"Code","ID","Meaning" 2,1,"stake, pole, perch, post" 2,2,"whity" 2,3,"beacon tower" 2,4,"lattice beacon" 2,5,"pile beacon" 2,6,"cairn" 2,7,"buoyant beacon" 3,5,"high-rise building" 3,6,"pyramid" 3,7,"cylindrical" 3,8,"spherical" 3,9,"cubic" 4,1,"conical (nun, ogival)" 4,2,"can (cylindrical)" 4,3,"spherical" 4,4,"pillar" 4,5,"spar (spindle)" 4,6,"barrel (tun)" 4,7,"super-buoy" 4,8,"ice buoy" 7,1,"military aeroplane airport" 7,2,"civil aeroplane airport" 7,3,"military heliport" 7,4,"civil heliport" 7,5,"glider airfield" 7,6,"small planes airfield" 7,8,"emergency airfield" 8,1,"unrestricted anchorage" 8,2,"deep water anchorage" 8,3,"tanker anchorage" 8,4,"explosives anchorage" 8,5,"quarantine anchorage" 8,6,"sea-plane anchorage" 8,7,"small craft anchorage" 8,8,"small craft mooring area" 8,9,"anchorage for periods up to 24 hours" 9,1,"fixed bridge" 9,2,"opening bridge" 9,3,"swing bridge" 9,4,"lifting bridge" 9,5,"bascule bridge" 9,6,"pontoon bridge" 9,7,"draw bridge" 9,8,"transporter bridge" 9,9,"footbridge" 9,10,"viaduct" 9,11,"aqueduct" 9,12,"suspension bridge" 10,1,"urban area" 10,2,"settlement" 10,3,"village" 10,4,"town" 10,5,"city" 10,6,"holiday village" 11,1,"power line" 11,3,"transmission line" 11,4,"telephone" 11,5,"telegraph" 11,6,"mooring cable/chain" 12,1,"transportation" 12,2,"drainage" 12,3,"irrigation" 13,1,"north cardinal mark" 13,2,"east cardinal mark" 13,3,"south cardinal mark" 13,4,"west cardinal mark" 14,1,"custom" 15,1,"steep coast" 15,2,"flat coast" 15,3,"sandy shore" 15,4,"stony shore" 15,5,"shingly shore" 15,6,"glacier (seaward end)" 15,7,"mangrove" 15,8,"marshy shore" 15,9,"coral reef" 15,10,"ice coast" 16,1,"triangulation point" 16,2,"observation spot" 16,3,"fixed point" 16,4,"bench-mark" 16,5,"boundary mark" 16,6,"horizontal control, main station" 16,7,"horizontal control, secondary station" 17,1,"aerial cableway (telepheric)" 17,2,"belt conveyor" 18,1,"coverage available" 18,2,"no coverage available" 19,2,"container crane/gantry" 19,3,"sheerlegs" 19,4,"travelling crane" 19,5,"A-frame" 20,1,"weir" 20,2,"dam" 20,3,"flood barrage" 21,1,"distance mark not physically installed" 21,2,"visible mark, pole" 21,3,"visible mark, board" 21,4,"visible mark, unknown shape" 22,1,"tidal" 22,2,"non-tidal (wet dock)" 23,2,"chemical waste dumping ground" 23,3,"nuclear waste dumping ground" 23,4,"explosives dumping ground" 23,5,"spoil ground" 23,6,"vessel dumping ground" 24,1,"fence" 24,3,"hedge" 24,4,"wall" 25,1,"free-moving' ferry" 25,2,"cable ferry" 25,3,"ice ferry" 26,1,"fishing stake" 26,2,"fish trap" 26,3,"fish weir" 26,4,"tunny net" 27,1,"explosive" 27,2,"diaphone" 27,3,"siren" 27,4,"nautophone" 27,5,"reed" 27,6,"tyfon" 27,7,"bell" 27,8,"whistle" 27,9,"gong" 27,10,"horn" 28,1,"castle" 28,2,"fort" 28,3,"battery" 28,4,"blockhouse" 28,5,"Martello tower" 29,2,"flood barrage gate" 29,3,"caisson" 29,4,"lock gate" 29,5,"dyke gate" 30,1,"RoRo-terminal" 30,3,"ferry terminal" 30,4,"fishing harbour" 30,5,"yacht harbour/marina" 30,6,"naval base" 30,7,"tanker terminal" 30,8,"passenger terminal" 30,9,"shipyard" 30,10,"container terminal" 30,11,"bulk terminal" 31,1,"floating restaurant" 31,2,"historic ship" 31,3,"museum" 31,4,"accommodation" 31,5,"floating breakwater" 32,1,"fast ice" 32,5,"glacier" 32,8,"polar ice" 33,1,"catenary anchor leg mooring (CALM)" 33,2,"single buoy mooring (SBM or SPM)" 34,1,"fen" 34,2,"marsh" 34,3,"moor/bog" 34,4,"heathland" 34,5,"mountain range" 34,6,"lowlands" 34,7,"canyon lands" 34,8,"paddy field" 34,9,"agricultural land" 34,10,"savanna/grassland" 34,11,"parkland" 34,12,"swamp" 34,13,"landslide" 34,14,"lava flow" 34,15,"salt pan" 34,16,"moraine" 34,17,"crater" 34,18,"cave" 34,19,"rock column or pinnacle" 35,1,"cairn" 35,2,"cemetery" 35,3,"chimney" 35,4,"dish aerial" 35,5,"flagstaff (flagpole)" 35,6,"flare stack" 35,7,"mast" 35,8,"windsock" 35,9,"monument" 35,10,"column (pillar)" 35,11,"memorial plaque" 35,12,"obelisk" 35,13,"statue" 35,14,"cross" 35,15,"dome" 35,16,"radar scanner" 35,17,"tower" 35,18,"windmill" 35,19,"windmotor" 35,20,"spire/minaret" 35,21,"large rock or boulder on land" 35,22,"large rock or boulder on land" 36,1,"port-hand lateral mark" 36,2,"starboard-hand lateral mark" 36,3,"preferred channel to starboard lateral mark" 36,4,"preferred channel to port lateral mark" 37,1,"Directional function." 37,4,"Leading light." 37,5,"Aero light." 37,6,"Air obstruction light." 37,7,"Fog detector light." 37,8,"Flood light." 37,9,"Strip light." 37,10,"Subsidiary light." 