package; import htsjdk.samtools.*; import htsjdk.samtools.util.FileExtensions; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.StandardArgumentDefinitions; import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.ReadsContext; import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.exceptions.GATKException; import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.exceptions.UserException; import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.BaseUtils; import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.QualityUtils; import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.SimpleInterval; import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.Utils; import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.recalibration.EventType; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.OpenOption; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.*; /** * A miscellaneous collection of utilities for working with reads, headers, etc. * Static methods only, please. */ public final class ReadUtils { private ReadUtils() { } private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(); /** * The default quality score for an insertion or deletion, if * none are provided for this read. */ public static final byte DEFAULT_INSERTION_DELETION_QUAL = (byte)45; // Base Quality Score Recalibrator specific attribute tags public static final String BQSR_BASE_INSERTION_QUALITIES = "BI"; // base qualities for insertions public static final String BQSR_BASE_DELETION_QUALITIES = "BD"; // base qualities for deletions public static final int READ_INDEX_NOT_FOUND = -1; private static final int DEFAULT_ADAPTOR_SIZE = 100; public static final String ORIGINAL_BASE_QUALITIES_TAG =; /** * BAM file magic value that starts every bam file */ public static final byte[] BAM_MAGIC = "BAM\1".getBytes(); /** * HACK: This is used to make a copy of a read. * Really, SAMRecord should provide a copy constructor or a factory method. */ public static SAMRecord cloneSAMRecord(final SAMRecord originalRead) { if (originalRead == null) { return null; } try { return (SAMRecord)originalRead.clone(); } catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } /** * HACK: This is used to make a copy of a header. * Really, SAMFileHeader should provide a copy constructor or a factory method. */ public static SAMFileHeader cloneSAMFileHeader( final SAMFileHeader header ) { if (header == null) return null; return header.clone(); } /** * Checks whether read is a headerless SAMRecordToGATKReadAdapter, and if it is, sets its * header to the provided header. * * @param read A potentially headerless GATKRead * @param header header to store in the read, if it's a headerless SAMRecord-backed read */ public static void restoreHeaderIfNecessary( final GATKRead read, final SAMFileHeader header ) { if ( read instanceof SAMRecordToGATKReadAdapter ) { SAMRecordToGATKReadAdapter readAdapter = (SAMRecordToGATKReadAdapter)read; if ( ! readAdapter.hasHeader() ) { readAdapter.setHeader(header); } } } /** * Retrieve the original base qualities of the given read, if present, * as stored in the OQ attribute. * * @param read read to check * @return original base qualities as stored in the OQ attribute, or null * if the OQ attribute is not present */ public static byte[] getOriginalBaseQualities( final GATKRead read ) { if ( ! read.hasAttribute(ORIGINAL_BASE_QUALITIES_TAG) ) { return null; } final String oqString = read.getAttributeAsString(ORIGINAL_BASE_QUALITIES_TAG); return !oqString.isEmpty() ? SAMUtils.fastqToPhred(oqString) : null; } /** * Returns the base qualities for the read as a string. * * @param read read whose base qualities should be returned * @return Base qualities string as printable ASCII values (encoded as a FASTQ string). */ public static String getBaseQualityString( final GATKRead read ) { Utils.nonNull(read); if ( Arrays.equals(SAMRecord.NULL_QUALS, read.getBaseQualities()) ) { return SAMRecord.NULL_QUALS_STRING; } return SAMUtils.phredToFastq(read.getBaseQualities()); } /** * Set the base qualities from a string of ASCII encoded values * @param read read whose base qualities should be set * @param baseQualityString ASCII encoded (encoded as a FASTQ string) values of base qualities. */ public static void setBaseQualityString(final GATKRead read, final String baseQualityString) { Utils.nonNull(read); Utils.nonNull(baseQualityString); if ( SAMRecord.NULL_QUALS_STRING.equals(baseQualityString) ) { read.setBaseQualities(SAMRecord.NULL_QUALS); } else { read.setBaseQualities(SAMUtils.fastqToPhred(baseQualityString)); } } /** * Returns the reference index in the given header of the read's contig, * or {@link SAMRecord#NO_ALIGNMENT_REFERENCE_INDEX} if the read is unmapped. * * @param read read whose reference index to look up * @param header SAM header defining contig indices * @return the reference index in the given header of the read's contig, * or {@link SAMRecord#NO_ALIGNMENT_REFERENCE_INDEX} if the read is unmapped. */ public static int getReferenceIndex( final GATKRead read, final SAMFileHeader header ) { if ( read.isUnmapped() ) { return SAMRecord.NO_ALIGNMENT_REFERENCE_INDEX; } return header.getSequenceIndex(read.getContig()); } /** * Returns the reference index in the given header of the read's assigned contig. * * Unlike {@link #getReferenceIndex}, which returns {@link SAMRecord#NO_ALIGNMENT_REFERENCE_INDEX} * for all unmapped reads, this method will return a reference index for unmapped * reads that are assigned a nominal position (eg., the position of their mates), * which is useful for sorting. * * @param read read whose reference index to look up * @param header