/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005 by David Saxton * * david@bluehaze.org * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "itemdocument.h" #include "mechanicsitem.h" #include "resizeoverlay.h" #include #include #include #define DPR ( 180.0 / M_PI ) //BEGIN class ResizeOverlay ResizeOverlay::ResizeOverlay( Item *parent ) : QObject(parent) { b_showResizeHandles = false; b_visible = true; p_item = parent; } ResizeOverlay::~ResizeOverlay() { const ResizeHandleMap::iterator end = m_resizeHandleMap.end(); for ( ResizeHandleMap::iterator it = m_resizeHandleMap.begin(); it != end; ++it ) { if (it.value()) it.value()->setCanvas(nullptr); delete (ResizeHandle*)it.value(); } m_resizeHandleMap.clear(); } void ResizeOverlay::showResizeHandles( bool show ) { b_showResizeHandles = show; const ResizeHandleMap::iterator end = m_resizeHandleMap.end(); for ( ResizeHandleMap::iterator it = m_resizeHandleMap.begin(); it != end; ++it ) { it.value()->setVisible(b_showResizeHandles && b_visible); } } void ResizeOverlay::setVisible( bool visible ) { b_visible = visible; const ResizeHandleMap::iterator end = m_resizeHandleMap.end(); for ( ResizeHandleMap::iterator it = m_resizeHandleMap.begin(); it != end; ++it ) { it.value()->setVisible(b_showResizeHandles && b_visible); } } ResizeHandle *ResizeOverlay::createResizeHandle( int id, ResizeHandle::DrawType drawType, int xsnap, int ysnap ) { ResizeHandleMap::iterator it = m_resizeHandleMap.find(id); if ( it != m_resizeHandleMap.end() ) return it.value(); ResizeHandle *newResizeHandle = new ResizeHandle( this, id, drawType, xsnap, ysnap ); m_resizeHandleMap[id] = newResizeHandle; connect( newResizeHandle, SIGNAL(rhMovedBy(int, double, double )), this, SLOT(slotResizeHandleMoved(int, double, double )) ); return newResizeHandle; } void ResizeOverlay::removeResizeHandle( int id ) { ResizeHandleMap::iterator it = m_resizeHandleMap.find(id); if ( it == m_resizeHandleMap.end() ) return; ResizeHandle *rh = it.value(); disconnect( rh, SIGNAL(rhMovedBy(int, double, double )), this, SLOT(slotResizeHandleMoved(int, double, double )) ); delete rh; m_resizeHandleMap.erase(it); } ResizeHandle *ResizeOverlay::resizeHandle( int id ) { ResizeHandleMap::iterator it = m_resizeHandleMap.find(id); if ( it != m_resizeHandleMap.end() ) return it.value(); return nullptr; } void ResizeOverlay::slotMoveAllResizeHandles( double dx, double dy ) { const ResizeHandleMap::iterator end = m_resizeHandleMap.end(); for ( ResizeHandleMap::iterator it = m_resizeHandleMap.begin(); it != end; ++it ) { it.value()->moveBy( dx, dy ); } } void ResizeOverlay::syncX( ResizeHandle *rh1, ResizeHandle *rh2, ResizeHandle *rh3 ) { syncX( rh1, rh2 ); syncX( rh1, rh3 ); syncX( rh2, rh3 ); } void ResizeOverlay::syncY( ResizeHandle *rh1, ResizeHandle *rh2, ResizeHandle *rh3 ) { syncY( rh1, rh2 ); syncY( rh1, rh3 ); syncY( rh2, rh3 ); } void ResizeOverlay::syncX( ResizeHandle *rh1, ResizeHandle *rh2 ) { if ( !rh1 || !rh2 ) return; connect( rh1, SIGNAL(rhMovedByX(double )), rh2, SLOT(slotMoveByX(double )) ); connect( rh2, SIGNAL(rhMovedByX(double )), rh1, SLOT(slotMoveByX(double )) ); } void ResizeOverlay::syncY( ResizeHandle *rh1, ResizeHandle *rh2 ) { if ( !rh1 || !rh2 ) return; connect( rh1, SIGNAL(rhMovedByY(double )), rh2, SLOT(slotMoveByY(double )) ); connect( rh2, SIGNAL(rhMovedByY(double )), rh1, SLOT(slotMoveByY(double )) ); } //END class ResizeOverlay //BEGIN class MechanicsItemOverlay