Lines Matching refs:string

26 $string['addedby'] = 'Added by {$a}';
27 $string['addgroup'] = 'Add user into group';
28 $string['addgroupstogrouping'] = 'Add group to grouping';
29 $string['addgroupstogroupings'] = 'Add/remove groups';
30 $string['adduserstogroup'] = 'Add/remove users';
31 $string['allocateby'] = 'Allocate members';
32 $string['anygrouping'] = '[Any grouping]';
33 $string['autocreategroups'] = 'Auto-create groups';
34 $string['backtogroupings'] = 'Back to groupings';
35 $string['backtogroups'] = 'Back to groups';
36 $string['badnamingscheme'] = 'Must contain exactly one \'@\' or one \'#\' character';
37 $string['byfirstname'] = 'Alphabetically by first name, last name';
38 $string['byidnumber'] = 'Alphabetically by ID number';
39 $string['bylastname'] = 'Alphabetically by last name, first name';
40 $string['createautomaticgrouping'] = 'Create automatic grouping';
41 $string['creategroup'] = 'Create group';
42 $string['creategrouping'] = 'Create grouping';
43 $string['creategroupinselectedgrouping'] = 'Create group in grouping';
44 $string['createingrouping'] = 'Grouping of auto-created groups';
45 $string['createorphangroup'] = 'Create orphan group';
46 $string['csvdelimiter'] = 'CSV delimiter';
47 $string['databaseupgradegroups'] = 'Groups version is now {$a}';
48 $string['defaultgrouping'] = 'Default grouping';
49 $string['defaultgroupingname'] = 'Grouping';
50 $string['defaultgroupname'] = 'Group';
51 $string['deleteallgroupings'] = 'Delete all groupings';
52 $string['deleteallgroups'] = 'Delete all groups';
53 $string['deletegroupconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete group \'{$a}\'?';
54 $string['deletegrouping'] = 'Delete grouping';
55 $string['deletegroupingconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete grouping \'{$a}\'? (Groups in t…
56 $string['deletegroupsconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the following groups?';
57 $string['deleteselectedgroup'] = 'Delete selected group';
58 $string['editgroupingsettings'] = 'Edit grouping settings';
59 $string['editgroupsettings'] = 'Edit group settings';
60 $string['editusersgroupsa'] = 'Edit groups for "{$a}"';
61 $string['enablemessaging'] = 'Group messaging';
62 $string['enablemessaging_help'] = 'If enabled, group members can send messages to the others in the…
63 $string['encoding'] = 'Encoding';
64 $string['enrolmentkey'] = 'Enrolment key';
65 $string['enrolmentkey_help'] = 'An enrolment key enables access to the course to be restricted to o…
68 $string['enrolmentkeyalreadyinuse'] = 'This enrolment key is already used for another group.';
69 $string['erroraddremoveuser'] = 'Error adding/removing user {$a} to group';
70 $string['erroreditgroup'] = 'Error creating/updating group {$a}';
71 $string['erroreditgrouping'] = 'Error creating/updating grouping {$a}';
72 $string['errorinvalidgroup'] = 'Error, invalid group {$a}';
73 $string['errorremovenotpermitted'] = 'You do not have permission to remove automatically-added grou…
74 $string['errorselectone'] = 'Please select a single group before choosing this option';
75 $string['errorselectsome'] = 'Please select one or more groups before choosing this option';
76 $string['evenallocation'] = 'Note: To keep group allocation even, the actual number of members per …
77 $string['eventgroupcreated'] = 'Group created';
78 $string['eventgroupdeleted'] = 'Group deleted';
79 $string['eventgroupmemberadded'] = 'Group member added';
80 $string['eventgroupmemberremoved'] = 'Group member removed';
81 $string['eventgroupupdated'] = 'Group updated';
82 $string['eventgroupingcreated'] = 'Grouping created';
83 $string['eventgroupingdeleted'] = 'Grouping deleted';
84 $string['eventgroupinggroupassigned'] = 'Group assigned to grouping';
85 $string['eventgroupinggroupunassigned'] = 'Group unassigned from grouping';
86 $string['eventgroupingupdated'] = 'Grouping updated';
87 $string['existingmembers'] = 'Existing members: {$a}';
88 $string['filtergroups'] = 'Filter groups by:';
89 $string['group'] = 'Group';
90 $string['groupaddedsuccesfully'] = 'Group {$a} added successfully';
91 $string['groupaddedtogroupingsuccesfully'] = 'Group {$a->groupname} added to grouping {$a->grouping…
92 $string['groupby'] = 'Auto create based on';
93 $string['groupdescription'] = 'Group description';
94 $string['groupinfo'] = 'Info about selected group';
95 $string['groupinfomembers'] = 'Info about selected members';
96 $string['groupinfopeople'] = 'Info about selected people';
97 $string['grouping'] = 'Grouping';
98 $string['groupingaddedsuccesfully'] = 'Grouping {$a} added successfully';
99 $string['grouping_help'] = 'A grouping is a collection of groups within a course. If a grouping is …
100 $string['groupingsection'] = 'Grouping access';
101 $string['groupingsection_help'] = 'A grouping is a collection of groups within a course. If a group…
102 $string['groupingdescription'] = 'Grouping description';
103 $string['groupingname'] = 'Grouping name';
104 $string['groupingnameexists'] = 'The grouping name \'{$a}\' already exists in this course, please c…
