/* Copyright (c) 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2004,2006 Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Steve Rozen (http://jura.wi.mit.edu/rozen), and Helen Skaletsky All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the names of the copyright holders nor contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef PR_PRIMER_H #define PR_PRIMER_H 1 #include #include #include #include #include "dpal.h" #define MAX_PRIMER_LENGTH 36 #define PR_INFINITE_POSITION_PENALTY -1.0 #define PR_DEFAULT_OUTSIDE_PENALTY 0.0 #define PR_DEFAULT_INSIDE_PENALTY PR_INFINITE_POSITION_PENALTY #define PR_DEFAULT_PRODUCT_MAX_TM 1000000.0 #define PR_DEFAULT_PRODUCT_MIN_TM -1000000.0 #define PR_UNDEFINED_INT_OPT INT_MIN #define PR_UNDEFINED_DBL_OPT DBL_MIN /* Undefined value for alignment score (meaning do not check) used for maximum template mispriming or mishyb. */ #define PR_UNDEFINED_ALIGN_OPT -100 #define PR_POSITION_PENALTY_IS_NULL(PA) \ (PR_DEFAULT_INSIDE_PENALTY == (PA)->inside_penalty \ && PR_DEFAULT_OUTSIDE_PENALTY == (PA)->outside_penalty) #define PR_NULL_START_CODON_POS -1000000 #define PR_DEFAULT_START_CODON_POS PR_NULL_START_CODON_POS #define PR_START_CODON_POS_IS_NULL(SA) \ ((SA)->start_codon_pos <= PR_NULL_START_CODON_POS) /* Maxima needed for interface data structures. */ #define PR_MAX_INTERVAL_ARRAY 200 /* * Maximum number of input intervals * supported; used for targets, excluded * regions, product-size intervals, etc. */ #define PR_ALIGN_SCORE_PRECISION 100.0 #define PR_MAX_LIBRARY_WT 100.0 #define TRIMMED_SEQ_LEN(X) ((X)->incl_l) #define MACRO_STRING(X) #X /* pr_progam_name must be set in main(). */ #define PR_ASSERT(COND) if(COND){} \ typedef enum oligo_type { OT_LEFT = 0, OT_RIGHT = 1, OT_INTL = 2 } oligo_type; typedef enum oligo_violation { OV_UNINITIALIZED = -1, OV_OK=0, OV_TOO_MANY_NS=1, OV_INTERSECT_TARGET=2, OV_GC_CONTENT=3, OV_TM_LOW=4, OV_TM_HIGH=5, OV_SELF_ANY=6, OV_SELF_END=7, OV_EXCL_REGION=8, OV_GC_CLAMP=9, OV_END_STAB=10, OV_POLY_X=11, OV_SEQ_QUALITY=12, OV_LIB_SIM=13, OV_TEMPLATE_MISPRIMING=14, OV_GMASKED=14 /* edited by T. Koressaar for lowercase masking */ } oligo_violation; typedef struct rep_sim { char *name; /* Name of the sequence from given file in fasta * format with maximum similarity to the oligo. */ short min; /* * The minimum score in slot 'score' (below). * (Used when the objective function involves * minimization of mispriming possibilities.) */ short max; /* The maximum score in slot 'score' (below). */ short *score; /* * Array of similarity (i.e. false-priming) scores, * one for each entry in the 'repeat_lib' slot * of the primargs struct. */ } rep_sim; typedef struct primrec { rep_sim repeat_sim; /* Name of the sequence from given file in fasta * format with maximum similarity to the oligo * and corresponding alignment score. */ double temp; /* * The oligo melting temperature calculated for the * primer. */ double gc_content; double position_penalty; /* * Penalty for distance from "ideal" position as specified * by inside_penalty and outside_penalty. */ double quality; /* Part of objective function due to this primer. */ double end_stability; /* Delta G of disription of 5 3' bases. */ int start; /* The 0-based index of the leftmost base of the primer WITH RESPECT TO THE seq_args FIELD trimmed_seq. */ int seq_quality; /* Minimum quality score of bases included. */ short self_any; /* Self complementarity as local alignment * 100. */ short self_end; /* Self complementarity at 3' end * 100. */ short template_mispriming; /* Max 3' complementarity to any ectopic site in template on the given template strand. */ short template_mispriming_r; /* Max 3' complementarity to any ectopic site in the template on the reverse complement of the given template strand. */ char target; /* * 0 if this primer does not overlap any target, 1 if it * does. */ char excl; /* * 0 if does not overlap any excluded region, 1 if it * does. */ oligo_violation ok; char length; /* Length of the oligo. */ char num_ns; /* Number of Ns in the oligo. */ char position_penalty_infinite; /* Non-0 if the position penalty is infinite. */ char must_use; /* Non-0 if the oligo must be used even if it is illegal. */ } primer_rec; /* * The structure for a pair of primers. (So that we can have a function which * returns a pair of primers.) */ typedef struct primpair { double pair_quality; double compl_measure; /* * A measure of self-complementarity of left and right * primers in the pair, as well as complementarity * between left and right primers. The function * choice returns pairs with the minimal value for * this field when 2 pairs have the same * pair_quality. */ double