subroutine reddis(vr) implicit real (a-h,o-z), integer (i-n) logical box,cell,fast common /pbc/ abc(3),abc2(3),angles(3),box,cell,fast dimension vr(3) do i=1,3 vr(i) = mod(vr(i),abc(i)) if (vr(i).gt.abc2(i)) then vr(i) = vr(i) - abc(i) endif if (vr(i).lt.-abc2(i)) then vr(i) = vr(i) + abc(i) endif end do return end subroutine rddisr(vr) implicit real (a-h,o-z), integer (i-n) real abc,abc2,angles logical box,cell,fast common /pbc/ abc(3),abc2(3),angles(3),box,cell,fast dimension vr(3) do i=1,3 do while (vr(i).gt.real(abc2(i))) vr(i) = vr(i) - real(abc(i)) end do do while (vr(i).lt.-real(abc2(i))) vr(i) = vr(i) + real(abc(i)) end do end do return end subroutine appbnd(coo,ityp) implicit real (a-h,o-z), integer (i-n) integer*2 ityp logical box,cell,fast,outbox common /pbc/ abc(3),abc2(3),angles(3),box,cell,fast common /athlp/ iatoms, mxnat dimension coo(3,*),cw(3,3),vec(3),ityp(*) c put water molecules which are entirely out of the box c back in the box do i=1,iatoms if (ityp(i) .eq.649.and. & ityp(i+1).eq.650.and. & ityp(i+2).eq.650) then outbox = .true. do j=1,3 vec(j) = 0.0e0 end do do k=1,3 l = 0 do j=1,3 cw(j,k) = coo(j,i+k-1) if (cw(j,k).gt.abc2(j)) then l = l + 1 if (k.eq.1) vec(j) = -abc(j) endif if (cw(j,k).lt.-abc2(j)) then l = l + 1 if (k.eq.1) vec(j) = abc(j) endif end do if (l.eq.0) outbox = .false. end do c water out of the box, put it back if (outbox) then do k=1,3 do j=1,3 coo(j,i+k-1) = cw(j,k) + vec(j) end do end do endif endif end do return end subroutine makbod(coo) implicit real (a-h,o-z), integer (i-n) logical box,cell,fast common /pbc/ abc(3),abc2(3),angles(3),box,cell,fast dimension coo(3,*),vec(3) c get largest diameter protein and add a default c set abc and abc2 c set protein in center of the box offs = 14.0e0 call docnt(vec,coo) do i=1,3 abc(i) = 2.0e0*vec(i) + offs abc2(i) = 0.5e0*abc(i) end do return end subroutine allbox implicit real (a-h,o-z), integer (i-n) parameter (mxion=2000) logical box,cell,fast common /pbc/ abc(3),abc2(3),angles(3),box,cell,fast common /h2oer/ numwat,natnow,nion,iontyp,ionpl,iw(mxion),niwat common /athlp/ iatoms, mxnat dimension nbox(3) watd = 18.620e0 nwater = 648/3 do i=1,3 t = abc(i)/watd nbox(i) = int(t) + 1 end do newat = nbox(1)*nbox(2)*nbox(3)*nwater*3 call allcoo(newat) if ( call allq return end subroutine filbod(water,coo,iconn,iresid,ityp, & nac,iac,nad, & nbnd,ibnd,bl,bk, & nang,iang,ango,ak,q,iopt,iwtpr) implicit real (a-h,o-z), integer (i-n) parameter (mxcon=10) parameter (mxac=3*mxcon) parameter (numres=50000) parameter (mxion=2000) logical box,cell,fast,chkwat,chkbox,chkion common /pbc/ abc(3),abc2(3),angles(3),box,cell,fast common /athlp/ iatoms, mxnat common /residu/ qtot,ihsres, & ires(numres),ibeg(numres),iend(numres) common /h2oer/ numwat,natnow,nion,iontyp,ionpl,iw(mxion),niwat integer*2 ityp dimension