/* S H A R E D M E M O R Y D R I V E R ======================================= by Jerzy.Borkowski@obs.unige.ch 09-Mar-98 : initial version 1.0 released 23-Mar-98 : shared_malloc now accepts new handle as an argument 23-Mar-98 : shmem://0, shmem://1, etc changed to shmem://h0, etc due to bug in url parser. 10-Apr-98 : code cleanup 13-May-99 : delayed initialization added, global table deleted on exit when no shmem segments remain, and last process terminates */ #ifdef HAVE_SHMEM_SERVICES #include "fitsio2.h" /* drvrsmem.h is included by it */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(unix) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix) || defined(HAVE_UNISTD_H) #include #endif static int shared_kbase = 0; /* base for shared memory handles */ static int shared_maxseg = 0; /* max number of shared memory blocks */ static int shared_range = 0; /* max number of tried entries */ static int shared_fd = SHARED_INVALID; /* handle of global access lock file */ static int shared_gt_h = SHARED_INVALID; /* handle of global table segment */ static SHARED_LTAB *shared_lt = NULL; /* local table pointer */ static SHARED_GTAB *shared_gt = NULL; /* global table pointer */ static int shared_create_mode = 0666; /* permission flags for created objects */ static int shared_debug = 1; /* simple debugging tool, set to 0 to disable messages */ static int shared_init_called = 0; /* flag whether shared_init() has been called, used for delayed init */ /* static support routines prototypes */ static int shared_clear_entry(int idx); /* unconditionally clear entry */ static int shared_destroy_entry(int idx); /* unconditionally destroy sema & shseg and clear entry */ static int shared_mux(int idx, int mode); /* obtain exclusive access to specified segment */ static int shared_demux(int idx, int mode); /* free exclusive access to specified segment */ static int shared_process_count(int sem); /* valid only for time of invocation */ static int shared_delta_process(int sem, int delta); /* change number of processes hanging on segment */ static int shared_attach_process(int sem); static int shared_detach_process(int sem); static int shared_get_free_entry(int newhandle); /* get free entry in shared_key, or -1, entry is set rw locked */ static int shared_get_hash(long size, int idx);/* return hash value for malloc */ static long shared_adjust_size(long size); /* size must be >= 0 !!! */ static int shared_check_locked_index(int idx); /* verify that given idx is valid */ static int shared_map(int idx); /* map all tables for given idx, check for validity */ static int shared_validate(int idx, int mode); /* use intrnally inside crit.sect !!! */ /* support routines - initialization */ static int shared_clear_entry(int idx) /* unconditionally clear entry */ { if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= shared_maxseg)) return(SHARED_BADARG); shared_gt[idx].key = SHARED_INVALID; /* clear entries in global table */ shared_gt[idx].handle = SHARED_INVALID; shared_gt[idx].sem = SHARED_INVALID; shared_gt[idx].semkey = SHARED_INVALID; shared_gt[idx].nprocdebug = 0; shared_gt[idx].size = 0; shared_gt[idx].attr = 0; return(SHARED_OK); } static int shared_destroy_entry(int idx) /* unconditionally destroy sema & shseg and clear entry */ { int r, r2; union semun filler; if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= shared_maxseg)) return(SHARED_BADARG); r2 = r = SHARED_OK; filler.val = 0; /* this is to make cc happy (warning otherwise) */ if (SHARED_INVALID != shared_gt[idx].sem) r = semctl(shared_gt[idx].sem, 0, IPC_RMID, filler); /* destroy semaphore */ if (SHARED_INVALID != shared_gt[idx].handle) r2 = shmctl(shared_gt[idx].handle, IPC_RMID, 0); /* destroy shared memory segment */ if (SHARED_OK == r) r = r2; /* accumulate error code in r, free r2 */ r2 = shared_clear_entry(idx); return((SHARED_OK == r) ? r2 : r); } void shared_cleanup(void) /* this must (should) be called during exit/abort */ { int i, j, r, oktodelete, filelocked, segmentspresent; flock_t flk; struct shmid_ds ds; if (shared_debug) printf("shared_cleanup:"); if (NULL != shared_lt) { if (shared_debug) printf(" deleting segments:"); for (i=0; i>\n"); return; } int shared_init(int debug_msgs) /* initialize shared memory stuff, you have to call this routine once */ { int i; char buf[1000], *p; mode_t oldumask; shared_init_called = 1; /* tell everybody no need to call us for the 2nd time */ shared_debug = debug_msgs; /* set required debug mode */ if (shared_debug) printf("shared_init:"); shared_kbase = 0; /* adapt to current env. settings */ if (NULL != (p = getenv(SHARED_ENV_KEYBASE))) shared_kbase = atoi(p); if (0 == shared_kbase) shared_kbase = SHARED_KEYBASE; if (shared_debug) printf(" keybase=%d", shared_kbase); shared_maxseg = 0; if (NULL != (p = getenv(SHARED_ENV_MAXSEG))) shared_maxseg = atoi(p); if (0 == shared_maxseg) shared_maxseg = SHARED_MAXSEG; if (shared_debug) printf(" maxseg=%d", shared_maxseg); shared_range = 3 * shared_maxseg; if (SHARED_INVALID == shared_fd) /* create rw locking file (this file is never deleted) */ { if (shared_debug) printf(" lockfileinit="); snprintf(buf, 1000,"%s.%d.%d", SHARED_FDNAME, shared_kbase, shared_maxseg); oldumask = umask(0); shared_fd = open(buf, O_TRUNC | O_EXCL | O_CREAT | O_RDWR, shared_create_mode); umask(oldumask); if (SHARED_INVALID == shared_fd) /* or just open rw locking file, in case it already exists */ { shared_fd = open(buf, O_TRUNC | O_RDWR, shared_create_mode); if (SHARED_INVALID == shared_fd) return(SHARED_NOFILE); if (shared_debug) printf("slave"); } else { if (shared_debug) printf("master"); } } if (SHARED_INVALID == shared_gt_h) /* global table not attached, try to create it in shared memory */ { if (shared_debug) printf(" globalsharedtableinit="); shared_gt_h = shmget(shared_kbase, shared_maxseg * sizeof(SHARED_GTAB), IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | shared_create_mode); /* try open as a master */ if (SHARED_INVALID == shared_gt_h) /* if failed, try to open as a slave */ { shared_gt_h = shmget(shared_kbase, shared_maxseg * sizeof(SHARED_GTAB), shared_create_mode); if (SHARED_INVALID == shared_gt_h) return(SHARED_IPCERR); /* means deleted ID residing in system, shared mem unusable ... */ shared_gt = (SHARED_GTAB *)shmat(shared_gt_h, 0, 0); /* attach segment */ if (((SHARED_GTAB *)SHARED_INVALID) == shared_gt) return(SHARED_IPCERR); if (shared_debug) printf("slave"); } else { shared_gt = (SHARED_GTAB *)shmat(shared_gt_h, 0, 0); /* attach segment */ if (((SHARED_GTAB *)SHARED_INVALID) == shared_gt) return(SHARED_IPCERR); for (i=0; i>\n"); return(SHARED_OK); } int shared_recover(int id) /* try to recover dormant segments after applic crash */ { int i, r, r2; if (NULL == shared_gt) return(SHARED_NOTINIT); /* not