/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. The code included in this file is provided under the terms of the ISC license http://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license. Permission To use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { #if JUCE_ALSA //============================================================================== class AlsaClient : public ReferenceCountedObject { public: AlsaClient() { jassert (instance == nullptr); snd_seq_open (&handle, "default", SND_SEQ_OPEN_DUPLEX, 0); if (handle != nullptr) { snd_seq_nonblock (handle, SND_SEQ_NONBLOCK); snd_seq_set_client_name (handle, getAlsaMidiName().toRawUTF8()); clientId = snd_seq_client_id (handle); // It's good idea to pre-allocate a good number of elements ports.ensureStorageAllocated (32); } } ~AlsaClient() { jassert (instance != nullptr); instance = nullptr; if (handle != nullptr) snd_seq_close (handle); jassert (activeCallbacks.get() == 0); if (inputThread) inputThread->stopThread (3000); } static String getAlsaMidiName() { #ifdef JUCE_ALSA_MIDI_NAME return JUCE_ALSA_MIDI_NAME; #else if (auto* app = JUCEApplicationBase::getInstance()) return app->getApplicationName(); return "JUCE"; #endif } using Ptr = ReferenceCountedObjectPtr; //============================================================================== // represents an input or output port of the supplied AlsaClient struct Port { Port (AlsaClient& c, bool forInput) noexcept : client (c), isInput (forInput) {} ~Port() { if (isValid()) { if (isInput) enableCallback (false); else snd_midi_event_free (midiParser); snd_seq_delete_simple_port (client.get(), portId); } } void connectWith (int sourceClient, int sourcePort) const noexcept { if (isInput) snd_seq_connect_from (client.get(), portId, sourceClient, sourcePort); else snd_seq_connect_to (client.get(), portId, sourceClient, sourcePort); } bool isValid() const noexcept { return client.get() != nullptr && portId >= 0; } void setupInput (MidiInput* input, MidiInputCallback* cb) { jassert (cb != nullptr && input != nullptr); callback = cb; midiInput = input; } void setupOutput() { jassert (! isInput); snd_midi_event_new ((size_t) maxEventSize, &midiParser); } void enableCallback (bool enable) { if (callbackEnabled != enable) { callbackEnabled = enable; if (enable) client.registerCallback(); else client.unregisterCallback(); } } bool sendMessageNow (const MidiMessage& message) { if (message.getRawDataSize() > maxEventSize) { maxEventSize = message.getRawDataSize(); snd_midi_event_free (midiParser); snd_midi_event_new ((size_t) maxEventSize, &midiParser); } snd_seq_event_t event; snd_seq_ev_clear (&event); auto numBytes = (long) message.getRawDataSize(); auto* data = message.getRawData(); auto seqHandle = client.get(); bool success = true; while (numBytes > 0) { auto numSent = snd_midi_event_encode (midiParser, data, numBytes, &event); if (numSent <= 0) { success = numSent == 0; break; } numBytes -= numSent; data += numSent; snd_seq_ev_set_source (&event, (unsigned char) portId); snd_seq_ev_set_subs (&event); snd_seq_ev_set_direct (&event); if (snd_seq_event_output_direct (seqHandle, &event) < 0) { success = false; break; } } snd_midi_event_reset_encode (midiParser); return success; } bool operator== (const Port& lhs) const noexcept { return portId != -1 && portId == lhs.portId; } void createPort (const String& name, bool enableSubscription) { if (auto seqHandle = client.get()) { const unsigned int caps = isInput ? (SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_WRITE | (enableSubscription ? SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE : 0)) : (SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ | (enableSubscription ? SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_READ : 0)); portName = name; portId = snd_seq_create_simple_port (seqHandle, portName.toUTF8(), caps, SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_MIDI_GENERIC | SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_APPLICATION); } } void handleIncomingMidiMessage (const MidiMessage& message) const { callback->handleIncomingMidiMessage (midiInput, message); } void handlePartialSysexMessage (const uint8* messageData, int numBytesSoFar, double timeStamp) { callback->handlePartialSysexMessage (midiInput, messageData, numBytesSoFar, timeStamp); } AlsaClient& client; MidiInputCallback* callback = nullptr; snd_midi_event_t* midiParser = nullptr; MidiInput* midiInput = nullptr; String portName; int maxEventSize = 4096, portId = -1; bool callbackEnabled = false, isInput = false; }; static Ptr getInstance() { if (instance == nullptr) instance = new AlsaClient(); return instance; } void registerCallback() { if (inputThread == nullptr) inputThread.reset (new MidiInputThread (*this)); if (++activeCallbacks == 1) inputThread->startThread(); } void unregisterCallback() { jassert (activeCallbacks.get() > 0); if (--activeCallbacks == 0 && inputThread->isThreadRunning()) inputThread->signalThreadShouldExit(); } void handleIncomingMidiMessage (snd_seq_event* event, const MidiMessage& message) { if (event->dest.port < ports.size() && ports[event->dest.port]->callbackEnabled) ports[event->dest.port]->handleIncomingMidiMessage (message); } void handlePartialSysexMessage (snd_seq_event* event, const uint8* messageData, int numBytesSoFar, double timeStamp) { if (event->dest.port < ports.size() && ports[event->dest.port]->callbackEnabled) ports[event->dest.port]->handlePartialSysexMessage (messageData, numBytesSoFar, timeStamp); } snd_seq_t* get() const noexcept { return handle; } int getId() const noexcept { return clientId; } Port* createPort (const String& name, bool forInput, bool enableSubscription) { auto port = new Port (*this, forInput); port->createPort (name, enableSubscription); ports.set (port->portId, port); incReferenceCount(); return port; } void deletePort (Port* port) { ports.set (port->portId, nullptr); decReferenceCount(); } private: snd_seq_t* handle = nullptr; int clientId = 0; OwnedArray ports; Atomic activeCallbacks; CriticalSection callbackLock; static AlsaClient* instance; //============================================================================== class MidiInputThread : public Thread { public: MidiInputThread (AlsaClient& c) : Thread ("JUCE MIDI Input"), client (c) { jassert (client.get() != nullptr); } void run() override { auto seqHandle = client.get(); const int maxEventSize = 16 * 1024; snd_midi_event_t* midiParser; if (snd_midi_event_new (maxEventSize, &midiParser) >= 0) { auto numPfds = snd_seq_poll_descriptors_count (seqHandle, POLLIN); HeapBlock pfd (numPfds); snd_seq_poll_descriptors (seqHandle, pfd, (unsigned int) numPfds, POLLIN); HeapBlock buffer (maxEventSize); while (! threadShouldExit()) { if (poll (pfd, (nfds_t) numPfds, 100) > 0) // there was a "500" here which is a bit long when we exit the program and have to wait for a timeout on this poll call { if (threadShouldExit()) break; do { snd_seq_event_t* inputEvent = nullptr; if (snd_seq_event_input (seqHandle, &inputEvent) >= 0) { // xxx what about SYSEXes that are too big for the buffer? auto numBytes = snd_midi_event_decode (midiParser, buffer, maxEventSize, inputEvent); snd_midi_event_reset_decode (midiParser); concatenator.pushMidiData (buffer, (int) numBytes, Time::getMillisecondCounter() * 0.001, inputEvent, client); snd_seq_free_event (inputEvent); } } while (snd_seq_event_input_pending (seqHandle, 0) > 0); } } snd_midi_event_free (midiParser); } } private: AlsaClient& client; MidiDataConcatenator concatenator { 2048 }; }; std::unique_ptr inputThread; }; AlsaClient* AlsaClient::instance = nullptr; //============================================================================== static