subroutine rdgadd(idebug,ibefo,istatio,irtype,ihsend, & istats,vectrs,vectrb,focc,focb,eiga,eigb, & nocc,nocb,ncols,ncolb) c THIS IS REALLY rdgamu implicit double precision (a-h,o-z), integer (i-n) parameter (numatm=2000) common /moldat/ natoms, norbs, nelecs, nat(numatm) common /coord / xyz(3,numatm) common /orbhlp/ mxorb,iuhf,ispd common /rdwr/ iun1,iun2,iun3,iun4,iun5 character*137 line real eiga,eigb dimension vectrs(*),vectrb(*),focc(*),focb(*),eiga(*),eigb(*) parameter (one=1.0d+00, two=2.0d+00) i0 = 0 i1 = 1 i2 = 2 istats = 1 istatio = 0 iuhf = 0 if (idebug.eq.1) write(iun3,'(a)')'subroutine rdgamu' c c==== Read # of basis functions, electrons c C** call search(line,'NUMBER OF BASIS FUNCTIONS',istat) c.. New GAMESS can handle both cartesian and polar coords c.. However, it prints eigenvectors in terms of 6d c.. call searchd(line,'NUMBER OF CARTESIAN GAUSSIAN BASIS', & 'NUMBER OF BASIS FUNCTIONS',istat) if (istat.eq.1) then if (icdex(line,'CARTESIAN GAUSSIAN').ne.0) then c c This is a new version of GAMESS. Lines are wider c read(line,'(47x,i5)') norbs call search(line,'NUMBER OF ELECTRONS',istat) read(line,'(47x,i5)') nelecs call search(line,'NUMBER OF OCCUPIED ORBITALS (ALPHA',istat) read(line,'(47x,i5)') nalpha c write(*,*) ' ... nalpha = ',nalpha call search(line,'NUMBER OF OCCUPIED ORBITALS (BETA ',istat) read(line,'(47x,i5)') nbeta c write(*,*) ' ... nbeta = ',nbeta read(line,'(47x,i5)') nbeta c ... check if PP used call search(line,'PP =',istat) c write(*,*) line(9:12) if (line(9:12).eq.'NONE') then is_pp=0 else is_pp=1 endif c ... read PP valence electrons if (is_pp.eq.1) then call search(line,'NUMBER OF ELECTRONS KEPT IN THE ',istat) read(line,'(50x,i4)') nelecs call redel(line,1) read(line,'(50x,i4)') nalpha call redel(line,1) read(line,'(50x,i4)') nbeta c write(*,*) nelecs,nalpha,nbeta endif c c======= Occupy Orbitals - just in case, done here c do i=1,norbs focc(i) = 0.0d0 end do if (nalpha.eq.nbeta) then do mel=1,nalpha focc(mel) = two end do else do mel=1,nalpha focc(mel) = one end do do mel=1,nbeta focb(mel) = one end do endif else c c.. Old GAMESS (Pre-Jan10 2000) c read(line,'(38x,i5)') norbs call nxtlin(line,jstat) read(line,'(38x,i5)') nelecs do i=1,norbs focc(i) = 0.0d0 focb(i) = 0.0d0 end do endif endif call rewfil if (norbs .gt. mxorb) then call inferr('Exceeding MaxNum of Orbitals!',1) goto 1000 endif c==== Establish Scftype and Runtype ==== irtype = 1 call search(line,'CONTRL OPTIONS',istat) call search(line,'SCFTYP=',istat) if (index(line,'UHF').ne.0) iuhf=1 c call search(line,'RUNTYP=',istat) if (index(line,'HESSIAN').ne.0) irtype=4 call search(line,'STATIONARY POINT LOCATION RUN',istat) if (istat.eq.1) then call search(line,'HSSEND =',istat) if (istat.eq.1) then if (index(line,' T').ne.0) then if (ihsend.eq.1) then irtype=4 else call inferr( & 'Use commandlineflag -H for normal modes',0) endif endif endif call search(line,'EQUILIBRIUM GEOMETRY LOCATED',istat) if (istat.eq.1) istatio = 1 if ( irtype = 2 endif call rewfil c c==== First read coordinates, and vectors c if (istatio.eq.1.and.ibefo.eq.0) then c c ====== Stationary Point ================ c call search(line,'EQUILIBRIUM GEOMETRY LOCATED',istat) call rdmolu(i1,i2,i0,i1,istat) call searcht(line,'MOLECULAR ORBITALS', & '-MCHF- NATURAL ORBITALS', & 'MCSCF NATURAL ORBITALS',istat) c & 