Lines Matching refs:link
2 "`2016 <>`__","Allocators must be no-throw swappable","Urbana","|Complete|…
3 "`2118 <>`__","``unique_ptr``\ for array does not support cv qualificatio…
4 "`2170 <>`__","Aggregates cannot be ``DefaultConstructible``\ ","Urbana","…
5 "`2308 <>`__","Clarify container destructor requirements w.r.t. ``std::arr…
6 "`2340 <>`__","Replacement allocation functions declared as inline","Urban…
7 "`2354 <>`__","Unnecessary copying when inserting into maps with braced-in…
8 "`2377 <>`__","``std::align``\ requirements overly strict","Urbana","|Com…
9 "`2396 <>`__","``underlying_type``\ doesn't say what to do for an incompl…
10 "`2399 <>`__","``shared_ptr``\ 's constructor from ``unique_ptr``\ should…
11 "`2400 <>`__","``shared_ptr``\ 's ``get_deleter()``\ should use ``address…
12 "`2401 <>`__","``std::function``\ needs more noexcept","Urbana","|Complet…
13 "`2404 <>`__","``mismatch()``\ 's complexity needs to be updated","Urbana"…
14 "`2408 <>`__","SFINAE-friendly ``common_type``\ / ``iterator_traits``\ i…
16 "`2106 <>`__","``move_iterator``\ wrapping iterators returning prvalues",…
17 "`2129 <>`__","User specializations of ``std::initializer_list``\ ","Urban…
18 "`2212 <>`__","``tuple_size``\ for ``const pair``\ request <tuple> heade…
19 "`2217 <>`__","``operator==(sub_match, string)``\ slices on embedded '\0'…
20 "`2230 <>`__","""see below"" for ``initializer_list``\ constructors of un…
21 "`2233 <>`__","``bad_function_call::what()``\ unhelpful","Urbana","|Compl…
22 "`2266 <>`__","``vector``\ and ``deque``\ have incorrect insert requirem…
23 "`2325 <>`__","``minmax_element()``\ 's behavior differing from ``max_elem…
24 "`2361 <>`__","Apply 2299 resolution throughout library","Urbana","|Comple…
25 "`2365 <>`__","Missing noexcept in ``shared_ptr::shared_ptr(nullptr_t)``\ …
26 "`2376 <>`__","``bad_weak_ptr::what()``\ overspecified","Urbana","|Comple…
27 "`2387 <>`__","More nested types that must be accessible and unambiguous",…
29 "`2059 <>`__","C++0x ambiguity problem with map::erase","Lenexa","|Complet…
30 "`2063 <>`__","Contradictory requirements for string move assignment","Len…
31 "`2076 <>`__","Bad CopyConstructible requirement in set constructors","Len…
32 "`2160 <>`__","Unintended destruction ordering-specification of resize","L…
33 "`2168 <>`__","Inconsistent specification of uniform_real_distribution con…
34 "`2239 <>`__","min/max/minmax requirements","Lenexa","|Complete|",""
35 "`2364 <>`__","deque and vector pop_back don't specify iterator invalidati…
36 "`2369 <>`__","constexpr max(initializer_list) vs max_element","Lenexa","|…
37 "`2378 <>`__","Behaviour of standard exception types","Lenexa","|Complete|…
38 "`2403 <>`__","stof() should call strtof() and wcstof()","Lenexa","|Comple…
39 "`2406 <>`__","negative_binomial_distribution should reject p == 1","Lenex…
40 "`2407 <>`__","packaged_task(allocator_arg_t, const Allocator&, F&&) shoul…
41 "`2411 <>`__","shared_ptr is only contextually convertible to bool","Lenex…
42 "`2415 <>`__","Inconsistency between unique_ptr and shared_ptr","Lenexa","…
43 "`2420 <>`__","function<void(ArgTypes...)> does not discard the return val…
44 "`2425 <>`__","``operator delete(void*, size_t)``\ doesn't invalidate poi…
45 "`2427 <>`__","Container adaptors as sequence containers, redux","Lenexa",…
46 "`2428 <>`__","""External declaration"" used without being defined","Lenex…
47 "`2433 <>`__","``uninitialized_copy()``\ /etc. should tolerate overloaded …
48 "`2434 <>`__","``shared_ptr::use_count()``\ is efficient","Lenexa","|Comp…
