function [HDR]=openxlt(fn) % OPENXLT is an auxillary function to SOPEN for % opening of XLTEK files % % Use SOPEN instead of OPENXLT % % See also: fopen, SOPEN, % % References: % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 % of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % Copyright (C) 2004,2008,2020 by Alois Schloegl % Thanks to Andrey Vankov for his support. % This is part of the BIOSIG-toolbox fprintf(2,'Warning: OPENXLT is in an experimental state and is most likely not useful to you.\n'); fprintf(2,'\t Do not use it unless you are sure know what you do. At least you are warned!\n'); if ischar(fn) HDR.FileName = fn; [pfad,file,FileExt] = fileparts(HDR.FileName); HDR.FILE.Name = file; HDR.FILE.Path = pfad; HDR.FILE.Ext = char(FileExt(2:length(FileExt))); end; % read etc file fid = fopen(fullfile(HDR.FILE.Path,[HDR.FILE.Name,'.etc']),'r'); if fid<0, fid = fopen(fullfile(HDR.FILE.Path,[HDR.FILE.Name,'.ETC']),'r'); end if fid>0, status = fseek(fid,hex2dec(164),'bof'); HDR.XLT.timebase = fread(fid,1,'int32'); fclose(fid); end; % read ent file fid = fopen(fullfile(HDR.FILE.Path,[HDR.FILE.Name,'.ent']),'r'); if fid<0, fid = fopen(fullfile(HDR.FILE.Path,[HDR.FILE.Name,'.ENT']),'r'); end if fid>0, while ~feof(fid) tline = fgetl(fid); if strncmp(tline,'Stamp',5), [t,r] = strtok(tline,' '); [t,r] = strtok(r,' '); [HDR.XLT.timebase2,c] = biosig_str2double(t); ix = strfind(tline,'patient'); else end end; fclose(fid); end; % read erd file fid = fopen(HDR.FileName); if fid>0, HDR.H1 = fread(fid,352,'uchar'); HDR.SampleRate = fread(fid,1,'uchar'); tmp = fread(fid,2,'int32'); HDR.NS = tmp(1); HDR.bits = tmp(2); % ???? ### HDR.XLT.PhysChan = fread(fid,1024,'int32'); HDR.XLT.HeadBoxType = fread(fid,4,'int32'); HDR.XLT.HeadBoxSN = fread(fid,4,'int32'); HDR.XLT.HeadBoxSoftwareVersion = fread(fid,[4,16],'uint8'); HDR.XLT.DSP_HW_Version = fread(fid,[16],'uint8'); HDR.XLT.DSP_SW_Version = fread(fid,[16],'uint8'); HDR.XLT.DiscardBits = fread(fid,4,'int32'); HDR.XLT.shorted = fread(fid,1024,'int16'); HDR.XLT.FrequencyFactor = fread(fid,1024,'int16'); HDR.HeadLen = hex2dec('21D0'); status = fseek(fid,HDR.HeadLen,'bof'); fclose(fid); end;