37,11,"spotlight" 37,12,"front" 37,13,"rear" 37,14,"lower" 37,15,"upper" 37,16,"moire effect" 37,17,"emergency" 37,18,"bearing light" 37,19,"horizontally disposed" 37,20,"vertically disposed" 38,1,"crustaceans" 38,2,"oyster/mussels" 38,3,"fish" 38,4,"seaweed" 39,2,"torpedo exercise area" 39,3,"submarine exercise area" 39,4,"firing danger area" 39,5,"mine-laying practice area" 39,6,"small arms firing range" 40,1,"dolphin" 40,2,"deviation dolphin" 40,3,"bollard" 40,4,"tie-up wall" 40,5,"post or pile" 40,6,"chain/wire/cable" 40,7,"mooring buoy" 41,1,"clearing line" 41,2,"transit line" 41,3,"leading line bearing a recommended track" 42,1,"snag / stump" 42,2,"wellhead" 42,3,"diffuser" 42,4,"crib" 42,5,"fish haven" 42,6,"foul area" 42,7,"foul ground" 42,8,"ice boom" 42,9,"ground tackle" 42,10,"boom" 43,1,"oil derrick / rig" 43,2,"production platform" 43,3,"observation / research platform" 43,4,"articulated loading platform (ALP)" 43,5,"single anchor leg mooring (SALM)" 43,6,"mooring tower" 43,7,"artificial island" 43,8,"floating production, storage and off-loading vessel (FPSO)" 43,9,"accommodation platform" 43,10,"navigation, communication and control buoy (NCCB)" 44,1,"oil retention (high pressure pipe)" 44,2,"floating oil barrier" 45,1,"stake" 45,3,"post" 45,4,"tripodal" 46,1,"boarding by pilot-cruising vessel" 46,2,"boarding by helicopter" 46,3,"pilot comes out from shore" 47,2,"outfall pipe" 47,3,"intake pipe" 47,4,"sewer" 47,5,"bubbler system" 47,6,"supply pipe" 48,1,"quarry" 48,2,"mine" 48,3,"stockpile" 48,4,"power station area" 48,5,"refinery area" 48,6,"timber yard" 48,7,"factory area" 48,8,"tank farm" 48,9,"wind farm" 49,1,"power transmission pylon/pole" 49,2,"telephone/telegraph pylon/pole" 49,3,"aerial cableway/sky pylon" 49,4,"bridge pylon/tower" 49,5,"bridge pier" 50,1,"data quality A" 50,2,"data quality B" 50,3,"data quality C" 50,4,"data quality D" 50,5,"data quality E" 50,6,"quality not evaluated" 51,1,"radar surveillance station" 51,2,"coast radar station" 52,1,"ramark, radar beacon transmitting continuously" 52,2,"racon, radar transponder beacon" 52,3,"leading racon/radar transponder beacon" 53,1,"circular (non-directional) marine or aero-marine radiobeacon" 53,2,"directional radiobeacon" 53,3,"rotating-pattern radiobeacon" 53,4,"Consol beacon" 53,5,"radio direction-finding station" 53,6,"coast radio station providing QTG service" 53,7,"aeronautical radiobeacon" 53,8,"Decca" 53,9,"Loran C" 53,10,"Differential GPS" 53,11,"Toran" 53,12,"Omega" 53,13,"Syledis" 53,14,"Chaika (Chayka)" 54,1,"based on a system of fixed marks" 54,2,"not based on a system of fixed marks" 55,1,"rescue station with lifeboat" 55,2,"rescue station with rocket" 55,4,"refuge for shipwrecked mariners" 55,5,"refuge for intertidal area walkers" 55,6,"lifeboat lying at a mooring" 56,1,"offshore safety zone" 56,4,"nature reserve" 56,5,"bird sanctuary" 56,6,"game preserve" 56,7,"seal sanctuary" 56,8,"degaussing range" 56,9,"military area" 56,10,"historic wreck area" 56,12,"navigational aid safety zone" 56,14,"minefield" 56,18,"swimming area" 56,19,"waiting area" 56,20,"research area" 56,21,"dredging area" 56,22,"fish sanctuary" 56,23,"ecological reserve" 56,24,"no wake area" 56,25,"swinging area" 56,26,"water skiing area" 57,1,"motorway" 57,2,"major road" 57,3,"minor road" 57,4,"track / path" 57,5,"major street" 57,6,"minor street" 57,7,"crossing" 58,1,"aeroplane" 58,2,"helicopter landing pad" 59,2,"gat" 59,3,"bank" 59,4,"deep" 59,5,"bay" 59,6,"trench" 59,7,"basin" 59,8,"mud flats" 59,9,"reef" 59,10,"ledge" 59,11,"canyon" 59,12,"narrows" 59,13,"shoal" 59,14,"knoll" 59,15,"ridge" 59,16,"seamount" 59,17,"pinnacle" 59,18,"abyssal plain" 59,19,"plateau" 59,20,"spur" 59,21,"shelf" 59,22,"trough" 59,23,"saddle" 59,24,"abyssal hills" 59,25,"apron" 59,26,"archipelagic apron" 59,27,"borderland" 59,28,"continental margin" 59,29,"continental rise" 59,30,"escarpment" 59,31,"fan" 59,32,"fracture zone" 59,33,"gap" 59,34,"guyot" 59,35,"hill" 59,36,"hole" 59,37,"levee" 59,38,"median valley" 59,39,"moat" 59,40,"mountains" 59,41,"peak" 59,42,"province" 59,43,"rise" 59,44,"seachannel" 59,45,"seamount chain" 59,46,"shelf edge" 59,47,"sill" 59,48,"slope" 59,49,"terrace" 59,50,"valley" 59,51,"canal" 59,52,"lake" 59,53,"river" 60,1,"breakwater" 60,2,"groyne (groin)" 60,3,"mole" 60,4,"pier ( jetty)" 60,5,"promenadepier" 60,6,"wharf (quay)" 60,7,"training wall" 60,8,"rip rap" 60,9,"revetment" 60,10,"sea wall" 60,11,"landing steps" 60,12,"ramp" 60,13,"slipway" 60,14,"fender" 60,15,"solid face wharf" 60,16,"open face wharf" 61,1,"port control" 61,2,"port entry and departure" 61,3,"International Port Traffic" 61,4,"berthing" 61,5,"dock" 61,6,"lock" 61,7,"flood barrage" 61,8,"bridge passage" 61,9,"dredging" 62,1,"danger" 62,2,"maritime obstruction" 62,3,"cable" 62,4,"military practice" 62,5,"distress" 62,6,"weather" 62,7,"storm" 62,8,"ice" 62,9,"time" 62,10,"tide" 62,11,"tidal stream" 62,12,"tide gauge" 62,13,"tide scale" 62,14,"diving" 63,1,"silo in general" 63,2,"tank in general" 63,3,"grain elevator" 63,4,"water tower" 64,1,"cutting" 64,2,"embankment" 64,3,"dune" 64,4,"hill" 64,5,"pingo" 64,6,"cliff" 64,7,"scree" 65,1,"visitor`s berth" 65,2,"nautical club" 65,3,"boat hoist" 65,4,"sailmaker" 65,5,"boatyard" 65,6,"public inn" 65,7,"restaurant" 65,8,"chandler" 65,9,"provisions" 65,10,"doctor" 65,11,"pharmacy" 65,12,"water tap" 65,13,"fuel station" 65,14,"electricity" 65,15,"bottle gas" 65,16,"showers" 65,17,"launderette" 65,18,"public toilets" 65,19,"post box" 65,20,"public telephone" 65,21,"refuse bin" 65,22,"car park" 65,23,"parking for boats and trailers" 