49 "`2437 <>`__","``iterator_traits::reference``\ can and can't be void","Le…
50 "`2438 <>`__","``std::iterator``\ inheritance shouldn't be mandated","Len…
51 "`2439 <>`__","``unique_copy()``\ sometimes can't fall back to reading it…
52 "`2440 <>`__","``seed_seq::size()``\ should be noexcept","Lenexa","|Compl…
53 "`2442 <>`__","``call_once()``\ shouldn't DECAY_COPY()","Lenexa","|Comple…
54 "`2448 <>`__","Non-normative Container destructor specification","Lenexa",…
55 "`2454 <>`__","Add ``raw_storage_iterator::base()``\ member","Lenexa","|C…
56 "`2455 <>`__","Allocator default construction should be allowed to throw",…
57 "`2458 <>`__","N3778 and new library deallocation signatures","Lenexa","|C…
58 "`2459 <>`__","``std::polar``\ should require a non-negative rho","Lenexa…
59 "`2464 <>`__","``try_emplace``\ and ``insert_or_assign``\ misspecified",…
60 "`2467 <>`__","``is_always_equal``\ has slightly inconsistent default","L…
61 "`2470 <>`__","Allocator's destroy function should be allowed to fail to i…
62 "`2482 <>`__","[c.strings] Table 73 mentions nonexistent functions","Lenex…
63 "`2488 <>`__","Placeholders should be allowed and encouraged to be constex…
65 "`1169 <>`__","``num_get``\ not fully compatible with ``strto*``\ ","Kona…
66 "`2072 <>`__","Unclear wording about capacity of temporary buffers","Kona"…
67 "`2101 <>`__","Some transformation types can produce impossible types","Ko…
68 "`2111 <>`__","Which ``unexpected``\ /``terminate``\ handler is calle…
69 "`2119 <>`__","Missing ``hash``\ specializations for extended integer typ…
70 "`2127 <>`__","Move-construction with ``raw_storage_iterator``\ ","Kona","…
71 "`2133 <>`__","Attitude to overloaded comma for iterators","Kona","|Comple…
72 "`2156 <>`__","Unordered containers' ``reserve(n)``\ reserves for ``n-1``…
73 "`2218 <>`__","Unclear how containers use ``allocator_traits::construct()`…
74 "`2219 <>`__","``*INVOKE*``\ -ing a pointer to member with a ``reference_w…
75 "`2224 <>`__","Ambiguous status of access to non-live objects","Kona","|Co…
76 "`2234 <>`__","``assert()``\ should allow usage in constant expressions",…
77 "`2244 <>`__","Issue on ``basic_istream::seekg``\ ","Kona","|Complete|",""
78 "`2250 <>`__","Follow-up On Library Issue 2207","Kona","|Complete|",""
79 "`2259 <>`__","Issues in rules for member functions","Kona","|Com…
80 "`2273 <>`__","``regex_match``\ ambiguity","Kona","|Complete|",""
81 "`2336 <>`__","``is_trivially_constructible``\ /``is_trivially_assignable`…
82 "`2353 <>`__","``std::next``\ is over-constrained","Kona","|Complete|",""
83 "`2367 <>`__","``pair``\ and ``tuple``\ are not correctly implemented fo…
84 "`2380 <>`__","May ``<cstdlib>``\ provide ``long ::abs(long)``\ and ``lo…
85 "`2384 <>`__","Allocator's ``deallocate``\ function needs better specific…
86 "`2385 <>`__","``function::assign``\ allocator argument doesn't make sens…
87 "`2435 <>`__","``reference_wrapper::operator()``\ 's Remark should be dele…
88 "`2447 <>`__","Allocators and ``volatile``\ -qualified value types","Kona"…
89 "`2462 <>`__","``std::ios_base::failure``\ is overspecified","Kona","|Com…
90 "`2466 <>`__","``allocator_traits::max_size()``\ default behavior is inco…
91 "`2469 <>`__","Wrong specification of Requires clause of ``operator[]``\ …
92 "`2473 <>`__","``basic_filebuf``\ 's relation to C ``FILE``\ semantics","…
93 "`2476 <>`__","``scoped_allocator_adaptor``\ is not assignable","Kona","|…
94 "`2477 <>`__","Inconsistency of wordings in ``std::vector::erase()``\ and…
95 "`2483 <>`__","``throw_with_nested()``\ should use ``is_final``\ ","Kona"…
