/* SuperCollider Qt IDE Copyright (c) 2012 Jakob Leben & Tim Blechmann http://www.audiosynth.com This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #pragma once #include "util/docklet.hpp" #include "QtCollider/widgets/web_page.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace ScIDE { namespace Settings { class Manager; } class HelpBrowserDocklet; class HelpBrowserFindBox; class HelpBrowser; class LoadProgressIndicator : public QLabel { Q_OBJECT public slots: void start(const QString& msg = tr("Loading")) { mMsg = msg; mDotCount = 0; mUpdateTimer.start(200, this); } void stop() { mUpdateTimer.stop(); clear(); } protected: virtual void timerEvent(QTimerEvent* event) { if (event->timerId() != mUpdateTimer.timerId()) return; ++mDotCount; if (mDotCount > 6) mDotCount = 1; QString string(mDotCount, '.'); string.prepend(mMsg); setText(string); } private: QBasicTimer mUpdateTimer; QString mMsg; int mDotCount; }; class HelpWebPage : public QtCollider::WebPage { Q_OBJECT public: HelpWebPage(HelpBrowser* browser); private: HelpBrowser* mBrowser; }; class HelpBrowser : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: enum ActionRole { GoHome, DocClose, ZoomIn, ZoomOut, ResetZoom, Evaluate, ActionCount }; HelpBrowser(QWidget* parent = 0); QSize sizeHint() const { return mSizeHint; } QSize minimumSizeHint() const { return QSize(50, 50); } void gotoHelpFor(const QString&); void gotoHelpForMethod(const QString& className, const QString& methodName); QWidget* loadProgressIndicator() { return mLoadProgressIndicator; } QUrl url() const { return mWebView->url(); } bool helpBrowserHasFocus() const; void setServerPort(int serverPort) { mServerPort = serverPort; }; public slots: void applySettings(Settings::Manager*); void goHome(); void closeDocument(); void zoomIn(); void zoomOut(); void resetZoom(); void evaluateSelection(bool region = false); void findText(const QString& text, bool backwards = false); bool openDocumentation(); void openDefinition(); void openCommandLine(); void findReferences(); void onLinkClicked(const QUrl&, QWebEnginePage::NavigationType type, bool isMainFrame); void onPageLoad(); signals: void urlChanged(); private slots: void onContextMenuRequest(const QPoint& pos); void onReload(); void onScResponse(const QString& command, const QString& data); void onJsConsoleMsg(const QString&, int, const QString&); private: friend class HelpBrowserDocklet; void createActions(); bool eventFilter(QObject* object, QEvent* event); void sendRequest(const QString& code); QString symbolUnderCursor(); QWebEngineView* mWebView; LoadProgressIndicator* mLoadProgressIndicator; QSize mSizeHint; QAction* mActions[ActionCount]; int mServerPort = 0; // if 0, server is not running }; class HelpBrowserFindBox : public QLineEdit { Q_OBJECT public: HelpBrowserFindBox(QWidget* parent = 0); signals: void query(const QString& text, bool backwards = false); protected: virtual bool event(QEvent* event); }; class HelpBrowserDocklet : public Docklet { Q_OBJECT public: explicit HelpBrowserDocklet(QWidget* parent = 0); HelpBrowser* browser() { return mHelpBrowser; } private slots: void onInterpreterStart() { if (isVisible() && mHelpBrowser->url().isEmpty()) mHelpBrowser->goHome(); } private: HelpBrowser* mHelpBrowser; HelpBrowserFindBox* mFindBox; }; } // namespace ScIDE