Lines Matching refs:Analysts

79Analysts said comments by the company at an analysts\'\nmeeting Tuesday helped fuel the rumors as …
101Analysts and oil industry sources said the problem OPEC\nfaces is excess oil supply in world oil m…
118 …t,\" Frank\nSpadine, an energy economist with Bankers Trust, said.\n Analysts did not forsee a …
215Analysts said the\nspeculation also focused on American Express selling 20 pct of\nthe profitable …
220 …O Inc\nand certain managers of Purolator\'s U.S. courier business.\n Analysts have said that Pu…
371 …\n Shares of Warner Communications Inc <WCI> rose 7/8 to\n31-1/8. Analysts noted Warner owns…
390Analysts continue to view the Bass family as a factor in\nthe outcome of the bid for control of Am…
398 … by Hutton and the managers\' PC Acquisition Inc\nis fully valued.\n Analysts and some Wall Str…
498Analysts said Evergo may be looking for a possible\nredevelopment of the Peninsula Hotel, one of A…
564 …pct yesterday, opened at\n6-3/16 pct and stayed there in early trading. Analysts said the\nrate is…
689Analysts said this would be useful in keeping in line\nnations like Qatar, which has had trouble s…
891 …of market share.\n GM shares rose 3-1/2 to 79-1/8 in active trading. Analysts\nagreed that inve…
960 …rager. \"We think TWA\nmight just be putting up a trial balloon.\"\n Analysts said the offer mu…
1004Analysts said they expected the bank to recommend a bonus\nissue this year, probably one for three…
1074 … of the group, rose to 11.39 stg\nfrom a close last night of 11.06 stg. Analysts noted that a\ngen…
1140 …stable exchange rate, and interest\nrate policies serve that goal.\n Analysts noted a large cap…
1184Analysts generally average the sales results of March and\nApril to account for the variation of E…
1239Analysts and market sources view the TWA bid as an attempt\nto either trigger a counter offer from…
1323 …retty aggressive and they\nhave good foreign marketing channels.\"\n Analysts said a key factor…
1482 …r the moves would increase competition\nin the telephone business.\n Analysts said the proposal…
1506 …d by Arctic\nPetroleum Corp of Japan for Beaufort Sea exploration.\n Analysts said a similar hu…