'NATURAL ORBITALS IN ATOMIC', istat) if (iuhf.eq.1) then call redel(line,3) else call redel(line,1) endif call rdvecu(vectrs,eiga,focc,norbs,ncols,istats,.false., & .false.) if (iuhf.eq.1) then call bckfil call bckfil call bckfil call search(line,'BETA SET',istat) call rdvecu(vectrb,eigb,focc,norbs,ncolb,istats,.false., & .false.) endif call inferr('Using Density of stationary point',0) else c c ====== First Point =========== c call rdmolu(i2,i1,i0,i0,istat) c STRIPPED a space character because PC-UNIX output misses first column c call searcht(line,' EIGENVECTORS', call searcht(line,' EIGENVECTORS', & '-MCHF- NATURAL ORBITALS', & 'MCSCF NATURAL ORBITALS',istat) c & 'NATURAL ORBITALS IN ATOMIC',istat) call redel(line,1) call rdvecu(vectrs,eiga,focc,norbs,ncols,istats,.false., & .false.) if (iuhf.eq.1) then call bckfil call bckfil c call search(line,' EIGENVECTORS',istat) call search(line,' EIGENVECTORS',istat) call redel(line,1) call rdvecu(vectrb,eigb,focc,norbs,ncolb,istats,.false., & .false.) endif call inferr('Using Density of first point',0) endif call rewfil c c======= Read Basis Set =========== c c mdebug=idebug c idebug=1 call rdbasg(idebug,.true.,istat) c idebug=mdebug if (istat.eq.0) goto 1000 call search(line,'MULLIKEN AND LOWDIN POPULATION ANALYSES', & istat) c Alpha call search(line,'MULLIKEN ATOMIC POPULATION',istat) if (iuhf.eq.1) call redel(line,1) call rdpopu(focc,natoms,istats) c Beta if (iuhf.eq.1) then call rewfil call search(line,'MULLIKEN ATOMIC POPULATION',istat) call search(line,'MULLIKEN ATOMIC POPULATION',istat) call redel(line,1) call rdpopu(focb,natoms,istats) endif call xyzcoo(1,0,0) c>>> Added Pipek-Mezey and Edmiston-Ruedenberg FPA 3/15/2000 call rewfil call searcht(line,'BOYS ORBITAL LOCALIZATION', & 'LOCALIZED BY THE POPULATION', & 'EDMISTON-RUEDENBERG',istat) if ( then if (index(line,'BOYS ORBITAL LOCALIZATION').ne.0) then print*,'***** READING BOYS LOCALIZED ORBITALS *****' call search(line,'THE BOYS LOCALIZED ORBITALS ARE', & istat) call rdvecu(vectrs,eiga,focc,norbs,ncols,istats,.true., & .false.) if (iuhf.eq.1) then call search(line,'THE BOYS LOCALIZED ORBITALS ARE', & istat) call rdvecu(vectrb,eigb,focc,norbs,ncolb,istats,.true., & .false.) endif elseif (index(line,'LOCALIZED BY THE POPULATION').ne.0) then print*, & '***** READING Pipek-Mezey LOCALIZED ORBITALS *****' call search(line,'POPULATION LOCALIZED ORBITALS ARE', & istat) call rdvecu(vectrs,eiga,focc,norbs,ncols,istats,.true., & .false.) if (iuhf.eq.1) then call search(line,'POPULATION LOCALIZED ORBITALS ARE', & istat) call rdvecu(vectrb,eigb,focc,norbs,ncolb,istats,.true., & .false.) endif elseif (index(line,'EDMISTON-RUEDENBERG').ne.0) then print*, & '** READING Edmiston-Ruedenberg LOCALIZED ORBITALS**' call search(line,'ENERGY LOCALIZED ORBITALS',istat) call rdvecu(vectrs,eiga,focc,norbs,ncols,istats,.true., & .false.) if (iuhf.eq.1) then call search(line,'ENERGY LOCALIZED ORBITALS',istat) call rdvecu(vectrb,eigb,focc,norbs,ncolb,istats,.true., & .false.) endif endif c no orbital energies associated with localised orbitals do i=1,norbs eiga(i) = 0.0e0 eigb(i) = 0.0e0 end do endif c-------- Try for GUGA Natural Orbitals call rewfil call search(line,'NATURAL ORBITALS IN ATOMIC',istat) if ( then call rdvecu(vectrs,eiga,focc,norbs,ncols,istats,.false., & .true.) c no orbital energies