diff_tm; /* Absolute value of the difference between melting * temperatures for left and right primers. */ double product_tm; /* Estimated melting temperature of the product. */ double product_tm_oligo_tm_diff; /* Difference in Tm between the primer with lowest Tm the product Tm. */ double t_opt_a; int compl_any; /* * Local complementarity score between left and right * primers (* 100). */ int compl_end; /* * 3'-anchored global complementatory score between * * left and right primers (* 100). */ int template_mispriming; /* Maximum total mispriming score of both primers to ectopic sites in the template, on "same" strand (* 100). */ short repeat_sim; /* Maximum total similarity of both primers to the * sequence from given file in fasta format. */ primer_rec *left; /* Left primer. */ primer_rec *right; /* Right primer. */ primer_rec *intl; /* Internal oligo. */ int product_size; /* Product size. */ int target; /* * 1 if there is a target between the right and left * primers. */ char *rep_name; } primer_pair; typedef struct pair_array_t { int storage_size; int num_pairs; primer_pair *pairs; } pair_array_t; typedef int interval_array_t[PR_MAX_INTERVAL_ARRAY][2]; /* pr_append_str is an append-only string ADT. */ typedef struct pr_append_str { int storage_size; char *data; } pr_append_str; /* The seq_lib struct represents a library of sequences. */ typedef struct seq_lib { char **names; /* An array of sequence names. */ char **seqs; /* An array of sequences. */ char **rev_compl_seqs;/* An array of reversed-complemented sequences. x->rev_compl_seqs[i] is the reverse complement of x->seqs[i], which lets us keep track of pairwise mispriming. See reverse_complement_seq_lib(). */ double *weight; /* An array of weights. */ char *repeat_file; /* The path of the file containing the library. */ pr_append_str error; /* Global error message if any. */ pr_append_str warning;/* Warning message. */ int seq_num; /* The number of names, sequences, and weights. */ } seq_lib; /* * Arguments to the primer program as a whole. Values for these arguments are * retained _across_ different input records. (These are the so-called * "Global" arguments in the documentation.) */ typedef struct oligo_weights { double temp_gt; double temp_lt; double gc_content_gt; double gc_content_lt; double compl_any; double compl_end; double repeat_sim; double length_lt; double length_gt; double seq_quality; double end_quality; double pos_penalty; double end_stability; double num_ns; double template_mispriming; } oligo_weights; typedef struct pair_weights { double primer_quality; double io_quality; double diff_tm; double compl_any; double compl_end; double product_tm_lt; double product_tm_gt; double product_size_lt; double product_size_gt; double repeat_sim; double template_mispriming; } pair_weights; typedef enum task { pick_pcr_primers = 0, pick_pcr_primers_and_hyb_probe = 1, pick_left_only = 2, pick_right_only = 3, pick_hyb_probe_only =4, } task; typedef struct primargs { int pr_min[PR_MAX_INTERVAL_ARRAY]; /* Minimum product sizes. */ int pr_max[PR_MAX_INTERVAL_ARRAY]; /* Maximum product sizes. */ seq_lib repeat_lib; /* Library of sequences to avoid. */ seq_lib io_mishyb_library; oligo_weights primer_weights; oligo_weights io_weights; pair_weights pr_pair_weights; pr_append_str glob_err; double opt_tm; double min_tm; double max_tm; double max_diff_tm; double opt_gc_content; double max_gc; double min_gc; double salt_conc; double divalent_conc; /* added by T.Koressaar, divalent salt concentration mmol/l */ double dntp_conc; /* added by T.Koressaar, for considering divalent salt concentration */ double dna_conc; double io_opt_tm; double io_min_tm; double io_max_tm; double io_opt_gc_content; double io_max_gc; double io_min_gc; double io_salt_conc; double io_divalent_conc; /* added by T.Koressaar, divalent salt concentration mmol/l */ double io_dntp_conc; /* added by T.Koressaar, for considering divalent salt concentration */ double io_dna_conc; int tm_santalucia; /* added by T.Koressaar table of thermodynamic parameters of SantaLucia 1998 */ int salt_corrections; /* added by T.Koressaar salt correction formula for Tm calculation */ int lowercase_masking; /* added by T.Koressaar for primer design from lowercase masked template */ double outside_penalty; /* Multiply this value times the number of NTs * from the 3' end to the the (unique) target to * get the 'position penalty'. * Meaningless if there are multiple targets * or if the primer cannot be part of a pair * that spans the target. */ double inside_penalty; /* Multiply this value times the number of NT * positions by which the primer overlaps * the (unique) target to the 'position penalty'. * Meaningless