// Created on: 1993-12-16 // Created by: Isabelle GRIGNON // Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Matra Datavision // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS // // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty. // // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE // commercial license or contractual agreement. // modified by ofv - Thu Feb 26 11:18:16 2004 OCC5246 // Modified by skv - Fri Oct 24 14:24:47 2003 OCC4077 // Modified by skv - Mon Jun 16 15:50:44 2003 OCC615 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG extern Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_GetcontextFORCEBLEND(); extern Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_GettraceDRAWINT(); extern Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_GettraceDRAWENLARGE(); extern Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_GettraceDRAWSPINE(); extern Standard_Real t_sameparam, t_batten; extern void ChFi3d_SettraceDRAWINT(const Standard_Boolean b); extern void ChFi3d_SettraceDRAWSPINE(const Standard_Boolean b); #endif #include #include #include #include //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_InPeriod //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Real ChFi3d_InPeriod(const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real UFirst, const Standard_Real ULast, const Standard_Real Eps) { const Standard_Real period = ULast - UFirst; Standard_Real u = U; while (Eps < (UFirst-u)) u += period; while (Eps > (ULast -u)) u -= period; if ( u < UFirst) u = UFirst; return u; } //======================================================================= //function : Box //purpose : Calculation of min/max uv of the fillet to intersect. //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_Boite(const gp_Pnt2d& p1,const gp_Pnt2d& p2, Standard_Real& mu,Standard_Real& Mu, Standard_Real& mv,Standard_Real& Mv) { mu = Min(p1.X(),p2.X()); Mu = Max(p1.X(),p2.X()); mv = Min(p1.Y(),p2.Y()); Mv = Max(p1.Y(),p2.Y()); } //======================================================================= //function : Box //purpose : Calculation of min/max uv of the fillet to intersect. //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_Boite(const gp_Pnt2d& p1,const gp_Pnt2d& p2, const gp_Pnt2d& p3,const gp_Pnt2d& p4, Standard_Real& Du,Standard_Real& Dv, Standard_Real& mu,Standard_Real& Mu, Standard_Real& mv,Standard_Real& Mv) { Standard_Real a,b; a = Min(p1.X(),p2.X()); b = Min(p3.X(),p4.X()); mu = Min(a,b); a = Max(p1.X(),p2.X()); b = Max(p3.X(),p4.X()); Mu = Max(a,b); a = Min(p1.Y(),p2.Y()); b = Min(p3.Y(),p4.Y()); mv = Min(a,b); a = Max(p1.Y(),p2.Y()); b = Max(p3.Y(),p4.Y()); Mv = Max(a,b); Du = Mu - mu; Dv = Mv - mv; } //======================================================================= //function : EnlargeBox and its friends. //purpose : //======================================================================= static Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface) Geometry(TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr, const Standard_Integer ind) { if(ind == 0) return Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)(); if(ind > 0) { TopoDS_Face F = TopoDS::Face(DStr.Shape(ind)); if(F.IsNull()) return Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)(); Handle(BRepAdaptor_Surface) HS = new BRepAdaptor_Surface(); HS->Initialize(F,0); return HS; } else{ Handle(Geom_Surface) S = DStr.Surface(-ind).Surface(); if(S.IsNull()) return Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)(); return new GeomAdaptor_Surface(S); } } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_SetPointTolerance //purpose : //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_SetPointTolerance(TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr, const Bnd_Box& box, const Standard_Integer IP) { Standard_Real a,b,c,d,e,f,vtol; box.Get(a,b,c,d,e,f); d-=a; e-=b; f-=c; d*=d; e*=e; f*=f; vtol = sqrt(d + e + f) * 1.5;// on prend un petit rab. DStr.ChangePoint(IP).Tolerance(vtol); } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_EnlargeBox //purpose : //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_EnlargeBox(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& C, const Standard_Real wd, const Standard_Real wf, Bnd_Box& box1, Bnd_Box& box2) { box1.Add(C->Value(wd)); box2.Add(C->Value(wf)); } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_EnlargeBox //purpose : //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_EnlargeBox(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& S, const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& PC, const Standard_Real wd, const Standard_Real wf, Bnd_Box& box1, Bnd_Box& box2) { Standard_Real u,v; PC->Value(wd).Coord(u,v); box1.Add(S->Value(u,v)); PC->Value(wf).Coord(u,v); box2.Add(S->Value(u,v)); } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_EnlargeBox //purpose : //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_EnlargeBox(const TopoDS_Edge& E, const TopTools_ListOfShape& LF, const Standard_Real w, Bnd_Box& box) { BRepAdaptor_Curve BC(E); box.Add(BC.Value(w)); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape It; for(It.Initialize(LF); It.More(); It.Next()) { TopoDS_Face F = TopoDS::Face(It.Value()); if(!F.IsNull()) { BC.Initialize(E,F); box.Add(BC.Value(w)); } } } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_EnlargeBox //purpose : //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_EnlargeBox(TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr, const Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& st, const Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& sd, Bnd_Box& b1, Bnd_Box& b2, const Standard_Boolean isfirst) { Standard_Real u,v; const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& cp1 = sd->Vertex(isfirst,1); const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& cp2 = sd->Vertex(isfirst,2); b1.Add(cp1.Point()); b2.Add(cp2.Point()); const ChFiDS_FaceInterference& fi1 = sd->InterferenceOnS1(); const ChFiDS_FaceInterference& fi2 = sd->InterferenceOnS2(); const Handle(Geom_Surface)& S = DStr.Surface(sd->Surf()).Surface(); const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& pcs1 = fi1.PCurveOnSurf(); const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& pcs2 = fi2.PCurveOnSurf(); const Handle(Geom_Curve)& c3d1 = DStr.Curve(fi1.LineIndex()).Curve(); const Handle(Geom_Curve)& c3d2 = DStr.Curve(fi2.LineIndex()).Curve(); Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface) F1 = Geometry(DStr,sd->IndexOfS1()); Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface) F2 = Geometry(DStr,sd->IndexOfS2()); Standard_Real p1 = fi1.Parameter(isfirst); if(!c3d1.IsNull()) b1.Add(c3d1->Value(p1)); if(!pcs1.IsNull()) { pcs1->Value(p1).Coord(u,v); b1.Add(S->Value(u,v)); } if(!F1.IsNull()) { const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& pcf1 = fi1.PCurveOnFace(); if(!pcf1.IsNull()) { pcf1->Value(p1).Coord(u,v); b1.Add(F1->Value(u,v)); } } Standard_Real p2 = fi2.Parameter(isfirst); if(!c3d2.IsNull()) b2.Add(c3d2->Value(p2)); if(!pcs2.IsNull()) { pcs2->Value(p2).Coord(u,v); b2.Add(S->Value(u,v)); } if(!F2.IsNull()) { const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& pcf2 = fi2.PCurveOnFace(); if(!pcf2.IsNull()) { pcf2->Value(p2).Coord(u,v); b2.Add(F2->Value(u,v)); } } if(!st.IsNull()) { const Handle(Geom_Curve)& c3d = DStr.Curve(st->Curve(isfirst)).Curve(); const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& c2d = st->PCurve(isfirst); if(st->Orientation(isfirst) == TopAbs_FORWARD) st->Parameters(isfirst,p1,p2); else st->Parameters(isfirst,p2,p1); if(!c3d.IsNull()) { b1.Add(c3d->Value(p1)); b2.Add(c3d->Value(p2)); } if(!c2d.IsNull()) { c2d->Value(p1).Coord(u,v); b1.Add(S->Value(u,v)); c2d->Value(p2).Coord(u,v); b2.Add(S->Value(u,v)); } } } //======================================================================= //function : conexfaces //purpose : //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_conexfaces(const TopoDS_Edge& E, TopoDS_Face& F1, TopoDS_Face& F2, const ChFiDS_Map& EFMap) { TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape It; F1.Nullify(); F2.Nullify(); for(It.Initialize(EFMap(E));It.More();It.Next()) { if (F1.IsNull()) { F1 = TopoDS::Face(It.Value()); } else { F2 = TopoDS::Face(It.Value()); if(!F2.IsSame(F1) || BRep_Tool::IsClosed(E,F1)) { break; } else F2.Nullify(); } } } //======================================================================= //function : EdgeState //purpose : check concavities for the tops with 3 edges. //======================================================================= ChFiDS_State ChFi3d_EdgeState(TopoDS_Edge* E, const ChFiDS_Map& EFMap) { ChFiDS_State sst; Standard_Integer i,j; //TopoDS_Face F[3]; TopoDS_Face F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6; ChFi3d_conexfaces(E[0],F1,F2,EFMap); ChFi3d_conexfaces(E[1],F3,F4,EFMap); ChFi3d_conexfaces(E[2],F5,F6,EFMap); /* if(F1.IsSame(F2)) { F[0] = F[1] = F1; if(F1.IsSame(F3)) F[2] = F4; else F[2] = F3; } else if(F3.IsSame(F4)) { F[0] = F[2] = F3; if(F3.IsSame(F1)) F[1] = F2; else F[1] = F1; } else if(F5.IsSame(F6)) { F[1] = F[2] = F5; if(F5.IsSame(F1)) F[0] = F2; else F[0] = F1; } else{ if(F1.IsSame(F3) || F1.IsSame(F4)) F[0] = F1; else F[0] = F2; if(F3.IsSame(F[0])) F[2] = F4; else F[2] = F3; if(F5.IsSame(F[2])) F[1] = F6; else F[1] = F5; } */ //if(F[0].IsNull() || F[1].IsNull() || F[2].IsNull()) sst = ChFiDS_FreeBoundary; if (F2.IsNull() || F4.IsNull() || F6.IsNull()) sst = ChFiDS_FreeBoundary; else{ TopAbs_Orientation o01,o02,o11,o12,o21,o22; /* i=ChFi3d::ConcaveSide(F[0],F[1],E[0],o01,o02); i=ChFi3d::ConcaveSide(F[0],F[2],E[1],o11,o12); j=ChFi3d::ConcaveSide(F[1],F[2],E[2],o21,o22); */ i=ChFi3d::ConcaveSide(F1, F2, E[0], o01, o02); i=ChFi3d::ConcaveSide(F3, F4, E[1], o11, o12); j=ChFi3d::ConcaveSide(F5, F6, E[2], o21, o22); if(o01==o11 && o02==o21 && o12==o22) sst = ChFiDS_AllSame; else if(o12==o22 || i ==10 || j ==10) sst = ChFiDS_OnDiff; else sst = ChFiDS_OnSame; } return sst; } //======================================================================= //function : evalconti //purpose : Method very fast to code regularities CN. It is necessary to // refine the processing. //======================================================================= GeomAbs_Shape ChFi3d_evalconti(const TopoDS_Edge& /*E*/, const TopoDS_Face& F1, const TopoDS_Face& F2) { GeomAbs_Shape cont = GeomAbs_G1; if(!F1.IsSame(F2)) return cont; TopoDS_Face F = F1; F.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); BRepAdaptor_Surface S(F,Standard_False); GeomAbs_SurfaceType typ = S.GetType(); if(typ != GeomAbs_Cone && typ != GeomAbs_Sphere && typ != GeomAbs_Torus) return cont; return GeomAbs_CN; } //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Dec 15 11:22:35 2010f //======================================================================= //function : KParticular //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_KParticular (const Handle(ChFiDS_Spine)& Spine, const Standard_Integer IE, const BRepAdaptor_Surface& S1, const BRepAdaptor_Surface& S2) { Standard_Boolean bRet; // bRet=Standard_True; // Handle(ChFiDS_FilSpine) fs = Handle(ChFiDS_FilSpine)::DownCast(Spine); if(!fs.IsNull() && !fs->IsConstant(IE)) { return !bRet; } // Standard_Boolean bIsPlane1, bIsPlane2; Standard_Real aPA; GeomAbs_CurveType aCT; GeomAbs_SurfaceType aST1, aST2; // aST1=S1.GetType(); aST2=S2.GetType(); bIsPlane1=(aST1==GeomAbs_Plane); bIsPlane2=(aST2==GeomAbs_Plane); if (!(bIsPlane1 || bIsPlane2)) { return !bRet; } // const BRepAdaptor_Surface& aS1=(bIsPlane1)? S1 : S2; const BRepAdaptor_Surface& aS2=(bIsPlane1)? S2 : S1; aST1=aS1.GetType(); aST2=aS2.GetType(); // if (!(aST2==GeomAbs_Plane || aST2==GeomAbs_Cylinder || aST2==GeomAbs_Cone)) { return !bRet; } // const BRepAdaptor_Curve& bc = Spine->CurrentElementarySpine(IE); aCT = bc.GetType(); if (!