associated with localised orbitals do i=1,norbs eiga(i) = 0.0e0 eigb(i) = 0.0e0 end do endif call rewfil c call gamunmr return 1000 istats = 0 call inferr('ERROR reading GAMESS output file!',1) return end subroutine rdvecu(v,e,focc,norbs,ncol,istats,boys,nos) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z), integer ( i-n) parameter (mxcol=10) common /rdwr/ iun1,iun2,iun3,iun4,iun5 common /curlin/ line common /orbhlp/ mxorb,iuhf,ispd character*137 line,str integer getlin real e logical boys,reo,nos dimension v(*), e(*), focc(*) dimension vt(6,mxcol),irord(6) c c====== read vectors ================== c istats = 1 reo = .false. irord(1) = 3 irord(2) = 1 irord(3) = 2 irord(4) = 5 irord(5) = 6 irord(6) = 4 lmin = 0 do while (.true.) if (boys) then call redel(line,1) else if (nos) then call redel(line,3) else call redel(line,2) endif endif c c Get Eigenvalues c if (getlin(0).ne.1) goto 1000 if (linlen(line).le.1) then if (getlin(0).ne.1) goto 1000 endif nc = 0 do i=1,mxcol ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if (ktype.eq.0) goto 5 if (ktype.eq.3) then nc = nc + 1 if (nos) then focc(lmin+i) = rtype else e(lmin+i) = rtype endif elseif (ktype.eq.2.and.boys) then nc = nc + 1 else goto 100 endif end do 5 continue call redel(line,1) c c Get Eigenvectors c istrt = 0 itel = 0 do j=1,norbs if (getlin(0).ne.1) goto 1000 ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( goto 100 ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( goto 100 ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( goto 100 if (ktype.eq.2) then ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( goto 100 endif if (istrt.eq.0.and.nstr.eq.3) then if (str(1:3).eq.'XXY') then istrt = j itel = 0 reo = .true. endif endif do i=1,mxcol ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if (ktype.eq.0) goto 10 if ( goto 100 v((lmin+i-1)*mxorb+j) = rtype end do 10 continue if ( then itel = itel + 1 do k=1,nc vt(itel,k) = v((lmin+k-1)*mxorb+j) end do endif if (itel.eq.6) then do l=1,6 do k=1,nc v((lmin+k-1)*mxorb + (istrt+l-1)) = vt(irord(l),k) end do end do istrt = 0 itel = 0 endif end do lmin = lmin + nc end do 100 continue ncol = lmin if (reo) then print*,'========================================' print*,'Changed order of F functions:' print*,' ' print*,'xxy,xxz,yyx,yyz,zzx,zzy ->' print*,'xyy,xxy,xxz,xzz,yzz,yyz' print*,'========================================' endif return 1000 istats = 0 call inferr('ERROR reading vectors!',1) return end subroutine rdpopu(focc,natoms,istats) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z), integer ( i-n) parameter (mxcol=10) common /rdwr/ iun1,iun2,iun3,iun4,iun5 common /curlin/ line character*137 line,str integer getlin dimension focc(*) c c====== read populations ================== c istats = 1 lmin = 0 do while (.true.) call redel(line,3) c c Get Populations c if (getlin(0).ne.1) goto 1000 nc = 0 do i=1,mxcol ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if (ktype.eq.0) goto 5 if ( goto 100 nc = nc + 1 focc(lmin+i) = rtype end do 5 continue call redel(line,1) c c Dummy reads c do j=1,natoms if (getlin(0).ne.1) goto 1000 end do lmin = lmin + nc end do 100 continue ncol = lmin return 1000 istats = 0 call inferr('ERROR reading Populations!',1) return end subroutine rdmodu(ilino,iemlin,idocoo,idobohr,istats, & coo,ianz) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z), integer ( i-n) parameter (numatm=2000) common /moldat/ natoms, norbs, nelecs, nat(numatm) common /coord / xyz(3,numatm) common /athlp/ iatoms, mxnat common /rdwr/ iun1,iun2,iun3,iun4,iun5 common /curlin/ line character*137 line,str integer getlin dimension coo(3,*),ianz(*) c c====== read molecular geometry ================== c c sline = search this line first c iemlin = then skip this many lines c istats = 1 toang = 0.52917706d0 if (ilino.eq.1) then call search(line, & 'COORDINATES OF ALL ATOMS ARE (ANGS)',istat) elseif (ilino.eq.2) then call search(line, & 'ATOM ATOMIC COORDINATES', & istat) endif if (istat.eq.0) goto 1000 call redel(line,iemlin) if (idocoo.eq.1) then iatoms = 0 else natoms = 0 endif do while (getlin(0).eq.1) if (linlen(line).le.1) return if (index(line,'......').ne.0) return if (idocoo.eq.1) then iatoms = iatoms + 1 else natoms = natoms + 1 endif ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( goto 1000 ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( goto 1000 if (idocoo.eq.1) then ianz(iatoms) = rtype else nat(natoms) = rtype endif do i=1,3 ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( goto 1000 if (idobohr.eq.1) rtype = rtype / toang if (idocoo.eq.1) then coo(i,iatoms) = rtype else xyz(i,natoms) = rtype endif end do end do 1000 istats = 0 call inferr('ERROR reading molecular geometry!',1) return end subroutine gamupd(ipnt,istat,coo,ianz) implicit double precision (a-h,p-w),integer (i-n),logical (o) parameter (maxfat=1000) real fxyz,fc common /forcom/fxyz(3,maxfat),fc(3,maxfat) common /athlp/ iatoms, mxnat common /gammus/iold integer getlin logical getzmu,usnew common /rdwr/ iun1,iun2,iun3,iun4,iun5 character*137 line,str common /curlin/ line dimension coo(3,*),ianz(*) i0 = 0 i1 = 1 i2 = 2 c c Read Next Point in geometry optimization c toang=0.52917706d0 iatoms = 0 jatoms = 0 usnew = .false. if (iold.eq.1) then if (ipnt.eq.1) then call searchd(line, & 'ATOM ATOMIC COORDINATES', & 'GRADIENT (HARTREE/BOHR)',istat) else call searchd(line,'COORDINATES OF ALL ATOMS ARE (ANGS)', & 'GRADIENT (HARTREE/BOHR)',istat) endif if (index(line,'ALL ATOMS').ne.0.or. & index(line,'ATOM ATOMIC').ne.0) then call bckfil if (ipnt.eq.1) then call rdmolu(i2,i1,i1,i0,istat) else call rdmolu(i1,i2,i1,i1,istat) endif call search(line,'GRADIENT (HARTREE/BOHR)',istat) endif if (istat.eq.0) return call haszm(.false.) else if (ipnt.eq.1) then call searcht(line, & 'ATOM ATOMIC COORDINATES', & 'GRADIENT (HARTREE/BOHR)', & 'CURRENT FULLY SUBSTITUTED Z-MATRIX',istat) else call searcht(line,'COORDINATES OF ALL ATOMS ARE (ANGS)', & 'GRADIENT (HARTREE/BOHR)', & 'CURRENT FULLY SUBSTITUTED Z-MATRIX',istat) endif if (istat.eq.0) return if (index(line,'ALL ATOMS').ne.0.or. & index(line,'ATOMIC').ne.0) then call bckfil if (ipnt.eq.1) then call rdmolu(i2,i1,i1,i0,istat) else call rdmolu(i1,i2,i1,i1,istat) endif call searchd(line,'GRADIENT (HARTREE/BOHR)', & 'CURRENT FULLY SUBSTITUTED Z-MATRIX',istat) if (istat.eq.0) return endif if (index(line,'CURRENT FULLY').ne.0) then if (getzmu(0)) then call haszm(.true.) endif call search(line,'GRADIENT (HARTREE/BOHR)',istat) if (istat.eq.0) return else call haszm(.false.) endif endif call redel(line,3) usnew = .false. if (line(2:4).eq.'