if there are multiple targets * or if the primer cannot be part of a pair * that spans the target. */ double product_max_tm; double product_min_tm; double product_opt_tm; double max_end_stability; /* The maximum value allowed for the delta * G of disruption for the 5 3' bases of * a primer. */ int num_intervals; /* * Number of product size intervals * (i.e. number of elements in pr_min and * pr_max) */ int num_ns_accepted; task primer_task; /* 2 if left primer only, 3 if right primer only, * 4 if internal oligo only. */ int file_flag; int explain_flag; int primer_opt_size; int primer_min_size; int primer_max_size; int product_opt_size; /*internal oligo*/ int io_num_ns_accepted; int io_primer_opt_size; int io_primer_min_size; int io_primer_max_size; int gc_clamp; /* Required number of GCs at *3' end. */ int liberal_base; /* * If non-0 then turn characters other than * [ATGCNatgcn] into N. */ int max_poly_x; /* * Maximum length of mononucleotide sequence in an * oligo. */ int io_max_poly_x; int first_base_index; /* * The index of the first base in the input * sequence. This parameter is ignored within * pr_choice; pr_choice's caller must assure that * all indexes are 0-based. However, this * parameter should used by output routines to * adjust base indexes. */ int num_return; /* The number of best primer pairs to return. */ int min_quality; /* Minimum quality permitted for oligo sequence.*/ int min_end_quality; /* Minimum quality permitted at 3' end. */ int quality_range_min; int quality_range_max; int io_min_quality; int io_min_end_quality; int pick_anyway; /* Pick even if input primer or oligos violate constraints. */ int lib_ambiguity_codes_consensus; /* If non-0, treat ambiguity codes in a mispriming/mishyb library as representing a consensus. So, for example, S would match C or G. N would match any nucleotide. It turns out that this _not_ what one normally wants, since many libraries contain strings of N, which then match every oligo (very bad). */ short max_template_mispriming; short pair_max_template_mispriming; short io_max_template_mishyb; short repeat_compl; /* * Acceptable complementarity with repeat * sequences. */ short io_repeat_compl; short pair_repeat_compl; short self_any; short self_end; short io_self_any; short io_self_end; short pair_compl_any; short pair_compl_end; } primer_args; typedef struct pair_stats { int considered; /* Total number of pairs or triples tested. */ int product; /* Pairs providing incorrect product size. */ int target; /* Pairs without any target between primers. */ int temp_diff; /* Melting temperature difference too high. */ int compl_any; /* Pairwise complementarity larger than allowed. */ int compl_end; /* The same for 3' end complementarity. */ int internal; /* Internal oligo was not found. */ int repeat_sim; /* Complementarity with repeat sequence too high.*/ int high_tm; /* Product Tm too high. */ int low_tm; /* Product Tm too low. */ int template_mispriming; /* Sum of template mispriming scores too hihg. */ int ok; /* Number that were ok. */ } pair_stats; typedef struct oligo_stats { int considered; /* Total number of tested oligos of given type */ int ns; /* Number of oligos rejected because of Ns */ int target; /* Overlapping targets. */ int excluded; /* Overlapping excluded regions. */ int gc; /* Unacceptable GC content. */ int gc_clamp; /* Don't have required number of GCs at 3' end. */ int temp_min; /* Melting temperature below t_min. */ int temp_max; /* Melting temperature more than t_max. */ int compl_any; /* Self-complementarity too high. */ int compl_end; /* Self-complementarity at 3' end too high. */ int repeat_score; /* Complementarity with repeat sequence too high.*/ int poly_x; /* Long mononucleotide sequence inside. */ int seq_quality; /* Low quality of bases included. */ int stability; /* Stability of 5 3' bases too high. */ int no_orf; /* Would not amplify any of the specified ORF (valid for left primers only). */ int template_mispriming; /* Template mispriming score too high. */ int ok; /* Number of acceptable oligos. */ int gmasked; /* edited by T. Koressaar, number of gmasked oligo*/ } oligo_stats; /* * Arguments relating to a particular source sequence for which * we will pick primers. Values for seq_args are _not_ retained * across different input records. */ typedef struct seqargs { pr_append_str error; /* Error messages. */ pr_append_str warning; /* Warning messages. */ int num_targets; /* The number of targets. */ interval_array_t tar; /* * The targets themselves; tar[i][0] is the start * of the ith target, tar[i][1] its length. These * are presented as indexes within the sequence * slot, but during the execution of choice() they * are recalculated to be indexes within * trimmed_seq. */ int num_excl; /* The number of excluded regions. */ interval_array_t excl; /* The same as for targets. * These are presented as indexes within * the sequence slot, but during the * execution of choice() they are recalculated * to be indexes within trimmed_seq. */ int num_internal_excl; /* Number of excluded regions for internal oligo.