(aCT==GeomAbs_Line || aCT==GeomAbs_Circle)) { return !bRet; } // aPA=Precision::Angular(); // if (aST2==GeomAbs_Plane){ if (aCT==GeomAbs_Line) { return bRet; } } else if (aST2==GeomAbs_Cylinder) { const gp_Dir aD1=aS1.Plane().Axis().Direction(); const gp_Dir aD2=aS2.Cylinder().Axis().Direction(); // if (aCT==GeomAbs_Line && aD1.IsNormal(aD2, aPA)) { return bRet; } else if (aCT==GeomAbs_Circle && aD1.IsParallel(aD2, aPA)) { return bRet; } } else if(aST2==GeomAbs_Cone) { const gp_Dir aD1=aS1.Plane().Axis().Direction(); const gp_Dir aD2=aS2.Cone().Axis().Direction(); if (aCT == GeomAbs_Circle && aD1.IsParallel(aD2, aPA)) { return bRet; } } return !bRet; } //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Dec 15 11:22:43 2010t //======================================================================= //function : BoundFac //purpose : Resize the limits of surface adjacent to the given box // Useful for intersections with known extremities. //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_BoundFac(BRepAdaptor_Surface& S, const Standard_Real uumin, const Standard_Real uumax, const Standard_Real vvmin, const Standard_Real vvmax, const Standard_Boolean checknaturalbounds) { ChFi3d_BoundSrf(S.ChangeSurface(), uumin,uumax,vvmin,vvmax,checknaturalbounds); } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_BoundSrf //purpose : Resize the limits of surface adjacent to the given box // Useful for intersections with known extremities. //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_BoundSrf(GeomAdaptor_Surface& S, const Standard_Real uumin, const Standard_Real uumax, const Standard_Real vvmin, const Standard_Real vvmax, const Standard_Boolean checknaturalbounds) { Standard_Real umin = uumin, umax = uumax, vmin = vvmin, vmax = vvmax; Handle(Geom_Surface) surface = S.Surface(); Handle(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface) trs = Handle(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface)::DownCast(surface); if(!trs.IsNull()) surface = trs->BasisSurface(); Standard_Real u1,u2,v1,v2; surface->Bounds(u1,u2,v1,v2); Standard_Real peru=0, perv=0; if(surface->IsUPeriodic()) { peru = surface->UPeriod(); } if(surface->IsVPeriodic()) { perv = surface->VPeriod(); } Standard_Real Stepu = umax - umin; Standard_Real Stepv = vmax - vmin; //It is supposed that box uv is not null in at least //one direction. Standard_Real scalu = S.UResolution(1.); Standard_Real scalv = S.VResolution(1.); Standard_Real step3du = Stepu/scalu; Standard_Real step3dv = Stepv/scalv; if(step3du > step3dv) Stepv = step3du*scalv; if(step3dv > step3du) Stepu = step3dv*scalu; if (peru > 0) Stepu = 0.1 * (peru - (umax - umin)); if (perv > 0) Stepv = 0.1 * (perv - (vmax - vmin)); Standard_Real uu1 = umin - Stepu; Standard_Real uu2 = umax + Stepu; Standard_Real vv1 = vmin - Stepv; Standard_Real vv2 = vmax + Stepv; if(checknaturalbounds) { if(!S.IsUPeriodic()) {uu1 = Max(uu1,u1); uu2 = Min(uu2,u2);} if(!S.IsVPeriodic()) {vv1 = Max(vv1,v1); vv2 = Min(vv2,v2);} } S.Load(surface,uu1,uu2,vv1,vv2); } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_InterPlaneEdge //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_InterPlaneEdge (const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& Plan, const Handle(Adaptor3d_Curve)& C, Standard_Real& W, const Standard_Boolean Sens, const Standard_Real tolc) { IntCurveSurface_HInter Intersection; Standard_Integer isol = 0, nbp ,iip; Standard_Real uf = C->FirstParameter(),ul = C->LastParameter(); Standard_Real CW; Intersection.Perform(C,Plan); if(Intersection.IsDone()) { nbp = Intersection.NbPoints(); for (iip = 1; iip <= nbp; iip++) { CW = Intersection.Point(iip).W(); if(C->IsPeriodic()) CW = ElCLib::InPeriod(CW,uf-tolc,uf-tolc+C->Period()); if(uf - tolc <= CW && ul + tolc >= CW) { if (isol == 0) { isol = iip; W = CW; } else { if ( Sens && CW < W) { W = CW; isol = iip; } else if (!Sens && CW > W) { W = CW; isol = iip; } } } } } if(isol == 0) return Standard_False; return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : ExtrSpineCarac //purpose : //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_ExtrSpineCarac(const TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr, const Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& cd, const Standard_Integer i, const Standard_Real p, const Standard_Integer jf, const Standard_Integer sens, gp_Pnt& P, gp_Vec& V, Standard_Real& R) //check if it is necessary to add D1,D2 and DR { // Attention for approximated surfaces it is assumed that e // the parameters of the pcurve are the same as of // elspine used for its construction. const Handle(Geom_Surface)& fffil = DStr.Surface(cd->SetOfSurfData()->Value(i)->Surf()).Surface(); gp_Pnt2d pp = cd->SetOfSurfData()->Value(i)->Interference(jf). PCurveOnSurf()->Value(p); GeomAdaptor_Surface gs(fffil); P = fffil->Value(pp.X(),pp.Y()); gp_Pnt Pbid; gp_Vec Vbid; switch (gs.GetType()) { case GeomAbs_Cylinder : { gp_Cylinder cyl = gs.Cylinder(); R = cyl.Radius(); ElSLib::D1(pp.X(),pp.Y(),cyl,Pbid,Vbid,V); } break; case GeomAbs_Torus : { gp_Torus tor = gs.Torus(); R = tor.MinorRadius(); ElSLib::D1(pp.X(),pp.Y(),tor,Pbid,V,Vbid); } break; default: { Standard_Integer nbelspine; const Handle(ChFiDS_Spine)& sp = cd->Spine(); Handle(ChFiDS_FilSpine) fsp = Handle(ChFiDS_FilSpine)::DownCast(sp); nbelspine=sp->NbEdges(); Handle(ChFiDS_ElSpine) hels; if (nbelspine==1) hels = sp->ElSpine(1); else hels = sp->ElSpine(p); if(fsp->IsConstant()) { R = fsp->Radius(); } else { R = fsp->Law(hels)->Value(p); } hels->D1(p,Pbid,V); } break; } V.Normalize(); if(sens == 1) V.Reverse(); } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_CircularSpine //purpose : Calculate a circular guideline for the corner created from // tangent points and vectors calculated at the extremities // of guidelines of start and end fillets. //======================================================================= Handle(Geom_Circle) ChFi3d_CircularSpine(Standard_Real& WFirst, Standard_Real& WLast, const gp_Pnt& Pdeb, const gp_Vec& Vdeb, const gp_Pnt& Pfin, const gp_Vec& Vfin, const Standard_Real rad) { gp_Circ ccc; gp_Pln Pl1(Pdeb,gp_Dir(Vdeb)),Pl2(Pfin,gp_Dir(Vfin)); IntAna_QuadQuadGeo LInt (Pl1,Pl2,Precision::Angular(), Precision::Confusion()); gp_Lin li; if (LInt.IsDone()) { li = LInt.Line(1); gp_Pnt cendeb = ElCLib::Value(ElCLib::Parameter(li,Pdeb),li); gp_Pnt cenfin = ElCLib::Value(ElCLib::Parameter(li,Pfin),li); gp_Vec vvdeb(cendeb,Pdeb); gp_Vec vvfin(cenfin,Pfin); gp_Dir dddeb(vvdeb); gp_Dir ddfin(vvfin); if(Vdeb.Crossed(vvdeb).Dot(Vfin.Crossed(vvfin)) > 0.) { return Handle(Geom_Circle)(); } gp_Ax2 circax2(cendeb,dddeb^ddfin,dddeb); ccc.SetPosition(circax2); ccc.SetRadius(rad); WFirst = 0.; WLast = dddeb.Angle(ddfin); return new Geom_Circle(ccc); } return Handle(Geom_Circle)(); } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_Spine //purpose : Calculates the poles of the guideline for the corner from // tangent points and vectors calculated at the extremities of // guidelines of start and end fillets. //======================================================================= Handle(Geom_BezierCurve) ChFi3d_Spine(const gp_Pnt& pd, gp_Vec& vd, const gp_Pnt& pf, gp_Vec& vf, const Standard_Real R) { TColgp_Array1OfPnt pol(1,4); const Standard_Real fac = 0.5 * tan((M_PI-vd.Angle(vf)) * 0.5); pol(1) = pd; vd.Multiply(fac*R); pol(2).SetCoord(pd.X()+vd.X(),pd.Y()+vd.Y(),pd.Z()+vd.Z()); pol(4) = pf; vf.Multiply(fac*R); pol(3).SetCoord(pf.X()+vf.X(),pf.Y()+vf.Y(),pf.Z()+vf.Z()); return new Geom_BezierCurve(pol); } //======================================================================= //function : IsInFront //purpose : Checks if surfdata i1 and i2 are face to face //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_IsInFront(TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr, const Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& cd1, const Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& cd2, const Standard_Integer i1, const Standard_Integer i2, const Standard_Integer sens1, const Standard_Integer sens2, Standard_Real& p1, Standard_Real& p2, TopoDS_Face& face, Standard_Boolean& sameside, Standard_Integer& jf1, Standard_Integer& jf2, Standard_Boolean& visavis, const TopoDS_Vertex& Vtx, const Standard_Boolean Check2dDistance, const Standard_Boolean enlarge) { Standard_Boolean isf1 = (sens1 == 1), isf2 = (sens2 == 1); const Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& fd1 = cd1->SetOfSurfData()->Value(i1); const Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& fd2 = cd2->SetOfSurfData()->Value(i2); TopAbs_Orientation Or,OrSave1,OrSave2,OrFace1,OrFace2; visavis = Standard_False; Standard_Real u1 = 0.,u2 = 0.; Standard_Boolean ss = 0,ok = 0; Standard_Integer j1 = 0,j2 = 0; TopoDS_Face ff; if(fd1->IndexOfS1() == fd2->IndexOfS1()) { jf1 = 1; jf2 = 1; face = TopoDS::Face(DStr.Shape(fd1->Index(jf1))); OrSave1 = cd1->Orientation(jf1); Or = OrFace1 = face.Orientation(); OrSave2 = cd2->Orientation(jf2); OrFace2 = DStr.Shape(fd2->Index(jf2)).Orientation(); visavis = Standard_True; sameside = ChFi3d::SameSide(Or,OrSave1,OrSave2,OrFace1,OrFace2); // The parameters of the other side are not used for orientation. This would raise problems Standard_Integer kf1 = jf1, kf2 = jf2; Standard_Real pref1 = fd1->Interference(kf1).Parameter(isf1); Standard_Real pref2 = fd2->Interference(kf2).Parameter(isf2); gp_Pnt2d P2d; if (Check2dDistance) P2d = BRep_Tool::Parameters( Vtx, face ); if(ChFi3d_IntTraces(fd1,pref1,p1,jf1,sens1,fd2,pref2,p2,jf2,sens2,P2d,Check2dDistance,enlarge)) { u1 = p1; u2 = p2; ss = sameside; j1 = jf1; j2 = jf2; ff = face; ok = 1; } } if(fd1->IndexOfS2() == fd2->IndexOfS1()) { jf1 = 2; jf2 = 1; face = TopoDS::Face(DStr.Shape(fd1->Index(jf1))); OrSave1 = cd1->Orientation(jf1); Or = OrFace1 = face.Orientation(); OrSave2 = cd2->Orientation(jf2); OrFace2 = DStr.Shape(fd2->Index(jf2)).Orientation(); visavis = Standard_True; sameside = ChFi3d::SameSide(Or,OrSave1,OrSave2,OrFace1,OrFace2); // The parameters of the other side are not used for orientation. This would raise problems Standard_Integer kf1 = jf1, kf2 = jf2; Standard_Real pref1 = fd1->Interference(kf1).Parameter(isf1); Standard_Real pref2 = fd2->Interference(kf2).Parameter(isf2); gp_Pnt2d P2d; if (Check2dDistance) P2d = BRep_Tool::Parameters( Vtx, face ); if(ChFi3d_IntTraces(fd1,pref1,p1,jf1,sens1,fd2,pref2,p2,jf2,sens2,P2d,Check2dDistance,enlarge)) { Standard_Boolean restore = ok && ((j1 == jf1 && sens1*(p1 - u1) > 0.) || (j2 == jf2 && sens2*(p2 - u2) > 0.)); ok = 1; if(restore) { p1 = u1; p2 = u2; sameside = ss; jf1 = j1; jf2 = j2; face = ff; } else { u1 = p1; u2 = p2; ss = sameside; j1 = jf1; j2 = jf2; ff = face; } } //the re-initialization is added in case p1,... take wrong values else if (ok) { p1 = u1; p2 = u2; sameside = ss; jf1 = j1; jf2 = j2; face = ff; } } if(fd1->IndexOfS1() == fd2->IndexOfS2()) { jf1 = 1; jf2 = 2; face = TopoDS::Face(DStr.Shape(fd1->Index(jf1))); OrSave1 = cd1->Orientation(jf1); Or = OrFace1 = face.Orientation(); OrSave2 = cd2->Orientation(jf2); OrFace2 = DStr.Shape(fd2->Index(jf2)).Orientation(); visavis = Standard_True; sameside = ChFi3d::SameSide(Or,OrSave1,OrSave2,OrFace1,OrFace2); // The parameters of the other side are not used for orientation. Standard_Integer kf1 = jf1, kf2 = jf2; Standard_Real pref1 = fd1->Interference(kf1).Parameter(isf1); Standard_Real pref2 = fd2->Interference(kf2).Parameter(isf2); gp_Pnt2d P2d; if (Check2dDistance) P2d = BRep_Tool::Parameters( Vtx, face ); if(ChFi3d_IntTraces(fd1,pref1,p1,jf1,sens1,fd2,pref2,p2,jf2,sens2,P2d,Check2dDistance,enlarge)) { Standard_Boolean restore = ok && ((j1 == jf1 && sens1*(p1 - u1) > 0.) || (j2 == jf2 && sens2*(p2 - u2) > 0.)); ok = 1; if(restore) { p1 = u1; p2 = u2; sameside = ss; jf1 = j1; jf2 = j2; face = ff; } else { u1 = p1; u2 = p2; ss = sameside; j1 = jf1; j2 = jf2; ff = face; } } //the re-initialization is added in case p1,... take wrong values else if (ok) { p1 = u1; p2 = u2; sameside = ss; jf1 = j1; jf2 = j2; face = ff; } } if(fd1->IndexOfS2() == fd2->IndexOfS2()) { jf1 = 2; jf2 = 2; face = TopoDS::Face(DStr.Shape(fd1->Index(jf1))); OrSave1 = cd1->Orientation(jf1); Or = OrFace1 = face.Orientation(); OrSave2 = cd2->Orientation(jf2); OrFace2 = DStr.Shape(fd2->Index(jf2)).Orientation(); visavis = Standard_True; sameside = ChFi3d::SameSide(Or,OrSave1,OrSave2,OrFace1,OrFace2); // The parameters of the other side are not used for orientation. Standard_Integer kf1 = jf1, kf2 = jf2; Standard_Real pref1 = fd1->Interference(kf1).Parameter(isf1); Standard_Real pref2 = fd2->Interference(kf2).Parameter(isf2); gp_Pnt2d P2d; if (Check2dDistance) P2d = BRep_Tool::Parameters( Vtx, face ); if(ChFi3d_IntTraces(fd1,pref1,p1,jf1,sens1,fd2,pref2,p2,jf2,sens2,P2d,Check2dDistance,enlarge)) { Standard_Boolean restore = ok && ((j1 == jf1 && sens1*(p1 - u1) > 0.) || (j2 == jf2 && sens2*(p2 - u2) > 0.)); ok = 1; if(restore) { p1 = u1; p2 = u2; sameside = ss; jf1 = j1; jf2 = j2; face = ff; } else { u1 = p1; u2 = p2; ss = sameside; j1 = jf1; j2 = jf2; ff = face; } } //the re-initialization is added in case p1,... take wrong values else if (ok) { p1 = u1; p2 = u2; sameside = ss; jf1 = j1; jf2 = j2; face = ff; } } return ok; } //======================================================================= //function : recadre //purpose : //======================================================================= static Standard_Real recadre(const Standard_Real p, const Standard_Real ref, const Standard_Integer sens, const Standard_Real first, const Standard_Real last) { const Standard_Real pp = p + (sens > 0 ? (first - last) : (last - first)); return ((Abs(pp - ref) < Abs(p - ref))? pp : p); } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_IntTraces //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_IntTraces(const Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& fd1, const Standard_Real pref1, Standard_Real& p1, const Standard_Integer jf1, const Standard_Integer sens1, const Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& fd2, const