SAM header defining contig indices * @return the reference index in the given header of the read's contig, * or {@link SAMRecord#NO_ALIGNMENT_REFERENCE_INDEX} if the read's contig * is not found in the header */ public static int getAssignedReferenceIndex( final GATKRead read, final SAMFileHeader header ) { return header.getSequenceIndex(read.getAssignedContig()); } /** * Checks whether the provided read has an assigned position. This is different than checking * unmapped status, since unmapped reads are often assigned a nominal position (eg., the position * of their mapped mate). A read is considered to have no assigned position if its assigned contig * is either {@code null} or {@link ReadConstants#UNSET_CONTIG}, or its assigned start position is * {@link ReadConstants#UNSET_POSITION}, regardless of whether the read is actually marked as mapped * or unmapped. * * @param read read to check * @return true if the read has no assigned position, otherwise false */ public static boolean readHasNoAssignedPosition( final GATKRead read ) { // Check actual assigned positions rather than unmapped status, so that unmapped reads with // assigned positions will be considered to have a position return read.getAssignedContig() == null || read.getAssignedContig().equals(ReadConstants.UNSET_CONTIG) || read.getAssignedStart() == ReadConstants.UNSET_POSITION; } /** * Returns the reference index in the given header of the contig of the read's mate, * or {@link SAMRecord#NO_ALIGNMENT_REFERENCE_INDEX} if the read's mate is unmapped. * * @param read read whose mate's reference index to look up * @param header SAM header defining contig indices * @return the reference index in the given header of the contig of the read's mate, * or {@link SAMRecord#NO_ALIGNMENT_REFERENCE_INDEX} if the read's mate is unmapped. */ public static int getMateReferenceIndex( final GATKRead read, final SAMFileHeader header ) { if ( read.mateIsUnmapped() ) { return SAMRecord.NO_ALIGNMENT_REFERENCE_INDEX; } return header.getSequenceIndex(read.getMateContig()); } /** * Returns a {@link SAMReadGroupRecord} object corresponding to the provided read's read group. * * @param read read whose read group to retrieve * @param header SAM header containing read groups * @return a {@link SAMReadGroupRecord} object corresponding to the provided read's read group, * or null if the read has no read group */ public static SAMReadGroupRecord getSAMReadGroupRecord( final GATKRead read, final SAMFileHeader header ) { final String readGroupName = read.getReadGroup(); return readGroupName != null ? header.getReadGroup(readGroupName) : null; } /** * Returns the platform associated with the provided read's read group. * * @param read read whose platform information to retrieve * @param header SAM header containing read groups * @return the platform for the provided read's read group as a String, * or null if the read has no read group. */ public static String getPlatform( final GATKRead read, final SAMFileHeader header ) { final SAMReadGroupRecord readGroup = getSAMReadGroupRecord(read, header); return readGroup != null ? readGroup.getPlatform() : null; } /** * Returns the platform unit associated with the provided read's read group. * * @param read read whose platform unit to retrieve * @param header SAM header containing read groups * @return the platform unit for the provided read's read group as a String, * or null if the read has no read group. */ public static String getPlatformUnit( final GATKRead read, final SAMFileHeader header ) { final SAMReadGroupRecord readGroup = getSAMReadGroupRecord(read, header); return readGroup != null ? readGroup.getPlatformUnit() : null; } /** * Returns the library associated with the provided read's read group. * * @param read read whose library to retrieve * @param header SAM header containing read groups * @return the library for the provided read's read group as a String, * or null if the read has no read group. */ public static String getLibrary( final GATKRead read, final SAMFileHeader header ) { final SAMReadGroupRecord readGroup = getSAMReadGroupRecord(read, header); return readGroup != null ? readGroup.getLibrary() : null; } /** * Returns the sample name associated with the provided read's read group. * * @param read read whose sample name to retrieve * @param header SAM header containing read groups * @return the sample name for the provided read's read group as a String, * or null if the read has no read group. */ public static String getSampleName( final GATKRead read, final SAMFileHeader header ) { final SAMReadGroupRecord readGroup = getSAMReadGroupRecord(read, header); return readGroup != null ? readGroup.getSample() : null; } /** * Returns the read's unclipped start if the read is on the forward strand, * or the read's unclipped end if the read is on the reverse strand. * * @param read read whose stranded unclipped start to retrieve * @return the read's unclipped start if the read is on the forward strand, * or the read's unclipped end if the read is on the reverse strand. */ public static int getStrandedUnclippedStart( final GATKRead read ) { return read.isReverseStrand() ? read.getUnclippedEnd() : read.getUnclippedStart(); } public static boolean isEmpty(final SAMRecord read) { return read.getReadBases() == null || read.getReadLength() == 0; } public static String prettyPrintSequenceRecords( final SAMSequenceDictionary sequenceDictionary ) { final String[] sequenceRecordNames = new String[sequenceDictionary.size()]; int sequenceRecordIndex = 0; for (final SAMSequenceRecord sequenceRecord : sequenceDictionary.getSequences()) { sequenceRecordNames[sequenceRecordIndex++] = sequenceRecord.getSequenceName(); } return