*/ interval_array_t excl_internal; /* Similar to excl. */ int incl_s; /* The 0-based start of included region. */ int incl_l; /* * The length of the included region, which is * also the length of the trimmed_seq field. */ int start_codon_pos; /* Index of first base of the start codon. */ int stop_codon_pos; /* * An optional _output_, meaninful if a * start_codon_pos is "not nul". The position of * the intial base of the leftmost stop codon that * is to the right of sa->start_codon_pos. */ const int *quality; /* Vector of quality scores. */ const char *sequence; /* The template sequence itself as input, not trimmed, not up-cased. */ const char *sequence_name; /* An identifier for the sequence. */ char *sequence_file; /* Another identifer for the sequence. */ char *trimmed_seq; /* The included region only, _UPCASED_. */ /* Element add by T. Koressaar support lowercase masking: */ char *trimmed_orig_seq; /* Trimmed version of the original, mixed-case sequence. */ char *upcased_seq; /* Upper case version of sequence (_not_ trimmed). */ char *upcased_seq_r; /* Upper case version of sequence, other strand (_not_ trimmed). */ const char *left_input; /* A left primer to check or design around. */ const char *right_input; /* A right primer to check or design around. */ const char *internal_input; /* An internal oligo to check or design around. */ oligo_stats left_expl; /* Left primers statistics. */ oligo_stats right_expl; /* Right primers statistics. */ oligo_stats intl_expl; /* Internal oligos statistics. */ pair_stats pair_expl; /* Pair statistics. */ } seq_args; typedef struct Primer3Context_ { primer_rec * f; primer_rec * r; primer_rec * mid; int f_len; int r_len; int mid_len; dpal_args * lib_local_dpal_args; dpal_args * lib_local_end_dpal_args; }Primer3Context; /* * pr_program_name and pr_program_name_len must be set in the client's * main(). */ extern const char *pr_program_name; extern int pr_program_name_len; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { /* } */ #endif /* Assign default values to global (as opposed to per-sequence) primer picking parameters. */ void pr_set_default_global_args(primer_args *); /* * Return the ('\0'-terminated) sequence of oligo o in static storage that is * overwritten on each call. */ char *pr_oligo_sequence(const seq_args *, const primer_rec *o); /* * Return the ('\0'-terminated) reverse-complemented sequence of oligo o in * static storage that is overwritten on each call. */ char *pr_oligo_rev_c_sequence(const seq_args *, const primer_rec *o); void *pr_safe_malloc(size_t); /* A fail-stop wrapper for malloc. */ void *pr_safe_realloc(void *, size_t); /* Append s to x. */ void pr_append(pr_append_str *, const char *); /* Append s to x if x is empty. Otherwise append concat("; ",s) to x. */ void pr_append_new_chunk(pr_append_str *x, const char *s); /* Append s to x if x is empty. Otherwise append concat(sep, s) to x. */ void pr_append_w_sep(pr_append_str *x, const char *sep, const char *); /* Set the argument to the empty string. */ void pr_set_empty(pr_append_str *); /* Return true iff the argument is empty. */ int pr_is_empty(const pr_append_str *); #ifdef __cplusplus /* { */ } #endif /* * Gather all warnings and return a char * containing them. The return value * points to storage that the caller must free. Return NULL if there are no * errors. */ char *pr_gather_warnings(const seq_args *, const primer_args *); /* Choose primer pairs or triples */ void pr_choice(primer_args *, seq_args *, const dpal_args *, const dpal_args *, const dpal_args *, pair_array_t *, int *, int *, int *, int * cancel, int * progress, Primer3Context * ctx); /* Print an "explanation string" for primer pair search. */ void pr_print_pair_explain(FILE *, const seq_args *); int strcmp_nocase(const char *,const char *); /* The following are _temporarily_ exposed symbols. */ int _pr_data_control(primer_args *, seq_args *); int _pr_need_template_mispriming(const primer_args *); int _pr_need_pair_template_mispriming(const primer_args *); void _pr_reverse_complement(const char *, char *); void _pr_substr(const char *, int, int, char *); #define _PR_DEFAULT_POSITION_PENALTIES(PA) \ (PR_DEFAULT_INSIDE_PENALTY == pa->inside_penalty \ && PR_DEFAULT_OUTSIDE_PENALTY == pa->outside_penalty) #endif