Standard_Real pref2, Standard_Real& p2, const Standard_Integer jf2, const Standard_Integer sens2, const gp_Pnt2d& RefP2d, const Standard_Boolean Check2dDistance, const Standard_Boolean enlarge) { Geom2dAdaptor_Curve C1; Geom2dAdaptor_Curve C2; // pcurves are enlarged to be sure that there is intersection // additionally all periodic curves are taken and points on // them are filtered using a specific criterion. Standard_Real first,last,delta = 0.; first = fd1->Interference(jf1).FirstParameter(); last = fd1->Interference(jf1).LastParameter(); if ((last-first) < Precision::PConfusion()) return Standard_False; if(enlarge) delta = Min(0.1,0.05*(last-first)); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pcf1 = fd1->Interference(jf1).PCurveOnFace(); if(pcf1.IsNull()) return Standard_False; Standard_Boolean isper1 = pcf1->IsPeriodic(); if(isper1) { Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve) tr1 = Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve)::DownCast(pcf1); if(!tr1.IsNull()) pcf1 = tr1->BasisCurve(); C1.Load(pcf1); } else C1.Load(pcf1,first-delta,last+delta); Standard_Real first1 = pcf1->FirstParameter(), last1 = pcf1->LastParameter(); first = fd2->Interference(jf2).FirstParameter(); last = fd2->Interference(jf2).LastParameter(); if ((last-first) < Precision::PConfusion()) return Standard_False; if(enlarge) delta = Min(0.1,0.05*(last-first)); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) pcf2 = fd2->Interference(jf2).PCurveOnFace(); if(pcf2.IsNull()) return Standard_False; Standard_Boolean isper2 = pcf2->IsPeriodic(); if(isper2) { Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve) tr2 = Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve)::DownCast(pcf2); if(!tr2.IsNull()) pcf2 = tr2->BasisCurve(); C2.Load(pcf2); } else C2.Load(fd2->Interference(jf2).PCurveOnFace(),first-delta,last+delta); Standard_Real first2 = pcf2->FirstParameter(), last2 = pcf2->LastParameter(); IntRes2d_IntersectionPoint int2d; Geom2dInt_GInter Intersection; Standard_Integer nbpt,nbseg; gp_Pnt2d p2d; if(fd1->Interference(jf1).PCurveOnFace() == fd2->Interference(jf2).PCurveOnFace()) { Intersection.Perform(C1, Precision::PIntersection(), Precision::PIntersection()); } else{ Intersection.Perform(C1,C2, Precision::PIntersection(), Precision::PIntersection()); } if (Intersection.IsDone()) { if (!Intersection.IsEmpty()) { nbseg = Intersection.NbSegments(); if ( nbseg > 0 ) { } nbpt = Intersection.NbPoints(); if ( nbpt >= 1 ) { // The criteria sets to filter the found points in a strict way // are missing. Two different criterions chosen somewhat randomly // are used : // - periodic curves : closest to the border. // - non-periodic curves : the closest to the left of 2 curves // modulo sens1 and sens2 int2d = Intersection.Point(1); p2d = int2d.Value(); p1 = int2d.ParamOnFirst(); p2 = int2d.ParamOnSecond(); if(isper1) p1 = recadre(p1,pref1,sens1,first1,last1); if(isper2) p2 = recadre(p2,pref2,sens2,first2,last2); for(Standard_Integer i = 2; i<=nbpt; i++) { int2d = Intersection.Point(i); if(isper1) { Standard_Real pp1 = int2d.ParamOnFirst(); pp1 = recadre(pp1,pref1,sens1,first1,last1); if((Abs(pp1 - pref1) < Abs(p1 - pref1))) { p1 = pp1; p2 = int2d.ParamOnSecond(); p2d = int2d.Value(); } // Modified by skv - Mon Jun 16 15:51:21 2003 OCC615 Begin else if (Check2dDistance && RefP2d.Distance(int2d.Value()) < RefP2d.Distance(p2d)) { Standard_Real pp2 = int2d.ParamOnSecond(); if(isper2) pp2 = recadre(pp2,pref2,sens2,first2,last2); p1 = pp1; p2 = pp2; p2d = int2d.Value(); } // Modified by skv - Mon Jun 16 15:51:22 2003 OCC615 End } else if(isper2) { Standard_Real pp2 = int2d.ParamOnSecond(); pp2 = recadre(pp2,pref2,sens2,first2,last2); if((Abs(pp2 - pref2) < Abs(p2 - pref2))) { p2 = pp2; p1 = int2d.ParamOnFirst(); p2d = int2d.Value(); } // Modified by skv - Mon Jun 16 15:51:21 2003 OCC615 Begin else if (Check2dDistance && RefP2d.Distance(int2d.Value()) < RefP2d.Distance(p2d)) { Standard_Real pp1 = int2d.ParamOnFirst(); if(isper1) pp1 = recadre(pp1,pref1,sens1,first1,last1); p1 = pp1; p2 = pp2; p2d = int2d.Value(); } // Modified by skv - Mon Jun 16 15:51:22 2003 OCC615 End } else if(((int2d.ParamOnFirst() - p1)*sens1 < 0.) && ((int2d.ParamOnSecond() - p2)*sens2 < 0.)) { p1 = int2d.ParamOnFirst(); p2 = int2d.ParamOnSecond(); p2d = int2d.Value(); } else if((Abs(int2d.ParamOnFirst() - pref1) < Abs(p1 - pref1)) && (Abs(int2d.ParamOnSecond() - pref2) < Abs(p2 - pref2))) { p1 = int2d.ParamOnFirst(); p2 = int2d.ParamOnSecond(); p2d = int2d.Value(); } else if (Check2dDistance && RefP2d.Distance(int2d.Value()) < RefP2d.Distance(p2d)) { p1 = int2d.ParamOnFirst(); p2 = int2d.ParamOnSecond(); p2d = int2d.Value(); } } return Standard_True; } return Standard_False; } else { return Standard_False; } } else { return Standard_False; } } //======================================================================= //function : Coefficient //purpose : //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_Coefficient(const gp_Vec& V3d, const gp_Vec& D1u, const gp_Vec& D1v, Standard_Real& DU, Standard_Real& DV) { const Standard_Real AA = D1u.SquareMagnitude(); const Standard_Real BB = D1u.Dot(D1v); const Standard_Real CC = D1v.SquareMagnitude(); const Standard_Real DD = D1u.Dot(V3d); const Standard_Real EE = D1v.Dot(V3d); const Standard_Real Delta = AA*CC-BB*BB; DU = (DD*CC-EE*BB)/Delta; DV = (AA*EE-BB*DD)/Delta; } //======================================================================= //function : ReparamPcurv //purpose : Dans le cas ou la pcurve est une BSpline on verifie // ses parametres et on la reparametre eventuellement. //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_ReparamPcurv(const Standard_Real Uf, const Standard_Real Ul, Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Pcurv) { if(Pcurv.IsNull()) return; Standard_Real upcf = Pcurv->FirstParameter(); Standard_Real upcl = Pcurv->LastParameter(); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) basis = Pcurv; Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve) trpc = Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve)::DownCast(Pcurv); if(!trpc.IsNull()) basis = trpc->BasisCurve(); Handle(Geom2d_BSplineCurve) pc = Handle(Geom2d_BSplineCurve)::DownCast(basis); if(pc.IsNull()) return; if(Abs(upcf - pc->FirstParameter()) > Precision::PConfusion() || Abs(upcl - pc->LastParameter()) > Precision::PConfusion()) { pc->Segment(upcf,upcl); } if(Abs(Uf - pc->FirstParameter()) > Precision::PConfusion() || Abs(Ul - pc->LastParameter()) > Precision::PConfusion()) { TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d pol(1,pc->NbPoles()); pc->Poles(pol); TColStd_Array1OfReal kn(1,pc->NbKnots()); pc->Knots(kn); TColStd_Array1OfInteger mu(1,pc->NbKnots()); pc->Multiplicities(mu); Standard_Integer deg = pc->Degree(); BSplCLib::Reparametrize(Uf,Ul,kn); pc = new Geom2d_BSplineCurve(pol,kn,mu,deg); } Pcurv = pc; } //======================================================================= //function : ProjectPCurv //purpose : Calculation of the pcurve corresponding to a line of intersection // 3d. Should be called only in analytic cases. //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_ProjectPCurv(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Curve)& HCg, const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& HSg, Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Pcurv, const Standard_Real tol, Standard_Real& tolreached) { if (HSg->GetType() != GeomAbs_BezierSurface && HSg->GetType() != GeomAbs_BSplineSurface) { ProjLib_ProjectedCurve Projc (HSg,HCg,tol); tolreached = Projc.GetTolerance(); switch (Projc.GetType()) { case GeomAbs_Line : { Pcurv = new Geom2d_Line(Projc.Line()); } break; case GeomAbs_Circle : { Pcurv = new Geom2d_Circle(Projc.Circle()); } break; case GeomAbs_Ellipse : { Pcurv = new Geom2d_Ellipse(Projc.Ellipse()); } break; case GeomAbs_Hyperbola : { Pcurv = new Geom2d_Hyperbola(Projc.Hyperbola()); } break; case GeomAbs_Parabola : { Pcurv = new Geom2d_Parabola(Projc.Parabola()); } break; case GeomAbs_BezierCurve : { Pcurv = Projc.Bezier(); } break; case GeomAbs_BSplineCurve : { Pcurv = Projc.BSpline(); } break; default: throw Standard_NotImplemented("echec approximation de la pcurve "); } } } //======================================================================= //function : CheckSameParameter //purpose : Controls a posteriori that sameparameter worked well //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_CheckSameParameter (const Handle(Adaptor3d_Curve)& C3d, Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Pcurv, const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& S, const Standard_Real tol3d, Standard_Real& tolreached) { tolreached = 0.; Standard_Real f = C3d->FirstParameter(); Standard_Real l = C3d->LastParameter(); Standard_Integer nbp = 45; Standard_Real step = 1./(nbp -1); for(Standard_Integer i = 0; i < nbp; i++) { Standard_Real t,u,v; t = step * i; t = (1-t) * f + t * l; Pcurv->Value(t).Coord(u,v); gp_Pnt pS = S->Value(u,v); gp_Pnt pC = C3d->Value(t); Standard_Real d2 = pS.SquareDistance(pC); tolreached = Max(tolreached,d2); } tolreached = sqrt(tolreached); if(tolreached > tol3d) { tolreached *= 2.; return Standard_False; } tolreached *= 2.; tolreached = Max(tolreached,Precision::Confusion()); return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : SameParameter //purpose : Encapsulation of Sameparameter //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_SameParameter(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Curve)& C3d, Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Pcurv, const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& S, const Standard_Real tol3d, Standard_Real& tolreached) { if(ChFi3d_CheckSameParameter(C3d,Pcurv,S,tol3d,tolreached)) return Standard_True; Approx_SameParameter sp(C3d,Pcurv,S,tol3d); if(sp.IsDone() && !sp.IsSameParameter()) Pcurv = sp.Curve2d(); else if(!sp.IsDone() && !sp.IsSameParameter()) { return Standard_False; } tolreached = sp.TolReached(); return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : SameParameter //purpose : Encapsulation de Sameparameter //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_SameParameter(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& C3d, Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Pcurv, const Handle(Geom_Surface)& S, const Standard_Real Pardeb, const Standard_Real Parfin, const Standard_Real tol3d, Standard_Real& tolreached) { /*szv:static*/ Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface) hs(new GeomAdaptor_Surface(S)); /*szv:static*/ Handle(GeomAdaptor_Curve) hc(new GeomAdaptor_Curve(C3d,Pardeb,Parfin)); return ChFi3d_SameParameter(hc,Pcurv,hs,tol3d,tolreached); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputePCurv //purpose : Calculates a straight line in form of BSpline // to guarantee the same range and parameters as of the // reference 3D curve. //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_ComputePCurv(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Curve)& C3d, const gp_Pnt2d& UV1, const gp_Pnt2d& UV2, Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Pcurv, const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& S, const Standard_Real Pardeb, const Standard_Real Parfin, const Standard_Real tol3d, Standard_Real& tolreached, const Standard_Boolean reverse) { ChFi3d_ComputePCurv(UV1,UV2,Pcurv,Pardeb,Parfin,reverse); ChFi3d_SameParameter(C3d,Pcurv,S,tol3d,tolreached); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputePCurv //purpose : Calculates a straight line in form of BSpline // to guarantee the same range and parameters as of the // reference 3D curve. //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_ComputePCurv(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& C3d, const gp_Pnt2d& UV1, const gp_Pnt2d& UV2, Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Pcurv, const Handle(Geom_Surface)& S, const Standard_Real Pardeb, const Standard_Real Parfin, const Standard_Real tol3d, Standard_Real& tolreached, const Standard_Boolean reverse) { Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface) hs(new GeomAdaptor_Surface(S)); Handle(Adaptor3d_Curve) hc(new GeomAdaptor_Curve(C3d,Pardeb,Parfin)); ChFi3d_ComputePCurv(hc,UV1,UV2,Pcurv,hs,Pardeb,Parfin,tol3d,tolreached,reverse); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputePCurv //purpose : Calculates a straight line in form of BSpline // to guarantee the same range. //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_ComputePCurv(const gp_Pnt2d& UV1, const gp_Pnt2d& UV2, Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Pcurv, const Standard_Real Pardeb, const Standard_Real Parfin, const Standard_Boolean reverse) { const Standard_Real tol = Precision::PConfusion(); gp_Pnt2d p1,p2; if (!reverse) { p1 = UV1; p2 = UV2; } else { p1 = UV2; p2 = UV1; } if (Abs(p1.X()-p2.X()) <= tol && Abs((p2.Y()-p1.Y())-(Parfin-Pardeb)) <= tol) { gp_Pnt2d