65,24,"caravan site" 65,25,"camping site" 65,26,"sewerage pump-out station" 65,27,"emergency telephone" 65,28,"landing / launching place for boats" 65,29,"visitors mooring" 65,30,"scrubbing berth" 65,31,"picnic area" 65,32,"mechanics workshop" 65,33,"guard and/or security service" 66,1,"firing danger area mark" 66,2,"target mark" 66,3,"marker ship mark" 66,4,"degaussing range mark" 66,5,"barge mark" 66,6,"cable mark" 66,7,"spoil ground mark" 66,8,"outfall mark" 66,9,"ODAS (Ocean-Data-Acquisition-System)" 66,10,"recording mark" 66,11,"seaplane anchorage mark" 66,12,"recreation zone mark" 66,13,"private mark" 66,14,"mooring mark" 66,15,"LANBY (Large Automatic Navigational Buoy)" 66,16,"leading mark" 66,17,"measured distance mark" 66,18,"notice mark" 66,19,"TSS mark (Traffic Separation Scheme)" 66,20,"anchoring prohibited mark" 66,21,"berthing prohibited mark" 66,22,"overtaking prohibited mark" 66,23,"two-way traffic prohibited mark" 66,24,"reduced wake' mark" 66,25,"speed limit mark" 66,26,"stop mark" 66,27,"general warning mark" 66,28,"sound ship's siren' mark" 66,29,"restricted vertical clearence mark" 66,30,"maximum vessel's draught mark" 66,31,"restricted horizontal clearance mark" 66,32,"strong current warning mark" 66,33,"berthing permitted mark" 66,34,"overhead power cable mark" 66,35,"channel edge gradient' mark" 66,36,"telephone mark" 66,37,"ferry crossing mark" 66,39,"pipline mark" 66,40,"anchorage mark" 66,41,"clearing mark" 66,42,"control mark" 66,43,"diving mark" 66,44,"refuge beacon" 66,45,"foul ground mark" 66,46,"yachting mark" 66,47,"heliport mark" 66,48,"GPS mark" 66,49,"seaplane landing mark" 66,50,"entry prohibited mark" 66,51,"work in progress mark" 66,52,"mark with unknown purpose" 66,54,"channel separation mark" 66,55,"marine farm mark" 67,1,"IMO - adopted" 67,2,"not IMO - adopted" 68,1,"grassland" 68,3,"bush" 68,4,"deciduous wood" 68,5,"coniferous wood" 68,6,"wood in general (inc mixed wood)" 68,7,"mangroves" 68,10,"mixed crops" 68,11,"reed" 68,12,"moos" 68,13,"tree in general" 68,14,"evergreen tree" 68,15,"coniferous tree" 68,16,"palm tree" 68,17,"nipa palm tree" 68,18,"casuarina tree" 68,19,"eucalypt tree" 68,20,"deciduous tree" 68,21,"mangrove tree" 68,22,"filao tree" 69,1,"breakers" 69,2,"eddies" 69,3,"overfalls" 69,4,"tide rips" 69,5,"bombora" 70,1,"kelp" 70,2,"sea weed" 70,3,"sea grass" 70,4,"saragasso" 71,1,"non-dangerous wreck" 71,2,"dangerous wreck" 71,3,"distributed remains of wreck" 71,4,"wreck showing mast/masts" 71,5,"wreck showing any portion of hull or superstructure" 72,1,"zone of confidence A1" 72,2,"zone of confidence A2" 72,3,"zone of confidence B" 72,4,"zone of confidence C" 72,5,"zone of confidence D" 72,6,"zone of confidence U (data not assessed)" 73,1,"expanded/condensed" 73,2,"standard" 75,1,"white" 75,2,"black" 75,3,"red" 75,4,"green" 75,5,"blue" 75,6,"yellow" 75,7,"grey" 75,8,"brown" 75,9,"amber" 75,10,"violet" 75,11,"orange" 75,12,"magenta" 75,13,"pink" 76,1,"horizontal stripes" 76,2,"vertical stripes" 76,3,"diagonal stripes" 76,4,"squared" 76,5,"stripes (direction unknown)" 76,6,"border stripes" 81,1,"under construction" 81,2,"ruined" 81,3,"under reclamation" 81,4,"wingless" 81,5,"planned construction" 82,1,"radar conspicuous" 82,2,"not radar conspicuous" 82,3,"radar conspicuous (has radar reflector)" 83,1,"visual conspicuous" 83,2,"not visual conspicuous" 89,1,"metres" 89,2,"fathoms and feet" 89,3,"feet" 89,4,"fathoms and fractions" 92,1,"Light shown without change of character." 92,2,"Daytime light." 92,3,"Fog light." 92,4,"Night light." 93,1,"within the range of depth of the surrounding depth area" 93,2,"shoaler than range of depth of the surrounding depth area" 93,3,"deeper than range of depth of the surrounding depth area" 94,2,"harbour-master's office" 94,3,"custom office" 94,4,"health office" 94,5,"hospital" 94,6,"post office" 94,7,"hotel" 94,8,"railway station" 94,9,"police station" 94,10,"water-police station" 94,11,"pilot office" 94,12,"pilot lookout" 94,13,"bank office" 94,14,"headquarters for district control" 94,15,"transit shed/warehouse" 94,16,"factory" 94,17,"power station" 94,18,"administrative" 94,19,"educational facility" 94,20,"church" 94,21,"chapel" 94,22,"temple" 94,23,"pagoda" 94,24,"shinto shrine" 94,25,"buddhist temple" 94,26,"mosque" 94,27,"marabout" 94,28,"lookout" 94,29,"communication" 94,30,"television" 94,31,"radio" 94,32,"radar" 94,33,"light support" 94,34,"microwave" 94,35,"cooling" 94,36,"observation" 94,37,"timeball" 94,38,"clock" 94,39,"control" 94,40,"airship mooring" 94,41,"stadium" 94,42,"bus station" 96,1,"metres" 96,2,"feet" 103,1,"international" 103,2,"national" 103,3,"national sub-division" 104,1,"centre justified" 104,2,"right justified" 104,3,"left justified" 105,1,"bottom justified" 105,2,"centre justified" 105,3,"top justified" 107,1,"F" 107,2,"FL" 107,3,"LFL" 107,4,"Q" 107,5,"VQ" 107,6,"UQ" 107,7,"ISO" 107,8,"OC" 107,9,"IQ" 107,10,"IVQ" 107,11,"IUQ" 107,12,"MO" 107,13,"fixed / flash" 107,14,"flash / long-flash" 107,15,"occulting / flash" 107,16,"fixed / long-flash" 