water(3,*), coo(3,*), nbox(3), doff(3) dimension ityp(*),iconn(mxcon+1,*),iresid(*) dimension nac(*),nad(*),iac(mxac,*) dimension ibnd(2,*), bl(*), bk(*) dimension iang(3,*),ango(*),ak(*) dimension q(*),iopt(*),iwtpr(*),cwat(3,3),ibox(3) watd = 18.620e0 nwater = 648/3 c 18.620 ang box c take prefilled water box and tile the real box with this c sub box c remove water that overlap with protein do i=1,3 t = abc(i)/watd nbox(i) = int(t) + 1 end do ishoh = ires(ihsres) if ( then ishoh = -4 else ishoh = ishoh - 1 endif natnow = iatoms ioff = iatoms numwat = 0 nwat = 0 ibox(1) = 0 do i=1,nbox(1) if (i.eq.nbox(1)) ibox(1) = 1 ibox(2) = 0 do j=1,nbox(2) if (j.eq.nbox(2)) ibox(2) = 1 ibox(3) = 0 do k=1,nbox(3) if (k.eq.nbox(3)) ibox(3) = 1 doff(1) = -abc2(1) + 0.5e0*watd + watd*dble(i-1) doff(2) = -abc2(2) + 0.5e0*watd + watd*dble(j-1) doff(3) = -abc2(3) + 0.5e0*watd + watd*dble(k-1) chkbox = .false. if (i.eq.nbox(1).or.j.eq.nbox(2).or.k.eq.nbox(3)) & chkbox = .true. do n=1,nwater in = (n-1)*3 do m=1,3 cwat(m,1) = water(m,in+1) + doff(m) cwat(m,2) = water(m,in+2) + doff(m) cwat(m,3) = water(m,in+3) + doff(m) end do if (chkwat(cwat,coo,ityp,iopt,ioff,ibox, & iwt,chkbox)) then nwat = nwat + 1 if (.not.chkion(nwat)) then c ADD WATER numwat = numwat + 1 iwtpr(numwat) = iwt if ( then ihsres = ihsres + 1 endif ires(ihsres) = ishoh ibeg(ihsres) = ioff+1 iend(ihsres) = ioff+3 iresid(ioff+1) = ishoh iresid(ioff+2) = ishoh iresid(ioff+3) = ishoh ishoh = ishoh - 1 do m=1,3 coo(m,ioff+1) = cwat(m,1) coo(m,ioff+2) = cwat(m,2) coo(m,ioff+3) = cwat(m,3) end do ityp(ioff+1) = 649 ityp(ioff+2) = 650 ityp(ioff+3) = 650 iwtpr(numwat) = 0 iconn(1,ioff+1) = 2 iconn(2,ioff+1) = ioff+2 iconn(3,ioff+1) = ioff+3 iconn(1,ioff+2) = 1 iconn(2,ioff+2) = ioff+1 iconn(1,ioff+3) = 1 iconn(2,ioff+3) = ioff+1 ibnd(1,nbnd+1) = ioff+1 ibnd(2,nbnd+1) = ioff+2 bl(nbnd+1) = 0.9572e0 bk(nbnd+1) = 553.0e0 ibnd(1,nbnd+2) = ioff+1 ibnd(2,nbnd+2) = ioff+3 bl(nbnd+2) = 0.9572e0 bk(nbnd+2) = 553.0e0 nbnd = nbnd + 2 nang = nang + 1 iang(1,nang) = ioff+2 iang(2,nang) = ioff+1 iang(3,nang) = ioff+3 ango(nang) = 104.52e0 ak(nang) = 100.00e0 q(ioff+1) = -0.8340e0 q(ioff+2) = 0.4170e0 q(ioff+3) = 0.4170e0 if (i.eq.1.or.j.eq.1.or.k.eq.1) then iopt(ioff+1) = 1 iopt(ioff+2) = 1 iopt(ioff+3) = 1 else iopt(ioff+1) = 0 iopt(ioff+2) = 0 iopt(ioff+3) = 0 endif nac(ioff+1) = 0 nac(ioff+2) = 1 nac(ioff+3) = 1 iac(1,ioff+2) = ioff+3 iac(1,ioff+3) = ioff+2 nad(ioff+1) = 0 nad(ioff+2) = 0 nad(ioff+3) = 0 ioff = ioff + 3 endif endif end do end do end do end do do i=iatoms,ioff iopt(i) = 1 end do iatoms = ioff if ( & call addions(coo,iconn,iresid,ityp,q,iopt) return end logical function chkion(iwat) implicit real (a-h,o-z), integer (i-n) parameter (mxion=2000) common /h2oer/ numwat,natnow,nion,iontyp,ionpl,iw(mxion),niwat chkion = .false. if (nion.eq.0) return do i=1,nion if (iwat.eq.iw(i)) then chkion = .true. return endif end do return end subroutine addions(coo,iconn,iresid,ityp,q,iopt) implicit real (a-h,o-z), integer (i-n) parameter (mxcon=10) parameter (numres=50000) parameter (mxion=2000) common /athlp/ iatoms, mxnat common /residu/ qtot,ihsres, & ires(numres),ibeg(numres),iend(numres) common /h2oer/ numwat,natnow,nion,iontyp,ionpl,iw(mxion),niwat integer*2 ityp dimension coo(3,*), ityp(*),iconn(mxcon+1,*),iresid(*) dimension q(*),iopt(*) c ADD ION ioff = iatoms ishoh = iresid(ioff) - 1 do i=1,nion ihsres = ihsres + 1 ires(ihsres) = ishoh ibeg(ihsres) = ioff+1 iend(ihsres) = ioff+1 iresid(ioff+1) = ishoh ishoh = ishoh - 1 iatptr = natnow + (iw(i)-1)*3 + 1 do j=1,3 coo(j,ioff+1) = coo(j,iatptr) end do if (iontyp.eq.1) then ityp(ioff+1) = 659 q(ioff+1) = -1.0e0 else ityp(ioff+1) = 652 q(ioff+1) = +1.0e0 endif iconn(1,ioff+1) = 0 iopt(ioff+1) = 1 ioff = ioff + 1 end do iatoms = ioff return end subroutine cntwad(water,coo,iconn,iresid,ityp,q,iopt,qpot) implicit real (a-h,o-z), integer (i-n) parameter (mxcon=10) parameter (mxac=3*mxcon) parameter (numres=50000) parameter (mxion=2000) logical doind,exclu,box,cell,fast,chkwat,chkbox common /pbc/ abc(3),abc2(3),angles(3),box,cell,fast common /athlp/ iatoms, mxnat common /residu/ qtot,ihsres, & ires(numres),ibeg(numres),iend(numres) common /h2oer/ numwat,natnow,nion,iontyp,ionpl,iw(mxion),niwat integer*2 ityp dimension water(3,*), coo(3,*), nbox(3), doff(3) dimension ityp(*),iconn(mxcon+1,*),iresid(*) dimension q(*),iopt(*),cwat(3,3),c1(3),c2(3),ibox(3),qpot(*) watd = 18.620e0 nwater = 648/3 c 18.620 ang box c take prefilled water box and tile the real box with this c sub box c remove water that overlap with protein do i=1,3 t = abc(i)/watd nbox(i) = int(t) + 1 end do ioff = iatoms nitmp = 0 ibox(1) = 0 do i=1,nbox(1) if (i.eq.nbox(1)) ibox(1) = 1 ibox(2) = 0 do j=1,nbox(2) if (j.eq.nbox(2)) ibox(2) = 1 ibox(3) = 0 do k=1,nbox(3) if (k.eq.nbox(3)) ibox(3) = 1 doff(1) = -abc2(1) + 0.5e0*watd + watd*dble(i-1) doff(2) = -abc2(2) + 0.5e0*watd + watd*dble(j-1) doff(3) = -abc2(3) + 0.5e0*watd + watd*dble(k-1) chkbox = .false. if (i.eq.nbox(1).or.j.eq.nbox(2).or.k.eq.nbox(3)) & chkbox = .true. do n=1,nwater in = (n-1)*3 do m=1,3 cwat(m,1) = water(m,in+1) + doff(m) cwat(m,2) = water(m,in+2) + doff(m) cwat(m,3) = water(m,in+3) + doff(m) end do if (chkwat(cwat,coo,ityp,iopt,ioff,ibox, & iwt,chkbox)) then numwat = numwat + 1 if (i.eq.1.or.j.eq.1.or.k.eq.1) then iopt(ioff+1) = 1 iopt(ioff+2) = 1 iopt(ioff+3) = 1 else iopt(ioff+1) = 0 iopt(ioff+2) = 0 iopt(ioff+3) = 0 endif ityp(ioff+1) = 649 ityp(ioff+2) = 650 ityp(ioff+3) = 650 do m=1,3 coo(m,ioff+1) = cwat(m,1) coo(m,ioff+2) = cwat(m,2) coo(m,ioff+3) = cwat(m,3) end do if (ionpl.eq.1) then call clmond(cwat(1,1),pot,coo,q) qpot(numwat) = pot endif ioff = ioff + 3 endif end do end