---') usnew = .true. if (.not.usnew) then call redel(line,2) iatoms = 0 endif do while (getlin(0).eq.1) if (linlen(line).le.1) return jatoms = jatoms + 1 if (.not.usnew) iatoms = iatoms + 1 ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( goto 1000 ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( goto 1000 ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( goto 1000 if (.not.usnew) ianz(iatoms) = rtype if (.not.usnew) then do i=1,3 ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( goto 1000 coo(i,iatoms) = rtype end do endif do i=1,3 ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( goto 1000 fxyz(i,jatoms) = rtype end do end do return 1000 istat = 0 return end subroutine geogus(formax,forrms,dismax,disrms,epoints,isav) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common /rdwr/ iun1,iun2,iun3,iun4,iun5 common /geocnv/ fmaxt,frmst,dmaxt,drmst,fgmin,fgmax,dgmin,dgmax, & enmax,enmin,ngeoms,nepnts,igcvav,ifmxav,ifrmav, & idmxav,idrmav,ieav,ifrav,mxpnt character lstr*137 dimension formax(*),forrms(*),dismax(*),disrms(*),epoints(*) dimension isav(*) c c Read Geometry Convergence data c call rewfil igcvav = 1 ifmxav = 1 ifrmav = 1 idmxav = 0 idrmav = 0 ieav = 1 nepnts = 0 ngeoms = 0 dmaxt = 0.0d0 fmaxt = 0.0d0 drmst = 0.0d0 frmst = 0.0d0 do i=1,mxpnt call search(lstr,' NSERCH=',istat) if (istat.eq.0) goto 100 if (index(lstr,'FAILURE TO LOCATE').ne.0) goto 100 ngeoms = ngeoms + 1 isav(i) = 1 i1 = index(lstr,'ENERGY=') epoints(i) = reada(lstr,i1+7,len(lstr)) call search(lstr,'MAXIMUM GRADIENT',istat) if (istat.eq.0) goto 100 i1 = index(lstr,'MAXIMUM GRADIENT =') formax(i) = reada(lstr,i1+18,len(lstr)) i1 = index(lstr,'RMS GRADIENT =') forrms(i) = reada(lstr,i1+14,len(lstr)) end do 100 continue if (ngeoms.eq.0) then igcvav = 0 ifmxav = 0 ifrmav = 0 idmxav = 0 idrmav = 0 ieav = 0 else nepnts = ngeoms endif return end subroutine cnvgus parameter (MAXITER=1000) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common /rdwr/ iun1,iun2,iun3,iun4,iun5 common /convrg/ convg1(MAXITER),convg2(MAXITER),cnvmax,cnvmin, &jstrt1,jend1,jstrt2,jend2,icvav1,icvav2 common /curlin/ line character*137 line,str integer getlin logical last,datlin c c Read Scf Convergence data c call rewfil icvav1 = 1 icvav2 = 1 c SCF convergence first point call searchd(line,' ITER EX',' ITER TOTAL ENERGY',istat) if (istat.eq.0) goto 1000 jstrt1 = 0 do while (getlin(0).eq.1) if (linlen(line).le.1) goto 100 if (datlin(line)) then ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( goto 1000 jend1 = itype do i=1,3 ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if (ktype.eq.3) then convg1(jend1) = rtype goto 50 endif end do 50 continue if (jstrt1.eq.0) jstrt1 = jend1 endif end do 100 continue last = .false. 200 call searchd(line,' ITER EX',' ITER TOTAL ENERGY',istat) if (istat.eq.0) goto 2000 last = .true. jstrt2 = 0 do while (getlin(0).eq.1) if (linlen(line).le.1) goto 200 if (datlin(line)) then ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( goto 2000 if ( goto 2000 jend2 = itype do i=1,3 ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if (ktype.eq.3) then convg2(jend2) = rtype goto 500 endif end do 500 continue if (jstrt2.eq.0) jstrt2 = jend2 endif end do return 1000 icvav1 = 0 icvav2 = 0 return 2000 if (.not.last) then icvav2 = 0 endif return end subroutine ugetfd(istat,coo) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) parameter (maxfat=1000) parameter (maxfrq=maxfat*3) common /rdwr/ iun1,iun2,iun3,iun4,iun5 real freq,frmul,a common /freq/ freq(maxfrq),a(3,maxfat),fcoo(3,maxfat), & frint(maxfrq),ramint(maxfrq),nfreq,ihasi common /athlp/ iatoms, mxnat common /frwrk/ frthr,frmul,idirct,iframe,nframe,iloop,ifrq,normc common /curlin/ line character*137 line,str integer getlin dimension coo(3,*) istat = 1 ivibs = 0 idirct = 1 nframe = 5 iframe = 0 call rewfil call iatnox(natoms) do i=1,natoms do j=1,3 fcoo(j,i) = coo(j,i) end do end do c Read in Gamess US Frequencies 10 itel = ivibs call search(line,'FREQUENCY:',istat) if (istat.eq.0) goto 100 call bckfil if (getlin(0).eq.0) goto 100 ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( goto 100 do i=1,9 ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( then if (ktype.eq.1.and.nstr.eq.1) then if (str(1:1).eq.'I') then ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( goto 20 endif endif if (ktype.eq.0) goto 20 endif ivibs = ivibs + 1 freq(ivibs) = rtype end do 20 continue c skip symmetry line if present if (getlin(0).eq.0) goto 100 if (index(line,'SYMMETRY').ne.0) then c write(*,*) line(1:20) else call bckfil endif c get intensities if (getlin(0).eq.0) goto 100 if (index(line,'REDUCED').ne.0) then if (getlin(0).eq.0) goto 100 endif ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( goto 100 if (nstr.eq.2.and.str.eq.'IR') & ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) do i=1,9 ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( then if (ktype.eq.1.and.nstr.eq.1) then if (str(1:1).eq.'I') then ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( goto 30 endif endif if (ktype.eq.0) goto 30 endif ihasi = 1 itel = itel + 1 frint(itel) = rtype ramint(itel) = 0.0d0 end do 30 continue goto 10 100 if (ivibs.eq.0) istat = 0 nfreq = ivibs call parptr(1,freq,freq,nfreq) call parptr(112,frint,ramint,ihasi) return end subroutine ucoorg(idebug,ifreq,istat) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) parameter (maxfat=1000) parameter (maxfrq=maxfat*3) common /rdwr/ iun1,iun2,iun3,iun4,iun5 real freq,a common /freq/ freq(maxfrq),a(3,maxfat),fcoo(3,maxfat), & frint(maxfrq),ramint(maxfrq),nfreq,ihasi common /curlin/ line character*137 line,str integer getlin c Get ifreq 'th Norm. Cordinates from Gamess US Output istat = 1 call rewfil call iatnox(iatoms) 10 call search(line,'FREQUENCY:',istat) if (istat.eq.0) goto 100 ivibs = 0 ihfor = 0 call bckfil call bckfil if (getlin(0).eq.0) goto 1000 if (index(line,'FORCE CONST.:').ne.0) then ihfor = 1 call bckfil call bckfil if (getlin(0).eq.0) goto 1000 endif do i=1,9 ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if ( goto 20 ivibs = ivibs + 1 if (itype.eq.ifreq) goto 100 end do 20 continue if (ihfor.eq.1) then call redel(line,3) else call redel(line,2) endif goto 10 100 if (ihfor.eq.1) then call redel(line,3) else call redel(line,2) endif c Skip next line in Gamess US 20 JUN 2002 Output if (index(line,'SYMMETRY:').ne.0) call redel(line,1) if (index(line,'REDUCED MASS:').ne.0) call redel(line,1) if (index(line,'INTENSITY:').ne.0) call redel(line,1) do i=1,iatoms do j=1,3 if (getlin(0).eq.0) goto 1000 ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if (ktype.eq.2) then ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) endif if ( goto 1000 do k=1,ivibs ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) end do if ( goto 1000 a(j,i) = rtype end do end do if (idebug.eq.1) call prtfr(ifreq) return 1000 istat = 0 call inferr('Error reading Norm. Coords. !',0) return end subroutine getzzz(istatz, & bl,alph,bet,ibl,ialph,ibet,imap,ianz,iz) c this is really getzmu implicit double precision (a-h,o-z), integer ( i-n) integer getlin character*137 str character*2 catom,catomt,tolowf,iel common /zmfrst/ ihaszm, nz, mxzat common /rdwr/ iun1,iun2,iun3,iun4,iun5 dimension iel(100) character*137 line common /curlin/ line dimension bl(*),alph(*),bet(*),ibl(*),ialph(*),ibet(*), & imap(*),ianz(*),iz(4,*) data iel/'bq', & 'h ', 'he', & 'li', 'be', 'b ', 'c ', 'n ', 'o ', 'f ', 'ne', & 'na', 'mg', 'al', 'si', 'p ', 's ', 'cl', 'ar', & 'k ', 'ca', & 'sc', 'ti', 'v ', 'cr', 'mn', & 'fe', 'co', 'ni', 'cu', 'zn', & 'ga', 'ge', 'as', 'se', 'br', 'kr', & 'rb','sr','y ','zr','nb','mo','tc','ru','rh','pd','ag','cd', & 'in','sn','sb','te','i ','xe','cs','ba','la','ce','pr','nd', & 'pm','sm','eu','gd','tb','dy','ho','er','tm','yb','lu','hf', & 'ta','w ','re','os','ir','pt','au','hg','tl','pb','bi','po', & 'at','rn','fr','ra','ac','th','pa','u ','np','pu','am','cm', & 'bk','cf','x '/ istatz = 0 maxnz = mxzat do i=1,3 do j=1,4 iz(j,i) = 0 end do end do nz = 0 do while (getlin(0).eq.1) ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if (ktype.eq.1) then if (nstr.le.8) then nz = nz + 1 imap(nz) = 0 numv = 3 if (nz.le.3) numv = nz - 1 c c Atom String c if (nstr.eq.1) then catomt(1:1) = str(1:1) catomt(2:2) = ' ' else catomt = str(1:2) endif catom = tolowf(catomt) do j=1,100 if (catom .eq. iel(j)) ianz(nz) = j - 1 end do do j=1,numv c c Connectivity c if (nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype).ne.2) then goto 100 else iz(j,nz) = itype endif c c Variable c ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if (ktype.eq.0.or.ktype.eq.1) then goto 100 elseif (ktype.eq.2) then tmpvar = 1.0d0*itype elseif (ktype.eq.3) then tmpvar = rtype endif if (j.eq.1) then bl(nz) = tmpvar elseif (j.eq.2) then alph(nz) = tmpvar elseif (j.eq.3) then bet(nz) = tmpvar endif end do c c Check for Gamess ITYPE c ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) iz(4,nz) = 0 if ( then if (ktype.eq.2.and.itype.eq.1.or.itype.eq.0) then iz(4,nz) = itype elseif (ktype.eq.3.and.rtype.eq.-1.0d0) then iz(4,nz) = -1 else goto 100 endif endif endif c c Empty Line c elseif ( then goto 200 endif end do c c Out of Lines, Didnt Find Zmat c 100 continue return 200 continue c c Found Zmat c istatz = 1 do i=1,nz ibl(i) = 1 ialph(i) = 1 ibet(i) = 1 end do c do i=1,nz c print*,ianz(i),bl(i),alph(i),bet(i),(iz(j,i),j=1,4) c end do return end subroutine gamunmr implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) parameter (numatm=2000) character*137 line,str common /curlin/ line integer getlin common /nmr/ shlnuc(numatm),ihsnmr common /moldat/ natoms, norbs, nelecs,nat(numatm) common /rdwr/ iun1,iun2,iun3,iun4,iun5 call search(line,'GIAO CHEMICAL SHIELDING TENSOR (PPM):',istat) if ( then call redel(line,1) do i=1,natoms call redel(line,6) if (getlin(0).ne.1) goto 1000 ktype = nxtwrd(str,nstr,itype,rtype) if (ktype.eq.3) then shlnuc(i) = rtype else goto 1000 endif end do ihsnmr = 2 endif return 1000 call inferr('Error reading Isotropical Shielding !!',1) return end