107,17,"OC AL" 107,18,"LFL AL" 107,19,"FL AL" 107,20,"GP AL" 107,21,"F [vertical]" 107,25,"quick-flash plus long-flash" 107,26,"very quick-flash plus long-flash" 107,27,"ultra quick-flash plus long-flash" 107,28,"AL" 107,29,"fixed and alternating flashing" 108,1,"high intensity" 108,2,"low intensity" 108,3,"faint" 108,4,"intensified" 108,5,"unintensified" 108,6,"visibility deliberately restricted" 108,7,"obscured" 108,8,"partially obscured" 109,1,"IALA A" 109,2,"IALA B" 109,9,"no system" 109,10,"other sytem" 112,1,"masonry" 112,2,"concreted" 112,3,"loose boulders" 112,4,"hard surfaced" 112,5,"unsurfaced" 112,6,"wooden" 112,7,"metal" 112,8,"glass reinforced plastic (GRP)" 112,9,"painted" 113,1,"mud" 113,2,"clay" 113,3,"silt" 113,4,"sand" 113,5,"stone" 113,6,"gravel" 113,7,"pebbles" 113,8,"cobbles" 113,9,"rock" 113,11,"lava" 113,14,"coral" 113,17,"shells" 113,18,"boulder" 113,56,"Bo" 113,51,"Wd" 114,1,"fine" 114,2,"medium" 114,3,"coarse" 114,4,"broken" 114,5,"sticky" 114,6,"soft" 114,7,"stiff" 114,8,"volcanic" 114,9,"calcareous" 114,10,"hard" 123,1,"oil" 123,2,"gas" 123,3,"water" 123,4,"stone" 123,5,"coal" 123,6,"ore" 123,7,"chemicals" 123,8,"drinking water" 123,9,"milk" 123,10,"bauxite" 123,11,"coke" 123,12,"iron ingots" 123,13,"salt" 123,14,"sand" 123,15,"timber" 123,16,"sawdust / wood chips" 123,17,"scrap metal" 123,18,"liquified natural gas (LNG)" 123,19,"liquified petroleum gas (LPG)" 123,20,"wine" 123,21,"cement" 123,22,"grain" 125,1,"depth known" 125,2,"depth unknown" 125,3,"doubtful sounding" 125,4,"unreliable sounding" 125,5,"no bottom found at value shown" 125,6,"least depth known" 125,7,"least depth unknown, safe clearance at value shown" 125,8,"value reported (not surveyed)" 125,9,"value reported (not confirmed)" 125,10,"maintained depth" 125,11,"not reguraly maintained" 131,1,"anchoring prohibited" 131,2,"anchoring restricted" 131,3,"fishing prohibited" 131,4,"fishing restricted" 131,5,"trawling prohibited" 131,6,"trawling restricted" 131,7,"entry prohibited" 131,8,"entry restricted" 131,9,"dredging prohibited" 131,10,"dredging restricted" 131,11,"diving prohibited" 131,12,"diving restricted" 131,13,"no wake" 131,14,"area to be avoided" 131,15,"construction prohibited" 131,16,"discharging prohibited" 140,1,"automatically" 140,2,"by wave action" 140,3,"by hand" 140,4,"by wind" 149,1,"permanent" 149,2,"occasional" 149,3,"recommended" 149,4,"disused" 149,5,"periodically/intermittent" 149,6,"reserved" 149,7,"temporary" 149,8,"private" 149,9,"mandatory" 149,11,"extinguished" 149,12,"illuminated" 149,13,"historic" 149,14,"public" 149,15,"synchronized" 149,16,"watched" 149,17,"un-watched" 149,18,"existence doubtful" 153,1,"reconnaissance/sketch survey" 153,2,"controlled survey" 153,4,"examintion survey" 153,5,"passage survey" 153,6,"remotely sensed" 156,1,"found by echo-sounder" 156,2,"found by side scan sonar" 156,3,"found by multi-beam" 156,4,"found by diver" 156,5,"found by lead-line" 156,6,"swept by wire-drag" 156,7,"found by laser" 156,8,"swept by vertical acoustic system" 156,9,"found by electromagnetic sensor" 156,10,"photogrammetry" 156,11,"satelite imagery" 156,12,"found by levelling" 156,13,"swept by side-scan sonar" 156,14,"computer generated" 161,1,"better than 0.1m and 10 minutes" 161,2,"worse than 0.1m or 10 minutes" 163,1,"simplified harmonic method of tidal prediction" 163,2,"full harmonic method of tidal prediction" 163,3,"height and time difference non-harmonic method" 170,1,"darkest blue" 170,2,"medium blue" 170,3,"lightest blue" 171,1,"cone, point up" 171,2,"cone, point down" 171,3,"sphere" 171,4,"2 sphere" 171,5,"cylinder (can)" 171,6,"board" 171,7,"x-shape (St. Andrew's cross)" 171,8,"upright cross (St. George cross)" 171,9,"cube, point up" 171,10,"2 cones, point to point" 171,11,"2 cones, base to base" 171,12,"rhombus (diamond)" 171,13,"2 cones (points upward)" 171,14,"2 cones (points downward)" 171,15,"besom, point up (broom or perch)" 171,16,"besom, point down (broom or perch)" 171,17,"flag" 171,18,"sphere over rhombus" 171,19,"square" 171,20,"rectangle, horizontal" 171,21,"rectangle, vertical" 171,22,"trapezium, up" 171,23,"trapezium, down" 171,24,"triangle, point up" 171,25,"triangle, point down" 171,26,"circle" 171,27,"two upright crosses (one over the other)" 171,28,"T-shape" 171,29,"triangle pointing up over a circle" 171,30,"upright cross over a circle" 171,31,"rhombus over a circle" 171,32,"circle over a triangle pointing up" 171,33,"other shape (see INFORM)" 172,1,"inbound" 172,2,"outbound" 172,3,"one-way" 172,4,"two-way" 185,1,"Mean low water springs" 185,2,"Mean lower low water springs" 185,3,"Mean sea level" 185,4,"Lowest low water" 185,5,"Mean low water" 185,6,"Lowest low water springs" 185,7,"Approximate mean low water springs" 185,8,"Indian spring low water" 185,9,"Low water springs" 185,10,"Approximate lowest astronomical tide" 185,11,"Nearly lowest low water" 185,12,"Mean lower low water" 185,13,"Low water" 185,14,"Approximate mean low water" 185,15,"Approximate mean lower low water" 185,16,"Mean high water" 