105 $string['groupings'] = 'Groupings';
106 $string['groupingsonly'] = 'Groupings only';
107 $string['groupmember'] = 'Group member';
108 $string['groupmemberdesc'] = 'Standard role for a member of a group.';
109 $string['groupmembers'] = 'Group members';
110 $string['groupmemberssee'] = 'See group members';
111 $string['groupmembersselected'] = 'Members of selected group';
112 $string['groupmode'] = 'Group mode';
113 $string['groupmode_help'] = 'This setting has 3 options:
120 $string['groupmodeforce'] = 'Force group mode';
121 $string['groupmodeforce_help'] = 'If group mode is forced, then the course group mode is applied to…
122 $string['groupmy'] = 'My group';
123 $string['groupname'] = 'Group name';
124 $string['groupnameexists'] = 'The group name \'{$a}\' already exists in this course, please choose …
125 $string['groupnotamember'] = 'Sorry, you are not a member of that group';
126 $string['groups'] = 'Groups';
127 $string['groupscount'] = 'Groups ({$a})';
128 $string['groupsettingsheader'] = 'Groups';
129 $string['groupsgroupings'] = 'Groups & groupings';
130 $string['groupsinselectedgrouping'] = 'Groups in:';
131 $string['groupsnone'] = 'No groups';
132 $string['groupsonly'] = 'Groups only';
133 $string['groupspreview'] = 'Groups preview';
134 $string['groupsseparate'] = 'Separate groups';
135 $string['groupsvisible'] = 'Visible groups';
136 $string['grouptemplate'] = 'Group @';
137 $string['hidepicture'] = 'Hide picture';
138 $string['importgroups'] = 'Import groups';
139 $string['importgroups_help'] = 'Groups may be imported via text file. The format of the file should…
146 $string['importgroups_link'] = 'group/import';
147 $string['includeonlyactiveenrol'] = 'Include only active enrolments';
148 $string['includeonlyactiveenrol_help'] = 'If enabled, suspended users will not be included in group…
149 $string['javascriptrequired'] = 'This page requires JavaScript to be enabled.';
150 $string['members'] = 'Members per group';
151 $string['membersofselectedgroup'] = 'Members of:';
152 $string['namingscheme'] = 'Naming scheme';
153 $string['namingscheme_help'] = 'The at symbol (@) may be used to create groups with names containin…
156 $string['newgrouping'] = 'New grouping';
157 $string['newpicture'] = 'New picture';
158 $string['newpicture_help'] = 'Select an image in JPG or PNG format. The image will be cropped to a …
159 $string['noallocation'] = 'No allocation';
160 $string['nogrouping'] = 'No grouping';
161 $string['nogroup'] = 'No group';
162 $string['nogrouping'] = 'No grouping';
163 $string['nogroups'] = 'There are no groups set up in this course yet';
164 $string['nogroupsassigned'] = 'No groups assigned';
165 $string['nopermissionforcreation'] = 'Can\'t create group "{$a}" as you don\'t have the required pe…
166 $string['nosmallgroups'] = 'Prevent last small group';
167 $string['notingroup'] = 'Ignore users in groups';
168 $string['notingrouping'] = 'Not in a grouping';
169 $string['notingrouplist'] = 'Not in a group';
170 $string['nousersinrole'] = 'There are no suitable users in the selected role';
171 $string['number'] = 'Group/member count';
172 $string['numgroups'] = 'Number of groups';
173 $string['nummembers'] = 'Members per group';
174 $string['mygroups'] = 'My groups';
175 $string['othergroups'] = 'Other groups';
176 $string['overview'] = 'Overview';
177 $string['potentialmembers'] = 'Potential members: {$a}';
178 $string['potentialmembs'] = 'Potential members';
179 $string['printerfriendly'] = 'Printer-friendly display';
180 $string['privacy:metadata:core_message'] = 'The group conversations';
181 $string['privacy:metadata:groups'] = 'A record of group membership.';
182 $string['privacy:metadata:groups:groupid'] = 'The ID of the group.';
183 $string['privacy:metadata:groups:timeadded'] = 'The timestamp indicating when the user was added to…
184 $string['privacy:metadata:groups:userid'] = 'The ID of the user which is associated to the group.';
185 $string['random'] = 'Randomly';
186 $string['removegroupfromselectedgrouping'] = 'Remove group from grouping';
187 $string['removefromgroup'] = 'Remove user from group {$a}';
188 $string['removefromgroupconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to remove user "{$a->user}" from group "{$a…
189 $string['removegroupingsmembers'] = 'Remove all groups from groupings';
190 $string['removegroupsmembers'] = 'Remove all group members';
191 $string['removeselectedusers'] = 'Remove selected users';
192 $string['selectfromgroup'] = 'Select members from group';
193 $string['selectfromgrouping'] = 'Select members from grouping';
194 $string['selectfromrole'] = 'Select members with role';
195 $string['showgroupsingrouping'] = 'Show groups in grouping';
196 $string['showmembersforgroup'] = 'Show members for group';
197 $string['toomanygroups'] = 'Insufficient users to populate this number of groups - there are only {…
198 $string['usercount'] = 'User count';
199 $string['usercounttotal'] = 'User count ({$a})';
200 $string['usergroupmembership'] = 'Selected user\'s membership:';
201 $string['memberofgroup'] = 'Group member of: {$a}';