96 "`2484 <>`__","``rethrow_if_nested()``\ is doubly unimplementable","Kona"…
97 "`2485 <>`__","``get()``\ should be overloaded for ``const tuple&&``\ ","…
98 "`2486 <>`__","``mem_fn()``\ should be required to use perfect forwarding…
99 "`2487 <>`__","``bind()``\ should be ``const``\ -overloaded, not *cv*-ove…
100 "`2489 <>`__","``mem_fn()``\ should be ``noexcept``\ ","Kona","|Complete|…
101 "`2492 <>`__","Clarify requirements for ``comp``\ ","Kona","|Complete|",""
102 "`2495 <>`__","There is no such thing as an Exception Safety element","Kon…
104 "`2192 <>`__","Validity and return type of ``std::abs(0u)``\ is unclear",…
105 "`2276 <>`__","Missing requirement on ``std::promise::set_exception``\ ","…
106 "`2296 <>`__","``std::addressof``\ should be ``constexpr``\ ","Jacksonvil…
107 "`2450 <>`__","``(greater|less|greater_equal|less_equal)<void>``\ do not …
108 "`2520 <>`__","N4089 broke initializing ``unique_ptr<T[]>``\ from a ``nul…
109 "`2522 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] Contradiction in ``set_default_resource``\ sp…
110 "`2523 <>`__","``std::promise``\ synopsis shows two ``set_value_at_thread…
111 "`2537 <>`__","Constructors for ``priority_queue``\ taking allocators sho…
112 "`2539 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] ``invocation_trait``\ definition definition d…
113 "`2545 <>`__","Simplify wording for ``bind``\ without explicitly specifie…
114 "`2557 <>`__","Logical operator traits are broken in the zero-argument cas…
115 "`2558 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] Logical operator traits are broken in the zero…
116 "`2559 <>`__","Error in LWG 2234's resolution","Jacksonville","|Complete|"…
117 "`2560 <>`__","``is_constructible``\ underspecified when applied to a fun…
118 "`2565 <>`__","``std::function``\ 's move constructor should guarantee not…
119 "`2566 <>`__","Requirements on the first template parameter of container a…
120 "`2571 <>`__","|sect|\ [map.modifiers]/2 imposes nonsensical requirement o…
121 "`2572 <>`__","The remarks for ``shared_ptr::operator*``\ should apply to…
122 "`2574 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] ``std::experimental::function::operator=(F&&)`…
123 "`2575 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] ``experimental::function::assign``\ should be…
124 "`2576 <>`__","``istream_iterator``\ and ``ostream_iterator``\ should us…
125 "`2577 <>`__","``{shared,unique}_lock``\ should use ``std::addressof``\ "…
126 "`2579 <>`__","Inconsistency wrt Allocators in ``basic_string``\ assignme…
127 "`2581 <>`__","Specialization of ``<type_traits>``\ variable templates sh…
128 "`2582 <>`__","|sect|\ [res.on.functions]/2's prohibition against incomple…
129 "`2583 <>`__","There is no way to supply an allocator for ``basic_string(s…
130 "`2585 <>`__","``forward_list::resize(size_type, const value_type&)``\ ef…
131 "`2586 <>`__","Wrong value category used in ``scoped_allocator_adaptor::co…
132 "`2590 <>`__","Aggregate initialization for ``std::array``\ ","Jacksonvill…
134 "`2181 <>`__","Exceptions from seed sequence operations","Oulu","|Complete…
135 "`2309 <>`__","mutex::lock() should not throw device_or_resource_busy","Ou…
136 "`2310 <>`__","Public exposition only member in std::array","Oulu","|Compl…
137 "`2312 <>`__","tuple's constructor constraints need to be phrased more pre…
138 "`2328 <>`__","Rvalue stream extraction should use perfect forwarding","Ou…
139 "`2393 <>`__","std::function's Callable definition is broken","Oulu","|Com…
140 "`2422 <>`__","``std::numeric_limits<T>::is_modulo``\ description: ""most…
141 "`2426 <>`__","Issue about compare_exchange","Oulu","",""