185,17,"Mean high water springs" 185,18,"High water" 185,19,"Approximate mean sea level" 185,20,"High water springs" 185,21,"Mean higher high water" 185,22,"Equinoctial spring low water" 185,23,"Lowest astronomical tide" 185,24,"Local datum" 185,25,"International Great Lakes Datum 1985" 185,26,"Mean water level" 185,27,"Lower low water large tide" 185,28,"Higher high water lage tide" 185,29,"Nearly highest high water" 187,1,"partly submerged at high water" 187,2,"always dry" 187,3,"always under water/submerged" 187,4,"covers and uncovers" 187,5,"awash" 187,6,"subject to inundation or flooding" 188,1,"flood stream" 188,2,"ebb stream" 188,3,"other tidal flow" 400,1,"WGS 72" 400,2,"WGS 84" 400,3,"European 1950" 400,4,"Potsdam Datum" 400,5,"Adindan" 400,6,"Afgooye" 400,7,"Ain el Abd 1970" 400,8,"Anna 1 Astro 1965" 400,9,"Antigua Island Astro 1943" 400,10,"Arc 1950" 400,11,"Arc 1960" 400,12,"Ascension Island 1958" 400,13,"Astro beacon 'E' 1945" 400,14,"Astro DOS 71/4" 400,15,"Astro Tern Island (FRIG) 1961" 400,16,"Astronimical Station 1952" 400,17,"Australian Geodetic 1966" 400,18,"Australian Geodetic 1984" 400,19,"Ayabelle Lighthouse" 400,20,"Bellevue (IGN)" 400,21,"Bermuda 1957" 400,22,"Bissau" 400,23,"Bogota Observatory" 400,24,"Bukit Rimpah" 400,25,"Camp Area Astro" 400,26,"Campo Inchauspe 1969" 400,27,"Canton Astro 1966" 400,28,"Cape" 400,29,"Cape Canaveral" 400,30,"Carthage" 400,31,"Chatam Island Astro 1971" 400,32,"Chua Astro" 400,33,"Corrego Alegre" 400,34,"Dabola" 400,35,"Djakarta (Batavia)" 400,36,"DOS 1968" 400,37,"Easter Island 1967" 400,38,"European 1979" 400,39,"Fort Thomas 1955" 400,40,"Gan 1970" 400,41,"Geodetic Datum 1949" 400,42,"Graciosa Base SW 1948" 400,43,"Guam 1963" 400,44,"Ganung Segara" 400,45,"GUX 1 Astro" 400,46,"Herat North" 400,47,"Hjorsey 1955" 400,48,"Hong Kong 1963" 400,49,"Hu-Tzu-Shan" 400,50,"Indian" 400,51,"Indian 1954" 400,52,"Indian 1975" 400,53,"Ireland 1965" 400,54,"ISTS 061 Astro 1968" 400,55,"ISTS 073 Astro 1969" 400,56,"Johnston Island 1961" 400,57,"Kandawala" 400,58,"Kerguelen Island 1949" 400,59,"Kertau 1948" 400,60,"Kusaie Astro 1951" 400,61,"" 400,62,"" 400,63,"" 400,64,"" 400,65,"" 400,66,"" 400,67,"" 400,68,"" 400,69,"" 400,70,"" 400,71,"" 400,72,"" 400,73,"" 400,74,"" 400,75,"" 400,76,"" 400,77,"" 400,78,"" 400,79,"" 400,80,"" 400,81,"" 400,82,"" 400,83,"" 400,84,"" 400,85,"" 400,86,"" 400,87,"" 400,88,"" 400,89,"" 400,90,"" 400,91,"" 400,92,"" 400,93,"" 400,94,"" 400,95,"" 400,96,"" 400,97,"" 400,98,"" 400,99,"South Asia" 400,100,"Tananarive Observatory 1925" 402,1,"surveyed" 402,2,"unsurveyed" 402,3,"inadequately surveyed" 402,4,"approximated" 402,5,"position doubtful" 402,6,"unreliable" 402,7,"reported (not surveyed)" 402,8,"reported (not confirmed)" 402,9,"estimated" 402,10,"precisely known" 402,11,"calculated" 17000,1,"unrestricted anchorage" 17000,2,"deep water anchorage" 17000,3,"tanker anchorage" 17000,4,"explosives anchorage" 17000,5,"quarantine anchorage" 17000,6,"sea-plane anchorage" 17000,7,"small craft anchorage" 17000,9,"anchorage for periods up to 24 hours" 17000,10,"anchorage for pushing-navigation vessels" 17000,11,"anchorage for other vessels than pushing-navigation vessels" 17002,2,"port entry and departure" 17002,6,"lock" 17002,8,"bridge passage" 17002,10,"oncomig traffic indication" 17003,15,"high water mark" 17003,16,"vertical clearance indication" 17003,18,"depth indication" 17004,1,"anchoring prohibited" 17004,2,"anchoring restricted" 17004,7,"entry prohibited" 17004,8,"entry restricted" 17004,13,"no wake" 17004,14,"area to be avoided" 17004,27,"speed restricted" 17004,28,"overtaking prohibited" 17004,29,"overtaking of convoys by convoys prohibited" 17004,30,"passing or overtaking prohibited" 17004,31,"berthing prohibited" 17004,32,"berthing restricted" 17004,33,"making fast prohibited" 17004,34,"making fast restricted" 17004,35,"turning prohibited" 17004,36,"restricted fairway depth" 17005,12,"Mean lower low water" 17005,31,"Local low water reference level" 17005,32,"Local high water reference level" 17005,33,"Local mean water reference level" 17005,34,"Equivalent height of water (German GlW)" 17005,35,"Highest Shipping Height of Water (German HSW)" 17005,36,"Reference low water level according to Danube Commission" 17005,37,"Highest shipping height of water according to Danube Commission" 17005,38,"Dutch river low water reference level (OLR)" 17005,39,"Russian project water level" 17005,40,"Russian normal backwater level" 17005,41,"Ohio River Datum" 17007,4,"swinging wire ferry" 17008,1,"RoRo-terminal" 17008,3,"ferry terminal" 17008,4,"fishing harbour" 17008,6,"naval base" 17008,7,"tanker terminal" 17008,8,"passenger terminal" 17008,9,"shipyard" 17008,10,"container terminal" 17008,11,"bulk terminal" 17008,12,"syncrolift" 17008,13,"straddle carrier" 17008,16,"service and repair" 17008,17,"quarantine station" 17009,1,"IALA A" 17009,2,"IALA B" 17009,9,"no system" 17009,10,"other sytem" 17009,11,"CEVNI" 17009,12,"Russian inland waterway regulations" 17010,1,"custom" 17010,2,"border" 17011,1,"port-hand