ppp(p1.X(),p1.Y()-Pardeb); Pcurv = new Geom2d_Line(ppp,gp::DY2d()); } else if (Abs(p1.X()-p2.X()) <= tol && Abs((p1.Y()-p2.Y())-(Parfin-Pardeb)) <= tol) { gp_Pnt2d ppp(p1.X(),p1.Y()+Pardeb); Pcurv = new Geom2d_Line(ppp,gp::DY2d().Reversed()); } else if (Abs(p1.Y()-p2.Y()) <= tol && Abs((p2.X()-p1.X())-(Parfin-Pardeb)) <= tol) { gp_Pnt2d ppp(p1.X()-Pardeb,p1.Y()); Pcurv = new Geom2d_Line(ppp,gp::DX2d()); } else if (Abs(p1.Y()-p2.Y()) <= tol && Abs((p1.X()-p2.X())-(Parfin-Pardeb)) <= tol) { gp_Pnt2d ppp(p1.X()+Pardeb,p1.Y()); Pcurv = new Geom2d_Line(ppp,gp::DX2d().Reversed()); } else{ TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d p(1,2); TColStd_Array1OfReal k(1,2); TColStd_Array1OfInteger m(1,2); m.Init(2); k(1) = Pardeb; k(2) = Parfin; p(1) = p1; p(2) = p2; Pcurv = new Geom2d_BSplineCurve(p,k,m,1); } Pcurv = new Geom2d_TrimmedCurve(Pcurv,Pardeb,Parfin); } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_mkbound //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(GeomFill_Boundary) ChFi3d_mkbound(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& Fac, Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& curv, const Standard_Integer sens1, const gp_Pnt2d& pfac1, const gp_Vec2d& vfac1, const Standard_Integer sens2, const gp_Pnt2d& pfac2, const gp_Vec2d& vfac2, const Standard_Real t3d, const Standard_Real ta) { gp_Dir2d v1(vfac1); if(sens1 == 1) v1.Reverse(); gp_Dir2d v2(vfac2); if(sens2 == 1) v2.Reverse(); curv = ChFi3d_BuildPCurve(Fac,pfac1,v1,pfac2,v2,Standard_False); return ChFi3d_mkbound(Fac,curv,t3d,ta); } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_mkbound //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(GeomFill_Boundary) ChFi3d_mkbound(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& Surf, Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& curv, const Standard_Integer sens1, const gp_Pnt2d& p1, gp_Vec& v1, const Standard_Integer sens2, const gp_Pnt2d& p2, gp_Vec& v2, const Standard_Real t3d, const Standard_Real ta) { if(sens1 == 1) v1.Reverse(); if(sens2 == 1) v2.Reverse(); curv = ChFi3d_BuildPCurve(Surf,p1,v1,p2,v2); return ChFi3d_mkbound(Surf,curv,t3d,ta); } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_mkbound //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(GeomFill_Boundary) ChFi3d_mkbound(const Handle(Geom_Surface)& s, const gp_Pnt2d& p1, const gp_Pnt2d& p2, const Standard_Real t3d, const Standard_Real ta, const Standard_Boolean isfreeboundary) { Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface) HS = new GeomAdaptor_Surface(s); return ChFi3d_mkbound(HS,p1,p2,t3d,ta,isfreeboundary); } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_mkbound //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(GeomFill_Boundary) ChFi3d_mkbound(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& HS, const gp_Pnt2d& p1, const gp_Pnt2d& p2, const Standard_Real t3d, const Standard_Real ta, const Standard_Boolean isfreeboundary) { TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d pol(1,2); pol(1)=p1; pol(2)=p2; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) curv = new Geom2d_BezierCurve(pol); return ChFi3d_mkbound(HS,curv,t3d,ta,isfreeboundary); } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_mkbound //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(GeomFill_Boundary) ChFi3d_mkbound(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& HS, const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& curv, const Standard_Real t3d, const Standard_Real ta, const Standard_Boolean isfreeboundary) { Handle(Geom2dAdaptor_Curve) HC = new Geom2dAdaptor_Curve(curv); Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface COnS(HC,HS); if (isfreeboundary) { Handle(Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface) HCOnS = new Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface(COnS); return new GeomFill_SimpleBound(HCOnS,t3d,ta); } return new GeomFill_BoundWithSurf(COnS,t3d,ta); } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_mkbound //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(GeomFill_Boundary) ChFi3d_mkbound(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& Fac, Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& curv, const gp_Pnt2d& p1, const gp_Pnt2d& p2, const Standard_Real t3d, const Standard_Real ta, const Standard_Boolean isfreeboundary) { TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d pol(1,2); pol(1)=p1; pol(2)=p2; curv = new Geom2d_BezierCurve(pol); return ChFi3d_mkbound(Fac,curv,t3d,ta,isfreeboundary); } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_BuildPCurve //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(Geom2d_Curve) ChFi3d_BuildPCurve(const gp_Pnt2d& p1, gp_Dir2d& d1, const gp_Pnt2d& p2, gp_Dir2d& d2, const Standard_Boolean redresse) { gp_Vec2d vref(p1,p2); gp_Dir2d dref(vref); Standard_Real mref = vref.Magnitude(); if(redresse) { if(d1.Dot(dref) < 0.) d1.Reverse(); if(d2.Dot(dref) > 0.) d2.Reverse(); } //On fait une cubique a la mords moi le noeud TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d pol(1,4); pol(1)=p1; pol(4)=p2; Standard_Real Lambda1 = Max(Abs(d2.Dot(d1)),Abs(dref.Dot(d1))); Lambda1 = Max(0.5*mref*Lambda1,1.e-5); pol(2) = gp_Pnt2d(p1.XY()+Lambda1*d1.XY()); Standard_Real Lambda2 = Max(Abs(d1.Dot(d2)),Abs(dref.Dot(d2))); Lambda2 = Max(0.5*mref*Lambda2,1.e-5); pol(3)=gp_Pnt2d(p2.XY()+Lambda2*d2.XY()); return new Geom2d_BezierCurve(pol); } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_BuildPCurve //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(Geom2d_Curve) ChFi3d_BuildPCurve(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& Surf, const gp_Pnt2d& p1, const gp_Vec2d& v1, const gp_Pnt2d& p2, const gp_Vec2d& v2, const Standard_Boolean redresse) { gp_Pnt2d pp1 = p1, pp2 = p2; gp_Vec2d vv1 = v1, vv2 = v2; const Standard_Real ures = Surf->UResolution(1.); const Standard_Real vres = Surf->VResolution(1.); const Standard_Real invures = 1./ures; const Standard_Real invvres = 1./vres; pp1.SetX(invures*pp1.X()); pp1.SetY(invvres*pp1.Y()); pp2.SetX(invures*pp2.X()); pp2.SetY(invvres*pp2.Y()); vv1.SetX(invures*vv1.X()); vv1.SetY(invvres*vv1.Y()); vv2.SetX(invures*vv2.X()); vv2.SetY(invvres*vv2.Y()); gp_Dir2d d1(vv1), d2(vv2); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) g2dc = ChFi3d_BuildPCurve(pp1,d1,pp2,d2,redresse); Handle(Geom2d_BezierCurve) pc = Handle(Geom2d_BezierCurve)::DownCast(g2dc); const Standard_Integer nbp = pc->NbPoles(); for(Standard_Integer ip = 1; ip <= nbp; ip++) { gp_Pnt2d pol = pc->Pole(ip); pol.SetX(ures*pol.X()); pol.SetY(vres*pol.Y()); pc->SetPole(ip,pol); } return pc; } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_BuildPCurve //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(Geom2d_Curve) ChFi3d_BuildPCurve(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& Surf, const gp_Pnt2d& p1, const gp_Vec& v1, const gp_Pnt2d& p2, const gp_Vec& v2, const Standard_Boolean redresse) { gp_Vec D1u,D1v; gp_Pnt PP1,PP2; Standard_Real DU,DV; Surf->D1(p1.X(),p1.Y(),PP1,D1u,D1v); ChFi3d_Coefficient(v1,D1u,D1v,DU,DV); gp_Vec2d vv1(DU,DV); Surf->D1(p2.X(),p2.Y(),PP2,D1u,D1v); ChFi3d_Coefficient(v2,D1u,D1v,DU,DV); gp_Vec2d vv2(DU,DV); gp_Vec Vref(PP1,PP2); if(redresse) { if(Vref.Dot(v1) < 0.) vv1.Reverse(); if(Vref.Dot(v2) > 0.) vv2.Reverse(); } return ChFi3d_BuildPCurve(Surf,p1,vv1,p2,vv2,0); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeArete //purpose : // to fill with s.d. a fillet with pcurves constructed as follows // firstpoint on S1 -------------edge:curve3d/pcurves--->lastpoint on S1 // | | // | | // | | // edge:curve 3d/pcurves fillet edge // | attention it is necessary to test orientation of the fillet before| // | determining the transitions pcurves/fillet | // | | // \/ \/ // firstpoint sur S2 -------------edge:courbe3d/pcurves--->lastpoint sur S2 // //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_ComputeArete(const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& P1, const gp_Pnt2d& UV1, const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& P2, const gp_Pnt2d& UV2, const Handle(Geom_Surface)& Surf, Handle(Geom_Curve)& C3d, Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Pcurv, Standard_Real& Pardeb, Standard_Real& Parfin, const Standard_Real tol3d, const Standard_Real tol2d, Standard_Real& tolreached, const Standard_Integer IFlag) // IFlag=0 pcurve et courbe 3d // IFlag>0 pcurve (parametrage impose si IFlag=2) { /*szv:static*/ Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface) hs(new GeomAdaptor_Surface()); /*szv:static*/ Handle(GeomAdaptor_Curve) hc(new GeomAdaptor_Curve()); tolreached = tol3d; if (Abs(UV1.X()-UV2.X()) <= tol2d) { if (IFlag == 0) { Pardeb = UV1.Y(); Parfin = UV2.Y(); C3d = Surf->UIso(UV1.X()); if(Pardeb > Parfin) { Pardeb = C3d->ReversedParameter(Pardeb); Parfin = C3d->ReversedParameter(Parfin); C3d->Reverse(); } Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) tc = Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve)::DownCast(C3d); if(!tc.IsNull()) { C3d = tc->BasisCurve(); if (C3d->IsPeriodic()) { ElCLib::AdjustPeriodic(C3d->FirstParameter(),C3d->LastParameter(), tol2d,Pardeb,Parfin); } } } if(IFlag != 1) { hs->Load(Surf); hc->Load(C3d,Pardeb,Parfin); const Handle(Adaptor3d_Curve)& aHCurve = hc; // to avoid ambiguity ChFi3d_ComputePCurv(aHCurve,UV1,UV2,Pcurv,hs,Pardeb,Parfin,tol3d,tolreached,Standard_False); } else{ Pcurv = new Geom2d_Line(UV1,gp_Vec2d(UV1,UV2)); } } else if (Abs(UV1.Y()-UV2.Y())<=tol2d) { //iso v if (IFlag == 0) { Pardeb = UV1.X(); Parfin = UV2.X(); C3d = Surf->VIso(UV1.Y()); if(Pardeb > Parfin) { Pardeb = C3d->ReversedParameter(Pardeb); Parfin = C3d->ReversedParameter(Parfin); C3d->Reverse(); } Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) tc = Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve)::DownCast(C3d); if(!tc.IsNull()) { C3d = tc->BasisCurve(); if (C3d->IsPeriodic()) { ElCLib::AdjustPeriodic(C3d->FirstParameter(),C3d->LastParameter(), tol2d,Pardeb,Parfin); } } } if(IFlag != 1) { hs->Load(Surf); hc->Load(C3d,Pardeb,Parfin); const Handle(Adaptor3d_Curve)& aHCurve = hc; // to avoid ambiguity ChFi3d_ComputePCurv(aHCurve,UV1,UV2,Pcurv,hs,Pardeb,Parfin,tol3d,tolreached,Standard_False); } else{ Pcurv = new Geom2d_Line(UV1,gp_Vec2d(UV1,UV2)); } } else if (IFlag == 0) { if (P1.IsVertex() || P2.IsVertex() || !P1.IsOnArc() || !P2.IsOnArc()) { // A straight line is constructed to avoid // arc and tangent. TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d qoles(1,2); qoles(1)=UV1; qoles(2)=UV2; Pcurv = new Geom2d_BezierCurve(qoles); } else { BRepAdaptor_Curve C1(P1.Arc()); gp_Pnt Pp; gp_Vec Vv1; C1.D1(P1.ParameterOnArc(),Pp,Vv1); C1.Initialize(P2.Arc()); gp_Vec Vv2; C1.D1(P2.ParameterOnArc(),Pp,Vv2); hs->Load(Surf); Pcurv = ChFi3d_BuildPCurve(hs,UV1,Vv1,UV2,Vv2,Standard_True); // There are some cases when PCurve constructed in this way // leaves the surface, in particular if it results from an // extension. A posteriori checking is required and if // the curve leaves the surface it is replaced by straight line UV1 UV2 // non regarding the tangency with neighboring arcs! Bnd_Box2d bs; Standard_Real umin,umax,vmin,vmax; Surf->Bounds(umin,umax,vmin,vmax); bs.Update(umin,vmin,umax,vmax); bs.SetGap(Precision::PConfusion()); Standard_Boolean aIN = Standard_True; for(Standard_Integer ii = 1; ii <= 4 && aIN; ii++) { if(bs.IsOut(Handle(Geom2d_BezierCurve)::DownCast (Pcurv)->Pole(ii))) { aIN = Standard_False; TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d qoles(1,2); qoles(1)=UV1; qoles(2)=UV2; Pcurv = new Geom2d_BezierCurve(qoles); } } } Geom2dAdaptor_Curve AC(Pcurv); Handle(Geom2dAdaptor_Curve) AHC = new Geom2dAdaptor_Curve(AC); GeomAdaptor_Surface AS(Surf); Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface) AHS = new GeomAdaptor_Surface(AS); Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface Cs(AHC,AHS); Pardeb = Cs.FirstParameter(); Parfin = Cs.LastParameter(); Standard_Real avtol; GeomLib::BuildCurve3d(tol3d,Cs,Pardeb,Parfin,C3d,tolreached,avtol); } else { hs->Load(Surf); hc->Load(C3d,Pardeb,Parfin); ChFi3d_ProjectPCurv(hc,hs,Pcurv,tol3d,tolreached); gp_Pnt2d p2d = Pcurv->Value(Pardeb); if(!UV1.IsEqual(p2d,Precision::PConfusion())) { gp_Vec2d v2d(p2d,UV1); Pcurv->Translate(v2d); } } } //======================================================================= //function : FilCurveInDS //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_SurfaceCurveInterference) ChFi3d_FilCurveInDS (const Standard_Integer Icurv, const Standard_Integer Isurf, const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Pcurv, const TopAbs_Orientation Et) { Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_SurfaceCurveInterference) SC1; SC1 = new TopOpeBRepDS_SurfaceCurveInterference(TopOpeBRepDS_Transition(Et), TopOpeBRepDS_SURFACE, Isurf,TopOpeBRepDS_CURVE,Icurv, Pcurv); return SC1; } //======================================================================= //function : TrsfTrans //purpose : // //======================================================================= TopAbs_Orientation ChFi3d_TrsfTrans(const IntSurf_TypeTrans T1) { switch (T1) { case IntSurf_In: return TopAbs_FORWARD; case IntSurf_Out: return TopAbs_REVERSED; default: break; } return TopAbs_INTERNAL; } //======================================================================= //function : FilCommonPoint //purpose : Loading of the common point // management of the case when it happens on already existing vertex. //======================================================================= Standard_EXPORT void ChFi3d_FilCommonPoint(const BRepBlend_Extremity& SP, const IntSurf_TypeTrans TransLine, const Standard_Boolean Start, ChFiDS_CommonPoint& CP, const Standard_Real Tol) { // BRep_Tool Outil; Standard_Real Dist, maxtol = Max(Tol,CP.Tolerance()); CP.SetPoint(SP.Value()); // One starts with the point and the vector if (SP.HasTangent()) { if (Start) { CP.SetVector(SP.Tangent().Reversed()); // The tangent is oriented to the exit } else { CP.SetVector(SP.Tangent()); } } CP.SetParameter(SP.ParameterOnGuide()); // and the parameter of the spine if (SP.IsVertex()) { // the Vertex is loaded if required // (inside of a face) TopoDS_Vertex V = Handle(BRepTopAdaptor_HVertex)::DownCast(SP.Vertex())->Vertex(); CP.SetVertex(V); Dist = (SP.Value()).Distance(BRep_Tool::Pnt(V)); //// modified by jgv, 18.09.02 for OCC571 //// //maxtol += Dist; maxtol = Max( Dist, maxtol ); ////////////////////////////////////////////// CP.SetPoint(BRep_Tool::Pnt(V)); //the sequence of arcs the information is known by thee vertex (ancestor) //in this case the transitions are not computed, it is done by this program } if (SP.NbPointOnRst() != 0) { // An arc, and/or a vertex is loaded const BRepBlend_PointOnRst& PR = SP.PointOnRst(1); Handle(BRepAdaptor_Curve2d) Harc = Handle(BRepAdaptor_Curve2d)::DownCast(PR.Arc()); if(!Harc.IsNull()) { Standard_Real DistF, DistL, LeParamAmoi; Standard_Integer Index_min; TopoDS_Edge E = Harc->Edge(); TopoDS_Vertex V[2]; TopExp::Vertices(E, V[0], V[1]); DistF = (SP.Value()).Distance(BRep_Tool::Pnt(V[0])); DistL = (SP.Value()).Distance(BRep_Tool::Pnt(V[1])); if (DistFNbEdges() == 0) throw Standard_Failure("SolidIndex : Spine incomplete"); TopoDS_Shape edref= sp->Edges(1); TopoDS_Shape shellousolid; if(!MapESo(edref).IsEmpty()) shellousolid = MapESo(edref).First(); else shellousolid = MapESh(edref).First(); const Standard_Integer solidindex = DStr.AddShape(shellousolid); return solidindex; } //======================================================================= //function : IndexPointInDS //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Integer ChFi3d_IndexPointInDS(const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& P1, TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr) { if (P1.IsVertex()) { // ---------------------------------> !*!*!* // Attention : it is necessary ti implement a mechanism // controlling tolerance. BRep_Builder B; B.UpdateVertex(P1.Vertex(), P1.Point(), P1.Tolerance()); return DStr.AddShape(P1.Vertex()); } return DStr.AddPoint(TopOpeBRepDS_Point(P1.Point(),P1.Tolerance())); } //======================================================================= //function : FilPointInDS //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference) ChFi3d_FilPointInDS(const TopAbs_Orientation Et, const Standard_Integer Ic, const Standard_Integer Ip, const Standard_Real Par, const Standard_Boolean IsVertex) { Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference) CP1; if (IsVertex) CP1 = new TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference (TopOpeBRepDS_Transition(Et), TopOpeBRepDS_CURVE,Ic, TopOpeBRepDS_VERTEX,Ip,Par); else CP1 = new TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference (TopOpeBRepDS_Transition(Et), TopOpeBRepDS_CURVE,Ic, TopOpeBRepDS_POINT,Ip,Par); return CP1; } //======================================================================= //function : FilVertexInDS //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference) ChFi3d_FilVertexInDS(const TopAbs_Orientation Et, const Standard_Integer Ic, const Standard_Integer Ip, const Standard_Real Par) { Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference) CP1 = new TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference (TopOpeBRepDS_Transition(Et), TopOpeBRepDS_CURVE,Ic, TopOpeBRepDS_VERTEX,Ip,Par); return CP1; } //======================================================================= //function : Orientation //purpose : returns the orientation of the interference (the first found // in the list). //======================================================================= static Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_Orientation(const TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference& LI, const Standard_Integer igros, const Standard_Integer ipetit, TopAbs_Orientation& Or, const Standard_Boolean isvertex = Standard_False, const Standard_Boolean aprendre = Standard_False) { //In case, when it is necessary to insert a point/vertex, it should be //known if this is a point or a vertex, because their index can be the same. TopOpeBRepDS_Kind typepetit; if (isvertex) typepetit = TopOpeBRepDS_VERTEX; else typepetit = TopOpeBRepDS_POINT; TopOpeBRepDS_ListIteratorOfListOfInterference itLI(LI); for (; itLI.More(); itLI.Next() ) { const Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_Interference)& cur = itLI.Value(); TopOpeBRepDS_Kind GK; TopOpeBRepDS_Kind SK; Standard_Integer S; Standard_Integer G; cur->GKGSKS(GK,G,SK,S); if (aprendre) { if ( S == igros && G == ipetit && GK == typepetit) { Or = cur->Transition().Orientation(TopAbs_IN); return Standard_True; } } else { if ( S == igros && G == ipetit) { Or = cur->Transition().Orientation(TopAbs_IN); return Standard_True; } } } return Standard_False; } //======================================================================= //function : Contains //purpose : Check if the interference does not already exist. //==================================================================== static Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_Contains (const TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference& LI, const Standard_Integer igros, const Standard_Integer ipetit, const Standard_Boolean isvertex = Standard_False, const Standard_Boolean aprendre = Standard_False) { TopAbs_Orientation bidOr; return ChFi3d_Orientation(LI,igros,ipetit,bidOr,isvertex,aprendre); } //======================================================================= //function : QueryAddVertexInEdge //purpose : //======================================================================= static void QueryAddVertexInEdge(TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference& LI, const Standard_Integer IC, const Standard_Integer IV, const Standard_Real par, const TopAbs_Orientation Or) { TopOpeBRepDS_ListIteratorOfListOfInterference it(LI); for (; it.More(); it.Next() ) { const Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_Interference)& cur = it.Value(); Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference) cpi (Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference)::DownCast(cur)); if(!cpi.IsNull()) { Standard_Integer newIV = cpi->Geometry(); TopOpeBRepDS_Kind kv = cpi->GeometryType(); TopAbs_Orientation newOr = cpi->Transition().Orientation(TopAbs_IN); Standard_Real newpar = cpi->Parameter(); if(IV == newIV && kv == TopOpeBRepDS_VERTEX && Or == newOr && Abs(par - newpar) < 1.e-10) { return; } } } Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference) interf = ChFi3d_FilVertexInDS(Or,IC,IV,par); LI.Append(interf); } //======================================================================= //function : CutEdge //purpose : //======================================================================= static void CutEdge(const TopoDS_Vertex& V, const Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& SD, TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr, const Standard_Boolean , const Standard_Integer ons) { if(!SD->IsOnCurve(ons)) return; Standard_Integer IC = SD->IndexOfC(ons); Standard_Integer IV = DStr.AddShape(V); TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference& LI = DStr.ChangeShapeInterferences(IC); TopoDS_Edge E = TopoDS::Edge(DStr.Shape(IC)); E.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); TopExp_Explorer ex; // process them checking that it has not been done already. for(ex.Init(E,TopAbs_VERTEX);ex.More();ex.Next()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& vv = TopoDS::Vertex(ex.Current()); if(vv.IsSame(V)) { TopAbs_Orientation Or = TopAbs::Reverse(vv.Orientation()); Standard_Real par = BRep_Tool::Parameter(vv,E); QueryAddVertexInEdge(LI,IC,IV,par,Or); } } } //======================================================================= //function : findIndexPoint //purpose : returns in index of point bounding a courve interfering // with and coinciding with last common point on face //======================================================================= static Standard_Boolean findIndexPoint(const TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr, const Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& Fd, const Standard_Integer OnS, Standard_Integer& ipoin) { ipoin = 0; gp_Pnt P = Fd->Vertex(Standard_False,OnS).Point(); TopOpeBRepDS_ListIteratorOfListOfInterference SCIIt, CPIIt; SCIIt.Initialize (DStr.SurfaceInterferences(Fd->Surf())); for (; SCIIt.More(); SCIIt.Next()) { Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_SurfaceCurveInterference) SCI = Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_SurfaceCurveInterference)::DownCast(SCIIt.Value()); if (SCI.IsNull()) continue; CPIIt.Initialize (DStr.CurveInterferences(SCI->Geometry())); for (; CPIIt.More(); CPIIt.Next()) { Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference) CPI = Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference)::DownCast(CPIIt.Value()); if (CPI.IsNull()) continue; Standard_Integer iPoint = CPI->Geometry(); TopOpeBRepDS_Point tp = DStr.Point(iPoint); if (P.IsEqual(tp.Point(), tp.Tolerance())) { ipoin = iPoint; return Standard_True; } } } return Standard_False; } //======================================================================= //function : FilDS //purpose : //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_FilDS(const Standard_Integer SolidIndex, const Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& CorDat, TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr, ChFiDS_Regularities& reglist, const Standard_Real tol3d, const Standard_Real tol2d) { // BRep_Tool Outil; TopExp_Explorer ex; Handle(ChFiDS_Spine) spine = CorDat->Spine(); Standard_Boolean Closed = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean Degene = 0, isVertex1 = 0, isVertex2 = 0, Singulier_en_Bout = 0; if(!spine.IsNull()) { Closed = spine->IsPeriodic(); } const ChFiDS_SequenceOfSurfData& SeqFil = CorDat->SetOfSurfData()->Sequence(); Standard_Integer Ipoin1 = CorDat->IndexFirstPointOnS1(); Standard_Integer Ipoin2 = CorDat->IndexFirstPointOnS2(); Standard_Integer NumEdge = 1; TopoDS_Vertex BoutdeVtx; Standard_Integer Icurv = 0; Standard_Integer Iarc1 = 0,Iarc2 = 0; TopAbs_Orientation trafil1 = TopAbs_FORWARD, trafil2 = TopAbs_FORWARD; Standard_Integer IcFil1,IcFil2,Isurf,Ishape1,Ishape2; Standard_Real Pardeb = 0.,Parfin = 0.; TopAbs_Orientation ET1; Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference) Interfp1,Interfp2; Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_SurfaceCurveInterference) Interfc1,Interfc2; Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_SurfaceCurveInterference) Interfc3,Interfc4; Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference) Interfp3,Interfp4; Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference) Interfp5,Interfp6; TopoDS_Face F; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) PCurv; TopOpeBRepDS_Curve Crv; TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference& SolidInterfs = DStr.ChangeShapeInterferences(SolidIndex); ChFiDS_Regul regcout; // for closed and tangent CD ChFiDS_Regul regfilfil; // for connections Surf/Surf ChFiDS_CommonPoint V3; ChFiDS_CommonPoint V4; // Nullify degenerated ChFi/Faces interferences, eap occ293 Standard_Integer j; if (SeqFil.Length() > 1) { for (j=1; j<=SeqFil.Length(); j++) { Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData) Fd = SeqFil(j); Standard_Integer onS; for (onS=1; onS<=2; onS++) { const ChFiDS_FaceInterference& Fi = Fd->Interference(onS); IcFil1 = Fi.LineIndex(); if (!IcFil1) continue; Standard_Real FiLen = Abs(Fi.FirstParameter()-Fi.LastParameter()); if (FiLen > Precision::PConfusion()) continue; TopOpeBRepDS_Curve& cc = DStr.ChangeCurve(IcFil1); cc.ChangeCurve().Nullify(); // care of CommonPoint, eap occ354 if (j!=1 && j!