/* ==================================================================== * Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Carnegie Mellon University. All rights * reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * This work was supported in part by funding from the Defense Advanced * Research Projects Agency and the National Science Foundation of the * United States of America, and the CMU Sphinx Speech Consortium. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY * NOR ITS EMPLOYEES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ==================================================================== * */ /* * corpus.c -- Corpus-file related misc functions. * * ********************************************** * CMU ARPA Speech Project * * Copyright (c) 1996-2004 Carnegie Mellon University. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * ********************************************** * * HISTORY * * $Log$ * Revision 1.12 2006/02/22 19:49:25 arthchan2003 * Merged from SPHINX3_5_2_RCI_IRII: * 1, Add structure utt_res_t, this is an utterance-based resouce * structure. Add basic operation such as free and report. * 2, Modify the structure of the loop in ctl_corpus to make it not so * clunky. Tested with make check . * 3, Completely removed ctl_process_dyn_lm, it is a product of code * duplication (alright, it is written by me......) * 4, Fixed doc-dox. * * Revision 2005/08/02 21:09:07 arthchan2003 * Removed error message * * Revision 2005/07/27 23:19:11 arthchan2003 * 1, Added utt_res_t structure and its methods. 2, Changed the function pointer prototype. 3, Removed the lm and mllr set process out of ctl_process * * Revision 2005/07/26 03:14:17 arthchan2003 * Removed ctl_process_dyn_lm. One of my sin. * * Revision 1.11 2005/06/21 20:44:34 arthchan2003 * 1, Fixed doxygen documentation, 2, Add the $ keyword. * * * 09-Dec-1999 M K Ravishankar (rkm@cs.cmu.edu) at Carnegie Mellon * Added ctl_process_utt (). * * 01-Mar-1999 M K Ravishankar (rkm@cs.cmu.edu) at Carnegie Mellon * Added check for already existing file extension in ctl_infile(). * * 23-Mar-1998 M K Ravishankar (rkm@cs.cmu.edu) at Carnegie Mellon * Added a general purpose data argument to ctl_process() and its function * argument func. * * 22-Nov-1997 M K Ravishankar (rkm@cs.cmu.edu) at Carnegie Mellon * Added an optional validation function argument and an optional * duplicate-resolution function argument to both corpus_load_headid() and * corpus_load_tailid(). * * 25-Oct-1997 M K Ravishankar (rkm@cs.cmu.edu) at Carnegie Mellon University * Started. */ #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include "filename.h" #include "pio.h" #include "corpus.h" #include "kb.h" #if (defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)) #define SLEEP_SEC(sec) (0) /* Why doesn't Sleep((sec)*1000) work? */ #else #define SLEEP_SEC(sec) sleep(sec) /* sec must be integer */ #endif utt_res_t * new_utt_res() { utt_res_t *ur; ur = ckd_calloc(1, sizeof(utt_res_t)); utt_res_set_uttfile(ur, NULL); utt_res_set_lmname(ur, NULL); utt_res_set_fsgname(ur, NULL); utt_res_set_regmatname(ur, NULL); utt_res_set_cb2mllrname(ur, NULL); return ur; } void free_utt_res(utt_res_t * ur) { ckd_free(ur); } void report_utt_res(utt_res_t * ur) { E_INFO_NOFN("Utt res, report:\n"); if (ur->uttfile != NULL) E_INFO_NOFN("uttfile %s\n", ur->uttfile); if (ur->lmname != NULL) E_INFO_NOFN("lmname %s\n", ur->lmname); if (ur->fsgname != NULL) E_INFO_NOFN("fsgname %s\n", ur->fsgname); if (ur->regmatname != NULL) E_INFO_NOFN("regmatname %s\n", ur->regmatname); if (ur->cb2mllrname != NULL) E_INFO_NOFN("cb2mllrname %s\n", ur->cb2mllrname); } corpus_t * corpus_load_headid(const char *file, int32(*validate) (char *str), int32(*dup_resolve) (char *s1, char *s2)) { FILE *fp; char line[16384], wd[4096], *id; int32 j, k, m, n; corpus_t *corp; E_INFO("Loading corpus (%s)\n", file); if ((fp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) E_FATAL_SYSTEM("fopen(%s,r) failed\n", file); corp = (corpus_t *) ckd_calloc(1, sizeof(corpus_t)); n = 0; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { /* Skip empty lines */ if (sscanf(line, "%s", wd) == 1) n++; } rewind(fp); corp->ht = hash_table_new(n, HASH_CASE_YES); corp->n = 0; corp->str = (char **) ckd_calloc(n, sizeof(char *)); n = 0; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { /* Skip blank lines */ if (sscanf(line, "%s%n", wd, &k) != 1) continue; /* Eliminate the line-terminating newline */ j = strlen(line); if ((j > 0) && (line[j - 1] == '\n')) line[j - 1] = '\0'; /* Validate if a validation function is given */ if (validate && (!(*validate) (line + k))) { E_INFO("Corpus validation %s failed; skipping\n", wd); continue; } id = ckd_salloc(wd); if ((m = (long) hash_table_enter(corp->ht, id, (void *)(long)n)) != n) { /* Duplicate entry */ if (!dup_resolve) E_FATAL ("corpus_load_headid(%s) failed; duplicate ID: %s\n", file, id); else { /* Invoke the application provided duplicate resolver function */ if ((j = (*dup_resolve) (corp->str[m], line + k)) < 0) E_FATAL ("corpus_load_headid(%s) failed; duplicate ID: %s\n", file, id); ckd_free(id); if (j > 0) { /* Overwrite the original with the new entry */ ckd_free(corp->str[m]); corp->str[m] = ckd_salloc(line + k); } else { /* Retain the original entry, discard the new one */ } } } else { /* Fill in new entry */ corp->str[n] = ckd_salloc(line + k); n++; } } corp->n = n; fclose(fp); E_INFO("%s: %d entries\n", file, n); return corp; } static int32 sep_tailid(char *line, char *uttid) { int32 i, k, l; l = strlen(line); uttid[0] = '\0'; /* Find last close-paren */ for (i = l - 1; (i >= 0) && ((line[i] == '\n') || (line[i] == ' ') || (line[i] == '\t')); --i); if ((i < 0) || (line[i] != ')')) /* Missing uttid */ return -1; k = i; /* Find closest open-paren; no spaces allowed in uttid */ for (--i; (i >= 0) && (line[i] != ' ') && (line[i] != '\t') && (line[i] != '('); --i); if ((i < 0) || (k - i < 2) || (line[i] != '(')) /* Empty or missing uttid */ return -1; /* Remove parentheses and copy uttid */ line[k] = '\0'; strcpy(uttid, line + i + 1); /* Strip uttid from line */ line[i] = '\0'; return 0; } corpus_t * corpus_load_tailid(const char *file, int32(*validate) (char *str), int32(*dup_resolve) (char *s1, char *s2)) { FILE *fp; char line[16384], uttid[4096], *id; int32 j, m, n; corpus_t *corp; E_INFO("Loading corpus (%s)\n", file); if ((fp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) E_FATAL_SYSTEM("fopen(%s,r) failed\n", file); corp = (corpus_t *) ckd_calloc(1, sizeof(corpus_t)); n = 0; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { /* Skip empty lines */ if (sscanf(line, "%s", uttid) == 1) n++; } rewind(fp); corp->ht = hash_table_new(n, 0 /* Not no-case */ ); corp->n = 0; corp->str = (char **) ckd_calloc(n, sizeof(char *)); n = 0; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { /* Skip blank lines */ if (sscanf(line, "%s", uttid) < 1) continue; /* Look for a (uttid) at the end */ if (sep_tailid(line, uttid) < 0) E_FATAL("corpus_load_tailid(%s) failed; bad line: %s\n", file, line); /* Validate if a validation function is given */ if (validate && (!(*validate) (line))) { E_INFO("Corpus validation %s failed; skipping\n", uttid); continue; } id = ckd_salloc(uttid); if ((m = (long) hash_table_enter(corp->ht, id, (void *)(long)n)) != n) { /* Duplicate entry */ if (!dup_resolve) E_FATAL ("corpus_load_tailid(%s) failed; duplicate ID: %s\n", file, id); else { /* Invoke the application provided duplicate resolver function */ if ((j = (*dup_resolve) (corp->str[m], line)) < 0) E_FATAL ("corpus_load(tailid(%s) failed; duplicate ID: %s\n", file, id); ckd_free(id); if (j > 0) { /* Overwrite the original with the new entry */ ckd_free(corp->str[m]); corp->str[m] = ckd_salloc(line); } else { /* Retain the original entry, discard the new one */ } } } else { /* Fill in new entry */ corp->str[n] = ckd_salloc(line); n++; } } corp->n = n; fclose(fp); E_INFO("%s: %d entries\n", file, n); return corp; } char * corpus_lookup(corpus_t * corp, const char *id) { void *val; int32 n; if (hash_table_lookup(corp->ht, id, &val) < 0) return NULL; n = (int32)(long)val; assert((n >= 0) && (n < corp->n)); return (corp->str[n]); } #if _CORPUS_TEST_ main(int32 argc, char *argv[]) { corpus_t *ch, *ct; char id[4096], *str; if (argc != 3) E_FATAL("Usage: %s headid-corpusfile tailid-corpusfile\n", argv[0]); ch = corpus_load_headid(argv[1], NULL, NULL); ct = corpus_load_tailid(argv[2], NULL, NULL); for (;;) { printf("> "); scanf("%s", id); str = corpus_lookup(ch, id); if (str == NULL) printf("%s Not found in 1\n"); else printf("%s(1): %s\n", id, str); str = corpus_lookup(ct, id); if (str == NULL) printf("%s Not found in 2\n"); else printf("%s(2): %s\n", id, str); } } #endif int32 ctl_read_entry(FILE * fp, char *uttfile, int32 * sf, int32 * ef, char *uttid) { char line[16384]; char base[16384]; int32 k; do { if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) == NULL) return -1; if (line[0] == '#') k = 0; else k = sscanf(line, "%s %d %d %s", uttfile, sf, ef, uttid); } while (k <= 0); if ((k == 2) || ((k >= 3) && ((*sf >= *ef) || (*sf < 0)))) E_FATAL("Error in ctlfile: %s\n", line); if (k < 4) { /* Create utt-id from mfc-filename (and sf/ef if specified) */ path2basename(uttfile, base); /* strip_fileext (base, uttid); */ strcpy(uttid, base); if (k == 3) { k = strlen(uttid); sprintf(uttid + k, "_%d_%d", *sf, *ef); } else { *sf = 0; *ef = -1; /* Signifies "until EOF" */ } } return 0; } #if 0 ptmr_t ctl_process(char *ctlfile, char *ctlmllrfile, int32 nskip, int32 count, void (*func) (void *kb, char *uttfile, int32 sf, int32 ef, char *uttid), void *kb) { FILE *fp, *mllrfp; char uttfile[16384], uttid[4096]; char regmatfile[4096], cb2mllrfile[4096]; int32 sf, ef; ptmr_t tm; mllrfp = NULL; E_INFO("Batch mode recognition without dynamic LM\n"); if (ctlfile) { if ((fp = fopen(ctlfile, "r")) == NULL) E_FATAL_SYSTEM("fopen(%s,r) failed\n", ctlfile); } else fp = stdin; if (ctlmllrfile) { if ((mllrfp = fopen(ctlmllrfile, "r")) == NULL) E_FATAL_SYSTEM("fopen(%s,r) failed\n", ctlmllrfile); } ptmr_init(&tm); if (nskip > 0) { E_INFO("Skipping %d entries at the beginning of %s\n", nskip, ctlfile); for (; nskip > 0; --nskip) { if (ctl_read_entry(fp, uttfile, &sf, &ef, uttid) < 0) { fclose(fp); return tm; } } if (ctlmllrfile) { for (; nskip > 0; --nskip) { if (ctl_read_entry(fp, regmatfile, &sf, &ef, cb2mllrfile) < 0) { E_ERROR ("MLLR cannot be read when skipping the %d-th sentence\n", nskip); fclose(fp); return tm; } } } } for (; count > 0; --count) { if (ctl_read_entry(fp, uttfile, &sf, &ef, uttid) < 0) break; if (ctlmllrfile) { int32 tmp1, tmp2; if (ctl_read_entry (mllrfp, regmatfile, &tmp1, &tmp2, cb2mllrfile) < 0) { E_ERROR ("MLLR cannot be read when counting the %d-th sentence\n", count); break; } if (tmp2 == -1) strcpy(cb2mllrfile, ".1cls."); } /* Process this utterance */ ptmr_start(&tm); if (func) { if (ctlmllrfile) kb_setmllr(regmatfile, cb2mllrfile, kb); (*func) (kb, uttfile, sf, ef, uttid); } ptmr_stop(&tm); E_INFO ("%s: %6.1f sec CPU, %6.1f sec Clk; TOT: %8.1f sec CPU, %8.1f sec Clk\n\n", uttid, tm.t_cpu, tm.t_elapsed, tm.t_tot_cpu, tm.t_tot_elapsed); ptmr_reset(&tm); } if (fp) fclose(fp); return tm; } #endif ptmr_t ctl_process(const char *ctlfile, const char *ctllmfile, const char *ctlmllrfile, int32 nskip, int32 count, void (*func) (void *kb, utt_res_t * ur, int32 sf, int32 ef, char *uttid), void *kb) { FILE *fp; FILE *ctllmfp; FILE *ctlmllrfp; char uttfile[16384], uttid[4096]; char lmname[4096]; char regmatname[4096], cb2mllrname[4096]; char tmp[4096]; int32 sf, ef; utt_res_t *ur; ptmr_t tm; kb_t *k; k = (kb_t *) kb; ctllmfp = NULL; ctlmllrfp = NULL; ur = new_utt_res(); if (ctlfile) { if ((fp = fopen(ctlfile, "r")) == NULL) E_FATAL_SYSTEM("fopen(%s,r) failed\n", ctlfile); } else fp = stdin; if (ctllmfile) { E_INFO("LM is used in this session\n"); if ((ctllmfp = fopen(ctllmfile, "r")) == NULL) E_FATAL_SYSTEM("fopen(%s,r) failed\n", ctllmfile); } if (ctlmllrfile) { E_INFO("MLLR is used in this session\n"); if ((ctlmllrfp = fopen(ctlmllrfile, "r")) == NULL) E_FATAL_SYSTEM("fopen(%s,r) failed\n", ctlmllrfile); } ptmr_init(&tm); if (nskip > 0) { E_INFO("Skipping %d entries at the beginning of %s\n", nskip, ctlfile); for (; nskip > 0; --nskip) { if (ctl_read_entry(fp, uttfile, &sf, &ef, uttid) < 0) { fclose(fp); return tm; } /*This checks the size of the control file of the lm in batch mode */ if (ctllmfile) { if (ctl_read_entry(ctllmfp, lmname, &sf, &ef, tmp) < 0) { fclose(ctllmfp); E_ERROR ("An LM control file is specified but LM cannot be read when skipping the %d-th sentence\n", nskip); return tm; } } /*This checks the size of the control file of the mllr in batch mode */ if (ctlmllrfile) { if (ctl_read_entry(ctlmllrfp, regmatname, &sf, &ef, tmp) < 0) { fclose(ctlmllrfp); E_ERROR ("A MLLR control file is specified but MLLR cannot be read when skipping the %d-th sentence\n", nskip); return tm; } } } } for (; count > 0; --count) { int32 tmp1, tmp2; if (ctl_read_entry(fp, uttfile, &sf, &ef, uttid) < 0) break; /*This checks the size of the control file in batch mode */ if (ctllmfile) { if (ctl_read_entry(ctllmfp, lmname, &tmp1, &tmp2, tmp) < 0) { fclose(ctllmfp); E_ERROR ("LM control file is specified but LM cannot be read when counting the %d-th sentence\n", count); break; } } if (ctlmllrfile) { if (ctl_read_entry (ctlmllrfp, regmatname, &tmp1, &tmp2, cb2mllrname) < 0) { E_ERROR ("MLLR control file is specified but MLLR cannot be read when counting the %d-th sentence\n", count); break; } if (tmp2 == -1) strcpy(cb2mllrname, ".1cls."); } /* Process this utterance */ ptmr_start(&tm); if (func) { utt_res_set_uttfile(ur, uttfile); if (ctllmfile) utt_res_set_lmname(ur, lmname); if (ctlmllrfile) { utt_res_set_regmatname(ur, regmatname); utt_res_set_cb2mllrname(ur, cb2mllrname); } (*func) (kb, ur, sf, ef, uttid); } ptmr_stop(&tm); E_INFO ("%s: %6.1f sec CPU, %6.1f sec Clk; TOT: %8.1f sec CPU, %8.1f sec Clk\n\n", uttid, tm.t_cpu, tm.t_elapsed, tm.t_tot_cpu, tm.t_tot_elapsed); ptmr_reset(&tm); } if (fp) fclose(fp); if (ctllmfp) fclose(ctllmfp); if (ctlmllrfp) fclose(ctlmllrfp); if (ur) ckd_free(ur); return tm; } ptmr_t ctl_process_utt(const char *uttfile, int32 count, void (*func) (void *kb, utt_res_t * ur, int32 sf, int32 ef, char *uttid), void *kb) { char uttid[4096]; char base[16384]; int32 i, c; int32 ts, newts; ptmr_t tm; utt_res_t *ur; ptmr_init(&tm); ur = new_utt_res(); path2basename(uttfile, base); /* strip_fileext() copies base to uttid. So, copying uttid to base * is redundant if strip_fileext() is not called. */ /* strip_fileext (base, uttid); strcpy (base, uttid); */ ts = -1; for (c = 0; c < count; c++) { /* Wait for uttfile to change from previous iteration */ for (i = 0;; i++) { newts = stat_mtime(uttfile); if ((newts >= 0) && (newts != ts)) break; if (i == 0) E_INFO("Waiting for %s, count %d, c %d\n", uttfile, count, c); SLEEP_SEC(1); } ts = newts; /* Form uttid */ sprintf(uttid, "%s_%08d", base, c); /* Process this utterance */ ptmr_start(&tm); if (func) { utt_res_set_uttfile(ur, uttfile); (*func) (kb, ur, 0, -1, uttid); } ptmr_stop(&tm); E_INFO ("%s: %6.1f sec CPU, %6.1f sec Clk; TOT: %8.1f sec CPU, %8.1f sec Clk\n\n", uttid, tm.t_cpu, tm.t_elapsed, tm.t_tot_cpu, tm.t_tot_elapsed); ptmr_reset(&tm); } if (ur) free_utt_res(ur); return tm; } void ctl_infile(char *file, const char *dir, const char *ext, const char *utt) { int32 l1, l2; assert(utt); if (ext && (ext[0] != '\0')) { l1 = strlen(ext); l2 = strlen(utt); if ((l2 > l1) && (utt[l2 - l1 - 1] == '.') && (strcmp(utt + (l2 - l1), ext) == 0)) ext = NULL; /* utt already has the desired extension */ } if ((utt[0] != '/') && dir) { /* Dir specified for relative uttfile pathname */ if (ext && (ext[0] != '\0')) sprintf(file, "%s/%s.%s", dir, utt, ext); else sprintf(file, "%s/%s", dir, utt); } else { if (ext && (ext[0] != '\0')) sprintf(file, "%s.%s", utt, ext); else strcpy(file, utt); } } void ctl_outfile(char *file, const char *dir, const char *ext, const char *utt, const char *uttid) { int32 k; k = strlen(dir); if ((k > 4) && (strcmp(dir + k - 4, ",CTL") == 0)) { /* HACK!! Hardwired ,CTL */ if (utt[0] != '/') { strcpy(file, dir); file[k - 4] = '/'; strcpy(file + k - 3, utt); } else strcpy(file, utt); } else { strcpy(file, dir); file[k] = '/'; strcpy(file + k + 1, uttid); } if (ext && (ext[0] != '\0')) { strcat(file, "."); strcat(file, ext); } }