lateral mark" 17011,2,"starboard-hand lateral mark" 17011,3,"preferred channel to starboard lateral mark" 17011,4,"preferred channel to port lateral mark" 17011,5,"right-hand side of the waterway" 17011,6,"left-hand side of the waterway" 17011,7,"right-hand side of the channel" 17011,8,"left-hand side of the channel" 17011,9,"bifurcation of the waterway" 17011,10,"bifurcation of the channel" 17011,11,"channel near the right bank" 17011,12,"channel near the left bank" 17011,13,"channel cross-over to the right bank" 17011,14,"channel cross-over to the left bank" 17011,15,"danger point or obstacles at the right-hand side" 17011,16,"obstruction at the left-hand side" 17011,17,"turn off at the right-hand side" 17011,18,"turn off at the left-hand side" 17011,19,"junction at the right-hand side" 17011,20,"junction at the left-hand side" 17011,21,"harbour entry at the right-hand side" 17011,22,"harbour entry at the left-hand side" 17011,23,"bridge pier mark" 17012,7,"training wall" 17012,18,"lock/guide wall" 17050,1,"top (board)" 17050,2,"bottom (board)" 17050,3,"right (triangle to the right)" 17050,4,"left (triangle to the left)" 17050,5,"bottom (triangle to the bottom)" 17052,1,"(A.1) no entry" 17052,2,"(A.1a) closed area, but small craft boats without engine permitted (only RheinSchPV and Binnenvaatpolitiereglement)" 17052,3,"(A.2) no overtaking" 17052,4,"(A.3) no overtaking of convoys by convoys" 17052,5,"(A.4) no passing or overtaking" 17052,6,"(A.5) no berthing (i.e. no anchoring or making fast to the bank)" 17052,7,"(A.5.1) no berthing within the breadth indicated in meters(measured from the sign)" 17052,8,"(A.6) no anchoring or trailing of anchors, cables or chains" 17052,9,"(A.7) no making fast to the bank" 17052,10,"(A.8) no turning" 17052,11,"(A.9) Do not create wash" 17052,12,"(A.10) no passing on left side (in openings of bridges or weirs)" 17052,13,"(A.10) no passing on right side (in openings of bridges or weirs)" 17052,14,"(A.12) motorized craft prohibited" 17052,15,"(A.13) all sports and pleasure craft prohibited" 17052,16,"(A.14) water skiing prohibited" 17052,17,"(A.15) sailing vessels prohibited" 17052,18,"(A.16) all craft other than motorized vessels or sailing craft prohibited" 17052,19,"(A.17) use of sailboards prohibited" 17052,20,"(A.20) water bikes prohibited" 17052,21,"(A.18) end of zone authorized for high speed navigation of small sport and pleasure craft prohibited" 17052,22,"(A.19) no launching or beaching of vessels" 17052,23,"(B.1) proceed in left direction" 17052,24,"(B.1) proceed in right direction" 17052,25,"(B.2a) move to the side of the channel on your port side" 17052,26,"(B.2b) move to the side of the channel on your starboard side" 17052,27,"(B.3a) keep on the side of the channel on your portside" 17052,28,"(B.3b) keep on the side of the channel on your starboard side" 17052,29,"(B.4a) cross channel to port" 17052,30,"(B.4b) cross channel to starboard" 17052,31,"(B.5) stop as prescribed in the regulations" 17052,32,"(B.6) do not exceed the speed indicated (in km/h)" 17052,33,"(B.7) give a sound signal" 17052,34,"(B.8) keep a particulary sharp lookout" 17052,35,"(B.9a) do not enter the main waterway until certain that this will not oblige vessels proceeding on it to change their course or speed" 17052,36,"(B.9b) do not cross the main waterway until certain that this will not oblige vessels proceeding on it to change their course or speed" 17052,37,"(B.11) obligation to enter into a radiotelephone link on the channel as indicated on the board" 17052,38,"(C.1) depth of water limited" 17052,39,"(C.2) headroom limited" 17052,40,"(C.3) width of passage or channel limited" 17052,41,"(C.4) there are restrictions on navigation: make inquiries (with additional sign at bottom of main sign)" 17052,42,"(C.5) the channel lies at a distance from the left bank" 17052,43,"(C.5) the channel lies at a distance from the right bank" 17052,44,"(D.1a) recommended channel in both directions" 17052,45,"(D.1b) recommended channel only in the direction indicated, passage in the opposite direction prohibited (at bridges)" 17052,46,"(D.2) you are recommended to keep on right side (in openings of bridges and weirs)" 17052,47,"(D.2) you are recommended to keep on left side (in openings of bridges and weirs)" 17052,48,"(D.3) you are recommended to proceed in the left direction" 17052,49,"(D.3) you are recommended to proceed in the right direction" 17052,50,"(E.1) entry permitted (general sign)" 17052,51,"(E.2) overhead cable crossing" 17052,52,"(E.3) weir" 17052,53,"(E.4a) ferry-boat not moving independently" 17052,54,"(E.4b) ferry-boat moving independently" 17052,55,"(E.5) berthing (i.e. no anchoring or making fast to the bank) permitted" 17052,56,"(E.5.1) berthing permitted on the stretch of water of the breadth measured from, and shown on the board in meters" 17052,57,"(E.5.2) berthing permitted on the stretch of water bounded by the distances measured from, and shown on the board in meters" 17052,58,"(E.5.3) maximum number of vessels permitted to