/********** Copyright 1991 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Author: 1991 David A. Gates, U. C. Berkeley CAD Group **********/ #include "ngspice/ngspice.h" #include "ngspice/numglobs.h" #include "ngspice/numenum.h" #include "ngspice/twodev.h" #include "ngspice/twomesh.h" #include "ngspice/spmatrix.h" #include "twoddefs.h" #include "twodext.h" void TWOdestroy(TWOdevice *pDevice) { int index, eIndex; TWOelem *pElem; TWOnode *pNode; TWOedge *pEdge; if ( !pDevice ) return; switch ( pDevice->solverType ) { case SLV_SMSIG: case SLV_BIAS: /* free up memory allocated for the bias solution */ FREE( pDevice->dcSolution ); FREE( pDevice->dcDeltaSolution ); FREE( pDevice->copiedSolution ); FREE( pDevice->rhs ); FREE( pDevice->rhsImag ); spDestroy( pDevice->matrix ); break; case SLV_EQUIL: /* free up the vectors allocated in the equilibrium solution */ FREE( pDevice->dcSolution ); FREE( pDevice->dcDeltaSolution ); FREE( pDevice->copiedSolution ); FREE( pDevice->rhs ); spDestroy( pDevice->matrix ); break; case SLV_NONE: break; default: fprintf( stderr, "Panic: Unknown solver type in TWOdestroy.\n" ); exit( -1 ); break; } /* destroy the mesh */ if ( pDevice->elements ) { for ( eIndex = 1; eIndex <= pDevice->numElems; eIndex++ ) { pElem = pDevice->elements[ eIndex ]; for ( index = 0; index <= 3; index++ ) { if ( pElem->evalNodes[ index ] ) { pNode = pElem->pNodes[ index ]; FREE( pNode ); } if ( pElem->evalEdges[ index ] ) { pEdge = pElem->pEdges[ index ]; FREE( pEdge ); } } FREE( pElem ); } FREE( pDevice->elements ); FREE( pDevice->elemArray ); } /* destroy the contacts & channels */ /* NOT IMPLEMENTED */ FREE( pDevice ); }