=SeqFil.Length()) continue; Standard_Boolean isfirst = (j==1); Standard_Integer i = isfirst ? j+1 : j-1; ChFiDS_CommonPoint& CP1 = SeqFil(i)->ChangeVertex(isfirst,onS); if (Fd->Vertex(isfirst,onS).IsOnArc() && CP1.IsOnArc()) { ChFiDS_CommonPoint& CP2 = Fd->ChangeVertex(!isfirst,onS); CP1.Reset(); CP1.SetPoint(CP2.Point()); CP2.Reset(); CP2.SetPoint(CP1.Point()); } } } } for (j=1; j<=SeqFil.Length(); j++) { const Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData)& Fd = SeqFil(j); Isurf= Fd->Surf(); Ishape1 = Fd->IndexOfS1(); Ishape2 = Fd->IndexOfS2(); // eap, Apr 29 2002, occ 293 // now IsInDS() returns nb of surfaces at end being in DS; // vars showing which end is in DS Standard_Boolean isInDS1 = Standard_False, isInDS2 = Standard_False; if (j <= CorDat->IsInDS(Standard_True)) { isInDS1 = Standard_True; isInDS2 = (j+1 <= CorDat->IsInDS(Standard_True)); } if (SeqFil.Length()-j < CorDat->IsInDS(Standard_False)) { isInDS2 = Standard_True; isInDS1 = isInDS1 || SeqFil.Length()-j+1 < CorDat->IsInDS(Standard_False); } // creation of SolidSurfaceInterference Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_SolidSurfaceInterference) SSI = new TopOpeBRepDS_SolidSurfaceInterference (TopOpeBRepDS_Transition(Fd->Orientation()), TopOpeBRepDS_SOLID, SolidIndex, TopOpeBRepDS_SURFACE, Isurf); SolidInterfs.Append(SSI); const ChFiDS_FaceInterference& Fi1 = Fd->InterferenceOnS1(); const ChFiDS_FaceInterference& Fi2 = Fd->InterferenceOnS2(); const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& V1 = Fd->VertexFirstOnS1(); const ChFiDS_CommonPoint& V2 = Fd->VertexFirstOnS2(); // Processing to manage double interferences if (j>1) { if (V1.IsOnArc() && V3.IsOnArc() && V1.Arc().IsSame(V3.Arc())) { //Iarc1 is initialized //Iarc1 = DStr.AddShape(V1.Arc()); if (ChFi3d_Contains(DStr.ShapeInterferences(Iarc1),Iarc1,Ipoin1) && (V1.TransitionOnArc() != V3.TransitionOnArc()) ) { Interfp1= ChFi3d_FilPointInDS(V1.TransitionOnArc(),Iarc1,Ipoin1, V1.ParameterOnArc()); DStr.ChangeShapeInterferences(V1.Arc()).Append(Interfp1); } } if (V2.IsOnArc() && V4.IsOnArc() && V2.Arc().IsSame(V4.Arc())) { //Iarc2 is initialized //Iarc2 = DStr.AddShape(V2.Arc()); if ( ChFi3d_Contains(DStr.ShapeInterferences(Iarc2),Iarc2,Ipoin2) && (V2.TransitionOnArc() != V4.TransitionOnArc()) ) { Interfp2= ChFi3d_FilPointInDS(V2.TransitionOnArc(),Iarc2,Ipoin2, V2.ParameterOnArc()); DStr.ChangeShapeInterferences(V2.Arc()).Append(Interfp2); } } } V3 = Fd->VertexLastOnS1(); V4 = Fd->VertexLastOnS2(); if(Ishape1 != 0) { if(Ishape1 > 0) { trafil1 = DStr.Shape(Ishape1).Orientation(); } else{ ChFi3d_Orientation(SolidInterfs,SolidIndex,-Ishape1,trafil1); } trafil1 = TopAbs::Compose(trafil1,Fd->Orientation()); trafil1 = TopAbs::Compose(TopAbs::Reverse(Fi1.Transition()),trafil1); trafil2 = TopAbs::Reverse(trafil1); } else{ if(Ishape2 > 0) { trafil2 = DStr.Shape(Ishape2).Orientation(); } else{ ChFi3d_Orientation(SolidInterfs,SolidIndex,-Ishape2,trafil2); } trafil2 = TopAbs::Compose(trafil2,Fd->Orientation()); trafil2 = TopAbs::Compose(TopAbs::Reverse(Fi2.Transition()),trafil2); trafil1 = TopAbs::Reverse(trafil2); } ET1 = TopAbs::Reverse(trafil1); // A small paragraph to process contacts of edges, which touch // a vertex of the obstacle. if(V1.IsVertex() && Fd->IsOnCurve1()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& vv1 = V1.Vertex(); CutEdge(vv1,Fd,DStr,1,1); } if(V2.IsVertex() && Fd->IsOnCurve2()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& vv2 = V2.Vertex(); CutEdge(vv2,Fd,DStr,1,2); } if(V3.IsVertex() && Fd->IsOnCurve1()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& vv3 = V3.Vertex(); CutEdge(vv3,Fd,DStr,0,1); } if(V4.IsVertex() && Fd->IsOnCurve2()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& vv4 = V4.Vertex(); CutEdge(vv4,Fd,DStr,0,2); } if (j == 1) { isVertex1 = V1.IsVertex(); isVertex2 = V2.IsVertex(); Singulier_en_Bout = (V1.Point().IsEqual(V2.Point(), 0)); if (Singulier_en_Bout) { // Queue de Billard if ((!V1.IsVertex()) || (!V2.IsVertex())) { } else { isVertex1 = isVertex2 = Standard_True; //caution... // The edge is removed from spine starting on this vertex. TopoDS_Edge Arcspine = spine->Edges(1); BoutdeVtx = V1.Vertex(); Standard_Integer IArcspine = DStr.AddShape(Arcspine); Standard_Integer IVtx = CorDat->IndexFirstPointOnS1(); TopAbs_Orientation OVtx = TopAbs_FORWARD; for(ex.Init(Arcspine.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD),TopAbs_VERTEX); ex.More(); ex.Next()) { if(BoutdeVtx.IsSame(ex.Current())) { OVtx = ex.Current().Orientation(); break; } } OVtx = TopAbs::Reverse(OVtx); Standard_Real parVtx = BRep_Tool::Parameter(BoutdeVtx,Arcspine); Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference) interfv = ChFi3d_FilVertexInDS(OVtx,IArcspine,IVtx,parVtx); DStr.ChangeShapeInterferences(IArcspine).Append(interfv); } } else { if (V1.IsOnArc()) { Iarc1 = DStr.AddShape(V1.Arc()); if ( !ChFi3d_Contains(DStr.ShapeInterferences(Iarc1),Iarc1,Ipoin1) ) { Interfp1= ChFi3d_FilPointInDS(V1.TransitionOnArc(),Iarc1,Ipoin1, V1.ParameterOnArc(), isVertex1); DStr.ChangeShapeInterferences(V1.Arc()).Append(Interfp1); } } if (V2.IsOnArc()) { Iarc2 = DStr.AddShape(V2.Arc()); if ( !ChFi3d_Contains(DStr.ShapeInterferences(Iarc2),Iarc2,Ipoin2) ) { Interfp2= ChFi3d_FilPointInDS(V2.TransitionOnArc(),Iarc2,Ipoin2, V2.ParameterOnArc(),isVertex2); DStr.ChangeShapeInterferences(V2.Arc()).Append(Interfp2); } } } if (!isInDS1) { ET1 = TopAbs::Compose(ET1,CorDat->FirstPCurveOrientation()); Icurv = CorDat->FirstCurve(); if(Closed && !Singulier_en_Bout) { regcout.SetCurve(Icurv); regcout.SetS1(Isurf,Standard_False); } PCurv = CorDat->FirstPCurve(); CorDat->FirstParameters(Pardeb,Parfin); TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference& Li = DStr.ChangeCurveInterferences(Icurv); if (Li.IsEmpty()) { if(CorDat->FirstPCurveOrientation()==TopAbs_REVERSED) { Interfp1=ChFi3d_FilPointInDS (TopAbs_REVERSED,Icurv,Ipoin1,Parfin,isVertex1); Interfp2=ChFi3d_FilPointInDS (TopAbs_FORWARD,Icurv,Ipoin2,Pardeb,isVertex2); } else{ Interfp1=ChFi3d_FilPointInDS (TopAbs_FORWARD,Icurv,Ipoin1,Pardeb,isVertex1); Interfp2=ChFi3d_FilPointInDS (TopAbs_REVERSED,Icurv,Ipoin2,Parfin,isVertex2); } Li.Append(Interfp1); Li.Append(Interfp2); } Interfc1= ChFi3d_FilCurveInDS (Icurv,Isurf,PCurv,ET1); DStr.ChangeSurfaceInterferences(Isurf).Append(Interfc1); if (Ipoin1 == Ipoin2) { TopOpeBRepDS_Curve& TCurv = DStr.ChangeCurve(Icurv); TCurv.ChangeCurve().Nullify(); Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_Interference) bidinterf; TCurv.SetSCI(Interfc1,bidinterf); } } } // End of the Initial Processing (j==1) else { // ---- Interference between Fillets ------ if (!isInDS1) {// eap, Apr 29 2002, occ 293 if (Degene && isVertex1) { // The edge is removed from the spine starting on this vertex. NumEdge++; // The previous edge of the vertex has already been found. TopoDS_Edge Arcspine = spine->Edges(NumEdge); Standard_Integer IArcspine = DStr.AddShape(Arcspine); Standard_Integer IVtx = DStr.AddShape(BoutdeVtx); TopAbs_Orientation OVtx = TopAbs_FORWARD; for(ex.Init(Arcspine.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD),TopAbs_VERTEX); ex.More(); ex.Next()) { if(BoutdeVtx.IsSame(ex.Current())) { OVtx = ex.Current().Orientation(); break; } } OVtx = TopAbs::Reverse(OVtx); Standard_Real parVtx = BRep_Tool::Parameter(BoutdeVtx,Arcspine); Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference) interfv = ChFi3d_FilVertexInDS(OVtx,IArcspine,IVtx,parVtx); DStr.ChangeShapeInterferences(IArcspine).Append(interfv); } // End of the removal gp_Pnt2d UV1 = Fd->InterferenceOnS1().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(Fd->InterferenceOnS1().FirstParameter()); gp_Pnt2d UV2 = Fd->InterferenceOnS2().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(Fd->InterferenceOnS2().FirstParameter()); TopOpeBRepDS_Curve& TCurv = DStr.ChangeCurve(Icurv); if (Degene) { // pcurve is associated via SCI to TopOpeBRepDSCurve. ChFi3d_ComputePCurv(UV1,UV2,PCurv,Pardeb,Parfin); Interfc1= ChFi3d_FilCurveInDS (Icurv,Isurf,PCurv,ET1); DStr.ChangeSurfaceInterferences(Isurf).Append(Interfc1); TCurv.ChangeCurve().Nullify(); Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_Interference) bidinterf; TCurv.SetSCI(Interfc1,bidinterf); } else { regfilfil.SetS2(Isurf,Standard_False); reglist.Append(regfilfil); Standard_Real tolreached; ChFi3d_ComputePCurv(TCurv.ChangeCurve(),UV1,UV2,PCurv, DStr.Surface(Fd->Surf()).Surface(), Pardeb,Parfin,tol3d,tolreached); TCurv.Tolerance(Max(TCurv.Tolerance(),tolreached)); Interfc1= ChFi3d_FilCurveInDS (Icurv,Isurf,PCurv,ET1); DStr.ChangeSurfaceInterferences(Isurf).Append(Interfc1); } } } // End of Interference between fillets // ---- Interference Fillets / Faces IcFil1 = Fi1.LineIndex(); if (IcFil1!=0 ) { Interfc3= ChFi3d_FilCurveInDS (IcFil1,Isurf, Fi1.PCurveOnSurf(),trafil1); DStr.ChangeSurfaceInterferences(Isurf).Append(Interfc3); Ishape1 = Fd->IndexOfS1(); // Case of degenerated edge : pcurve is associated via SCI // to TopOpeBRepDSCurve. TopOpeBRepDS_Curve& cc = DStr.ChangeCurve(IcFil1); if(cc.Curve().IsNull()) { Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_Interference) bidinterf; cc.SetSCI(Interfc3,bidinterf); } else{ ChFiDS_Regul regon1; regon1.SetCurve(IcFil1); regon1.SetS1(Isurf,Standard_False); if ( Ishape1 < 0 ) { Ishape1 = -Ishape1; regon1.SetS2(Ishape1,Standard_False); Interfc1=ChFi3d_FilCurveInDS(IcFil1,Ishape1,Fi1.PCurveOnFace(), Fi1.Transition()); DStr.ChangeSurfaceInterferences(Ishape1).Append(Interfc1); } else if ( Ishape1 > 0 ) { regon1.SetS2(Ishape1,Standard_True); Interfc1=ChFi3d_FilCurveInDS(IcFil1,Ishape1,Fi1.PCurveOnFace(), Fi1.Transition()); DStr.ChangeShapeInterferences(Ishape1).Append(Interfc1); } reglist.Append(regon1); } // Indice and type of the point at End Standard_Integer ipoin; Standard_Boolean isVertex = Fd->VertexLastOnS1().IsVertex(); if (j == SeqFil.Length()) ipoin = CorDat->IndexLastPointOnS1(); else if ( j == (SeqFil.Length()-1) && /*Closed &&*/ (DStr.Curve(SeqFil.Last()->InterferenceOnS1(). LineIndex()).Curve().IsNull())) { if (Closed) { ipoin = CorDat->IndexFirstPointOnS1(); isVertex = SeqFil(1)->VertexFirstOnS1().IsVertex(); } else { ipoin = CorDat->IndexLastPointOnS1(); isVertex = SeqFil.Last()->VertexLastOnS1().IsVertex(); } } else if(DStr.Curve(IcFil1).Curve().IsNull()) {// Rotation !! ipoin = Ipoin1; isVertex = isVertex1; } else if ( ((j==1) || (j== SeqFil.Length()-1)) && ( (Fd->VertexLastOnS1().Point().IsEqual( SeqFil(1)->VertexFirstOnS1().Point(), 1.e-7)) || (Fd->VertexLastOnS1().Point().IsEqual( SeqFil(SeqFil.Length())->VertexLastOnS1().Point(), 1.e-7))) ) // Case of SurfData cut in "Triangular" way. ipoin=CorDat->IndexLastPointOnS1(); // eap, Apr 29 2002, occ 293 else if (isInDS2 && findIndexPoint(DStr, Fd, 1, ipoin)) { } else ipoin = ChFi3d_IndexPointInDS(Fd->VertexLastOnS1(),DStr); TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference& Li = DStr.ChangeCurveInterferences(IcFil1); if (!ChFi3d_Contains(Li,IcFil1,Ipoin1)) { Interfp1 = ChFi3d_FilPointInDS(TopAbs_FORWARD,IcFil1,Ipoin1, Fi1.FirstParameter(),isVertex1); DStr.ChangeCurveInterferences(IcFil1).Append(Interfp1); } if (ipoin == Ipoin1 || !ChFi3d_Contains(Li,IcFil1,ipoin)) { Interfp3 = ChFi3d_FilPointInDS(TopAbs_REVERSED,IcFil1,ipoin, Fi1.LastParameter(), isVertex); DStr.ChangeCurveInterferences(IcFil1).Append(Interfp3); } Ipoin1 = ipoin; isVertex1 = isVertex; } IcFil2 = Fi2.LineIndex(); if (IcFil2!=0) { Interfc4=ChFi3d_FilCurveInDS(IcFil2,Isurf, Fi2.PCurveOnSurf(),trafil2); DStr.ChangeSurfaceInterferences(Isurf).Append(Interfc4); Ishape2 = Fd->IndexOfS2(); // Case of degenerated edge : pcurve is associated via SCI // to TopOpeBRepDSCurve. TopOpeBRepDS_Curve& cc = DStr.ChangeCurve(IcFil2); if(cc.Curve().IsNull()) { Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_Interference) bidinterf; cc.SetSCI(Interfc4,bidinterf); } else{ ChFiDS_Regul regon2; regon2.SetCurve(IcFil2); regon2.SetS1(Isurf,Standard_False); if ( Ishape2 < 0 ) { Ishape2 = -Ishape2; regon2.SetS2(Ishape2,Standard_False); Interfc2=ChFi3d_FilCurveInDS(IcFil2,Ishape2,Fi2.PCurveOnFace(), Fi2.Transition()); DStr.ChangeSurfaceInterferences(Ishape2).Append(Interfc2); } else if ( Ishape2 > 0 ) { regon2.SetS2(Ishape2,Standard_True); Interfc2=ChFi3d_FilCurveInDS(IcFil2,Ishape2,Fi2.PCurveOnFace(), Fi2.Transition()); DStr.ChangeShapeInterferences(Ishape2).Append(Interfc2); } reglist.Append(regon2); } // Indice and type of the point in End Standard_Integer ipoin; Standard_Boolean isVertex = Fd->VertexLastOnS2().IsVertex(); if (j == SeqFil.Length() ) ipoin = CorDat->IndexLastPointOnS2(); else if ( j == (SeqFil.Length()-1) && /*Closed &&*/ (DStr.Curve(SeqFil.Last()->InterferenceOnS2(). LineIndex()).Curve().IsNull())) { if (Closed) { ipoin = CorDat->IndexFirstPointOnS2(); isVertex = SeqFil(1)->VertexFirstOnS2().IsVertex(); } else { ipoin = CorDat->IndexLastPointOnS2(); isVertex = SeqFil.Last()->VertexLastOnS2().IsVertex(); } } else if(DStr.Curve(IcFil2).Curve().IsNull()) { // Rotation !! ipoin = Ipoin2; isVertex = isVertex2; } else if(Fd->VertexLastOnS2().Point().IsEqual( Fd->VertexLastOnS1().Point(), 0) ) { //Pinch !! ipoin = Ipoin1; isVertex = isVertex1; } else if ( ((j==1) || (j==SeqFil.Length()-1)) && ( (Fd->VertexLastOnS2().Point().IsEqual( SeqFil(1)->VertexFirstOnS2().Point(), 1.e-7)) || (Fd->VertexLastOnS2().Point().IsEqual( SeqFil(SeqFil.Length())->VertexLastOnS2().Point(), 1.e-7))) ) // Case of SurfData cut in "Triangular" way. ipoin=CorDat->IndexLastPointOnS2(); // eap, Apr 29 2002, occ 293 else if (isInDS2 && findIndexPoint(DStr, Fd, 2, ipoin)) { } else ipoin = ChFi3d_IndexPointInDS(Fd->VertexLastOnS2(),DStr); TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference& Li = DStr.ChangeCurveInterferences(IcFil2); if (!ChFi3d_Contains(Li,IcFil2,Ipoin2)) { Interfp2 = ChFi3d_FilPointInDS(TopAbs_FORWARD,IcFil2,Ipoin2, Fi2.FirstParameter(), isVertex2); DStr.ChangeCurveInterferences(IcFil2).Append(Interfp2); } if (ipoin == Ipoin2 || !ChFi3d_Contains(Li,IcFil2,ipoin)) { Interfp4= ChFi3d_FilPointInDS(TopAbs_REVERSED,IcFil2,ipoin, Fi2.LastParameter(), isVertex ); DStr.ChangeCurveInterferences(IcFil2).Append(Interfp4); } Ipoin2 = ipoin; isVertex2 = isVertex; } ET1 = trafil1; if (j == SeqFil.Length()) { if (!isInDS2) { Icurv = CorDat->LastCurve(); if(Closed && !Singulier_en_Bout && (Ipoin1!