Arrays.deepToString(sequenceRecordNames); } /** * @param read read to query * @return true if the read has a mate and that mate is mapped, otherwise false */ public static boolean readHasMappedMate( final GATKRead read ) { return read.isPaired() && ! read.mateIsUnmapped(); } /** * @param read read to query * @return true if the read has a mate and that mate is mapped, otherwise false */ public static boolean readHasMappedMate( final SAMRecord read ) { return read.getReadPairedFlag() && ! read.getMateUnmappedFlag(); } /** * Check whether the given String represents a legal attribute name according to the SAM spec, * and throw an exception if it doesn't. * * Legal attribute names are two characters long, start with a letter, and end with a letter or digit. * * @param attributeName name to check * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the attribute name is illegal according to the SAM spec. */ public static void assertAttributeNameIsLegal( final String attributeName ) { if ( attributeName == null || attributeName.length() != 2 || ! Character.isLetter(attributeName.charAt(0)) || ! Character.isLetterOrDigit(attributeName.charAt(1)) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Read attribute " + attributeName + " invalid: attribute names must be non-null two-character Strings matching the pattern /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]/"); } } /** * Encapsulates a integer attribute into an {@link OptionalInt} instance. * @param read the input read. * @param tag the attribute tag name. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code read} or {@code tag} are {@code null}. * @throws GATKException.ReadAttributeTypeMismatch if the value provided for that attribute is not an integer. * @return never {@code null}, but perhaps empty indicating that no value was provided for this attribute. */ public static OptionalInt getOptionalIntAttribute(final SAMRecord read, final String tag) { Utils.nonNull(read); Utils.nonNull(tag); final Object obj = read.getAttribute(tag); if (obj == null) { return OptionalInt.empty(); } else if (obj instanceof Integer || obj instanceof Short) { final Number num = (Number) obj; return OptionalInt.of(num.intValue()); } else if (obj instanceof CharSequence) { final String str = "" + obj; try { return OptionalInt.of(Integer.parseInt(str)); } catch (final NumberFormatException ex) { throw new GATKException.ReadAttributeTypeMismatch(read, tag, "integer", ex); } } else { throw new GATKException.ReadAttributeTypeMismatch(read, tag, "integer", obj); } } /** * Encapsulates a integer attribute into an {@link OptionalInt} instance. * @param read the input read. * @param tag the attribute tag name. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code read} or {@code tag} are {@code null}. * @throws GATKException.ReadAttributeTypeMismatch if the value provided for that attribute is not an integer. * @return never {@code null}, but perhaps empty indicating that no value was provided for this attribute. */ public static OptionalInt getOptionalIntAttribute(final GATKRead read, final String tag) { Utils.nonNull(read); Utils.nonNull(tag); final Integer obj = read.getAttributeAsInteger(tag); return obj == null ? OptionalInt.empty() : OptionalInt.of(obj); } /** * Helper method for interrogating if a read and its mate (if it exists) are unmapped * @param read a read with mate information to interrogate * @return true if this read and its are unmapped */ public static boolean readAndMateAreUnmapped(GATKRead read) { return read.isUnmapped() && (!read.isPaired() || read.mateIsUnmapped()); } /** * Interrogates the header to determine if the bam is expected to be sorted such that reads with the same name appear in order. * This can correspond to either a queryname sorted bam or a querygrouped bam (unordered readname groups) * @param header header corresponding to the bam file in question * @return true if the header has has the right readname group */ public static boolean isReadNameGroupedBam(SAMFileHeader header) { return SAMFileHeader.SortOrder.queryname.equals(header.getSortOrder()) || SAMFileHeader.GroupOrder.query.equals(header.getGroupOrder()); } /** * Create a map of reads overlapping {@code interval} to their mates by looking for all possible mates within some * maximum fragment size. This is not guaranteed to find all mates, in particular near structural variant breakpoints * where mates may align far away. * * The algorithm is: * 1) make two maps of read name --> read for reads overlapping {@code interval}, one for first-of-pair reads and one * for second-of-pair reads. * 2) For all reads in an expanded interval padded by {@code fragmentSize} on both sides look for a read of the same name * that is second-of-pair if this read is first-of-pair or vice-versa. If such a read is found then this is that read's mate. * * @param readsContext * @param fragmentSize the maximum distance on either side of {@code interval} to look for mates. * @return a map of reads ot their mates for all reads for which a mate could be found. */ public static Map getReadToMateMap(final ReadsContext readsContext, final int fragmentSize) { final Map readOnes = new HashMap<>(); final Map readTwos = new HashMap<>(); -> (read.isFirstOfPair() ? readOnes : readTwos).put(read.getName(), read)); final Map result = new HashMap<>(); final SimpleInterval originalInterval = readsContext.getInterval(); final SimpleInterval expandedInterval = new SimpleInterval(originalInterval.getContig(), Math.max(1, originalInterval.getStart() - fragmentSize), originalInterval.getEnd() + fragmentSize); -> { final GATKRead