use strict; use warnings; use Module::Build; use File::Spec; # Automatically create Telescope/ my $class = Module::Build->subclass( class => "Module::Build::CustomAstroTelescope", code => join( "", ), ); my $file = File::Spec->catfile( "lib", "Astro", "" ); # Now configure it further my $build = $class->new ( module_name => 'Astro::Telescope', license => 'perl', abstract_from => $file, version_from => $file, dist_author => [ 'Tim Jenness ', 'Brad Cavanagh ', ], meta_merge => { resources => { repository => "git://", homepage => "", }, }, configure_requires => { "Module::Build" => 0.30, }, requires => { 'Astro::PAL' => 0.99, }, build_requires => { 'Test::More' => 0, }, ); $build->create_build_script; # This is the subclass code to handle dynamic generation of the git version # status when running Build # Always generate this file. The overhead is small and we want to make sure that # it is correct whenever the module is built. No reason to use something cleverer. __DATA__ use File::Spec; use warnings; use strict; sub ACTION_build { my $self = shift; print "Generating MPC lookup table support module Astro::Telescope::MPC...\n"; # Locations of input and output files my $mpc_data = File::Spec->catfile("tmpl", "MPC.dat"); my $mpc_dir = File::Spec->catdir("lib", "Astro", "Telescope"); my $mpc_pm = File::Spec->catfile($mpc_dir, ""); # Create output directory if ( !-d $mpc_dir) { mkdir $mpc_dir or die "Error creating MPC module. Unable to make directory $mpc_dir: $!"; } # Open the input and output handles open(my $MPC_DATA_FH, $mpc_data) || die "Unable to open MPC stub file $mpc_data : $!\n"; open(my $MPC_PM_FH, ">", "$mpc_pm") || die "Unable to open MPC stub file $mpc_pm : $!\n"; # Write out the module code print $MPC_PM_FH q| # This file has been generated automatically by the # Astro::Telescope build system. Do not edit directly. # Edit Build.PL or tmpl/MPC.dat instead. package Astro::Telescope::MPC; use strict; use warnings; use vars qw/ %obs_codes /; use constant DD2R => 0.017453292519943295769236907684886127134428718885417; sub parse_table { my $self = shift; return if %obs_codes; for () { my($code, $long, $par_S, $par_C, $mpcname) = unpack("A3A10A8A9A*", $_); next unless $long =~ /\d/; # Space telescope $obs_codes{$code} = { Long => ($long * DD2R), Par_S => $par_S, Par_C => $par_C, Name => $mpcname, }; } } 1; __DATA__ |; while(<$MPC_DATA_FH>) { print $MPC_PM_FH $_; } close $MPC_DATA_FH || die "Error closing data input file: $!"; close $MPC_PM_FH || die "Error closing output module: $!"; $self->SUPER::ACTION_build; } # Remove the file on clean sub ACTION_clean { my $self = shift; # Ignore errors unlink File::Spec->catfile( "lib", "Astro", "Telescope", "" ); $self->SUPER::ACTION_clean; }