=Ipoin2)) { regcout.SetS2(Isurf,Standard_False); reglist.Append(regcout); } PCurv = CorDat->LastPCurve(); ET1 = TopAbs::Compose(ET1,CorDat->LastPCurveOrientation()); CorDat->LastParameters(Pardeb,Parfin); TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference& Li = DStr.ChangeCurveInterferences(Icurv); if (Li.IsEmpty()) { if(CorDat->LastPCurveOrientation()==TopAbs_REVERSED) { Interfp5=ChFi3d_FilPointInDS (TopAbs_REVERSED,Icurv,Ipoin1,Parfin, isVertex1); Interfp6=ChFi3d_FilPointInDS (TopAbs_FORWARD,Icurv,Ipoin2,Pardeb, isVertex2); } else{ Interfp5=ChFi3d_FilPointInDS (TopAbs_FORWARD,Icurv,Ipoin1,Pardeb, isVertex1); Interfp6=ChFi3d_FilPointInDS (TopAbs_REVERSED,Icurv,Ipoin2,Parfin, isVertex2); } Li.Append(Interfp5); Li.Append(Interfp6); } Interfc1= ChFi3d_FilCurveInDS(Icurv,Isurf,PCurv,ET1); DStr.ChangeSurfaceInterferences(Isurf).Append(Interfc1); if (Ipoin1 == Ipoin2) { TopOpeBRepDS_Curve& TCurv = DStr.ChangeCurve(Icurv); TCurv.ChangeCurve().Nullify(); Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_Interference) bidinterf; TCurv.SetSCI( Interfc1, bidinterf); // bidinterf = TCurv.GetSCI1(); // TCurv.SetSCI(bidinterf, Interfc1); } } } else { // Degene = (Fd->VertexLastOnS1().Point().IsEqual( // Fd->VertexLastOnS2().Point(), 0) ); // eap, Apr 29 2002, occ 293 if (!isInDS2) { Handle(Geom_Curve) C3d; Standard_Real tolreached; ChFi3d_ComputeArete(Fd->VertexLastOnS1(), Fd->InterferenceOnS1().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(Fd->InterferenceOnS1().LastParameter()), Fd->VertexLastOnS2(), Fd->InterferenceOnS2().PCurveOnSurf()-> Value(Fd->InterferenceOnS2().LastParameter()), DStr.Surface(Fd->Surf()).Surface(),C3d,PCurv, Pardeb,Parfin,tol3d,tol2d,tolreached,0); Crv = TopOpeBRepDS_Curve(C3d,tolreached); Icurv = DStr.AddCurve(Crv); regfilfil.SetCurve(Icurv); regfilfil.SetS1(Isurf,Standard_False); Interfp5 = ChFi3d_FilPointInDS(TopAbs_FORWARD,Icurv,Ipoin1,Pardeb, isVertex1); DStr.ChangeCurveInterferences(Icurv).Append(Interfp5); Interfp6= ChFi3d_FilPointInDS(TopAbs_REVERSED,Icurv,Ipoin2,Parfin, isVertex2); DStr.ChangeCurveInterferences(Icurv).Append(Interfp6); Interfc1= ChFi3d_FilCurveInDS(Icurv,Isurf,PCurv,ET1); DStr.ChangeSurfaceInterferences(Isurf).Append(Interfc1); } } Degene = V3.Point().IsEqual(V4.Point(), 0); // Processing of degenerated case if (Degene) { // Queue de Billard Standard_Boolean Vertex = (V3.IsVertex()) && (V4.IsVertex()); if (!Vertex) { } else { // The edge of the spine starting on this vertex is removed. Standard_Boolean Trouve = Standard_False; TopoDS_Edge Arcspine; TopAbs_Orientation OVtx = TopAbs_FORWARD; BoutdeVtx = V3.Vertex(); while (NumEdge<= spine->NbEdges() && !Trouve) { Arcspine = spine->Edges(NumEdge); for(ex.Init(Arcspine.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD),TopAbs_VERTEX); ex.More() && (!Trouve); ex.Next()) { if(BoutdeVtx.IsSame(ex.Current())) { OVtx = ex.Current().Orientation(); if (Closed && (NumEdge == 1)) Trouve = (spine->NbEdges() == 1); else Trouve = Standard_True; } } if (!Trouve) NumEdge++; // Go to the next edge } Standard_Integer IArcspine = DStr.AddShape(Arcspine); Standard_Integer IVtx; if (j == SeqFil.Length()) { IVtx = CorDat->IndexLastPointOnS1(); } else { IVtx = DStr.AddShape(BoutdeVtx); } OVtx = TopAbs::Reverse(OVtx); Standard_Real parVtx = BRep_Tool::Parameter(BoutdeVtx,Arcspine); Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference) interfv = ChFi3d_FilVertexInDS(OVtx,IArcspine,IVtx,parVtx); DStr.ChangeShapeInterferences(IArcspine).Append(interfv); } } // end of degenerated case else if (!(Closed && j == SeqFil.Length())) { // Processing of interference Point / Edges if (V3.IsOnArc()) { if(!(V3.IsVertex() && Fd->IsOnCurve1())) { Iarc1 = DStr.AddShape(V3.Arc()); if ( !ChFi3d_Contains(DStr.ShapeInterferences(Iarc1),Iarc1,Ipoin1,V3.IsVertex(),Standard_True) ) { Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference) Interfpp = ChFi3d_FilPointInDS(V3.TransitionOnArc(), Iarc1,Ipoin1,V3.ParameterOnArc(), V3.IsVertex()); DStr.ChangeShapeInterferences(V3.Arc()).Append(Interfpp); } } } if (V4.IsOnArc()) { if(!(V4.IsVertex() && Fd->IsOnCurve2())) { Iarc2 = DStr.AddShape(V4.Arc()); if ( !ChFi3d_Contains(DStr.ShapeInterferences(Iarc2),Iarc2,Ipoin2,V4.IsVertex(),Standard_True) ) { Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_CurvePointInterference) Intfpp= ChFi3d_FilPointInDS(V4.TransitionOnArc(), Iarc2,Ipoin2,V4.ParameterOnArc(), V4.IsVertex()); DStr.ChangeShapeInterferences(V4.Arc()).Append(Intfpp); } } } } } } //======================================================================= //function : StripeEdgeInter //purpose : This function examines two stripes for an intersection // between curves of interference with faces. If the intersection // exists, it will cause bad result, so it's better to quit. //remark : If someone somewhen computes the interference between stripes, // this function will become useless. //author : akm, 06/02/02. Against bug OCC119. //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_StripeEdgeInter (const Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& theStripe1, const Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& theStripe2, TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& /*DStr*/, const Standard_Real tol2d) { // Do not check the stripeshaving common corner points for (Standard_Integer iSur1=1; iSur1<=2; iSur1++) for (Standard_Integer iSur2=1; iSur2<=2; iSur2++) if (theStripe1->IndexPoint(0,iSur1)==theStripe2->IndexPoint(0,iSur2) || theStripe1->IndexPoint(0,iSur1)==theStripe2->IndexPoint(1,iSur2) || theStripe1->IndexPoint(1,iSur1)==theStripe2->IndexPoint(0,iSur2) || theStripe1->IndexPoint(1,iSur1)==theStripe2->IndexPoint(1,iSur2)) return; Handle(ChFiDS_HData) aSurDat1 = theStripe1->SetOfSurfData(); Handle(ChFiDS_HData) aSurDat2 = theStripe2->SetOfSurfData(); Geom2dInt_GInter anIntersector; Standard_Integer iPart1, iPart2; Standard_Integer Ishape11, Ishape12, Ishape21, Ishape22; // Loop on parts of the first stripe for (iPart1=1; iPart1<=aSurDat1->Length(); iPart1++) { Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData) aDat1 = aSurDat1->Value(iPart1); Ishape11 = aDat1->IndexOfS1(); Ishape12 = aDat1->IndexOfS2(); // Loop on parts of the second stripe for (iPart2=1; iPart2<=aSurDat2->Length(); iPart2++) { Handle(ChFiDS_SurfData) aDat2 = aSurDat2->Value(iPart2); Ishape21 = aDat2->IndexOfS1(); Ishape22 = aDat2->IndexOfS2(); // Find those FaceInterferences able to intersect ChFiDS_FaceInterference aFI1, aFI2; if (Ishape11 == Ishape21) { aFI1 = aDat1->InterferenceOnS1(); aFI2 = aDat2->InterferenceOnS1(); } else if (Ishape11 == Ishape22) { aFI1 = aDat1->InterferenceOnS1(); aFI2 = aDat2->InterferenceOnS2(); } else if (Ishape12 == Ishape21) { aFI1 = aDat1->InterferenceOnS2(); aFI2 = aDat2->InterferenceOnS1(); } else if (Ishape12 == Ishape22) { aFI1 = aDat1->InterferenceOnS2(); aFI2 = aDat2->InterferenceOnS2(); } else { // No common faces continue; } if (IsEqual (aFI1.FirstParameter(),aFI1.LastParameter()) || IsEqual (aFI2.FirstParameter(),aFI2.LastParameter()) || aFI1.PCurveOnFace().IsNull() || aFI2.PCurveOnFace().IsNull()) // Do not waste time on degenerates continue; // Examine for intersections Geom2dAdaptor_Curve aPCurve1 (aFI1.PCurveOnFace(), aFI1.FirstParameter(), aFI1.LastParameter()); Geom2dAdaptor_Curve aPCurve2 (aFI2.PCurveOnFace(), aFI2.FirstParameter(), aFI2.LastParameter()); anIntersector.Perform (aPCurve1, aPCurve2, tol2d, Precision::PConfusion()); if (anIntersector.NbSegments() > 0 || anIntersector.NbPoints() > 0) throw StdFail_NotDone("StripeEdgeInter : fillets have too big radiuses"); } } } //======================================================================= //function : IndexOfSurfData //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Integer ChFi3d_IndexOfSurfData(const TopoDS_Vertex& V1, const Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& CD, Standard_Integer& sens) { Handle(ChFiDS_Spine) spine = CD->Spine(); Standard_Integer Index = 0; sens = 1; TopoDS_Vertex Vref; const TopoDS_Edge& E = spine->Edges(1); if (E.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) Vref = TopExp::LastVertex(E); else Vref = TopExp::FirstVertex(E); if (Vref.IsSame(V1)) Index =1; else { const TopoDS_Edge& E1 = spine->Edges(spine->NbEdges()); if (E1.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) Vref = TopExp::FirstVertex(E1); else Vref = TopExp::LastVertex(E1); sens = -1; if(CD->SetOfSurfData().IsNull()) return 0; else if (Vref.IsSame(V1)) Index = CD->SetOfSurfData()->Length(); else throw Standard_ConstructionError ("ChFi3d_IndexOfSurfData() - wrong construction parameters"); } return Index; } //======================================================================= //function : EdgeFromV1 //purpose : //======================================================================= TopoDS_Edge ChFi3d_EdgeFromV1(const TopoDS_Vertex& V1, const Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& CD, Standard_Integer& sens) { Handle(ChFiDS_Spine) spine = CD->Spine(); sens = 1; TopoDS_Vertex Vref; const TopoDS_Edge& E = spine->Edges(1); if (E.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) Vref = TopExp::LastVertex(E); else Vref = TopExp::FirstVertex(E); if (Vref.IsSame(V1)) return E; else { const TopoDS_Edge& E1 = spine->Edges(spine->NbEdges()); if (E1.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) Vref = TopExp::FirstVertex(E1); else Vref = TopExp::LastVertex(E1); sens = -1; if (Vref.IsSame(V1)) return E1; else throw Standard_ConstructionError ("ChFi3d_IndexOfSurfData() - wrong construction parameters"); } } //======================================================================= //function : ConvTol2dToTol3d //purpose : Comme son nom l indique. //======================================================================= Standard_Real ChFi3d_ConvTol2dToTol3d(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& S, const Standard_Real tol2d) { Standard_Real ures = S->UResolution(1.e-7); Standard_Real vres = S->VResolution(1.e-7); Standard_Real uresto3d = 1.e-7*tol2d/ures; Standard_Real vresto3d = 1.e-7*tol2d/vres; return Max(uresto3d,vresto3d); } //======================================================================= //function : EvalTolReached //purpose : The function above is too hard because // parametrization of surfaces is not homogenous. //======================================================================= Standard_Real ChFi3d_EvalTolReached(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& S1, const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& pc1, const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& S2, const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& pc2, const Handle(Geom_Curve)& C) { Standard_Real distmax = 0.; Standard_Real f = C->FirstParameter(); Standard_Real l = C->LastParameter(); Standard_Integer nbp = 45; Standard_Real step = 1./(nbp -1); for(Standard_Integer i = 0; i < nbp; i++) { Standard_Real t,u,v; t = step * i; t = (1-t) * f + t * l; pc1->Value(t).Coord(u,v); gp_Pnt pS1 = S1->Value(u,v); pc2->Value(t).Coord(u,v); gp_Pnt pS2 = S2->Value(u,v); gp_Pnt pC = C->Value(t); Standard_Real d = pS1.SquareDistance(pC); if(d>distmax) distmax = d; d = pS2.SquareDistance(pC); if(d>distmax) distmax = d; d = pS1.SquareDistance(pS2); if(d>distmax) distmax = d; } distmax = 1.5*sqrt(distmax); distmax = Max(distmax, Precision::Confusion()); return distmax; } //======================================================================= //function : trsfsurf //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(Geom_Surface) trsfsurf(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& HS, Handle(Adaptor3d_TopolTool)& /*dom*/) { //Pour l utilisation des