read = (mate.isFirstOfPair() ? readTwos : readOnes).get(mate.getName()); if (read != null) { result.put(read, mate); } }); return result; } public static final int SAM_READ_PAIRED_FLAG = 0x1; public static final int SAM_PROPER_PAIR_FLAG = 0x2; public static final int SAM_READ_UNMAPPED_FLAG = 0x4; public static final int SAM_MATE_UNMAPPED_FLAG = 0x8; public static final int SAM_READ_STRAND_FLAG = 0x10; public static final int SAM_MATE_STRAND_FLAG = 0x20; public static final int SAM_FIRST_OF_PAIR_FLAG = 0x40; public static final int SAM_SECOND_OF_PAIR_FLAG = 0x80; public static final int SAM_NOT_PRIMARY_ALIGNMENT_FLAG = 0x100; public static final int SAM_READ_FAILS_VENDOR_QUALITY_CHECK_FLAG = 0x200; public static final int SAM_DUPLICATE_READ_FLAG = 0x400; public static final int SAM_SUPPLEMENTARY_ALIGNMENT_FLAG = 0x800; /** * Construct a set of SAM bitwise flags from a GATKRead * * @param read read from which to construct the flags * @return SAM-compliant set of bitwise flags reflecting the properties in the given read */ public static int getSAMFlagsForRead( final GATKRead read ) { int samFlags = 0; if ( read.isPaired() ) { samFlags |= SAM_READ_PAIRED_FLAG; } if ( read.isProperlyPaired() ) { samFlags |= SAM_PROPER_PAIR_FLAG; } if ( read.isUnmapped() ) { samFlags |= SAM_READ_UNMAPPED_FLAG; } if ( read.isPaired() && read.mateIsUnmapped() ) { samFlags |= SAM_MATE_UNMAPPED_FLAG; } if ( !read.isUnmapped() && read.isReverseStrand() ) { samFlags |= SAM_READ_STRAND_FLAG; } if ( read.isPaired() && ! read.mateIsUnmapped() && read.mateIsReverseStrand() ) { samFlags |= SAM_MATE_STRAND_FLAG; } if ( read.isFirstOfPair() ) { samFlags |= SAM_FIRST_OF_PAIR_FLAG; } if ( read.isSecondOfPair() ) { samFlags |= SAM_SECOND_OF_PAIR_FLAG; } if ( read.isSecondaryAlignment() ) { samFlags |= SAM_NOT_PRIMARY_ALIGNMENT_FLAG; } if ( read.failsVendorQualityCheck() ) { samFlags |= SAM_READ_FAILS_VENDOR_QUALITY_CHECK_FLAG; } if ( read.isDuplicate() ) { samFlags |= SAM_DUPLICATE_READ_FLAG; } if ( read.isSupplementaryAlignment() ) { samFlags |= SAM_SUPPLEMENTARY_ALIGNMENT_FLAG; } return samFlags; } /** * Finds the adaptor boundary around the read and returns the first base inside the adaptor that is closest to * the read boundary. If the read is in the positive strand, this is the first base after the end of the * fragment (Picard calls it 'insert'), if the read is in the negative strand, this is the first base before the * beginning of the fragment. * * There are two cases we need to treat here: * * 1) Our read is in the reverse strand : * * <----------------------| * * |---------------------> * * in these cases, the adaptor boundary is at the mate start (minus one) * * 2) Our read is in the forward strand : * * |----------------------> * * <----------------------| * * in these cases the adaptor boundary is at the start of the read plus the inferred insert size (plus one) * * @param read the read being tested for the adaptor boundary * @return the reference coordinate for the adaptor boundary (effectively the first base IN the adaptor, closest to the read. * CANNOT_COMPUTE_ADAPTOR_BOUNDARY if the read is unmapped or the mate is mapped to another contig. */ public static int getAdaptorBoundary(final GATKRead read) { if ( ! hasWellDefinedFragmentSize(read) ) { return CANNOT_COMPUTE_ADAPTOR_BOUNDARY; } else if ( read.isReverseStrand() ) { return read.getMateStart() - 1; // case 1 (see header) } else { final int insertSize = Math.abs(read.getFragmentLength()); // the inferred insert size can be negative if the mate is mapped before the read (so we take the absolute value) return read.getStart() + insertSize; // case 2 (see header) } } public static int CANNOT_COMPUTE_ADAPTOR_BOUNDARY = Integer.MIN_VALUE; /** * Can the adaptor sequence of read be reliably removed from the read based on the alignment of * read and its mate? * * @param read the read to check * @return true if it can, false otherwise */ public static boolean hasWellDefinedFragmentSize(final GATKRead read) { if ( read.getFragmentLength() == 0 ) // no adaptors in reads with mates in another chromosome or unmapped pairs { return false; } if ( ! read.isPaired() ) // only reads that are paired can be adaptor trimmed { return false; } if ( read.isUnmapped() || read.mateIsUnmapped() ) // only reads when both reads are mapped can be trimmed { return false; } // if ( ! read.isProperlyPaired() ) // // note this flag isn't always set properly in BAMs, can will stop us from eliminating some proper pairs // // reads that aren't part of a proper pair (i.e., have strange alignments) can't be trimmed // return false; if ( read.isReverseStrand() == read.mateIsReverseStrand() ) // sanity check on isProperlyPaired to ensure that read1 and read2 aren't on the same strand { return false; } if ( read.isReverseStrand() ) { // we're on the negative strand, so our read runs right to left return read.getEnd() > read.getMateStart(); } else { // we're on the positive strand, so our mate should be to our right (his start + insert size should be past our start) return read.getStart() <= read.getMateStart() + read.getFragmentLength(); } } /** * If a read starts in INSERTION, returns the first element length. * * Warning: If the read has Hard or Soft clips before the insertion this function will return 0. * * @param read * @return the length of the first insertion, or 0 if there is none (see warning). */ public static int getFirstInsertionOffset(final GATKRead read) { final CigarElement e = read.getCigarElement(0); if ( e.getOperator() == CigarOperator.I ) { return e.getLength(); } else { return 0; } } /** * If a read ends in INSERTION, returns the last element