initialized */ if (NULL == shared_lt) return(SHARED_NOTINIT); /* not initialized */ r = SHARED_OK; for (i=0; i r2) || (0 == r2)) { if (shared_debug) printf("Bogus handle=%d nproc=%d sema=%d:", i, shared_gt[i].nprocdebug, r2); r = shared_destroy_entry(i); if (shared_debug) { printf("%s", r ? "error couldn't clear handle" : "handle cleared"); } } shared_demux(i, SHARED_RDWRITE); } return(r); /* table full */ } /* API routines - mutexes and locking */ static int shared_mux(int idx, int mode) /* obtain exclusive access to specified segment */ { flock_t flk; int r; if (0 == shared_init_called) /* delayed initialization */ { if (SHARED_OK != (r = shared_init(0))) return(r); } if (SHARED_INVALID == shared_fd) return(SHARED_NOTINIT); if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= shared_maxseg)) return(SHARED_BADARG); flk.l_type = ((mode & SHARED_RDWRITE) ? F_WRLCK : F_RDLCK); flk.l_whence = 0; flk.l_start = idx; flk.l_len = 1; if (shared_debug) printf(" [mux (%d): ", idx); if (-1 == fcntl(shared_fd, ((mode & SHARED_NOWAIT) ? F_SETLK : F_SETLKW), &flk)) { switch (errno) { case EAGAIN: ; case EACCES: if (shared_debug) printf("again]"); return(SHARED_AGAIN); default: if (shared_debug) printf("err]"); return(SHARED_IPCERR); } } if (shared_debug) printf("ok]"); return(SHARED_OK); } static int shared_demux(int idx, int mode) /* free exclusive access to specified segment */ { flock_t flk; if (SHARED_INVALID == shared_fd) return(SHARED_NOTINIT); if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= shared_maxseg)) return(SHARED_BADARG); flk.l_type = F_UNLCK; flk.l_whence = 0; flk.l_start = idx; flk.l_len = 1; if (shared_debug) printf(" [demux (%d): ", idx); if (-1 == fcntl(shared_fd, F_SETLKW, &flk)) { switch (errno) { case EAGAIN: ; case EACCES: if (shared_debug) printf("again]"); return(SHARED_AGAIN); default: if (shared_debug) printf("err]"); return(SHARED_IPCERR); } } if (shared_debug) printf("mode=%d ok]", mode); return(SHARED_OK); } static int shared_process_count(int sem) /* valid only for time of invocation */ { union semun su; su.val = 0; /* to force compiler not to give warning messages */ return(semctl(sem, 0, GETVAL, su)); /* su is unused here */ } static int shared_delta_process(int sem, int delta) /* change number of processes hanging on segment */ { struct sembuf sb; if (SHARED_INVALID == sem) return(SHARED_BADARG); /* semaphore not attached */ sb.sem_num = 0; sb.sem_op = delta; sb.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO; return((-1 == semop(sem, &sb, 1)) ? SHARED_IPCERR : SHARED_OK); } static int shared_attach_process(int sem) { if (shared_debug) printf(" [attach process]"); return(shared_delta_process(sem, 1)); } static int shared_detach_process(int sem) { if (shared_debug) printf(" [detach process]"); return(shared_delta_process(sem, -1)); } /* API routines - hashing and searching */ static int shared_get_free_entry(int newhandle) /* get newhandle, or -1, entry is set rw locked */ { if (NULL == shared_gt) return(-1); /* not initialized */ if (NULL == shared_lt) return(-1); /* not initialized */ if (newhandle < 0) return(-1); if (newhandle >= shared_maxseg) return(-1); if (shared_lt[newhandle].tcnt) return(-1); /* somebody (we) is using it */ if (shared_mux(newhandle, SHARED_NOWAIT | SHARED_RDWRITE)) return(-1); /* used by others */ if (SHARED_INVALID == shared_gt[newhandle].key) return(newhandle); /* we have found free slot, lock it and return index */ shared_demux(newhandle, SHARED_RDWRITE); if (shared_debug) printf("[free_entry - ERROR - entry unusable]"); return(-1); /* table full */ } static int shared_get_hash(long size, int idx) /* return hash value for malloc */ { static int counter = 0; int hash; hash = (counter + size * idx) % shared_range; counter = (counter + 1) % shared_range; return(hash); } static long shared_adjust_size(long size) /* size must be >= 0 !!! */ { return(((size + sizeof(BLKHEAD) + SHARED_GRANUL - 1) / SHARED_GRANUL) * SHARED_GRANUL); } /* API routines - core : malloc/realloc/free/attach/detach/lock/unlock */ int shared_malloc(long size, int mode, int newhandle) /* return idx or SHARED_INVALID */ { int h, i, r, idx, key; union semun filler; BLKHEAD *bp; if (0 == shared_init_called) /* delayed initialization */ { if (SHARED_OK != (r = shared_init(0))) return(r); } if (shared_debug) printf("malloc (size = %ld, mode = %d):", size, mode); if (size < 0) return(SHARED_INVALID); if (-1 == (idx = shared_get_free_entry(newhandle))) return(SHARED_INVALID); if (shared_debug) printf(" idx=%d", idx); for (i = 0; ; i++) { if (i >= shared_range) /* table full, signal error & exit */ { shared_demux(idx, SHARED_RDWRITE); return(SHARED_INVALID); } key = shared_kbase + ((i + shared_get_hash(size, idx)) % shared_range); if (shared_debug) printf(" key=%d", key); h = shmget(key, shared_adjust_size(size), IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | shared_create_mode); if (shared_debug) printf(" handle=%d", h); if (SHARED_INVALID == h) continue; /* segment already accupied */ bp = (BLKHEAD *)shmat(h, 0, 0); /* try attach */ if (shared_debug) printf(" p=%p", bp); if (((BLKHEAD *)SHARED_INVALID) == bp) /* cannot attach, delete segment, try with another key */ { shmctl(h, IPC_RMID, 0); continue; } /* now create semaphor counting number of processes attached */ if (SHARED_INVALID == (shared_gt[idx].sem = semget(key, 1, IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | shared_create_mode))) { shmdt((void *)bp); /* cannot create segment, delete everything */ shmctl(h, IPC_RMID, 0); continue; /* try with another key */ } if (shared_debug) printf(" sem=%d", shared_gt[idx].sem); if (shared_attach_process(shared_gt[idx].sem)) /* try attach process */ { semctl(shared_gt[idx].sem, 0, IPC_RMID, filler); /* destroy semaphore */ shmdt((char *)bp); /* detach shared mem segment */ shmctl(h, IPC_RMID, 0); /* destroy shared mem segment */ continue; /* try with another key */ } bp->s.tflag = BLOCK_SHARED; /* fill in data in segment's header (this is really not necessary) */ bp->s.ID[0] = SHARED_ID_0; bp->s.ID[1] = SHARED_ID_1; bp->s.handle = idx; /* used in yorick */ if (mode & SHARED_RESIZE) { if (shmdt((char *)bp)) r = SHARED_IPCERR; /* if segment is resizable, then detach segment */ shared_lt[idx].p = NULL; } else { shared_lt[idx].p = bp; } shared_lt[idx].tcnt = 1; /* one thread using segment */ shared_lt[idx].lkcnt = 0; /* no locks at the moment */ shared_lt[idx].seekpos = 0L; /* r/w pointer positioned at beg of block */ shared_gt[idx].handle = h; /* fill in data in global table */ shared_gt[idx].size = size; shared_gt[idx].attr = mode; shared_gt[idx].semkey = key; shared_gt[idx].key = key; shared_gt[idx].nprocdebug = 0; break; } shared_demux(idx, SHARED_RDWRITE); /* hope