do end do end do if (ionpl.eq.1) then nitmp = 0 do while ( doind = .false. potl = 1.0e10 iptr = 0 do i=1,numwat pot = qpot(i) exclu = .false. do j=1,nitmp if (iw(j).eq.i) exclu = .true. end do if ( then doind = .true. potl = pot iptr = i endif end do if (doind) then nitmp = nitmp + 1 iw(nitmp) = iptr do i=1,numwat iatptr = iatoms + (i-1)*3 + 1 do j=1,3 c1(j) = coo(j,iatptr) end do jatptr = iatoms + (iptr-1)*3 + 1 do j=1,3 c2(j) = coo(j,jatptr) end do r2 = dist2(c1,c2) r = sqrt(r2) qpot(i) = qpot(i) + 1.0e0/r end do endif end do else call crionp endif return end logical function chkvec(vec,cwat,coo,iopt,ityp,ioff) implicit real (a-h,p-w),integer (i-n),logical (o) parameter (mxamb=1590) parameter (mxgff=72) integer ambcls common /typpar/ ambchg(mxamb),ambcls(mxamb) parameter (mxcls=49) common /clspar/ ambvdwr(mxcls),ambvdwe(mxcls),mapagf(mxcls) integer amb2gf common /gftyp/ gfvdw(2,mxgff),amb2gf(mxamb) common /athlp/ iatoms, mxnat integer*2 ityp dimension v(3),vec(3),cwat(3,3),coo(3,*),ityp(*) dimension iopt(*) chkvec = .true. vdwat = 2.7683e0 do i=iatoms,ioff if (iopt(i).eq.1) then i1 = int(ityp(i)) if ( then il = ambcls(i1) vdwr = ambvdwr(il) else il = iabs(i1) vdwr = gfvdw(1,il) endif do k=1,3 v(k) = coo(k,i) + vec(k) - cwat(k,1) end do rab2 = v(1)*v(1) + v(2)*v(2) + v(3)*v(3) dmaxsq = vdwr + vdwat dmaxsq = dmaxsq * dmaxsq if ( then chkvec = .false. return endif endif end do return end logical function chkwat(cwat,coo,ityp,iopt,ioff,ibox,iwrpr,chkbox) implicit real (a-h,p-w),integer (i-n),logical (o) parameter (mxamb=1590) integer ambcls common /typpar/ ambchg(mxamb),ambcls(mxamb) parameter (mxcls=49) common /clspar/ ambvdwr(mxcls),ambvdwe(mxcls),mapagf(mxcls) parameter (mxgff=72) integer amb2gf common /gftyp/ gfvdw(2,mxgff),amb2gf(mxamb) integer*2 ityp logical chkbox,chkvec common /athlp/ iatoms, mxnat logical box,cell,fast,owat common /pbc/ abc(3),abc2(3),angles(3),box,cell,fast dimension coo(3,*),ityp(*),cwat(3,3),v(3),vdwat(3),ibox(3) dimension vec(3),iopt(*) chkwat = .false. owat = .true. iwrpr = 0 if (chkbox) then do i=1,3 do j=1,3 if (cwat(j,i).gt.abc2(j)) owat = .false. end do end do if (.not.owat) return do i=1,3 do j=1,3 vec(j) = 0.0e0 end do if (ibox(i).eq.1) then vec(i) = abc(i) if (.not.chkvec(vec,cwat,coo,iopt,ityp,ioff)) return endif end do c chkwat = .true. c return endif c check overlap with protein atoms owat = .true. vdwat(1) = 2.7683e0 do i=1,iatoms i1 = int(ityp(i)) if ( then il = ambcls(i1) vdwr = ambvdwr(il) elseif (i1.le.0) then i1 = iabs(i1) vdwr = gfvdw(1,i1) endif do k=1,3 v(k) = coo(k,i) - cwat(k,1) end do rab2 = v(1)*v(1) + v(2)*v(2) + v(3)*v(3) dmaxsq = vdwr + vdwat(1) dmaxsq = dmaxsq * dmaxsq if ( owat = .false. if ( iwrpr = 1 end do if (owat) chkwat = .true. return end subroutine docnt(vecm,coo) implicit real (a-h,p-w),integer (i-n),logical (o) common /athlp/ iatoms, mxnat dimension vec(3),vecm(3) dimension coo(3,*) do i=1,3 vecm(i) = 0.0e0 end do call cntvec(vec,coo,iatoms) do i=1,iatoms do j=1,3 coo(j,i) = coo(j,i) - vec(j) da = abs(coo(j,i)) if ( vecm(j) = da end do end do return end subroutine cntvec(vec,coo,iatoms) implicit real (a-h,p-w),integer (i-n),logical (o) dimension vec(3), coo(3,*) do i=1,3 vec(i) = 0.0e0 end do if (iatoms.le.0) return do i=1,iatoms do j=1,3 vec(j) = vec(j) + coo(j,i) end do end do do j=1,3 vec(j) = vec(j) / dble(iatoms) end do return end subroutine setop(a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma) implicit real (a-h,p-z),integer (i-n),logical (o) common /cell/ xa,ya,yb,za,zb,zc real rxa,rya,ryb,rza,rzb,rzc common /cellr/ rxa,rya,ryb,rza,rzb,rzc torad = atan(1.0e0) / 45.0e0 alpha = alpha*torad beta = beta*torad gamma = gamma*torad ca = cos(alpha) cb = cos(beta) cc = cos(gamma) sc = sin(gamma) sa = sin(alpha) cvol = a*b*c* & sqrt(1-ca**2-cb**2-cc**2+2.0e0*ca*cb*cc) xa = cvol / (b*c*sa) ya = (a*(cc-(ca*cb)))/sa yb = (b*sa) za = (a*cb) zb = (b*ca) zc = c rxa = real(xa) rya = real(ya) ryb = real(yb) rza = real(za) rzb = real(zb) rzc = real(zc) c print*,' ' c write(*,'(a,f9.3)') ' Cell Volume = ',cvol return end subroutine getcel(a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma) implicit real (a-h,p-z),integer (i-n),logical (o) common /cell/ xa,ya,yb,za,zb,zc torad = atan(1.0e0) / 45.0e0 a = sqrt(xa**2+ya**2+za**2) b = sqrt(yb**2+zb**2) c = zc sa = yb/b ca = zb/b cb = za/a cc = ca*cb + ya*sa/a alpha = acos(ca) / torad beta = acos(cb) / torad gamma = acos(cc) / torad return end subroutine fr2crt(vec) implicit real (a-h,p-z),integer (i-n),logical (o) common /cell/ xa,ya,yb,za,zb,zc dimension vec(3) vec(3) = za*vec(1) + zb*vec(2) + zc*vec(3) vec(2) = ya*vec(1) + yb*vec(2) vec(1) = xa*vec(1) return end subroutine crt2fr(veci,veco) implicit real (a-h,p-z),integer (i-n),logical (o) common /cell/ xa,ya,yb,za,zb,zc dimension veci(3),veco(3) veco(1) = veci(1) / xa veco(2) = (veci(2) - ya*veco(1)) / yb veco(3) = (veci(3) - za*veco(1) - zb*veco(2)) / zc return end subroutine fr2crr(vec) implicit real (a-h,p-z),integer (i-n),logical (o) common /cellr/ xa,ya,yb,za,zb,zc dimension vec(3) vec(3) = za*vec(1) + zb*vec(2) + zc*vec(3) vec(2) = ya*vec(1) + yb*vec(2) vec(1) = xa*vec(1) return end subroutine crr2fr(veci,veco) implicit real (a-h,p-z),integer (i-n),logical (o) common /cellr/ xa,ya,yb,za,zb,zc dimension veci(3),veco(3) veco(1) = veci(1) / xa veco(2) = (veci(2) - ya*veco(1)) / yb veco(3) = (veci(3) - za*veco(1) - zb*veco(2)) / zc return end subroutine redfr(xyz) implicit real (a-h,p-z),integer (i-n),logical (o) logical box,cell,fast common /pbc/ abc(3),abc2(3),angles(3),box,cell,fast dimension xyz(3),fr(3) call crt2fr(xyz,fr) do i=1,3 frt = 1.0e0 if (fr(i).lt.0.0e0) then fr(i) = abs(fr(i)) frt = -1.0e0 