length. * * Warning: If the read has Hard or Soft clips after the insertion this function will return 0. * * @param read * @return the length of the last insertion, or 0 if there is none (see warning). */ public static int getLastInsertionOffset(final GATKRead read) { final List cigarElements = read.getCigarElements(); final CigarElement e = cigarElements.get(cigarElements.size() - 1); if ( e.getOperator() == CigarOperator.I ) { return e.getLength(); } else { return 0; } } /** * Calculates the reference coordinate for the beginning of the read taking into account soft clips but not hard clips. * * Note: getUnclippedStart() adds soft and hard clips, this function only adds soft clips. * * @return the unclipped start of the read taking soft clips (but not hard clips) into account */ public static int getSoftStart(final GATKRead read) { Utils.nonNull(read, "read"); int softStart = read.getStart(); for (final CigarElement cig : read.getCigarElements()) { final CigarOperator op = cig.getOperator(); if (op == CigarOperator.SOFT_CLIP) { softStart -= cig.getLength(); } else if (op != CigarOperator.HARD_CLIP) { break; } } return softStart; } /** * Calculates the reference coordinate for the end of the read taking into account soft clips but not hard clips. * * Note: getUnclippedEnd() adds soft and hard clips, this function only adds soft clips. * * @return the unclipped end of the read taking soft clips (but not hard clips) into account */ public static int getSoftEnd(final GATKRead read) { Utils.nonNull(read, "read"); boolean foundAlignedBase = false; int softEnd = read.getEnd(); final List cigs = read.getCigarElements(); for (int i = cigs.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { final CigarElement cig = cigs.get(i); final CigarOperator op = cig.getOperator(); if (op == CigarOperator.SOFT_CLIP){ // assumes the soft clip that we found is at the end of the aligned read softEnd += cig.getLength(); } else if (op != CigarOperator.HARD_CLIP) { foundAlignedBase = true; break; } } if( !foundAlignedBase ) { // for example 64H14S, the soft end is actually the same as the alignment end softEnd = read.getEnd(); } return softEnd; } /** * Find the 0-based index within a read base array corresponding to a given 1-based position in the reference, along with the cigar operator of * the element containing that base. If the reference coordinate occurs within a deletion, the first index after the deletion is returned. * Note that this treats soft-clipped bases as if they align with the reference, which is useful for hard-clipping reads with soft clips. * * @param alignmentStart The soft start of the read on the reference * @param cigar The read's cigar * @param refCoord The target reference coordinate * @return If the reference coordinate occurs before the read start or after the read end {@code CLIPPING_GOAL_NOT_REACHED}; * if the reference coordinate falls within an alignment block of the read's cigar, the corresponding read coordinate; * if the reference coordinate falls within a deletion, the first read coordinate after the deletion. Note: if the last cigar element is * a deletion (which isn't meaningful), it returns {@code CLIPPING_GOAL_NOT_REACHED}. */ public static Pair getReadIndexForReferenceCoordinate(final int alignmentStart, final Cigar cigar, final int refCoord) { if (refCoord < alignmentStart) { return new MutablePair<>(READ_INDEX_NOT_FOUND, null); } int firstReadPosOfElement = 0; //inclusive int firstRefPosOfElement = alignmentStart; //inclusive int lastReadPosOfElement = 0; //exclusive int lastRefPosOfElement = alignmentStart; //exclusive // advance forward through all the cigar elements until we bracket the reference coordinate for (final CigarElement element : cigar) { final CigarOperator operator = element.getOperator(); firstReadPosOfElement = lastReadPosOfElement; firstRefPosOfElement = lastRefPosOfElement; lastReadPosOfElement += operator.consumesReadBases() ? element.getLength() : 0; lastRefPosOfElement += operator.consumesReferenceBases() || operator == CigarOperator.S ? element.getLength() : 0; if (firstRefPosOfElement <= refCoord && refCoord < lastRefPosOfElement) { // refCoord falls within this cigar element final int readPosAtRefCoord = firstReadPosOfElement + (operator.consumesReadBases() ? ( refCoord - firstRefPosOfElement) : 0); return Pair.of(readPosAtRefCoord, operator); } } return new MutablePair<>(READ_INDEX_NOT_FOUND, null); } /** * Returns the index within the read's bases array corresponding to the requested reference coordinate -- or the read coordinate immediately preceding * a deletion in which the reference coordinate falls -- along with the cigar operator in which the reference coordinate occurs. */ public static Pair getReadIndexForReferenceCoordinate(final GATKRead read, final int refCoord) { return getReadIndexForReferenceCoordinate(read.getSoftStart(), read.getCigar(), refCoord); } public static Optional getReadBaseAtReferenceCoordinate(final GATKRead read, final int refCoord) { if (refCoord < read.getStart() || read.getEnd() < refCoord) { return Optional.empty(); } final Pair offsetAndOperator = getReadIndexForReferenceCoordinate(read, refCoord); return (offsetAndOperator.getLeft() != READ_INDEX_NOT_FOUND && offsetAndOperator.getRight().consumesReadBases()) ? Optional.of(read.getBase(offsetAndOperator.getLeft())) : Optional.empty(); } public static Optional getReadBaseQualityAtReferenceCoordinate(final GATKRead read, final int refCoord) { if (refCoord < read.getStart() || read.getEnd() < refCoord) { return Optional.empty(); } final Pair offsetAndOperator = getReadIndexForReferenceCoordinate(read.getSoftStart(), read.getCigar(), refCoord); return (offsetAndOperator.getRight() != null && offsetAndOperator.getRight().consumesReadBases()) ? Optional.of(read.getBaseQuality(offsetAndOperator.getLeft())) : Optional.empty(); } /** * Is a base inside a read? * * @param read the read to evaluate * @param referenceCoordinate the reference coordinate of the base to test * @return true if it is inside the read, false otherwise. */ public static boolean isInsideRead(final GATKRead read, final int referenceCoordinate) { return referenceCoordinate >= read.getStart() && referenceCoordinate <= read.getEnd(); } /** * Returns the reverse complement of the read bases * * @param bases the read bases * @return the reverse complement of the read bases */ public static String getBasesReverseComplement(final byte[] bases) { String reverse = ""; for (int i = bases.length-1; i >=0; i--) { reverse += (char) BaseUtils.getComplement(bases[i]); } return reverse; } /** * Returns the reverse complement of the read bases * * @param read the read * @return the reverse complement of the read bases */ public static String getBasesReverseComplement(final GATKRead read) { return getBasesReverseComplement(read.getBases()); } /** * Creates an "empty", unmapped read with the provided read's read group and mate * information, but empty (not-null) fields: * - Cigar String * - Read Bases * - Base Qualities * * Use this method if you want to create a new empty read based on * another read * * @param read a read to copy fields from * @return a read with no bases but safe for the GATK */ public static GATKRead emptyRead( final GATKRead read ) { final GATKRead emptyRead = read.copy(); emptyRead.setIsUnmapped(); emptyRead.setMappingQuality(0); emptyRead.setCigar(""); emptyRead.setBases(new byte[0]); emptyRead.setBaseQualities(new byte[0]); emptyRead.clearAttributes(); String readGroup = read.getReadGroup(); if (readGroup != null) { emptyRead.setAttribute(, readGroup); } return emptyRead; } public static void setInsertionBaseQualities( final GATKRead read, final byte[] quals) { read.setAttribute(BQSR_BASE_INSERTION_QUALITIES, quals == null ? null : SAMUtils.phredToFastq(quals)); } public static void setDeletionBaseQualities( final GATKRead read, final byte[] quals) { read.setAttribute(BQSR_BASE_DELETION_QUALITIES, quals == null ? null : SAMUtils.phredToFastq(quals)); } /** * @return whether or not this read has base insertion or deletion qualities (one of the two is sufficient to return true) */ public static boolean hasBaseIndelQualities(final GATKRead read) { return read.hasAttribute(BQSR_BASE_INSERTION_QUALITIES) || read.hasAttribute(BQSR_BASE_DELETION_QUALITIES); } /** * @return the base deletion quality or null if read doesn't have one */ public static byte[] getExistingBaseInsertionQualities(final GATKRead read) { return SAMUtils.fastqToPhred(read.getAttributeAsString(BQSR_BASE_INSERTION_QUALITIES)); } /** * @return the base deletion quality or null if read doesn't have one */ public static byte[] getExistingBaseDeletionQualities(final GATKRead read) { return SAMUtils.fastqToPhred( read.getAttributeAsString(BQSR_BASE_DELETION_QUALITIES)); } /** * Default utility to query the base insertion quality of a read. If the read doesn't have one, it creates an array of default qualities (currently Q45) * and assigns it to the read. * * @return the base insertion quality array */ public static byte[] getBaseInsertionQualities(final GATKRead read) { byte [] quals = getExistingBaseInsertionQualities(read); if( quals == null ) { quals = new byte[read.getBaseQualityCount()]; Arrays.fill(quals, DEFAULT_INSERTION_DELETION_QUAL); // Some day in the future when base insertion and base deletion quals exist the samtools API will // be updated and the original quals will be pulled here, but for now we assume the original quality is a flat Q45 } return quals; } /** * Default utility to query the base deletion quality of a read. If the read doesn't have one, it creates an array of default qualities (currently Q45) * and assigns it to the read. * * @return the base deletion quality array */ public static byte[] getBaseDeletionQualities(final GATKRead read) { byte[] quals = getExistingBaseDeletionQualities(read); if( quals == null ) { quals = new byte[read.getBaseQualityCount()]; Arrays.fill(quals, DEFAULT_INSERTION_DELETION_QUAL); // Some day in the future when base insertion and base deletion quals exist the samtools API will // be updated and the original quals will be pulled here, but for now we assume the original quality is a flat Q45 } return quals; } public static byte[] getBaseQualities( final GATKRead read, final EventType errorModel ) { switch( errorModel ) { case BASE_SUBSTITUTION: return read.getBaseQualities(); case BASE_INSERTION: return getBaseInsertionQualities(read); case BASE_DELETION: return getBaseDeletionQualities(read); default: throw new GATKException("Unrecognized Base Recalibration type: " + errorModel ); } } /** * Resets the quality scores of the reads to the orginal (pre-BQSR) ones. */ public static GATKRead resetOriginalBaseQualities(final GATKRead read) { final byte[] originalQuals = ReadUtils.getOriginalBaseQualities(read); if ( originalQuals != null ){ read.setBaseQualities(originalQuals); } return read; } /** * Check to ensure that the alignment makes sense based on the contents of the header. * @param header The SAM file header. * @param read The read to verify. * @return true if alignment agrees with header, false otherwise. */ public static boolean alignmentAgreesWithHeader(final SAMFileHeader header, final GATKRead read) { final int referenceIndex = getReferenceIndex(read, header); // Read is aligned to nonexistent