this will not fail */ return(idx); } int shared_attach(int idx) { int r, r2; if (SHARED_OK != (r = shared_mux(idx, SHARED_RDWRITE | SHARED_WAIT))) return(r); if (SHARED_OK != (r = shared_map(idx))) { shared_demux(idx, SHARED_RDWRITE); return(r); } if (shared_attach_process(shared_gt[idx].sem)) /* try attach process */ { shmdt((char *)(shared_lt[idx].p)); /* cannot attach process, detach everything */ shared_lt[idx].p = NULL; shared_demux(idx, SHARED_RDWRITE); return(SHARED_BADARG); } shared_lt[idx].tcnt++; /* one more thread is using segment */ if (shared_gt[idx].attr & SHARED_RESIZE) /* if resizeable, detach and return special pointer */ { if (shmdt((char *)(shared_lt[idx].p))) r = SHARED_IPCERR; /* if segment is resizable, then detach segment */ shared_lt[idx].p = NULL; } shared_lt[idx].seekpos = 0L; /* r/w pointer positioned at beg of block */ r2 = shared_demux(idx, SHARED_RDWRITE); return(r ? r : r2); } static int shared_check_locked_index(int idx) /* verify that given idx is valid */ { int r; if (0 == shared_init_called) /* delayed initialization */ { if (SHARED_OK != (r = shared_init(0))) return(r); } if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= shared_maxseg)) return(SHARED_BADARG); if (NULL == shared_lt[idx].p) return(SHARED_BADARG); /* NULL pointer, not attached ?? */ if (0 == shared_lt[idx].lkcnt) return(SHARED_BADARG); /* not locked ?? */ if ((SHARED_ID_0 != (shared_lt[idx].p)->s.ID[0]) || (SHARED_ID_1 != (shared_lt[idx].p)->s.ID[1]) || (BLOCK_SHARED != (shared_lt[idx].p)->s.tflag)) /* invalid data in segment */ return(SHARED_BADARG); return(SHARED_OK); } static int shared_map(int idx) /* map all tables for given idx, check for validity */ { int h; /* have to obtain excl. access before calling shared_map */ BLKHEAD *bp; if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= shared_maxseg)) return(SHARED_BADARG); if (SHARED_INVALID == shared_gt[idx].key) return(SHARED_BADARG); if (SHARED_INVALID == (h = shmget(shared_gt[idx].key, 1, shared_create_mode))) return(SHARED_BADARG); if (((BLKHEAD *)SHARED_INVALID) == (bp = (BLKHEAD *)shmat(h, 0, 0))) return(SHARED_BADARG); if ((SHARED_ID_0 != bp->s.ID[0]) || (SHARED_ID_1 != bp->s.ID[1]) || (BLOCK_SHARED != bp->s.tflag) || (h != shared_gt[idx].handle)) { shmdt((char *)bp); /* invalid segment, detach everything */ return(SHARED_BADARG); } if (shared_gt[idx].sem != semget(shared_gt[idx].semkey, 1, shared_create_mode)) /* check if sema is still there */ { shmdt((char *)bp); /* cannot attach semaphore, detach everything */ return(SHARED_BADARG); } shared_lt[idx].p = bp; /* store pointer to shmem data */ return(SHARED_OK); } static int shared_validate(int idx, int mode) /* use intrnally inside crit.sect !!! */ { int r; if (SHARED_OK != (r = shared_mux(idx, mode))) return(r); /* idx checked by shared_mux */ if (NULL == shared_lt[idx].p) if (SHARED_OK != (r = shared_map(idx))) { shared_demux(idx, mode); return(r); } if ((SHARED_ID_0 != (shared_lt[idx].p)->s.ID[0]) || (SHARED_ID_1 != (shared_lt[idx].p)->s.ID[1]) || (BLOCK_SHARED != (shared_lt[idx].p)->s.tflag)) { shared_demux(idx, mode); return(r); } return(SHARED_OK); } SHARED_P shared_realloc(int idx, long newsize) /* realloc shared memory segment */ { int h, key, i, r; BLKHEAD *bp; long transfersize; r = SHARED_OK; if (newsize < 0) return(NULL); if (shared_check_locked_index(idx)) return(NULL); if (0 == (shared_gt[idx].attr & SHARED_RESIZE)) return(NULL); if (-1 != shared_lt[idx].lkcnt) return(NULL); /* check for RW lock */ if (shared_adjust_size(shared_gt[idx].size) == shared_adjust_size(newsize)) { shared_gt[idx].size = newsize; return((SHARED_P)((shared_lt[idx].p) + 1)); } for (i = 0; ; i++) { if (i >= shared_range) return(NULL); /* table full, signal error & exit */ key = shared_kbase + ((i + shared_get_hash(newsize, idx)) % shared_range); h = shmget(key, shared_adjust_size(newsize), IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | shared_create_mode); if (SHARED_INVALID == h) continue; /* segment already accupied */ bp = (BLKHEAD *)shmat(h, 0, 0); /* try attach */ if (((BLKHEAD *)SHARED_INVALID) == bp) /* cannot attach, delete segment, try with another key */ { shmctl(h, IPC_RMID, 0); continue; } *bp = *(shared_lt[idx].p); /* copy header, then data */ transfersize = ((newsize < shared_gt[idx].size) ? newsize : shared_gt[idx].size); if (transfersize > 0) memcpy((void *)(bp + 1), (void *)((shared_lt[idx].p) + 1), transfersize); if (shmdt((char *)(shared_lt[idx].p))) r = SHARED_IPCERR; /* try to detach old segment */ if (shmctl(shared_gt[idx].handle, IPC_RMID, 0)) if (SHARED_OK == r) r = SHARED_IPCERR; /* destroy old shared memory segment */ shared_gt[idx].size = newsize; /* signal new size */ shared_gt[idx].handle = h; /* signal new handle */ shared_gt[idx].key = key; /* signal new key */ shared_lt[idx].p = bp; break; } return((SHARED_P)(bp + 1)); } int shared_free(int idx) /* detach segment, if last process & !PERSIST, destroy segment */ { int cnt, r, r2; if (SHARED_OK != (r = shared_validate(idx, SHARED_RDWRITE | SHARED_WAIT))) return(r); if (SHARED_OK != (r = shared_detach_process(shared_gt[idx].sem))) /* update number of processes using segment */ { shared_demux(idx, SHARED_RDWRITE); return(r); } shared_lt[idx].tcnt--; /* update number of threads using segment */ if (shared_lt[idx].tcnt > 0) return(shared_demux(idx, SHARED_RDWRITE)); /* if more threads are using segment we are done */ if (shmdt((char *)(shared_lt[idx].p))) /* if, we are the last thread, try to detach segment */ { shared_demux(idx, SHARED_RDWRITE); return(SHARED_IPCERR); } shared_lt[idx].p = NULL; /* clear entry in local table */ shared_lt[idx].seekpos = 0L; /* r/w pointer positioned at beg of block */ if (-1 == (cnt = shared_process_count(shared_gt[idx].sem))) /* get number of processes hanging on segment */ { shared_demux(idx, SHARED_RDWRITE); return(SHARED_IPCERR); } if ((0 == cnt) && (0 == (shared_gt[idx].attr & SHARED_PERSIST))) r = shared_destroy_entry(idx); /* no procs on seg, destroy it */ r2 = shared_demux(idx, SHARED_RDWRITE); return(r ? r : r2); } SHARED_P shared_lock(int idx, int mode) /* lock given segment for exclusive access */ { int r; if (shared_mux(idx, mode)) return(NULL); /* idx checked by shared_mux */ if (0 != shared_lt[idx].lkcnt) /* are we already locked ?? */ if (SHARED_OK != (r = shared_map(idx))) { shared_demux(idx, mode); return(NULL); } if (NULL == shared_lt[idx].p) /* stupid pointer ?? */ if (SHARED_OK != (r = shared_map(idx))) { shared_demux(idx, mode); return(NULL); } if ((SHARED_ID_0 != (shared_lt[idx].p)->s.ID[0]) || (SHARED_ID_1 != (shared_lt[idx].p)->s.ID[1]) || (BLOCK_SHARED != (shared_lt[idx].p)->s.tflag)) { shared_demux(idx, mode); return(NULL); } if (mode & SHARED_RDWRITE) { shared_lt[idx].lkcnt = -1; shared_gt[idx].nprocdebug++; } else shared_lt[idx].lkcnt++; shared_lt[idx].seekpos = 0L; /* r/w pointer positioned at beg of block */ return((SHARED_P)((shared_lt[idx].p) + 1)); } int shared_unlock(int idx) /* unlock given segment, assumes seg is locked !! */ { int r, r2, mode; if (SHARED_OK != (r = shared_check_locked_index(idx))) return(r); if (shared_lt[idx].lkcnt > 0) { shared_lt[idx].lkcnt--; /* unlock read lock */ mode = SHARED_RDONLY; } else { shared_lt[idx].lkcnt = 0; /* unlock write lock */ shared_gt[idx].nprocdebug--; mode = SHARED_RDWRITE; } if (0 == shared_lt[idx].lkcnt) if (shared_gt[idx].attr & SHARED_RESIZE) { if (shmdt((char *)(shared_lt[idx].p))) r = SHARED_IPCERR; /* segment is resizable, then detach segment */ shared_lt[idx].p = NULL; /* signal detachment in local table */ } r2 = shared_demux(idx, mode); /* unlock segment, rest is only parameter checking */ return(r ? r : r2); } /* API routines - support and info routines */ int shared_attr(int idx) /* get the attributes of the shared memory segment */ { int r; if (shared_check_locked_index(idx)) return(SHARED_INVALID); r = shared_gt[idx].attr; return(r); } int shared_set_attr(int idx, int newattr) /* get the attributes of the shared memory segment */ { int r; if (shared_check_locked_index(idx)) return(SHARED_INVALID); if (-1 != shared_lt[idx].lkcnt) return(SHARED_INVALID); /* ADDED - check for RW lock */ r = shared_gt[idx].attr; shared_gt[idx].attr = newattr; return(r); } int shared_set_debug(int mode) /* set/reset debug mode */ { int r = shared_debug; shared_debug = mode; return(r); } int shared_set_createmode(int mode) /* set/reset debug mode */ { int r = shared_create_mode; shared_create_mode = mode; return(r); } int shared_list(int id) { int i, r; if (NULL == shared_gt) return(SHARED_NOTINIT); /* not initialized */ if (NULL == shared_lt) return(SHARED_NOTINIT); /* not initialized */ if (shared_debug) printf("shared_list:"); r = SHARED_OK; printf(" Idx Key Nproc Size Flags\n"); printf("==============================================\n"); for (i=0; i= SHARED_ERRBASE) { printf(" cannot clear PERSIST attribute"); } if (shared_free(i)) { printf(" delete failed\n"); } else { printf(" deleted\n"); } } if (shared_debug) printf(" done\n"); return(r); /* table full */ } /************************* CFITSIO DRIVER FUNCTIONS ***************************/ int smem_init(void) { return(0); } int smem_shutdown(void) { if (shared_init_called) shared_cleanup(); return(0); } int smem_setoptions(int option) { option = 0; return(0); } int smem_getoptions(int *options) { if (NULL == options) return(SHARED_NULPTR); *options = 0; return(0); } int smem_getversion(int *version) { if (NULL == version) return(SHARED_NULPTR); *version = 10; return(0); } int smem_open(char *filename, int rwmode, int *driverhandle) { int h, nitems, r; DAL_SHM_SEGHEAD *sp; if (NULL == filename) return(SHARED_NULPTR); if (NULL == driverhandle) return(SHARED_NULPTR); nitems = sscanf(filename, "h%d", &h); if (1 != nitems) return(SHARED_BADARG); if (SHARED_OK != (r = shared_attach(h))) return(r); if (NULL == (sp = (DAL_SHM_SEGHEAD *)shared_lock(h, ((READWRITE == rwmode) ? SHARED_RDWRITE : SHARED_RDONLY)))) { shared_free(h); return(SHARED_BADARG); } if ((h != sp->h) || (DAL_SHM_SEGHEAD_ID != sp->ID)) { shared_unlock(h); shared_free(h); return(SHARED_BADARG); } *driverhandle = h; return(0); } int