endif fr(i) = mod(fr(i),1.0e0) if (fr(i) .gt. 0.5e0) fr(i) = fr(i) - 1.0e0 xyz(i) = frt*fr(i) end do call fr2crt(xyz) return end subroutine rddfrr(xyz) implicit real (a-h,p-z),integer (i-n),logical (o) real abc,abc2,angles logical box,cell,fast common /pbc/ abc(3),abc2(3),angles(3),box,cell,fast common /debug/ ideb dimension xyz(3),fr(3) call crr2fr(xyz,fr) do i=1,3 frt = 1.0e0 if (fr(i).lt.0.0e0) then fr(i) = abs(fr(i)) frt = -1.0e0 endif fr(i) = amod(fr(i),1.0e0) if (fr(i) .gt. 0.5e0) fr(i) = fr(i) - 1.0e0 xyz(i) = frt*fr(i) end do call fr2crr(xyz) return end subroutine adcldr(cellder,ded,de,fct,lex) implicit real (a-h,p-z),integer (i-n),logical (o) common /cell/ xa,ya,yb,za,zb,zc common /expnd/ addfr(3,125),ie(5),izero dimension ded(3),cellder(6),addf(3) do j=1,3 addf(j) = addfr(j,lex) end do cellder(1) = cellder(1) + addf(1)*ded(1)*de*fct cellder(2) = cellder(2) + addf(1)*ded(2)*de*fct cellder(3) = cellder(3) + addf(2)*ded(2)*de*fct cellder(4) = cellder(4) + addf(1)*ded(3)*de*fct cellder(5) = cellder(5) + addf(2)*ded(3)*de*fct cellder(6) = cellder(6) + addf(3)*ded(3)*de*fct return end subroutine prcldr(cellder,par) implicit real (a-h,p-z),integer (i-n),logical (o) common /athlp/ iatoms, mxnat dimension cellder(6),par(3,*) c do i=1,6 c print*,'cellder (',i,')=',cellder(i) c end do print*,'val ',par(1,iatoms+1),' cellder (1)=',cellder(1) print*,'val ',par(2,iatoms+1),' cellder (2)=',cellder(2) print*,'val ',par(3,iatoms+1),' cellder (3)=',cellder(3) print*,'val ',par(1,iatoms+2),' cellder (4)=',cellder(4) print*,'val ',par(2,iatoms+2),' cellder (5)=',cellder(5) print*,'val ',par(3,iatoms+2),' cellder (6)=',cellder(6) return end subroutine expfr(in,cxyz,exyz,lex,nexpnd,oje) implicit real (a-h,p-z),integer (i-n),logical (o) common /expnd/ addfr(3,125),ie(5),izero logical oje(125) dimension lex(125),cxyz(3,125),exyz(3,125,*) l = 0 do i=1,125 if ( then l = l + 1 do j=1,3 cxyz(j,l) = exyz(j,i,in) - exyz(j,izero,in) end do lex(l) = i oje(l) = .false. endif end do return end subroutine setfrac(coo,frac,exyz) implicit real (a-h,p-z),integer (i-n),logical (o) common /athlp/ iatoms, mxnat common /expnd/ addfr(3,125),ie(5),izero dimension coo(3,*),frac(3,*),exyz(3,125,*),cxyz(3,125),dfr(3) do j=1,3 dfr(j) = 0.0e0 end do do i=1,iatoms do j=1,3 if (abs(coo(j,i)).lt.0.001e0) coo(j,i) = 0.0e0 end do call crt2fr(coo(1,i),frac(1,i)) do j=1,3 if (frac(j,i).lt.dfr(j)) dfr(j) = frac(j,i) end do end do c huh ??? do i=1,5 do j=1,3 if ((dfr(j).ge.dble(-1*i)).and.