String getFormattedPortIdentifier (int clientId, int portId) { return String (clientId) + "-" + String (portId); } static AlsaClient::Port* iterateMidiClient (const AlsaClient::Ptr& client, snd_seq_client_info_t* clientInfo, bool forInput, Array& devices, const String& deviceIdentifierToOpen) { AlsaClient::Port* port = nullptr; auto seqHandle = client->get(); snd_seq_port_info_t* portInfo = nullptr; snd_seq_port_info_alloca (&portInfo); jassert (portInfo != nullptr); auto numPorts = snd_seq_client_info_get_num_ports (clientInfo); auto sourceClient = snd_seq_client_info_get_client (clientInfo); snd_seq_port_info_set_client (portInfo, sourceClient); snd_seq_port_info_set_port (portInfo, -1); while (--numPorts >= 0) { if (snd_seq_query_next_port (seqHandle, portInfo) == 0 && (snd_seq_port_info_get_capability (portInfo) & (forInput ? SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_READ : SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE)) != 0) { String portName (snd_seq_port_info_get_name (portInfo)); auto portID = snd_seq_port_info_get_port (portInfo); MidiDeviceInfo device (portName, getFormattedPortIdentifier (sourceClient, portID)); devices.add (device); if (deviceIdentifierToOpen.isNotEmpty() && deviceIdentifierToOpen == device.identifier) { if (portID != -1) { port = client->createPort (portName, forInput, false); jassert (port->isValid()); port->connectWith (sourceClient, portID); break; } } } } return port; } static AlsaClient::Port* iterateMidiDevices (bool forInput, Array& devices, const String& deviceIdentifierToOpen) { AlsaClient::Port* port = nullptr; auto client = AlsaClient::getInstance(); if (auto seqHandle = client->get()) { snd_seq_system_info_t* systemInfo = nullptr; snd_seq_client_info_t* clientInfo = nullptr; snd_seq_system_info_alloca (&systemInfo); jassert (systemInfo != nullptr); if (snd_seq_system_info (seqHandle, systemInfo) == 0) { snd_seq_client_info_alloca (&clientInfo); jassert (clientInfo != nullptr); auto numClients = snd_seq_system_info_get_cur_clients (systemInfo); while (--numClients >= 0) { if (snd_seq_query_next_client (seqHandle, clientInfo) == 0) { port = iterateMidiClient (client, clientInfo, forInput, devices, deviceIdentifierToOpen); if (port != nullptr) break; } } } } return port; } struct AlsaPortPtr { explicit AlsaPortPtr (AlsaClient::Port* p) : ptr (p) {} ~AlsaPortPtr() noexcept { AlsaClient::getInstance()->deletePort (ptr); } AlsaClient::Port* ptr = nullptr; }; //============================================================================== class MidiInput::Pimpl : public AlsaPortPtr { public: using AlsaPortPtr::AlsaPortPtr; }; Array MidiInput::getAvailableDevices() { Array devices; iterateMidiDevices (true, devices, {}); return devices; } MidiDeviceInfo MidiInput::getDefaultDevice() { return getAvailableDevices().getFirst(); } std::unique_ptr MidiInput::openDevice (const String& deviceIdentifier, MidiInputCallback* callback) { if (deviceIdentifier.isEmpty()) return {}; Array devices; auto* port = iterateMidiDevices (true, devices, deviceIdentifier); if (port == nullptr || ! port->isValid()) return {}; jassert (port->isValid()); std::unique_ptr midiInput (new MidiInput (port->portName, deviceIdentifier)); port->setupInput (midiInput.get(), callback); midiInput->internal = std::make_unique (port); return midiInput; } std::unique_ptr MidiInput::createNewDevice (const String& deviceName, MidiInputCallback* callback) { auto client = AlsaClient::getInstance(); auto* port = client->createPort (deviceName, true, true); if (port == nullptr || ! port->isValid()) return {}; std::unique_ptr midiInput (new MidiInput (deviceName, getFormattedPortIdentifier (client->getId(), port->portId))); port->setupInput (midiInput.get(), callback); midiInput->internal = std::make_unique (port); return midiInput; } StringArray