SynthControl Qt::NonModal 0 0 602 407 Qt::ClickFocus Synthesizer 10 10 Qt::TabFocus Set as Default Qt::TabFocus Save to score Save to Score Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::TabFocus Load from score Load from Score Qt::TabFocus Load Default Qt::TabFocus Master volume Master volume Use up and down arrows to modify 2 0 0 Vol. Qt::AlignCenter 2 0 0 Master Effects 0 0 Effect B: 0 0 Effect A 0 0 Effect A: 0 0 Effect B Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 Tuning Master tuning: Master tuning Hertz Hz 1 300.000000000000000 600.000000000000000 440.000000000000000 Qt::Horizontal 275 20 Qt::Vertical 20 127 Qt::TabFocus Change Tuning Dynamics Dynamics method: 1 Velocity only (no single-note dynamics) Default (single-note dynamics and velocity) CC events only (constant velocity) 1 CC 1 CC 2 (default) CC 4 CC 11 CC to use: Advanced Settings Advanced Settings Switch all sounds: Qt::Vertical 20 40 Switch all sounds to expressive To Expressive Switch all sounds to non-expressive To Non-Expressive Reset all sounds to defaults Reset All Awl::Slider QWidget
Awl::VolSlider Awl::Slider
Awl::MeterSlider Awl::VolSlider
tabWidget effectA effectB masterTuning changeTuningButton gainSlider saveButton loadButton storeButton recallButton