contig if( ! read.isUnmapped() && referenceIndex == SAMRecord.NO_ALIGNMENT_REFERENCE_INDEX ) { return false; } final SAMSequenceRecord contigHeader = header.getSequence(referenceIndex); // Read is aligned to a point after the end of the contig return read.isUnmapped() || read.getStart() <= contigHeader.getSequenceLength(); } /** * Create a common SAMFileWriter for use with GATK tools. * * @param outputFile - if this file has a .cram extension then a reference is required. Can not be null. * @param referenceFile - the reference source to use. Can not be null if a output file has a .cram extension. * @param header - header to be used for the output writer * @param preSorted - if true then the records must already be sorted to match the header sort order * @param createOutputBamIndex - if true an index will be created for .BAM and .CRAM files * @param createMD5 - if true an MD5 file will be created * * @return SAMFileWriter */ public static SAMFileWriter createCommonSAMWriter( final File outputFile, final File referenceFile, final SAMFileHeader header, final boolean preSorted, boolean createOutputBamIndex, final boolean createMD5) { return createCommonSAMWriter( (null == outputFile ? null : outputFile.toPath()), null == referenceFile ? null : referenceFile.toPath(), header, preSorted, createOutputBamIndex, createMD5); } /** * Create a common SAMFileWriter for use with GATK tools. * * @param outputPath - if this file has a .cram extension then a reference is required. Can not be null. * @param referenceFile - the reference source to use. Can not be null if a output file has a .cram extension. * @param header - header to be used for the output writer * @param preSorted - if true then the records must already be sorted to match the header sort order * @param createOutputBamIndex - if true an index will be created for .BAM and .CRAM files * @param createMD5 - if true an MD5 file will be created * * @return SAMFileWriter */ public static SAMFileWriter createCommonSAMWriter( final Path outputPath, final Path referenceFile, final SAMFileHeader header, final boolean preSorted, boolean createOutputBamIndex, final boolean createMD5) { Utils.nonNull(outputPath); Utils.nonNull(header); if (createOutputBamIndex && header.getSortOrder() != SAMFileHeader.SortOrder.coordinate) { logger.warn("Skipping index file creation for: " + outputPath + ". Index file creation requires reads in coordinate sorted order."); createOutputBamIndex = false; } final SAMFileWriterFactory factory = new SAMFileWriterFactory().setCreateIndex(createOutputBamIndex).setCreateMd5File(createMD5); return ReadUtils.createCommonSAMWriterFromFactory(factory, outputPath, referenceFile, header, preSorted); } /** * Create a common SAMFileWriter from a factory for use with GATK tools. Assumes that if the factory has been set * to create an index, the header must be set to coordinate sorted. * * @param outputFile if this file has a .cram extension then a reference is required. Can not be null. * @param referenceFile the reference source to use. Can not be null if a output file has a .cram extension. * @param header header to be used for the output writer * @param preSorted if true then records must already be sorted to match the header sort order * @param factory SAMFileWriterFactory factory to use * @return SAMFileWriter */ public static SAMFileWriter createCommonSAMWriterFromFactory( final SAMFileWriterFactory factory, final File outputFile, final File referenceFile, final SAMFileHeader header, final boolean preSorted) { return createCommonSAMWriterFromFactory(factory, Utils.nonNull(outputFile).toPath(), referenceFile == null ? null : referenceFile.toPath(), header, preSorted); } /** * Create a common SAMFileWriter from a factory for use with GATK tools. Assumes that if the factory has been set * to create an index, the header must be set to coordinate sorted. * * @param outputPath if this file has a .cram extension then a reference is required. Can not be null. * @param referenceFile the reference source to use. Can not be null if a output file has a .cram extension. * @param header header to be used for the output writer * @param preSorted if true then records must already be sorted to match the header sort order * @param factory SAMFileWriterFactory factory to use * @param openOptions (optional) NIO options specifying how to open the file * @return SAMFileWriter */ public static SAMFileWriter createCommonSAMWriterFromFactory( final SAMFileWriterFactory factory, final Path outputPath, final Path referenceFile, final SAMFileHeader header, final boolean preSorted, OpenOption... openOptions) { Utils.nonNull(outputPath); Utils.nonNull(header); if (null == referenceFile && outputPath.toString().endsWith(FileExtensions.CRAM)) { throw new UserException.MissingReference("A reference file is required for writing CRAM files"); } return factory.makeWriter(header.clone(), preSorted, outputPath, referenceFile); } /** * Validate that a file has CRAM contents by checking that it has a valid CRAM file header * (no matter what the extension). * * @param putativeCRAMPath File to check. * @return true if the file has a valid CRAM file header, otherwise false */ public static boolean hasCRAMFileContents(final Path putativeCRAMPath) { try (final InputStream fileStream = Files.newInputStream(putativeCRAMPath)) { try (final BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fileStream)) { return SamStreams.isCRAMFile(bis); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new UserException.CouldNotReadInputFile(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Validate that a file has CRAM contents by checking that it