Lines Matching defs:Param

76 struct Param  struct
78 bool obj; // write object file
79 bool link; // perform link
80 bool dll; // generate shared dynamic library
81 bool lib; // write library file instead of object file(s)
82 bool multiobj; // break one object file into multiple ones
83 bool oneobj; // write one object file instead of multiple ones
84 bool trace; // insert profiling hooks
85 bool tracegc; // instrument calls to 'new'
86 bool verbose; // verbose compile
87 bool vcg_ast; // write-out codegen-ast
88 bool showColumns; // print character (column) numbers in diagnostics
89 bool vtls; // identify thread local variables
90 char vgc; // identify gc usage
91 bool vfield; // identify non-mutable field variables
92 bool vcomplex; // identify complex/imaginary type usage
93 char symdebug; // insert debug symbolic information
94 bool symdebugref; // insert debug information for all referenced types, too
95 bool alwaysframe; // always emit standard stack frame
96 bool optimize; // run optimizer
97 bool map; // generate linker .map file
98 bool is64bit; // generate 64 bit code
99 bool isLP64; // generate code for LP64
100 bool isLinux; // generate code for linux
101 bool isOSX; // generate code for Mac OSX
102 bool isWindows; // generate code for Windows
103 bool isFreeBSD; // generate code for FreeBSD
104 bool isOpenBSD; // generate code for OpenBSD
105 bool isSolaris; // generate code for Solaris
106 bool hasObjectiveC; // target supports Objective-C
107 bool mscoff; // for Win32: write COFF object files instead of OMF
108 Diagnostic useDeprecated;
109 bool stackstomp; // add stack stomping code
110 bool useUnitTests; // generate unittest code
111 bool useInline; // inline expand functions
112 bool useDIP25; // implement
113 bool release; // build release version
114 bool preservePaths; // true means don't strip path from source file
115 Diagnostic warnings;
116 bool pic; // generate position-independent-code for shared libs
117 bool color; // use ANSI colors in console output
118 bool cov; // generate code coverage data
119 unsigned char covPercent; // 0..100 code coverage percentage required
120 bool nofloat; // code should not pull in floating point support
121 bool ignoreUnsupportedPragmas; // rather than error on them
122 bool enforcePropertySyntax;
123 bool useModuleInfo; // generate runtime module information
124 bool useTypeInfo; // generate runtime type information
125 bool useExceptions; // support exception handling
126 bool betterC; // be a "better C" compiler; no dependency on D runtime
127 bool addMain; // add a default main() function
128 bool allInst; // generate code for all template instantiations
129 bool vsafe; // use enhanced @safe checking
130 unsigned cplusplus; // version of C++ name mangling to support
131 bool showGaggedErrors; // print gagged errors anyway
133 CPU cpu; // CPU instruction set to target
135 CHECKENABLE useInvariants; // generate class invariant checks
136 CHECKENABLE useIn; // generate precondition checks
137 CHECKENABLE useOut; // generate postcondition checks
138 CHECKENABLE useArrayBounds; // when to generate code for array bounds checks
139 CHECKENABLE useAssert; // when to generate code for assert()'s
140 CHECKENABLE useSwitchError; // check for switches without a default
141 CHECKENABLE boundscheck; // state of -boundscheck switch
143 …ECKACTION checkAction; // action to take when bounds, asserts or switch defaults are violated
145 unsigned errorLimit;
147 DString argv0; // program name
148 Array<const char *> modFileAliasStrings; // array of char*'s of -I module filename alias strings
149 Array<const char *> *imppath; // array of char*'s of where to look for import modules
150 Array<const char *> *fileImppath; // array of char*'s of where to look for file import modules
151 DString objdir; // .obj/.lib file output directory
152 DString objname; // .obj file output name
153 DString libname; // .lib file output name
155 bool doDocComments; // process embedded documentation comments
156 DString docdir; // write documentation file to docdir directory
157 DString docname; // write documentation file to docname
158 Array<const char *> ddocfiles; // macro include files for Ddoc
160 bool doHdrGeneration; // process embedded documentation comments
161 DString hdrdir; // write 'header' file to docdir directory
162 DString hdrname; // write 'header' file to docname
163 bool hdrStripPlainFunctions; // strip the bodies of plain (non-template) functions
165 bool doJsonGeneration; // write JSON file
166 DString jsonfilename; // write JSON file to jsonfilename
168 unsigned debuglevel; // debug level
169 Array<const char *> *debugids; // debug identifiers
171 unsigned versionlevel; // version level
172 Array<const char *> *versionids; // version identifiers
174 DString defaultlibname; // default library for non-debug builds
175 DString debuglibname; // default library for debug builds
176 DString mscrtlib; // MS C runtime library
178 DString moduleDepsFile; // filename for deps output
179 OutBuffer *moduleDeps; // contents to be written to deps file
182 bool debugb;
183 bool debugc;
184 bool debugf;
185 bool debugr;
186 bool debugx;
187 bool debugy;
189 bool run; // run resulting executable
190 Strings runargs; // arguments for executable
193 Array<const char *> objfiles;
194 Array<const char *> linkswitches;
195 Array<const char *> libfiles;
196 Array<const char *> dllfiles;
197 DString deffile;
198 DString resfile;
199 DString exefile;
200 DString mapfile;