// Common/Wildcard.h #ifndef __COMMON_WILDCARD_H #define __COMMON_WILDCARD_H #include "MyString.h" int CompareFileNames(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2) STRING_UNICODE_THROW; #ifndef USE_UNICODE_FSTRING int CompareFileNames(const char *s1, const char *s2); #endif bool IsPath1PrefixedByPath2(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2); void SplitPathToParts(const UString &path, UStringVector &pathParts); void SplitPathToParts_2(const UString &path, UString &dirPrefix, UString &name); void SplitPathToParts_Smart(const UString &path, UString &dirPrefix, UString &name); // ignores dir delimiter at the end of (path) UString ExtractDirPrefixFromPath(const UString &path); UString ExtractFileNameFromPath(const UString &path); bool DoesNameContainWildcard(const UString &path); bool DoesWildcardMatchName(const UString &mask, const UString &name); namespace NWildcard { #ifdef _WIN32 // returns true, if name is like "a:", "c:", ... bool IsDriveColonName(const wchar_t *s); unsigned GetNumPrefixParts_if_DrivePath(UStringVector &pathParts); #endif struct CItem { UStringVector PathParts; bool Recursive; bool ForFile; bool ForDir; bool WildcardMatching; #ifdef _WIN32 bool IsDriveItem() const { return PathParts.Size() == 1 && !ForFile && ForDir && IsDriveColonName(PathParts[0]); } #endif // CItem(): WildcardMatching(true) {} bool AreAllAllowed() const; bool CheckPath(const UStringVector &pathParts, bool isFile) const; }; const Byte kMark_FileOrDir = 0; const Byte kMark_StrictFile = 1; const Byte kMark_StrictFile_IfWildcard = 2; struct CCensorPathProps { bool Recursive; bool WildcardMatching; Byte MarkMode; CCensorPathProps(): Recursive(false), WildcardMatching(true), MarkMode(kMark_FileOrDir) {} }; class CCensorNode MY_UNCOPYABLE { CCensorNode *Parent; bool CheckPathCurrent(bool include, const UStringVector &pathParts, bool isFile) const; void AddItemSimple(bool include, CItem &item); public: // bool ExcludeDirItems; CCensorNode(): Parent(NULL) // , ExcludeDirItems(false) {}; CCensorNode(const UString &name, CCensorNode *parent): Parent(parent) // , ExcludeDirItems(false) , Name(name) {} UString Name; // WIN32 doesn't support wildcards in file names CObjectVector SubNodes; CObjectVector IncludeItems; CObjectVector ExcludeItems; CCensorNode &Find_SubNode_Or_Add_New(const UString &name) { int i = FindSubNode(name); if (i >= 0) return SubNodes[(unsigned)i]; // return SubNodes.Add(CCensorNode(name, this)); CCensorNode &node = SubNodes.AddNew(); node.Parent = this; node.Name = name; return node; } bool AreAllAllowed() const; int FindSubNode(const UString &path) const; void AddItem(bool include, CItem &item, int ignoreWildcardIndex = -1); // void AddItem(bool include, const UString &path, const CCensorPathProps &props); void Add_Wildcard() { CItem item; item.PathParts.Add(L"*"); item.Recursive = false; item.ForFile = true; item.ForDir = true; item.WildcardMatching = true; AddItem( true // include , item); } // NeedCheckSubDirs() returns true, if there are IncludeItems rules that affect items in subdirs bool NeedCheckSubDirs() const; bool AreThereIncludeItems() const; /* CheckPathVect() doesn't check path in Parent CCensorNode so use CheckPathVect() for root CCensorNode OUT: returns (true) && (include = false) - file in exlude list returns (true) && (include = true) - file in include list and is not in exlude list returns (false) - file is not in (include/exlude) list */ bool CheckPathVect(const UStringVector &pathParts, bool isFile, bool &include) const; // bool CheckPath2(bool isAltStream, const UString &path, bool isFile, bool &include) const; // bool CheckPath(bool isAltStream, const UString &path, bool isFile) const; // CheckPathToRoot_Change() changes pathParts !!! bool CheckPathToRoot_Change(bool include, UStringVector &pathParts, bool isFile) const; bool CheckPathToRoot(bool include, const UStringVector &pathParts, bool isFile) const; // bool CheckPathToRoot(const UString &path, bool isFile, bool include) const; void ExtendExclude(const CCensorNode &fromNodes); }; struct CPair MY_UNCOPYABLE { UString Prefix; CCensorNode Head; // CPair(const UString &prefix): Prefix(prefix) { }; }; enum ECensorPathMode { k_RelatPath, // absolute prefix as Prefix, remain path in Tree k_FullPath, // drive prefix as Prefix, remain path in Tree k_AbsPath // full path in Tree }; struct CCensorPath { UString Path; bool Include; CCensorPathProps Props; CCensorPath(): Include(true) {} }; class CCensor MY_UNCOPYABLE { int FindPairForPrefix(const UString &prefix) const; public: CObjectVector Pairs; bool ExcludeDirItems; bool ExcludeFileItems; CCensor(): ExcludeDirItems(false), ExcludeFileItems(false) {} CObjectVector CensorPaths; bool AllAreRelative() const { return (Pairs.Size() == 1 && Pairs.Front().Prefix.IsEmpty()); } void AddItem(ECensorPathMode pathMode, bool include, const UString &path, const CCensorPathProps &props); // bool CheckPath(bool isAltStream, const UString &path, bool isFile) const; void ExtendExclude(); void AddPathsToCensor(NWildcard::ECensorPathMode censorPathMode); void AddPreItem(bool include, const UString &path, const CCensorPathProps &props); void AddPreItem_NoWildcard(const UString &path) { CCensorPathProps props; props.WildcardMatching = false; AddPreItem( true, // include path, props); } void AddPreItem_Wildcard() { CCensorPathProps props; // props.WildcardMatching = true; AddPreItem( true, // include UString("*"), props); } }; } #endif