berth abreast" 17052,59,"(E.5.4) berthing area reserved for pushing-navigation vessels that are not required to carry blue lights or blue cones" 17052,60,"(E.5.5) berthing area reserved for pushing-navigation vessels that are required to carry one blue light or one blue cone" 17052,61,"(E.5.6) berthing area reserved for pushing-navigation vessels that are required to carry two blue lights or two blue cones" 17052,62,"(E.5.7) berthing area reserved for pushing-navigation vessels that are required to carry three blue lights or three blue cones" 17052,63,"(E.5.8) berthing area reserved for vessels other than pushing-navigation vessels that are not required to carry blue lights or blue cones" 17052,64,"(E.5.9) berthing area reserved for vessels other than for pushing-navigation vessels that are required to carry one blue light or one blue cone" 17052,65,"(E.5.10) berthing area reserved for vessels other than for pushing-navigation vessels that are required to carry two blue lights or two blue cones" 17052,66,"(E.5.11) berthing area reserved for vessels other than for pushing-navigation vessels that are required to carry three blue lights or three blue cones" 17052,67,"(E.5.12) berthing area reserved for all vessels that are not required to carry blue lights or blue cones" 17052,68,"(E.5.13) berthing area reserved for all vessels that are required to carry one blue light or one blue cone" 17052,69,"(E.5.14) berthing area reserved for all vessels that are required to carry two blue lights or two blue cones" 17052,70,"(E.5.15) berthing area reserved for all vessels that are required to carry three blue lights or three blue cones" 17052,71,"(E.6) anchoring or trailing of anchors, cables or chains permitted" 17052,72,"(E.7) making fast to the bank permitted" 17052,73,"(E.7.1) berthing area reserved for loading and unloading of vehicles" 17052,74,"(E.8) turning area" 17052,75,"(E.9a) crossing with secondary waterway ahead" 17052,76,"(E.9b) secondary waterway ahead on the right" 17052,77,"(E.9c) secondary waterway ahead on the left" 17052,78,"(E.9d) secondary waterway ahead, main waterway on the right" 17052,79,"(E.9e) secondary waterway ahead, main waterwar on the left" 17052,80,"(E.9f) secondary waterway on the left, main waterway on the right" 17052,81,"(E.9g) secondary waterway on the right, main waterway on the left" 17052,82,"(E.9h) secondary waterway ahead and on the left, main waterway on the right" 17052,83,"(E.9i) secondary waterway ahead and on the right, main waterway on the left" 17052,84,"(E.10a) crossing with main waterway ahead" 17052,85,"(E.10b) main waterway ahead" 17052,86,"(E.10c) junction with main waterway ahead and right" 17052,87,"(E.10d) junction with main waterway ahead and left" 17052,88,"(E.10e) junction with main waterway ahead and right, secondary waterway on the left" 17052,89,"(E.10f) junction with main waterway ahead and left, secondary waterway on the right" 17052,90,"(E.11) end of prohibition or obligation applying to traffic in one direction only, or end of a restriction" 17052,91,"(E.13) drinking water supply" 17052,92,"(E.14) telephone" 17052,93,"(E.15) motorized vessels permitted" 17052,94,"(E.16) sport and pleasure craft permitted" 17052,95,"(E.17) water skiing permitted" 17052,96,"(E.18) sailing vessels permitted" 17052,97,"(E.19) craft other than motorized vessels or sailing craft permitted" 17052,98,"(E.20) use of sailboards permitted" 17052,99,"(E.23) possibility of obtaining nautical information by radiotelephone on the channel indicated" 17052,100,"(E.24) water bikes permitted" 17052,101,"(E.21) zone authorized for high speed navigation of small sport and pleasure" 17052,102,"(E.22) launching or beaching of vessels permitted" 17055,1,"one blue light / cone" 17055,2,"two blue lights / cones" 17055,3,"three blue lights / cones" 17055,4,"no blue light / cone" 17056,1,"upstream" 17056,2,"downstream" 17056,3,"to the left bank" 17056,4,"to the right bank" 17063,1,"prohibition mark" 17063,2,"regulation mark" 17063,3,"restriction mark" 17063,4,"recommendation mark" 17063,5,"information mark" 17065,1,"bunker vessel available" 17065,2,"no bunker vessel available" 17066,1,"loading" 17066,2,"unloading" 17066,3,"overnight accommodation" 17066,4,"berth for pushing-navigation vessels" 17066,5,"berth for other vessels than pushing-navigation vessels" 17066,6,"fleeting area" 17066,7,"first class landing" 17066,8,"second class landing" 17067,1,"diesel oil" 17067,2,"water" 17067,3,"ballast" 17068,1,"0 small vessels and pleasure craft" 17068,2,"I peniche" 17068,3,"II campine barge" 17068,4,"III Dortmund-Ems barge" 17068,5,"IV Rhine-Herne barge" 17068,6,"Va Large Rhine barge; 1-barge push-tow unit" 17068,7,"Vb 2-barge push-tow unit; long formation" 17068,8,"VIa 2-barge push-tow unit; wide formation" 17068,9,"VIb 4-barge push-tow unit" 17068,10,"VIc 6-barge push-tow unit" 17068,11,"No CEMT class" 17069,1,"VTS centre" 17069,2,"VTS sector" 17069,3,"IVS point" 17069,4,"MID" 17069,5,"lock" 17069,6,"bridge" 17069,7,"custom" 17069,8,"harbour" 