MechanicsItemOverlay::MechanicsItemOverlay( MechanicsItem *parent ) : ResizeOverlay(parent) { p_mechanicsItem = parent; connect( parent, SIGNAL(moved()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateResizeHandles()) ); connect( parent, SIGNAL(resized()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateResizeHandles()) ); m_tl = createResizeHandle( ResizeHandle::rhp_topLeft, ResizeHandle::dt_resize_backwardsDiagonal ); m_tm = createResizeHandle( ResizeHandle::rhp_topMiddle, ResizeHandle::dt_resize_vertical ); m_tr = createResizeHandle( ResizeHandle::rhp_topRight, ResizeHandle::dt_resize_forwardsDiagonal ); m_mr = createResizeHandle( ResizeHandle::rhp_middleRight, ResizeHandle::dt_resize_horizontal ); m_br = createResizeHandle( ResizeHandle::rhp_bottomRight, ResizeHandle::dt_resize_backwardsDiagonal ); m_bm = createResizeHandle( ResizeHandle::rhp_bottomMiddle, ResizeHandle::dt_resize_vertical ); m_bl = createResizeHandle( ResizeHandle::rhp_bottomLeft, ResizeHandle::dt_resize_forwardsDiagonal ); m_ml = createResizeHandle( ResizeHandle::rhp_middleLeft, ResizeHandle::dt_resize_horizontal ); m_mm = createResizeHandle( ResizeHandle::rhp_center, ResizeHandle::dt_point_crosshair ); slotUpdateResizeHandles(); } MechanicsItemOverlay::~MechanicsItemOverlay() { } void MechanicsItemOverlay::slotUpdateResizeHandles() { const PositionInfo absPos = p_mechanicsItem->absolutePosition(); const QRect sizeRect = p_mechanicsItem->sizeRect(); QPolygon pa(9); pa[0] = sizeRect.topLeft(); pa[2] = sizeRect.topRight(); pa[1] = (pa[0]+pa[2])/2; pa[4] = sizeRect.bottomRight(); pa[3] = (pa[2]+pa[4])/2; pa[6] = sizeRect.bottomLeft(); pa[5] = (pa[4]+pa[6])/2; pa[7] = (pa[6]+pa[0])/2; pa[8] = QPoint(0,0); QMatrix m; m.rotate(absPos.angle() * DPR); pa = m.map(pa); m_tl->move( absPos.x()+pa[0].x(), absPos.y()+pa[0].y() ); m_tm->move( absPos.x()+pa[1].x(), absPos.y()+pa[1].y() ); m_tr->move( absPos.x()+pa[2].x(), absPos.y()+pa[2].y() ); m_mr->move( absPos.x()+pa[3].x(), absPos.y()+pa[3].y() ); m_br->move( absPos.x()+pa[4].x(), absPos.y()+pa[4].y() ); m_bm->move( absPos.x()+pa[5].x(), absPos.y()+pa[5].y() ); m_bl->move( absPos.x()+pa[6].x(), absPos.y()+pa[6].y() ); m_ml->move( absPos.x()+pa[7].x(), absPos.y()+pa[7].y() ); m_mm->move( absPos.x()+pa[8].x(), absPos.y()+pa[8].y() ); } void MechanicsItemOverlay::slotResizeHandleMoved( int id, double dx, double dy ) { Q_UNUSED(id); Q_UNUSED(dx); Q_UNUSED(dy); switch (id) { case ResizeHandle::rhp_topLeft: break; case ResizeHandle::rhp_topMiddle: break; case ResizeHandle::rhp_topRight: break; case ResizeHandle::rhp_middleRight: break; case ResizeHandle::rhp_bottomRight: break; case ResizeHandle::rhp_bottomMiddle: break; case ResizeHandle::rhp_bottomLeft: break; case ResizeHandle::rhp_middleLeft: break; case ResizeHandle::rhp_center: break; default: qCritical() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Unknown resize handle id " << id << endl; break; } } //END class MechanicsItemOverlay //BEGIN class RectangularOverlay RectangularOverlay::RectangularOverlay( Item *parent, int xsnap, int ysnap ) : ResizeOverlay(parent) { connect( parent, SIGNAL(resized()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateResizeHandles()) ); connect( parent, SIGNAL(movedBy(double, double )), this, SLOT(slotMoveAllResizeHandles(double, double )) ); m_tl = createResizeHandle( ResizeHandle::rhp_topLeft, ResizeHandle::dt_resize_backwardsDiagonal, xsnap, ysnap ); m_tm = createResizeHandle( ResizeHandle::rhp_topMiddle, ResizeHandle::dt_resize_vertical, xsnap, ysnap ); m_tr = createResizeHandle( ResizeHandle::rhp_topRight, ResizeHandle::dt_resize_forwardsDiagonal, xsnap, ysnap ); m_mr = createResizeHandle( ResizeHandle::rhp_middleRight, ResizeHandle::dt_resize_horizontal, xsnap, ysnap ); m_br = createResizeHandle( ResizeHandle::rhp_bottomRight, ResizeHandle::dt_resize_backwardsDiagonal, xsnap, ysnap ); m_bm = createResizeHandle( ResizeHandle::rhp_bottomMiddle, ResizeHandle::dt_resize_vertical, xsnap, ysnap ); m_bl = createResizeHandle( ResizeHandle::rhp_bottomLeft, ResizeHandle::dt_resize_forwardsDiagonal, xsnap, ysnap ); m_ml = createResizeHandle( ResizeHandle::rhp_middleLeft, ResizeHandle::dt_resize_horizontal, xsnap, ysnap ); syncX( m_tl, m_ml, m_bl ); syncX( m_tr, m_mr, m_br ); syncY( m_tl, m_tm, m_tr ); syncY( m_bl, m_bm, m_br ); slotUpdateResizeHandles(); } void RectangularOverlay::removeTopMiddle() { if (!m_tm) return; removeResizeHandle( m_tm->id() ); m_tm = nullptr; } void RectangularOverlay::removeBotMiddle() { if (!m_bm) return; removeResizeHandle( m_bm->id() ); m_bm = nullptr; } void RectangularOverlay::slotUpdateResizeHandles() { const QRect sizeRect = p_item->sizeRect(); int x1 = sizeRect.left() + int(p_item->x()); int x2 = x1 + sizeRect.width(); int y1 = sizeRect.top() + int(p_item->y()); int y2 = y1 + sizeRect.height(); m_tl->move( x1, y1 ); if (m_tm) m_tm->move( (x1+x2)/2, y1 ); m_tr->move( x2, y1 ); m_mr->move( x2, (y1+y2)/2 ); m_br->move( x2, y2 ); if (m_bm) m_bm->move( (x1+x2)/2, y2 ); m_bl->move( x1, y2 ); m_ml->move( x1, (y1+y2)/2 ); } bool RectangularOverlay::isValidXPos( ResizeHandle *rh ) { Q_UNUSED(rh); bool ok; getSizeRect( nullptr, &ok, nullptr ); return ok; } bool RectangularOverlay::isValidYPos( ResizeHandle *rh ) { Q_UNUSED(rh); bool ok; getSizeRect( nullptr, nullptr, &ok ); return ok; } void RectangularOverlay::slotResizeHandleMoved( int id, double dx, double dy ) { Q_UNUSED(id); Q_UNUSED(dx); Q_UNUSED(dy); bool ok; QRect sizeRect = getSizeRect(&ok); if (!ok) return; p_item->setSize(sizeRect); slotUpdateResizeHandles(); } QRect RectangularOverlay::getSizeRect( bool *ok, bool *widthOk, bool *heightOk ) const { bool t1,t2,t3; if (!ok) ok = &t1; if (!widthOk) widthOk = &t2; if (!heightOk) heightOk = &t3; int width = int(m_br->x() - m_tl->x()); int height = int(m_br->y() - m_tl->y()); QRect sizeRect( int(m_tl->x() - p_item->x()), int(m_tl->y() - p_item->y()), width, height ); *widthOk = sizeRect.width() >= p_item->minimumSize().width(); *heightOk = sizeRect.height() >= p_item->minimumSize().height(); *ok = *widthOk && *heightOk; return sizeRect; } //END class RectangularOverlay //BEGIN class LineOverlay LineOverlay::LineOverlay( Item * parent ) : ResizeOverlay(parent) { connect( parent, SIGNAL(resized()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateResizeHandles()) ); connect( parent, SIGNAL(movedBy(double, double )), this, SLOT(slotMoveAllResizeHandles(double, double )) ); m_pStart = createResizeHandle( ResizeHandle::rhp_start, ResizeHandle::dt_point_rect ); m_pEnd = createResizeHandle( ResizeHandle::rhp_end, ResizeHandle::dt_point_rect ); slotUpdateResizeHandles(); } QPoint LineOverlay::startPoint() const { return QPoint( int(m_pStart->x()), int(m_pStart->y()) ); } QPoint LineOverlay::endPoint() const { return QPoint( int(m_pEnd->x()), int(m_pEnd->y()) ); } void LineOverlay::slotUpdateResizeHandles() { int _x = int(p_item->x() + p_item->offsetX()); int _y = int(p_item->y() + p_item->offsetY()); m_pStart->move( _x, _y ); m_pEnd->move( _x+p_item->width(), _y+p_item->height() ); } void LineOverlay::slotResizeHandleMoved( int id, double dx, double dy ) { Q_UNUSED(id); Q_UNUSED(dx); Q_UNUSED(dy); p_item->setSize( int(m_pStart->x()-p_item->x()), int(m_pStart->y()-p_item->y()), int(m_pEnd->x()-m_pStart->x()), int(m_pEnd->y()-m_pStart->y()) ); } //END class LineOverlay //BEGIN class ResizeHandle ResizeHandle::ResizeHandle( ResizeOverlay *resizeOverlay, int id, DrawType drawType, int xsnap, int ysnap ) : //QObject(), KtlQCanvasRectangle( 0, 0, 13, 13, resizeOverlay->parentItem()->canvas() ) { p_resizeOverlay = resizeOverlay; m_drawType = drawType; m_id = id; b_hover = false; m_xsnap = xsnap; m_ysnap = ysnap; setZ( ItemDocument::Z::ResizeHandle ); } ResizeHandle::~ResizeHandle() { hide(); } void ResizeHandle::setHover( bool hover ) { if ( b_hover == hover ) return; b_hover = hover; canvas()->setChanged( QRect( int(x())-8, int(y())-8, 15, 15 ) ); } QPolygon ResizeHandle::areaPoints() const { // QPolygon pa = KtlQCanvasRectangle::areaPoints(); // pa.translate( -7, -7 ); // return pa; return QPolygon( QRect( int(x())-8, int(y())-8, 15, 15 ) ); } void ResizeHandle::moveRH( double _x, double _y ) { double dx = int((_x-4)/m_xsnap)*m_xsnap+4 - x(); double dy = int((_y-4)/m_ysnap)*m_ysnap+4 - y(); if ( (dx == 0) && (dy == 0) ) return; //BEGIN Move and check moveBy( dx, dy ); if ( dx != 0 ) emit rhMovedByX(dx); if ( dy != 0 ) emit rhMovedByY(dy); bool xOk = p_resizeOverlay->isValidXPos(this); bool yOk = p_resizeOverlay->isValidYPos(this); if (!xOk) { moveBy( -dx, 0 ); emit rhMovedByX(-dx); dx = 0; } if (!yOk) { moveBy( 0, -dy ); emit rhMovedByY(-dy); dy = 0; } if ( !xOk && !yOk ) return; //END Move and check emit rhMovedBy( id(), dx, dy ); } void ResizeHandle::setDrawType( DrawType drawType ) { m_drawType = drawType; canvas()->setChanged(boundingRect()); } void ResizeHandle::drawShape( QPainter &p ) { p.drawPixmap( rect().topLeft()-QPoint( 7, 7 ), handlePixmap( m_drawType, b_hover ) ); } const QPixmap& ResizeHandle::handlePixmap( DrawType drawType, bool hover ) { const char * resize_forwardsDiagonal_hover_xpm[] = { "13 13 3 1", " c None", ". c #000000", "+ c #8EA5D0", " ", " ....... ", " ..+++. ", " .++++. ", " .+++++. ", " . .+++++.. ", " ...+++++... ", " ..+++++. . ", " .+++++. ", " .++++. ", " .+++.. ", " ....... ", " "}; static QPixmap pixmap_forwardsDiagonal_hover(resize_forwardsDiagonal_hover_xpm); const char * resize_forwardsDiagonal_nohover_xpm[] = { "13 13 2 1", " c None", ". c #000000", " ", " ....... ", " ...... ", " ...... ", " ....... ", " . ........ ", " ........... ", " ........ . ", " ....... ", " ...... ", " ...... ", " ....... ", " "}; static QPixmap pixmap_forwardsDiagonal_nohover(resize_forwardsDiagonal_nohover_xpm); const char * resize_backwardsDiagonal_hover_xpm[] = { "13 13 3 1", " c None", ". c #000000", "+ c #8EA5D0", " ", " ....... ", " .+++.. ", " .++++. ", " .+++++. ", " ..+++++. . ", " ...+++++... ", " . .+++++.. ", " .+++++. ", " .++++. ", " ..+++. ", " ....... ", " "}; static QPixmap pixmap_backwardsDiagonal_hover(resize_backwardsDiagonal_hover_xpm); const char * resize_backwardsDiagonal_nohover_xpm[] = { "13 13 2 1", " c None", ". c #000000", " ", " ....... ", " ...... ", " ...... ", " ....... ", " ........ . ", " ........... ", " . ........ ", " ....... ", " ...... ", " ...... ", " ....... ", " "}; static QPixmap pixmap_backwardsDiagonal_nohover(resize_backwardsDiagonal_nohover_xpm); const char * resize_vertical_hover_xpm[] = { "13 13 3 1", " c None", ". c #000000", "+ c #8EA5D0", " . ", " ... ", " ..+.. ", " ..+++.. ", " ..+++++.. ", " .+++. ", " .+++. ", " .+++. ", " ..+++++.. ", " ..+++.. ", " ..+.. ", " ... ", " . "}; static QPixmap pixmap_vertical_hover(resize_vertical_hover_xpm); const char * resize_vertical_nohover_xpm[] = { "13 13 2 1", " c None", ". c #000000", " . ", " ... ", " ..... ", " ....... ", " ......... ", " ..... ", " ..... ", " ..... ", " ......... ", " ....... ", " ..... ", " ... ", " . "}; static QPixmap pixmap_vertical_nohover(resize_vertical_nohover_xpm); const char * resize_horizontal_hover_xpm[] = { "13 13 3 1", " c None", ". c #000000", "+ c #8EA5D0", " ", " ", " . . ", " .. .. ", " ..+...+.. ", " ..+++++++.. ", "..+++++++++..", " ..+++++++.. ", " ..+...+.. ", " .. .. ", " . . ", " ", " "}; static QPixmap pixmap_horizontal_hover(resize_horizontal_hover_xpm); const char * resize_horizontal_nohover_xpm[] = { "13 13 2 1", " c None", ". c #000000", " ", " ", " . . ", " .. .. ", " ......... ", " ........... ", ".............", " ........... ", " ......... ", " .. .. ", " . . ", " ", " "}; static QPixmap pixmap_horizontal_nohover(resize_horizontal_nohover_xpm); const char * point_rect_hover_xpm[] = { "13 13 3 1", " c None", ". c #000000", "+ c #8EA5D0", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ..... ", " .+++. ", " .+++. ", " .+++. ", " ..... ", " ", " ", " "}; static QPixmap pixmap_point_rect_hover(point_rect_hover_xpm); const char * point_rect_nohover_xpm[] = { "13 13 3 1", " c None", ". c #000000", "+ c #FFFFFF", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ..... ", " .+++. ", " .+++. ", " .+++. ", " ..... ", " ", " ", " "}; static QPixmap pixmap_point_rect_nohover(point_rect_nohover_xpm); if (hover) { switch(drawType) { case ResizeHandle::dt_resize_forwardsDiagonal: return pixmap_forwardsDiagonal_hover; case ResizeHandle::dt_resize_backwardsDiagonal: return pixmap_backwardsDiagonal_hover; case ResizeHandle::dt_resize_vertical: return pixmap_vertical_hover; case ResizeHandle::dt_resize_horizontal: return pixmap_horizontal_hover; case ResizeHandle::dt_point_rect: return pixmap_point_rect_hover; case ResizeHandle::dt_point_crosshair: case ResizeHandle::dt_rotate_topLeft: case ResizeHandle::dt_rotate_topRight: case ResizeHandle::dt_rotate_bottomRight: case ResizeHandle::dt_rotate_bottomLeft: qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "ResizeHandle of type " << drawType << " does not have an image." << endl; } } else { switch(drawType) { case ResizeHandle::dt_resize_forwardsDiagonal: return pixmap_forwardsDiagonal_nohover; case ResizeHandle::dt_resize_backwardsDiagonal: return pixmap_backwardsDiagonal_nohover; case ResizeHandle::dt_resize_vertical: return pixmap_vertical_nohover; case ResizeHandle::dt_resize_horizontal: return pixmap_horizontal_nohover; case ResizeHandle::dt_point_rect: return pixmap_point_rect_nohover; case ResizeHandle::dt_point_crosshair: case ResizeHandle::dt_rotate_topLeft: case ResizeHandle::dt_rotate_topRight: case ResizeHandle::dt_rotate_bottomRight: case ResizeHandle::dt_rotate_bottomLeft: qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "ResizeHandle of type " << drawType << " does not have an image." << endl; } } static QPixmap blank; return blank; } //END class ResizeHandle