smem_create(char *filename, int *driverhandle) { DAL_SHM_SEGHEAD *sp; int h, sz, nitems; if (NULL == filename) return(SHARED_NULPTR); /* currently ignored */ if (NULL == driverhandle) return(SHARED_NULPTR); nitems = sscanf(filename, "h%d", &h); if (1 != nitems) return(SHARED_BADARG); if (SHARED_INVALID == (h = shared_malloc(sz = 2880 + sizeof(DAL_SHM_SEGHEAD), SHARED_RESIZE | SHARED_PERSIST, h))) return(SHARED_NOMEM); if (NULL == (sp = (DAL_SHM_SEGHEAD *)shared_lock(h, SHARED_RDWRITE))) { shared_free(h); return(SHARED_BADARG); } sp->ID = DAL_SHM_SEGHEAD_ID; sp->h = h; sp->size = sz; sp->nodeidx = -1; *driverhandle = h; return(0); } int smem_close(int driverhandle) { int r; if (SHARED_OK != (r = shared_unlock(driverhandle))) return(r); return(shared_free(driverhandle)); } int smem_remove(char *filename) { int nitems, h, r; if (NULL == filename) return(SHARED_NULPTR); nitems = sscanf(filename, "h%d", &h); if (1 != nitems) return(SHARED_BADARG); if (0 == shared_check_locked_index(h)) /* are we locked ? */ { if (-1 != shared_lt[h].lkcnt) /* are we locked RO ? */ { if (SHARED_OK != (r = shared_unlock(h))) return(r); /* yes, so relock in RW */ if (NULL == shared_lock(h, SHARED_RDWRITE)) return(SHARED_BADARG); } } else /* not locked */ { if (SHARED_OK != (r = smem_open(filename, READWRITE, &h))) return(r); /* so open in RW mode */ } shared_set_attr(h, SHARED_RESIZE); /* delete PERSIST attribute */ return(smem_close(h)); /* detach segment (this will delete it) */ } int smem_size(int driverhandle, LONGLONG *size) { if (NULL == size) return(SHARED_NULPTR); if (shared_check_locked_index(driverhandle)) return(SHARED_INVALID); *size = (LONGLONG) (shared_gt[driverhandle].size - sizeof(DAL_SHM_SEGHEAD)); return(0); } int smem_flush(int driverhandle) { if (shared_check_locked_index(driverhandle)) return(SHARED_INVALID); return(0); } int smem_seek(int driverhandle, LONGLONG offset) { if (offset < 0) return(SHARED_BADARG); if (shared_check_locked_index(driverhandle)) return(SHARED_INVALID); shared_lt[driverhandle].seekpos = offset; return(0); } int smem_read(int driverhandle, void *buffer, long nbytes) { if (NULL == buffer) return(SHARED_NULPTR); if (shared_check_locked_index(driverhandle)) return(SHARED_INVALID); if (nbytes < 0) return(SHARED_BADARG); if ((shared_lt[driverhandle].seekpos + nbytes) > shared_gt[driverhandle].size) return(SHARED_BADARG); /* read beyond EOF */ memcpy(buffer, ((char *)(((DAL_SHM_SEGHEAD *)(shared_lt[driverhandle].p + 1)) + 1)) + shared_lt[driverhandle].seekpos, nbytes); shared_lt[driverhandle].seekpos += nbytes; return(0); } int smem_write(int driverhandle, void *buffer, long nbytes) { if (NULL == buffer) return(SHARED_NULPTR); if (shared_check_locked_index(driverhandle)) return(SHARED_INVALID); if (-1 != shared_lt[driverhandle].lkcnt) return(SHARED_INVALID); /* are we locked RW ? */ if (nbytes < 0) return(SHARED_BADARG); if ((unsigned long)(shared_lt[driverhandle].seekpos + nbytes) > (unsigned long)(shared_gt[driverhandle].size - sizeof(DAL_SHM_SEGHEAD))) { /* need to realloc shmem */ if (NULL == shared_realloc(driverhandle, shared_lt[driverhandle].seekpos + nbytes + sizeof(DAL_SHM_SEGHEAD))) return(SHARED_NOMEM); } memcpy(((char *)(((DAL_SHM_SEGHEAD *)(shared_lt[driverhandle].p + 1)) + 1)) + shared_lt[driverhandle].seekpos, buffer, nbytes); shared_lt[driverhandle].seekpos += nbytes; return(0); } #endif