#ifndef KSTRING_H #define KSTRING_H #include #include #include #ifndef kroundup32 #define kroundup32(x) (--(x), (x)|=(x)>>1, (x)|=(x)>>2, (x)|=(x)>>4, (x)|=(x)>>8, (x)|=(x)>>16, ++(x)) #endif #ifndef KSTRING_T #define KSTRING_T kstring_t typedef struct __kstring_t { size_t l, m; char *s; } kstring_t; #endif typedef struct { uint64_t tab[4]; const char *p; // end of the current token } ks_tokaux_t; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif int ksprintf(kstring_t *s, const char *fmt, ...); int ksplit_core(char *s, int delimiter, int *_max, int **_offsets); char *kstrstr(const char *str, const char *pat, int **_prep); char *kstrnstr(const char *str, const char *pat, int n, int **_prep); void *kmemmem(const void *_str, int n, const void *_pat, int m, int **_prep); /* kstrtok() is similar to strtok_r() except that str is not * modified and both str and sep can be NULL. For efficiency, it is * actually recommended to set both to NULL in the subsequent calls * if sep is not changed. */ char *kstrtok(const char *str, const char *sep, ks_tokaux_t *aux); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif static inline int kputsn(const char *p, int l, kstring_t *s) { if (s->l + l + 1 >= s->m) { s->m = s->l + l + 2; kroundup32(s->m); s->s = (char*)realloc(s->s, s->m); } memcpy(s->s + s->l, p, l); s->l += l; s->s[s->l] = 0; return l; } static inline int kputs(const char *p, kstring_t *s) { return kputsn(p, strlen(p), s); } static inline int kputc(int c, kstring_t *s) { if (s->l + 1 >= s->m) { s->m = s->l + 2; kroundup32(s->m); s->s = (char*)realloc(s->s, s->m); } s->s[s->l++] = c; s->s[s->l] = 0; return c; } static inline int kputw(int c, kstring_t *s) { char buf[16]; int l, x; if (c == 0) return kputc('0', s); for (l = 0, x = c < 0? -c : c; x > 0; x /= 10) buf[l++] = x%10 + '0'; if (c < 0) buf[l++] = '-'; if (s->l + l + 1 >= s->m) { s->m = s->l + l + 2; kroundup32(s->m); s->s = (char*)realloc(s->s, s->m); } for (x = l - 1; x >= 0; --x) s->s[s->l++] = buf[x]; s->s[s->l] = 0; return 0; } static inline int kputuw(unsigned c, kstring_t *s) { char buf[16]; int l, i; unsigned x; if (c == 0) return kputc('0', s); for (l = 0, x = c; x > 0; x /= 10) buf[l++] = x%10 + '0'; if (s->l + l + 1 >= s->m) { s->m = s->l + l + 2; kroundup32(s->m); s->s = (char*)realloc(s->s, s->m); } for (i = l - 1; i >= 0; --i) s->s[s->l++] = buf[i]; s->s[s->l] = 0; return 0; } static inline int *ksplit(kstring_t *s, int delimiter, int *n) { int max = 0, *offsets = 0; *n = ksplit_core(s->s, delimiter, &max, &offsets); return offsets; } #endif