142 "`2436 <>`__","Comparators for associative containers should always be Cop…
143 "`2441 <>`__","Exact-width atomic typedefs should be provided","Oulu","|Co…
144 "`2451 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] optional should 'forward' T's implicit convers…
145 "`2509 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] any_cast doesn't work with rvalue reference ta…
146 "`2516 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] Public ""exposition only"" members in observer…
147 "`2542 <>`__","Missing const requirements for associative containers","Oul…
148 "`2549 <>`__","Tuple EXPLICIT constructor templates that take tuple parame…
149 "`2550 <>`__","Wording of unordered container's clear() method complexity"…
150 "`2551 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] ""Exception safety"" cleanup in library fundam…
151 "`2555 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] No handling for over-aligned types in optional…
152 "`2573 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] std::hash<std::experimental::shared_ptr> does …
153 "`2596 <>`__","vector::data() should use addressof","Oulu","|Complete|",""
154 "`2667 <>`__","path::root_directory() description is confusing","Oulu","|C…
155 "`2669 <>`__","recursive_directory_iterator effects refers to non-existent…
156 "`2670 <>`__","system_complete refers to undefined variable 'base'","Oulu"…
157 "`2671 <>`__","Errors in Copy","Oulu","|Complete|",""
158 "`2673 <>`__","status() effects cannot be implemented as specified","Oulu"…
159 "`2674 <>`__","Bidirectional iterator requirement on path::iterator is ver…
160 "`2683 <>`__","filesystem::copy() says ""no effects""","Oulu","|Complete|"…
161 "`2684 <>`__","priority_queue lacking comparator typedef","Oulu","|Complet…
162 "`2685 <>`__","shared_ptr deleters must not throw on move construction","O…
163 "`2687 <>`__","{inclusive,exclusive}_scan misspecified","Oulu","",""
164 "`2688 <>`__","clamp misses preconditions and has extraneous condition on …
165 "`2689 <>`__","Parallel versions of std::copy and std::move shouldn't be i…
166 "`2698 <>`__","Effect of assign() on iterators/pointers/references","Oulu"…
167 "`2704 <>`__","recursive_directory_iterator's members should require '``*t…
168 "`2706 <>`__","Error reporting for recursive_directory_iterator::pop() is …
169 "`2707 <>`__","path construction and assignment should have ""string_type&…
170 "`2709 <>`__","offsetof is unnecessarily imprecise","Oulu","",""
171 "`2710 <>`__","""Effects: Equivalent to ..."" doesn't count ""Synchronizat…
172 "`2711 <>`__","path is convertible from approximately everything under the…
173 "`2716 <>`__","Specification of shuffle and sample disallows lvalue URNGs"…
174 "`2718 <>`__","Parallelism bug in [algorithms.parallel.exec] p2","Oulu",""…
175 "`2719 <>`__","permissions function should not be noexcept due to narrow c…
176 "`2720 <>`__","permissions function incorrectly specified for symlinks","O…
177 "`2721 <>`__","remove_all has incorrect post conditions","Oulu","|Complete…
178 "`2723 <>`__","Do directory_iterator and recursive_directory_iterator beco…
179 "`2724 <>`__","The protected virtual member functions of memory_resource s…
180 "`2725 <>`__","filesystem::exists(const path&, error_code&) error reportin…
181 "`2726 <>`__","``[recursive_]directory_iterator::increment(error_code&)`` …
182 "`2727 <>`__","Parallel algorithms with constexpr specifier","Oulu","",""
183 "`2728 <>`__","status(p).permissions() and symlink_status(p).permissions()…