(dfr(j).lt.dble(-1*(i-1)))) & dfr(j) = dble(-1*i) end do end do do i=1,iatoms do j=1,3 frac(j,i) = frac(j,i) - dfr(j) end do do k=1,125 do j=1,3 exyz(j,k,i) = frac(j,i) + addfr(j,k) end do call fr2crt(exyz(1,k,i)) end do end do return end subroutine xpfr(in,kn,cxyz,exyz,lex,nexpnd,oje) implicit real (a-h,p-z),integer (i-n),logical (o) common /expnd/ addfr(3,125),ie(5),izero logical oje(125) dimension cxyz(3,125),exyz(3,125,*),lex(125) do i=1,nexpnd+1 oje(i) = .false. if (i.eq.izero) oje(i) = .true. do j=1,3 cxyz(j,i) = exyz(j,i,in) - exyz(j,izero,kn) end do lex(i) = i end do return end subroutine initxp implicit real (a-h,p-z),integer (i-n),logical (o) common /expnd/ addfr(3,125),ie(5),izero data (ie(j),j=1,5) / -2,-1,0,1,2/ izero = 0 l = 0 do i=1,5 do j=1,5 do k=1,5 l = l + 1 addfr(1,l) = dble(ie(i)) addfr(2,l) = dble(ie(j)) addfr(3,l) = dble(ie(k)) if (ie(i) izero = l end do end do end do return end subroutine var2cl(x,n) c copy cell variables to cell common implicit real (a-h,p-z),integer (i-n),logical (o) logical box,cell,fast common /pbc/ abc(3),abc2(3),angles(3),box,cell,fast common /cell/ xa,ya,yb,za,zb,zc real rxa,rya,ryb,rza,rzb,rzc common /cellr/ rxa,rya,ryb,rza,rzb,rzc dimension x(*) n3 = n*3 xa = x(n3+1) ya = x(n3+2) yb = x(n3+3) za = x(n3+4) zb = x(n3+5) zc = x(n3+6) abc(1) = sqrt(xa**2+ya**2+za**2) abc(2) = sqrt(yb**2+zb**2) abc(3) = zc do i=1,3 abc2(i) = abc(i)*0.5e0 end do rxa = real(x(n3+1)) rya = real(x(n3+2)) ryb = real(x(n3+3)) rza = real(x(n3+4)) rzb = real(x(n3+5)) rzc = real(x(n3+6)) return end subroutine grd2var(cellder,f,n) c copy cell variables to cell common implicit real (a-h,p-z),integer (i-n),logical (o) common /cell/ xa,ya,yb,za,zb,zc dimension cellder(6),f(*) c print*,'cellval ',xa,ya,yb,za,zb,zc n3 = n*3 do i=1,6 f(n3+i) = -cellder(i) end do return end subroutine uinner(uin,cellder,coo,f,q,n) implicit real (a-h,p-z),integer (i-n),logical (o) common /cell/ xa,ya,yb,za,zb,zc dimension cellder(6),pole(3),coo(3,*),f(3,*),q(*) pi = 3.141592654e0 pi43 = 4.0e0*pi/3.0e0 econv = 332.05382e0 fin = pi43*econv/(xa*yb*zc) do j=1,3 pole(j) = 0.0e0 end do do i=1,n do j=1,3 pole(j) = pole(j) + coo(j,i)*q(i) end do end do poll = 0.0e0 do j=1,3 poll = poll + pole(j)*pole(j) end do uin = -0.5e0*fin*poll cellder(1) = -uin/xa cellder(3) = -uin/yb cellder(6) = -uin/zc do i=1,n do j=1,3 f(j,i) = f(j,i) - fin*pole(j)*q(i) end do end do return end subroutine crionp parameter (mxion=2000) implicit real (a-h,p-z),integer (i-n),logical (o) common /h2oer/ numwat,natnow,nion,iontyp,ionpl,iw(mxion),niwat logical doit nitmp = 0 do while ( doit = .true. irnd = numwat*random() do i=1,nitmp if (iw(i).eq.irnd) doit = .false. end do if (doit) then nitmp = nitmp + 1 iw(nitmp) = irnd endif end do return end real function random() parameter (mplier=16807,modlus=2147483647,mobymp=127773, & momdmp=2836) common /seed/jseed,ifrst,nextn c mseed comes from alloc.c integer hvlue, lvlue, testv, nextn, mseed if (ifrst.eq.0) then jseed = mseed() nextn = jseed ifrst = 1 endif hvlue = nextn / mobymp lvlue = mod(nextn, mobymp) testv = mplier*lvlue - momdmp*hvlue if ( then nextn = testv else nextn = testv + modlus endif random = dble(nextn)/dble(modlus) return end