17070,1,"custom harbour" 17070,2,"port of refuge" 17070,3,"yacht harbour/marina" 17070,4,"fishing harbour" 17070,5,"private harbour" 17071,1,"cargo residue/slop" 17071,2,"waste oil" 17071,3,"grey/black water" 17071,4,"domestic refuse" 17076,1,"containers" 17076,2,"bulk goods" 17076,3,"oil" 17076,4,"fuel" 17076,5,"chemicals" 17076,6,"liquid goods" 17076,7,"explosive goods" 17076,8,"fish" 17076,9,"cars" 17076,10,"general cargo" 17078,1,"water level staff / pole" 17078,2,"recording water level gauge" 17078,3,"recording water level gauge with remote access" 17078,4,"recording water level gauge with external indicator" 17078,5,"recording water level gauge with remote access and remote indicator" 17088,1,"Baltic datum" 17088,2,"Adriatic level" 17088,3,"Amsterdam Ordnance Datum (NAP)" 17088,4,"Mean Sea Level" 17088,5,"Other datum" 17088,6,"National Geodetic Vertical Datum - NGVD29" 17088,7,"North American Vertical Datum - NAVD88" 17088,8,"Mean sea level 1912" 17088,9,"Mean sea level 1929" 17091,1,"official" 17091,2,"private" 17091,3,"suitable for car cranes" 17091,4,"suitable for car planks" 17091,5,"permission required" 17091,6,"locked gate" 17092,1,"operational period" 17092,2,"non-operational period" 17094,1,"liner trade" 17094,2,"occasional professional shipping" 17094,3,"leisure" 17100,1,"Lift-Lock" 17100,2,"Aqueduct" 17100,3,"Sloping plane lock" 17100,4,"Water slope lock (Pente d'Eau)" 17100,5,"Other" 17101,1,"power line" 17101,3,"transmission line" 17101,4,"telephone" 17101,5,"telegraph" 17101,6,"mooring cable/chain" 17101,7,"ferry cable" 17102,1,"floating restaurant" 17102,2,"historic ship" 17102,3,"museum" 17102,4,"accommodation" 17102,5,"floating breakwater" 17102,6,"casino boat" 17103,1,"metres" 17103,2,"feet" 17103,3,"kilometres" 17103,4,"hectometres" 17103,5,"statute miles" 17103,6,"nautical miles" 17104,1,"partly submerged at high water" 17104,2,"always dry" 17104,3,"always under water/submerged" 17104,4,"covers and uncovers" 17104,8,"above mean water level" 17104,9,"below mean water level" 18002,1,"other" 18002,2,"speed over ground" 18002,3,"speed through water" 18007,1,"other" 18007,2,"cubic meters" 18007,3,"tonnes" 18008,1,"other" 18008,2,"usage of waterway" 18008,3,"carriage of equipment" 18008,4,"task,operation" 18009,1,"other" 18009,2,"prohibited" 18009,3,"prohibited, with exceptions" 18009,4,"permitted" 18009,5,"permitted, with exceptions" 18009,6,"recommended" 18009,7,"not recommended" 18012,1,"all types" 18012,2,"other" 18012,3,"non-motorized vessel" 18012,5,"craft" 18012,6,"vessel" 18012,7,"inland waterway vessel" 18012,8,"sea going ship" 18012,9,"motor vessel" 18012,10,"motor tanker" 18012,11,"motor cargo vessel" 18012,12,"canal barge" 18012,13,"tug" 18012,14,"pusher" 18012,15,"barge" 18012,16,"tank barge" 18012,17,"dumb barge" 18012,18,"lighter" 18012,19,"tank lighter" 18012,20,"cargo lighter" 18012,21,"ship borne lighter" 18012,22,"passenger vessel" 18012,23,"passenger sailing vessel" 18012,24,"day trip vessel" 18012,25,"cabin vessel" 18012,26,"High-speed vessel" 18012,27,"floating equipment" 18012,28,"worksite craft" 18012,29,"recreational craft" 18012,30,"Dinghy" 18012,31,"floating establishment" 18012,32,"floating object" 18013,1,"all types" 18013,2,"other" 18013,3,"non-motorized vessel" 18013,5,"craft" 18013,6,"vessel" 18013,7,"inland waterway vessel" 18013,8,"sea going ship" 18013,9,"motor vessel" 18013,10,"motor tanker" 18013,11,"motor cargo vessel" 18013,12,"canal barge" 18013,13,"tug" 18013,14,"pusher" 18013,15,"barge" 18013,16,"tank barge" 18013,17,"dumb barge" 18013,18,"lighter" 18013,19,"tank lighter" 18013,20,"cargo lighter" 18013,21,"ship borne lighter" 18013,22,"passenger vessel" 18013,23,"passenger sailing vessel" 18013,24,"day trip vessel" 18013,25,"cabin vessel" 18013,26,"High-speed vessel" 18013,27,"floating equipment" 18013,28,"worksite craft" 18013,29,"recreational craft" 18013,30,"Dinghy" 18013,31,"floating establishment" 18013,32,"floating object" 18014,1,"all types" 18014,2,"other" 18014,3,"single vessel" 18014,5,"convoy" 18014,6,"formation" 18014,7,"rigid convoy" 18014,8,"pushed convoy" 18014,9,"breasted up formation" 18014,10,"towed convoy" 18015,1,"all types" 18015,2,"other" 18015,3,"single vessel" 18015,5,"convoy" 18015,6,"formation" 18015,7,"rigid convoy" 18015,8,"pushed convoy" 18015,9,"breasted up formation" 18015,10,"towed convoy" 18016,1,"all types" 18016,2,"other" 18016,4,"bulk" 18016,5,"dry cargo" 18016,6,"liquid cargo" 18016,7,"liquid cargo (type N)" 18016,8,"liquid cargo (type C)" 18016,9,"gas" 18017,1,"all types" 18017,2,"other" 18017,4,"bulk" 18017,5,"dry cargo" 18017,6,"liquid cargo" 18017,7,"liquid cargo (type N)" 18017,8,"liquid cargo (type C)" 18017,9,"gas" 33066,1,"general cargo vessel" 33066,2,"container vessel" 33066,3,"tanker" 33066,4,"sailing vessel" 33066,5,"fishing vessel" 33066,6,"special purpose vessel." 33066,7,"man of War" 33066,8,"submarine" 33066,9,"high speed craft" 33066,10,"bulk carrier" 33066,11,"seaplane" 33066,12,"tugboat" 33066,13,"passenger vessel" 33066,14,"ferry" 33066,15,"boat"