185 "`2062 <>`__","Effect contradictions w/o no-throw guarantee of std::functi…
186 "`2166 <>`__","Heap property underspecified?","Issaquah","",""
187 "`2221 <>`__","No formatted output operator for nullptr","Issaquah","|Comp…
188 "`2223 <>`__","shrink_to_fit effect on iterator validity","Issaquah","|Com…
189 "`2261 <>`__","Are containers required to use their 'pointer' type interna…
190 "`2394 <>`__","locale::name specification unclear - what is implementation…
191 "`2460 <>`__","LWG issue 2408 and value categories","Issaquah","|Complete|…
192 "`2468 <>`__","Self-move-assignment of library types","Issaquah","",""
193 "`2475 <>`__","Allow overwriting of std::basic_string terminator with char…
194 "`2503 <>`__","multiline option should be added to syntax_option_type","Is…
195 "`2510 <>`__","Tag types should not be DefaultConstructible","Issaquah","|…
196 "`2514 <>`__","Type traits must not be final","Issaquah","|Complete|",""
197 "`2518 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] Non-member swap for propagate_const should cal…
198 "`2519 <>`__","Iterator operator-= has gratuitous undefined behaviour","Is…
199 "`2521 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] weak_ptr's converting move constructor should …
200 "`2525 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] get_memory_resource should be const and noexce…
201 "`2527 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] ALLOCATOR_OF for function::operator= has incor…
202 "`2531 <>`__","future::get should explicitly state that the shared state i…
203 "`2534 <>`__","Constrain rvalue stream operators","Issaquah","|Complete|",…
204 "`2536 <>`__","What should <complex.h> do?","Issaquah","|Complete|",""
205 "`2540 <>`__","unordered_multimap::insert hint iterator","Issaquah","|Comp…
206 "`2543 <>`__","LWG 2148 (hash support for enum types) seems under-specifie…
207 "`2544 <>`__","``istreambuf_iterator(basic_streambuf<charT, traits>* s)``\…
208 "`2556 <>`__","Wide contract for future::share()","Issaquah","|Complete|",…
209 "`2562 <>`__","Consistent total ordering of pointers by comparison functor…
210 "`2567 <>`__","Specification of logical operator traits uses BaseCharacter…
211 "`2568 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] Specification of logical operator traits uses …
212 "`2569 <>`__","conjunction and disjunction requirements are too strict","I…
213 "`2570 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] conjunction and disjunction requirements are t…
214 "`2578 <>`__","Iterator requirements should reference iterator traits","Is…
215 "`2584 <>`__","<regex> ECMAScript IdentityEscape is ambiguous","Issaquah",…
216 "`2587 <>`__","""Convertible to bool"" requirement in conjunction and disj…
217 "`2588 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] ""Convertible to bool"" requirement in conjunc…
218 "`2589 <>`__","match_results can't satisfy the requirements of a container…
219 "`2591 <>`__","std::function's member template target() should not lead to…
220 "`2598 <>`__","addressof works on temporaries","Issaquah","|Complete|",""
221 "`2664 <>`__","operator/ (and other append) semantics not useful if argume…
222 "`2665 <>`__","remove_filename() post condition is incorrect","Issaquah","…
223 "`2672 <>`__","Should ``is_empty``\ use error_code in its specification?"…
224 "`2678 <>`__","std::filesystem enum classes overspecified","Issaquah","|Co…
225 "`2679 <>`__","Inconsistent Use of Effects and Equivalent To","Issaquah","…
226 "`2680 <>`__","Add ""Equivalent to"" to filesystem","Issaquah","|Complete|…
227 "`2681 <>`__","filesystem::copy() cannot copy symlinks","Issaquah","|Compl…
