Lines Matching defs:rel_onel

23       subroutine rel_onel (  subroutine
36 integer n_prim_A ! [input] num. prims in shell A
37 integer n_cont_A ! [input] num general conts in shell A
38 integer l_A ! [input] angular momentum of shell A
39 integer n_prim_B ! [input] num. prims in shell B
40 integer n_cont_B ! [input] num general conts in shell B
41 integer l_B ! [input] angular momentum of shell B
42 integer nat ! [input] number of atoms
43 integer lscr ! [input] size of scratch array
44 integer lstv ! [input] size of any integral buffer
45 integer ibug ! [input] debug variable
46 integer ntyp ! [input] potential energy integral type
47 double precision Axyz(3) ! [input] position of center A
48 double precision zeta_A(n_prim_A) ! [input] exponents of shell A
49 double precision coefL_A(n_prim_A,n_cont_A) ! [input] A large coeffs
50 double precision coefS_A(n_prim_A,n_cont_A) ! [input] A small coeffs
51 double precision Bxyz(3) ! [input] position of center B
52 double precision zeta_B(n_prim_B) ! [input] exponents of shell B
53 double precision coefL_B(n_prim_B,n_cont_B) ! [input] B large coeffs
54 double precision coefS_B(n_prim_B,n_cont_B) ! [input] B small coeffs
55 double precision Cxyz(3,nat) ! [input] all atom positions
56 double precision zan(nat) ! [input] charges on all atoms
57 double precision exinv(nat) ! [input] inverse nuclear exponents
58 double precision scr(lscr) ! [scratch] scratch buffers
59 double precision S(lstv) ! [output] overlap integrals
60 double precision T(lstv) ! [output] kinetic energy integrals
61 double precision V(lstv,ntyp) ! [output] potential integrals
62 logical doStil ! [input] compute modified overlap (True/False)
63 logical doTtil ! [input] compute modified kinetic (True/False)
64 logical doVtil ! [input] compute modified potential (True/False)
65 logical canAB ! [input] compute only canonical ints (false only)
66 logical do_nw ! [input] can do NW integrals
67 logical do_hnd ! [input] can do HONDO integrals
68 logical nonrel ! [input] true if either centre is nonrelativistic
69 logical DryRun ! [input] true means only compute required memory
75 integer n_cart_a ! cartesian components of shell A
76 integer n_cart_b ! cartesian components of shell B
77 integer n_cart_ab ! n_cart_a*n_cart_b
78 integer n_cont_ab ! n_cont_a*n_cont_b
79 integer n_all_b ! n_cart_b*n_cont_b
80 integer n_all_a ! n_cart_a*n_cont_a
81 integer n_ab ! number of integrals
82 integer n_cartp_a ! cartesian components for l_A+1
83 integer n_cartp_b ! cartesian components for l_B+1
84 integer n_allp_b ! n_cartp_b*n_cont_b
85 integer n_allp_a ! n_cartp_a*n_cont_a
86 integer n_cartm_a ! cartesian components for l_A-1
87 integer n_cartm_b ! cartesian components for l_B-1
88 integer n_allm_b ! n_cartm_b*n_cont_b
89 integer n_allm_a ! n_cartm_a*n_cont_a
90 integer n_intpp ! number of integrals for l_A+1,l_B+1
91 integer n_intpm ! number of integrals for l_A-1,l_B+1
92 integer n_intmp ! number of integrals for l_A+1,l_B-1
93 integer n_intmm ! number of integrals for l_A-1,l_B-1
94 integer i_xca ! address in scr of exp*coef for shell A
95 integer i_xcb ! address in scr of exp*coef for shell B
96 integer i_pp ! address in scr of integrals for l_A+1,l_B+1
97 integer i_pm ! address in scr of integrals for l_A-1,l_B+1
98 integer i_mp ! address in scr of integrals for l_A+1,l_B-1
99 integer i_mm ! address in scr of integrals for l_A-1,l_B-1
123 & ('rel_onel: can''t do NW or HONDO integrals',99, INT_ERR) argument