MidiInput::getDevices() { StringArray deviceNames; for (auto& d : getAvailableDevices()) deviceNames.add (d.name); deviceNames.appendNumbersToDuplicates (true, true); return deviceNames; } int MidiInput::getDefaultDeviceIndex() { return 0; } std::unique_ptr MidiInput::openDevice (int index, MidiInputCallback* callback) { return openDevice (getAvailableDevices()[index].identifier, callback); } MidiInput::MidiInput (const String& deviceName, const String& deviceIdentifier) : deviceInfo (deviceName, deviceIdentifier) { } MidiInput::~MidiInput() { stop(); } void MidiInput::start() { internal->ptr->enableCallback (true); } void MidiInput::stop() { internal->ptr->enableCallback (false); } //============================================================================== class MidiOutput::Pimpl : public AlsaPortPtr { public: using AlsaPortPtr::AlsaPortPtr; }; Array MidiOutput::getAvailableDevices() { Array devices; iterateMidiDevices (false, devices, {}); return devices; } MidiDeviceInfo MidiOutput::getDefaultDevice() { return getAvailableDevices().getFirst(); } std::unique_ptr MidiOutput::openDevice (const String& deviceIdentifier) { if (deviceIdentifier.isEmpty()) return {}; Array devices; auto* port = iterateMidiDevices (false, devices, deviceIdentifier); if (port == nullptr || ! port->isValid()) return {}; std::unique_ptr midiOutput (new MidiOutput (port->portName, deviceIdentifier)); port->setupOutput(); midiOutput->internal = std::make_unique (port); return midiOutput; } std::unique_ptr MidiOutput::createNewDevice (const String& deviceName) { auto client = AlsaClient::getInstance(); auto* port = client->createPort (deviceName, false, true); if (port == nullptr || ! port->isValid()) return {}; std::unique_ptr midiOutput (new MidiOutput (deviceName, getFormattedPortIdentifier (client->getId(), port->portId))); port->setupOutput(); midiOutput->internal = std::make_unique (port); return midiOutput; } StringArray MidiOutput::getDevices() { StringArray deviceNames; for (auto& d : getAvailableDevices()) deviceNames.add (d.name); deviceNames.appendNumbersToDuplicates (true, true); return deviceNames; } int MidiOutput::getDefaultDeviceIndex() { return 0; } std::unique_ptr MidiOutput::openDevice (int index) { return openDevice (getAvailableDevices()[index].identifier); } MidiOutput::~MidiOutput() { stopBackgroundThread(); } void MidiOutput::sendMessageNow (const MidiMessage& message) { internal->ptr->sendMessageNow (message); } //============================================================================== #else class MidiInput::Pimpl {}; // (These are just stub functions if ALSA is unavailable...) MidiInput::MidiInput (const String& deviceName, const String& deviceID) : deviceInfo (deviceName, deviceID) { } MidiInput::~MidiInput() {} void MidiInput::start() {} void MidiInput::stop() {} Array MidiInput::getAvailableDevices() { return {}; } MidiDeviceInfo MidiInput::getDefaultDevice() { return {}; } std::unique_ptr MidiInput::openDevice (const String&, MidiInputCallback*) { return {}; } std::unique_ptr MidiInput::createNewDevice (const String&, MidiInputCallback*) { return {}; } StringArray MidiInput::getDevices() { return {}; } int MidiInput::getDefaultDeviceIndex() { return 0;} std::unique_ptr MidiInput::openDevice (int, MidiInputCallback*) { return {}; } class MidiOutput::Pimpl {}; MidiOutput::~MidiOutput() {} void MidiOutput::sendMessageNow (const MidiMessage&) {} Array MidiOutput::getAvailableDevices() { return {}; } MidiDeviceInfo MidiOutput::getDefaultDevice() { return {}; } std::unique_ptr MidiOutput::openDevice (const String&) { return {}; } std::unique_ptr MidiOutput::createNewDevice (const String&) { return {}; } StringArray MidiOutput::getDevices() { return {}; } int MidiOutput::getDefaultDeviceIndex() { return 0;} std::unique_ptr MidiOutput::openDevice (int) { return {}; } #endif } // namespace juce