228 "`2682 <>`__","filesystem::copy() won't create a symlink to a directory","…
229 "`2686 <>`__","Why is std::hash specialized for error_code, but not error_…
230 "`2694 <>`__","Application of LWG 436 accidentally deleted definition of "…
231 "`2696 <>`__","Interaction between make_shared and enable_shared_from_this…
232 "`2699 <>`__","Missing restriction in [numeric.requirements]","Issaquah","…
233 "`2712 <>`__","copy_file(from, to, ...) has a number of unspecified error …
234 "`2722 <>`__","equivalent incorrectly specifies throws clause","Issaquah",…
235 "`2729 <>`__","Missing SFINAE on std::pair::operator=","Issaquah","|Comple…
236 "`2732 <>`__","Questionable specification of path::operator/= and path::ap…
237 "`2733 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] gcd / lcm and bool","Issaquah","|Complete|",""
238 "`2735 <>`__","std::abs(short), std::abs(signed char) and others should re…
239 "`2736 <>`__","nullopt_t insufficiently constrained","Issaquah","|Complete…
240 "`2738 <>`__","``is_constructible``\ with void types","Issaquah","|Comple…
241 "`2739 <>`__","Issue with time_point non-member subtraction with an unsign…
242 "`2740 <>`__","constexpr optional<T>::operator->","Issaquah","|Complete|",…
243 "`2742 <>`__","Inconsistent string interface taking string_view","Issaquah…
244 "`2744 <>`__","any's in_place constructors","Issaquah","|Complete|",""
245 "`2745 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] Implementability of LWG 2451","Issaquah","|Com…
246 "`2747 <>`__","Possibly redundant std::move in [alg.foreach]","Issaquah","…
247 "`2748 <>`__","swappable traits for optionals","Issaquah","|Complete|",""
248 "`2749 <>`__","swappable traits for variants","Issaquah","|Complete|",""
249 "`2750 <>`__","[fund.ts.v2] LWG 2451 conversion constructor constraint","I…
250 "`2752 <>`__","""Throws:"" clauses of async and packaged_task are unimplem…
251 "`2755 <>`__","[] uses non-existent basic_string_view::to_st…
252 "`2756 <>`__","C++ WP optional<T> should 'forward' T's implicit conversion…
253 "`2758 <>`__","std::string{}.assign(""ABCDE"", 0, 1) is ambiguous","Issaqu…
254 "`2759 <>`__","gcd / lcm and bool for the WP","Issaquah","|Complete|",""
255 "`2760 <>`__","non-const basic_string::data should not invalidate iterator…
256 "`2765 <>`__","Did LWG 1123 go too far?","Issaquah","|Complete|",""
257 "`2767 <>`__","not_fn call_wrapper can form invalid types","Issaquah","|Co…
258 "`2769 <>`__","Redundant const in the return type of any_cast(const any&)"…
259 "`2771 <>`__","Broken Effects of some basic_string::compare functions in t…
260 "`2773 <>`__","Making std::ignore constexpr","Issaquah","|Complete|",""
261 "`2777 <>`__","basic_string_view::copy should use char_traits::copy","Issa…
262 "`2778 <>`__","basic_string_view is missing constexpr","Issaquah","|Comple…
264 "`2260 <>`__","Missing requirement for Allocator::pointer","Kona","|Comple…
265 "`2676 <>`__","Provide filesystem::path overloads for File-based streams",…
266 "`2768 <>`__","any_cast and move semantics","Kona","|Complete|",""
267 "`2769 <>`__","Redundant const in the return type of any_cast(const any&)"…
268 "`2781 <>`__","Contradictory requirements for std::function and std::refer…
269 "`2782 <>`__","scoped_allocator_adaptor constructors must be constrained",…
270 "`2784 <>`__","Resolution to LWG 2484 is missing ""otherwise, no effects""…
271 "`2785 <>`__","quoted should work with basic_string_view","Kona","|Complet…
272 "`2786 <>`__","Annex C should mention shared_ptr changes for array support…