has a valid CRAM file header * (no matter what the extension). * * @param putativeCRAMFile File to check. * @return true if the file has a valid CRAM file header, otherwise false */ public static boolean hasCRAMFileContents(final File putativeCRAMFile) { return hasCRAMFileContents(putativeCRAMFile.toPath()); } public static boolean isNonPrimary(GATKRead read) { return read.isSecondaryAlignment() || read.isSupplementaryAlignment() || read.isUnmapped(); } /** * is this base inside the adaptor of the read? * * There are two cases to treat here: * * 1) Read is in the negative strand => Adaptor boundary is on the left tail * 2) Read is in the positive strand => Adaptor boundary is on the right tail * * Note: We return false to all reads that are UNMAPPED or have an weird big insert size (probably due to mismapping or bigger event) * * @param read the read to test * @param basePos base position in REFERENCE coordinates (not read coordinates) * @return whether or not the base is in the adaptor */ public static boolean isBaseInsideAdaptor(final GATKRead read, long basePos) { final int adaptorBoundary = read.getAdaptorBoundary(); if (adaptorBoundary == CANNOT_COMPUTE_ADAPTOR_BOUNDARY || read.getFragmentLength() > DEFAULT_ADAPTOR_SIZE) return false; return read.isReverseStrand() ? basePos <= adaptorBoundary : basePos >= adaptorBoundary; } /** * Pull out the sample names from a SAMFileHeader * * note that we use a TreeSet so that they are sorted * * @param header the sam file header * @return list of strings representing the sample names */ public static Set getSamplesFromHeader( final SAMFileHeader header ) { // get all of the unique sample names final Set samples = new TreeSet<>(); final List readGroups = header.getReadGroups(); for ( SAMReadGroupRecord readGroup : readGroups ) { final String sample = readGroup.getSample(); if ( sample != null ) { samples.add(sample); } } return samples; } /** * Validate that the expected input sort order is either "unsorted", or that it * matches the actualSortOrder. If validation fails a UserException is thrown * unless assumeSorted is true. * * @param actualSortOrder the actual sort order of the input * @param expectedSortOrder the sort order expected for this context * @param sourceName the name of the read source for inclusion in error messages * @param assumeSorted if true, no exception is thrown when the actualSortOrder * doesn't match the expectedSortOrder. An error messsage is * logged instead * @return boolean indicating if the validation passed * @throws UserException if the expectedSortOrder is anything other than "unsorted" * and the actualSortOrder doesn't match expectedSortOrder and assumeSorted is false */ public static boolean validateExpectedSortOrder( final SAMFileHeader.SortOrder actualSortOrder, final SAMFileHeader.SortOrder expectedSortOrder, final boolean assumeSorted, final String sourceName) { boolean isValid = true; if (expectedSortOrder != SAMFileHeader.SortOrder.unsorted && actualSortOrder != expectedSortOrder) { final String message = String.format("Input \"%s\" has sort order \"%s\" but \"%s\" is required.", sourceName,,; isValid = false; if (assumeSorted) { logger.warn(message + " Assuming it's properly sorted anyway."); } else { throw new UserException( message + "If you believe the file to be sorted correctly, use " + StandardArgumentDefinitions.ASSUME_SORTED_LONG_NAME + "=true" ); } } return isValid; } /** * Returns the offset (0-based index) of the first base in the read that is aligned against the reference. *

* In most cases for mapped reads, this is typically equal to the sum of the size of soft-clipping at the * beginning of the alignment. *


* Notice that this index makes reference to the offset of that first base in the array returned by {@link GATKRead#getBases()}, If you * are after the first base in the original unclipped and not reverse-complemented read, you must use * {@link #getFirstAlignedReadPosition} instead. *

* * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the input {@code read} is {@code null} or does not have any base aligned * against the reference (e.g. is unmapped). * * @return a number between 0 and the read length-1. */ public static int getFirstAlignedBaseOffset(final GATKRead read) { Utils.nonNull(read, "the input read cannot be null"); if (read.isUnmapped()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("the input read is unmapped and therefore does not have any base aligned"); } else { final List cigarElements = read.getCigarElements(); if (cigarElements.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("the input read is mapped yet contains no cigar-elements: " + read.commonToString()); } int result = 0; for (final CigarElement ce : cigarElements) { final int length = ce.getLength(); final CigarOperator co = ce.getOperator(); if (length > 0 && co.isAlignment()) { return result; } else if (co.consumesReadBases()) { result += length; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("the input read cigar does not contain any alignment element"); } } /** * @param read a GATK read * @return true if the read is F2R1, false otherwise */ public static boolean isF2R1(final GATKRead read) { return read.isReverseStrand() == read.isFirstOfPair(); } /** * @param read a GATK read * @return true if the read is F1R2, false otherwise */ public static boolean isF1R2(final GATKRead read) { return read.isReverseStrand() != read.isFirstOfPair(); } /** * Used to be called isUsableRead() **/ public static boolean readHasReasonableMQ(final GATKRead read){ return read.getMappingQuality() != 0 && read.getMappingQuality() != QualityUtils.MAPPING_QUALITY_UNAVAILABLE; } }