH
73 int kin_printfl; /* level of verbosity of output */
74 long int kin_mxiter; /* maximum number of nonlinear iterations */
75 long int kin_msbset; /* maximum number of nonlinear iterations that
78 long int kin_msbset_sub; /* subinterval length for residual monitoring */
79 long int kin_mxnbcf; /* maximum number of beta condition failures */
80 int kin_etaflag; /* choices are KIN_ETACONSTANT, KIN_ETACHOICE1
82 booleantype kin_noMinEps; /* flag controlling whether or not the value
84 booleantype kin_constraintsSet; /* flag indicating if constraints are being
86 booleantype kin_jacCurrent; /* flag indicating if the Jacobian info.
88 booleantype kin_callForcingTerm; /* flag set if using either KIN_ETACHOICE1
90 booleantype kin_noResMon; /* flag indicating if the nonlinear
93 booleantype kin_retry_nni; /* flag indicating if nonlinear iteration
96 booleantype kin_update_fnorm_sub; /* flag indicating if the fnorm associated
101 realtype kin_mxnewtstep; /* maximum allowable scaled step length */
102 realtype kin_mxnstepin; /* input (or preset) value for mxnewtstep */
103 realtype kin_sqrt_relfunc; /* relative error bound for func(u) */
104 realtype kin_stepl; /* scaled length of current step */
105 realtype kin_stepmul; /* step scaling factor */
106 realtype kin_eps; /* current value of eps */
107 realtype kin_eta; /* current value of eta */
108 realtype kin_eta_gamma; /* gamma value used in eta calculation
110 realtype kin_eta_alpha; /* alpha value used in eta calculation
112 booleantype kin_noInitSetup; /* flag controlling whether or not the KINSol
115 realtype kin_sthrsh; /* threshold value for calling the linear
120 long int kin_nni; /* number of nonlinear iterations */
121 long int kin_nfe; /* number of calls made to func routine */
122 long int kin_nnilset; /* value of nni counter when the linear solver
124 long int kin_nnilset_sub; /* value of nni counter when the linear solver
126 long int kin_nbcf; /* number of times the beta-condition could not
128 long int kin_nbktrk; /* number of backtracks performed by
130 long int kin_ncscmx; /* number of consecutive steps of size
135 N_Vector kin_uu; /* solution vector/current iterate (initially
138 N_Vector kin_unew; /* next iterate (unew = uu+pp) */
139 N_Vector kin_fval; /* vector containing result of nonlinear system
142 N_Vector kin_gval; /* vector containing result of the fixed point
146 N_Vector kin_uscale; /* iterate scaling vector */
147 N_Vector kin_fscale; /* fval scaling vector */
148 N_Vector kin_pp; /* incremental change vector (pp = unew-uu) */
149 N_Vector kin_constraints; /* constraints vector */
150 N_Vector kin_vtemp1; /* scratch vector #1 */
151 N_Vector kin_vtemp2; /* scratch vector #2 */
154 N_Vector kin_fold_aa; /* vector needed for AA, Broyden, and NLEN */
155 N_Vector kin_gold_aa; /* vector needed for AA, Broyden, and NLEN */
156 N_Vector *kin_df_aa; /* vector array needed for AA, Broyden, and NLEN */
157 N_Vector *kin_dg_aa; /* vector array needed for AA, Broyden and NLEN */
158 N_Vector *kin_q_aa; /* vector array needed for AA */
159 realtype kin_beta_aa; /* beta damping parameter for AA */
160 realtype *kin_gamma_aa; /* array of size maa used in AA */
161 realtype *kin_R_aa; /* array of size maa*maa used in AA */
185 int (*kin_linit)(struct KINMemRec *kin_mem); argument
187 int (*kin_lsetup)(struct KINMemRec *kin_mem); argument
189 int (*kin_lsolve)(struct KINMemRec *kin_mem, N_Vector xx, N_Vector bb, argument
192 int (*kin_lfree)(struct KINMemRec *kin_mem); argument
194 booleantype kin_inexact_ls; /* flag set by the linear solver module
199 void *kin_lmem; /* pointer to linear solver memory block */
201 realtype kin_fnorm; /* value of L2-norm of fscale*fval */
202 realtype kin_f1norm; /* f1norm = 0.5*(fnorm)^2 */
203 realtype kin_sFdotJp; /* value of scaled F(u) vector (fscale*fval)
205 realtype kin_sJpnorm; /* value of L2-norm of fscale*(J(u)*pp)
208 realtype kin_fnorm_sub; /* value of L2-norm of fscale*fval (subinterval) */
209 booleantype kin_eval_omega; /* flag indicating that omega must be evaluated. */
210 realtype kin_omega; /* constant value for real scalar used in test to
215 realtype kin_omega_min; /* lower bound on omega */
216 realtype kin_omega_max; /* upper bound on omega */
235 booleantype kin_MallocDone; /* flag indicating if KINMalloc has been
243 KINErrHandlerFn kin_ehfun; /* Error messages are handled by ehfun */
244 void *kin_eh_data; /* dats pointer passed to ehfun */
245 FILE *kin_errfp; /* KINSOL error messages are sent to errfp */
247 KINInfoHandlerFn kin_ihfun; /* Info messages are handled by ihfun */
248 void *kin_ih_data; /* dats pointer passed to ihfun */
249 FILE *kin_infofp; /* where KINSol info messages are sent */