273 "`2787 <>`__","|sect|\ [file_status.cons] doesn't match class definition",…
274 "`2788 <>`__","basic_string range mutators unintentionally require a defau…
275 "`2789 <>`__","Equivalence of contained objects","Kona","|Complete|",""
276 "`2790 <>`__","Missing specification of istreambuf_iterator::operator->","…
277 "`2794 <>`__","Missing requirements for allocator pointers","Kona","|Nothi…
278 "`2795 <>`__","|sect|\ [global.functions] provides incorrect example of AD…
279 "`2796 <>`__","tuple should be a literal type","Kona","|Complete|",""
280 "`2801 <>`__","Default-constructibility of unique_ptr","Kona","|Complete|"…
281 "`2802 <>`__","shared_ptr constructor requirements for a deleter","Kona","…
282 "`2804 <>`__","Unconditional constexpr default constructor for istream_ite…
283 "`2806 <>`__","Base class of bad_optional_access","Kona","|Complete|",""
284 "`2807 <>`__","std::invoke should use ``std::is_nothrow_callable``\ ","Kon…
285 "`2812 <>`__","Range access is available with <string_view>","Kona","|Comp…
286 "`2824 <>`__","list::sort should say that the order of elements is unspeci…
287 "`2826 <>`__","string_view iterators use old wording","Kona","|Complete|",…
288 "`2834 <>`__","Resolution LWG 2223 is missing wording about end iterators"…
289 "`2835 <>`__","LWG 2536 seems to misspecify <tgmath.h>","Kona","|Complete|…
290 "`2837 <>`__","gcd and lcm should support a wider range of input values","…
291 "`2838 <>`__","is_literal_type specification needs a little cleanup","Kona…
292 "`2842 <>`__","in_place_t check for optional::optional(U&&) should decay U…
293 "`2850 <>`__","std::function move constructor does unnecessary work","Kona…
294 "`2853 <>`__","Possible inconsistency in specification of erase in [vector…
295 "`2855 <>`__","std::throw_with_nested(""string_literal"")","Kona","|Comple…
296 "`2857 <>`__","{variant,optional,any}::emplace should return the construct…
297 "`2861 <>`__","basic_string should require that charT match traits::char_t…
298 "`2866 <>`__","Incorrect derived classes constraints","Kona","|Nothing To …
299 "`2868 <>`__","Missing specification of bad_any_cast::what()","Kona","|Com…
300 "`2872 <>`__","Add definition for direct-non-list-initialization","Kona","…
301 "`2873 <>`__","Add noexcept to several shared_ptr related functions","Kona…
302 "`2874 <>`__","Constructor ``shared_ptr::shared_ptr(Y*)``\ should be cons…
303 "`2875 <>`__","shared_ptr::shared_ptr(Y\*, D, [|hellip|\ ]) constructors s…
304 "`2876 <>`__","``shared_ptr::shared_ptr(const weak_ptr<Y>&)``\ constructo…
305 "`2878 <>`__","Missing DefaultConstructible requirement for istream_iterat…
306 "`2890 <>`__","The definition of 'object state' applies only to class type…
307 "`2900 <>`__","The copy and move constructors of optional are not constexp…
308 "`2903 <>`__","The form of initialization for the emplace-constructors is …
309 "`2904 <>`__","Make variant move-assignment more exception safe","Kona","|…
310 "`2905 <>`__","is_constructible_v<unique_ptr<P, D>, P, D const &> should b…
311 "`2908 <>`__","The less-than operator for shared pointers could do more","…
312 "`2911 <>`__","An is_aggregate type trait is needed","Kona","|Complete|",""
313 "`2921 <>`__","packaged_task and type-erased allocators","Kona","|Complete…
314 "`2934 <>`__","optional<const T> doesn't compare with T","Kona","|Complete…
316 "`2901 <>`__","Variants cannot properly support allocators","Toronto","|Co…
317 …>`__","``to_chars / from_chars``\ depend on ``std::string``\ ","Toronto"…
318 "`2956 <>`__","``filesystem::canonical()``\ still defined in terms of ``a…