domaines voir avec BUBUCH!! Handle(Geom_Surface) res; Handle(BRepAdaptor_Surface) hbs = Handle(BRepAdaptor_Surface)::DownCast(HS); Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface) hgs = Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface)::DownCast(HS); if(!hbs.IsNull()) { res = hbs->Surface().Surface(); gp_Trsf trsf = hbs->Trsf(); res = Handle(Geom_Surface)::DownCast(res->Transformed(trsf)); } else if(!hgs.IsNull()) { res = hgs->Surface(); } Handle(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface) tr = Handle(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface)::DownCast(res); if(!tr.IsNull()) res = tr->BasisSurface(); Standard_Real U1 = HS->FirstUParameter(), U2 = HS->LastUParameter(); Standard_Real V1 = HS->FirstVParameter(), V2 = HS->LastVParameter(); if(!res.IsNull()) { // Protection against Construction Errors Standard_Real u1, u2, v1, v2; res->Bounds( u1, u2, v1, v2); if (!res->IsUPeriodic()) { if (U1 < u1) U1 = u1; if (U2 > u2) U2 = u2; } if (!res->IsVPeriodic()) { if (V1 < v1) V1 = v1; if (V2 > v2) V2 = v2; } res = new Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface(res,U1,U2,V1,V2); } // Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface) temp = new GeomAdaptor_Surface(res,U1,U2,V1,V2); // dom = new Adaptor3d_TopolTool(temp); return res; } //======================================================================= //function : CurveCleaner //purpose : Makes a BSpline as much continued as possible // at a given tolerance //======================================================================= static void CurveCleaner(Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve)& BS, const Standard_Real Tol, const Standard_Integer MultMin) { Standard_Real tol = Tol; Standard_Integer Mult, ii; const Standard_Integer NbK=BS->NbKnots(); for (Mult = BS->Degree(); Mult > MultMin; Mult--) { tol *= 0.5; // Progressive reduction for (ii=NbK; ii>1; ii--) { if (BS->Multiplicity(ii) == Mult) BS->RemoveKnot(ii, Mult-1, tol); } } } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeCurves //purpose : Calculates intersection between two HSurfaces. // It is necessary to know the extremities of intersection and // the surfaces should be processed at input // to fit as good as possible (neither too close nor too far) // the points of beginning and end of the intersection. // The analytic intersections are processed separately. // means that the resulting curve is restricted by // boundaries of input surfaces (eap 30 May occ354) //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_ComputeCurves(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& S1, const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& S2, const TColStd_Array1OfReal& Pardeb, const TColStd_Array1OfReal& Parfin, Handle(Geom_Curve)& C3d, Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Pc1, Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Pc2, const Standard_Real tol3d, const Standard_Real tol2d, Standard_Real& tolreached, const Standard_Boolean wholeCurv) { gp_Pnt pdeb1 = S1->Value(Pardeb(1),Pardeb(2)); gp_Pnt pfin1 = S1->Value(Parfin(1),Parfin(2)); gp_Pnt pdeb2 = S2->Value(Pardeb(3),Pardeb(4)); gp_Pnt pfin2 = S2->Value(Parfin(3),Parfin(4)); Standard_Real distrefdeb = pdeb1.Distance(pdeb2);//checks the worthiness Standard_Real distreffin = pfin1.Distance(pfin2);//of input data if(distrefdeb < tol3d) distrefdeb = tol3d; if(distreffin < tol3d) distreffin = tol3d; gp_Pnt pdeb,pfin; pdeb.SetXYZ(0.5*(pdeb1.XYZ()+pdeb2.XYZ())); pfin.SetXYZ(0.5*(pfin1.XYZ()+pfin2.XYZ())); Standard_Real distref = 0.005*pdeb.Distance(pfin); if(distref < distrefdeb) distref = distrefdeb; if(distref < distreffin) distref = distreffin; //Some analytic cases are processed separately. //To reorientate the result of the analythic intersection, //it is stated that the beginning of the tangent should be //in the direction of the start/end line. gp_Vec Vint, Vref(pdeb,pfin); gp_Pnt Pbid; Standard_Real Udeb = 0.,Ufin = 0.; Standard_Real tolr1,tolr2; tolr1 = tolr2 = tolreached = tol3d; if((S1->GetType() == GeomAbs_Cylinder && S2->GetType() == GeomAbs_Plane)|| (S1->GetType() == GeomAbs_Plane && S2->GetType() == GeomAbs_Cylinder)) { gp_Pln pl; gp_Cylinder cyl; if(S1->GetType() == GeomAbs_Plane) { pl = S1->Plane(); cyl = S2->Cylinder(); } else{ pl = S2->Plane(); cyl = S1->Cylinder(); } IntAna_QuadQuadGeo ImpKK(pl,cyl,Precision::Angular(),tol3d); Standard_Boolean isIntDone = ImpKK.IsDone(); if(ImpKK.TypeInter() == IntAna_Ellipse) { const gp_Elips anEl = ImpKK.Ellipse(1); const Standard_Real aMajorR = anEl.MajorRadius(); const Standard_Real aMinorR = anEl.MinorRadius(); isIntDone = (aMajorR < 100000.0 * aMinorR); } if (isIntDone) { Standard_Boolean c1line = 0; switch (ImpKK.TypeInter()) { case IntAna_Line: { c1line = 1; Standard_Integer nbsol = ImpKK.NbSolutions(); gp_Lin C1; for(Standard_Integer ilin = 1; ilin <= nbsol; ilin++) { C1 = ImpKK.Line(ilin); Udeb = ElCLib::Parameter(C1,pdeb); gp_Pnt ptest = ElCLib::Value(Udeb,C1); if(ptest.Distance(pdeb) < tol3d) break; } Ufin = ElCLib::Parameter(C1,pfin); C3d = new Geom_Line(C1); ElCLib::D1(Udeb,C1,Pbid,Vint); } break; case IntAna_Circle: { gp_Circ C1 = ImpKK.Circle(1); C3d = new Geom_Circle(C1); Udeb = ElCLib::Parameter(C1,pdeb); Ufin = ElCLib::Parameter(C1,pfin); ElCLib::D1(Udeb,C1,Pbid,Vint); } break; case IntAna_Ellipse: { gp_Elips C1 = ImpKK.Ellipse(1); C3d = new Geom_Ellipse(C1); Udeb = ElCLib::Parameter(C1,pdeb); Ufin = ElCLib::Parameter(C1,pfin); ElCLib::D1(Udeb,C1,Pbid,Vint); } break; default: break; } if (Vint.Dot(Vref)<0) { C3d->Reverse(); if(c1line) { Udeb = -Udeb; Ufin = -Ufin; } else{ Udeb = 2*M_PI - Udeb; Ufin = 2*M_PI - Ufin; } } if(!c1line) ElCLib::AdjustPeriodic(0.,2*M_PI,Precision::Angular(),Udeb,Ufin); Handle(GeomAdaptor_Curve) HC = new GeomAdaptor_Curve(); HC->Load(C3d,Udeb,Ufin); ChFi3d_ProjectPCurv(HC,S1,Pc1,tol3d,tolr1); if(S1->GetType() == GeomAbs_Cylinder) { Standard_Real x,y; Pc1->Value(Udeb).Coord(x,y); x = Pardeb(1) - x; y = Pardeb(2) - y; if(Abs(x) >= tol2d || Abs(y) >= tol2d) Pc1->Translate(gp_Vec2d(x,y)); } ChFi3d_ProjectPCurv(HC,S2,Pc2,tol3d,tolr2); if(S2->GetType() == GeomAbs_Cylinder) { Standard_Real x,y; Pc2->Value(Udeb).Coord(x,y); x = Pardeb(3) - x; y = Pardeb(4) - y; if(Abs(x) >= tol2d || Abs(y) >= tol2d) Pc2->Translate(gp_Vec2d(x,y)); } C3d = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(C3d,Udeb,Ufin); tolreached = 1.5*Max(tolr1,tolr2); tolreached = Min(tolreached,ChFi3d_EvalTolReached(S1,Pc1,S2,Pc2,C3d)); return Standard_True; } } else if(S1->GetType() == GeomAbs_Plane && S2->GetType() == GeomAbs_Plane) { IntAna_QuadQuadGeo LInt(S1->Plane(),S2->Plane(),Precision::Angular(),tol3d); if (LInt.IsDone()) { gp_Lin L = LInt.Line(1); C3d = new Geom_Line(L); Udeb = ElCLib::Parameter(L,pdeb); Ufin = ElCLib::Parameter(L,pfin); ElCLib::D1(Udeb,L,Pbid,Vint); if (Vint.Dot(Vref)<0) { C3d->Reverse(); Udeb = - Udeb; Ufin = - Ufin; } Handle(GeomAdaptor_Curve) HC = new GeomAdaptor_Curve(); HC->Load(C3d,Udeb,Ufin); ChFi3d_ProjectPCurv(HC,S1,Pc1,tol3d,tolr1); ChFi3d_ProjectPCurv(HC,S2,Pc2,tol3d,tolr2); C3d = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(C3d,Udeb,Ufin); return Standard_True; } } else { // here GeomInt is approached. Handle(Adaptor3d_TopolTool) dom1,dom2; Handle(Geom_Surface) gs1 = trsfsurf(S1,dom1); Handle(Geom_Surface) gs2 = trsfsurf(S2,dom2); Standard_Integer nbl ; if(!gs1.IsNull() && !gs2.IsNull()) { GeomInt_IntSS inter; // Modified by skv - Fri Oct 24 14:24:47 2003 OCC4077 Begin // Standard_Real tolap = 1.e-7;//car l approx de la wline est faite dans [0,1] // Set the lowest tolerance which is used in new boolean operations. Standard_Real tolap = 2.e-7; // Modified by skv - Fri Oct 24 14:24:48 2003 OCC4077 End inter.Perform(gs1,gs2,tolap,1,1,1); if(inter.IsDone()) { nbl = inter.NbLines(); #if defined(IRIX) || defined(__sgi) if(nbl==0) { // solution of adjustment for SGI // if the intersection of gs1 with gs2 does not work // then the intersection of gs2 with gs1 is attempted. inter.Perform(gs2,gs1,tolap,1,1,1); // inter.Perform(gs2,dom2,gs1,dom1,tolap,1,1,1); if(!inter.IsDone()) return Standard_False; nbl = inter.NbLines(); // if GeomInt does not make the intersection the solution of adjustment // is not attempted if (nbl==0) return Standard_False; } #endif GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve proj; for(Standard_Integer ilin = 1; ilin <= nbl; ilin++) { if(inter.HasLineOnS1(ilin) && inter.HasLineOnS2(ilin)) { C3d = inter.Line(ilin); Pc1 = inter.LineOnS1(ilin); Pc2 = inter.LineOnS2(ilin); gp_Pnt ptestdeb, ptestfin; Standard_Real Uf=0., Ul=0.; if (wholeCurv) { Uf = C3d->FirstParameter(); Ul = C3d->LastParameter(); ptestdeb = C3d->Value(Uf); ptestfin = C3d->Value(Ul); } else { // find end parameters Standard_Boolean failedF, failedL; failedF = failedL = Standard_False; proj.Init( pdeb1, C3d); if (proj.NbPoints()==0 && distrefdeb > Precision::Confusion()) proj.Perform( pdeb2 ); if (proj.NbPoints()==0) failedF = Standard_True; else Uf = proj.LowerDistanceParameter(); proj.Perform( pfin1 ); if (proj.NbPoints()==0 && distreffin > Precision::Confusion()) proj.Perform( pfin2 ); if (proj.NbPoints()==0) failedL = Standard_True; else Ul = proj.LowerDistanceParameter(); if (failedF && failedL) { Uf = C3d->FirstParameter(); Ul = C3d->LastParameter(); } else if (failedF || failedL) { // select right end parameter Standard_Real Uok = failedF ? Ul : Uf; Standard_Real U1 = C3d->FirstParameter(), U2 = C3d->LastParameter(); Uok = Abs(Uok-U1) > Abs(Uok-U2) ? U1 : U2; if (failedF) Uf = Uok; else Ul = Uok; } else { // both projected, but where? if (Abs(Uf - Ul) < Precision::PConfusion()) continue; } ptestdeb = C3d->Value(Uf); ptestfin = C3d->Value(Ul); if (C3d->IsPeriodic() && !(failedF && failedL)) { // assure the same order of ends, otherwise TrimmedCurve will take // the other part of C3d gp_Pnt Ptmp; gp_Vec DirOld, DirNew(ptestdeb,ptestfin); C3d->D1(Uf, Ptmp, DirOld); if (DirOld * DirNew < 0) { Standard_Real Utmp = Uf; Uf = Ul; Ul = Utmp; Ptmp = ptestdeb; ptestdeb = ptestfin; ptestfin = Ptmp; } } } C3d = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(C3d,Uf,Ul); Pc1 = new Geom2d_TrimmedCurve(Pc1,Uf,Ul); Pc2 = new Geom2d_TrimmedCurve(Pc2,Uf,Ul); //is it necessary to invert ? Standard_Real DistDebToDeb = ptestdeb.Distance(pdeb); Standard_Real DistDebToFin = ptestdeb.Distance(pfin); Standard_Real DistFinToFin = ptestfin.Distance(pfin); Standard_Real DistFinToDeb = ptestfin.Distance(pdeb); if (DistDebToDeb > DistDebToFin && DistFinToFin > DistFinToDeb) { C3d->Reverse(); Pc1->Reverse(); Pc2->Reverse(); ptestdeb = C3d->Value(C3d->FirstParameter()); ptestfin = C3d->Value(C3d->LastParameter()); DistDebToDeb = ptestdeb.Distance(pdeb); DistFinToFin = ptestfin.Distance(pfin); } if(DistDebToDeb < distref && DistFinToFin < distref) { Uf = C3d->FirstParameter(); Ul = C3d->LastParameter(); ChFi3d_ReparamPcurv(Uf,Ul,Pc1); ChFi3d_ReparamPcurv(Uf,Ul,Pc2); Standard_Real x,y; Pc1->Value(Uf).Coord(x,y); x = Pardeb(1) - x; y = Pardeb(2) - y; if(Abs(x) > tol2d || Abs(y) > tol2d) Pc1->Translate(gp_Vec2d(x,y)); Pc2->Value(Uf).Coord(x,y); x = Pardeb(3) - x; y = Pardeb(4) - y; if(Abs(x) > tol2d || Abs(y) > tol2d) Pc2->Translate(gp_Vec2d(x,y)); tolreached = ChFi3d_EvalTolReached(S1,Pc1,S2,Pc2,C3d); return Standard_True; } } } } } } // At this stage : // classic intersections have failed, the path is approached in vain. Standard_Real Step = 0.1; for(;;) { //Attention the parameters of arrow for the path and //the tolerance for the approximation can't be taken as those of the //Builder, so they are reestimated as much as possible. Standard_Real fleche = 1.e-3 * pdeb.Distance(pfin); Standard_Real tolap = 1.e-7; IntWalk_PWalking IntKK(S1,S2,tol3d,tol3d,fleche,Step); //The extremities of the intersection (Pardeb,Parfin) are known, //one tries to find the start point at the //middle to avoid obstacles on the path. Standard_Boolean depok = Standard_False; IntSurf_PntOn2S pintdep; TColStd_Array1OfReal depart(1,4); for(Standard_Integer ipdep = 2; ipdep <= 7 && !depok; ipdep++) { Standard_Real alpha = 0.1 * ipdep; Standard_Real unmoinsalpha = 1. - alpha; depart(1) = alpha*Pardeb(1) + unmoinsalpha*Parfin(1); depart(2) = alpha*Pardeb(2) + unmoinsalpha*Parfin(2); depart(3) = alpha*Pardeb(3) + unmoinsalpha*Parfin(3); depart(4) = alpha*Pardeb(4) + unmoinsalpha*Parfin(4); depok = IntKK.PerformFirstPoint(depart,pintdep); } if(!depok) { return Standard_False; } pintdep.Parameters(depart(1),depart(2),depart(3),depart(4)); IntKK.Perform(depart); if (!IntKK.IsDone()) return Standard_False; if (IntKK.NbPoints() <= 30) { Step *= 0.5; if (Step <= 0.0001) { return Standard_False; } } else{ // At this stage there is a presentable LineOn2S, it is truncated // between the points closest to known extremites // in fact there is a WLine and the approximation is launched. // Then the result is corrected to get proper start and end points. const Handle(IntSurf_LineOn2S)& L2S = IntKK.Line(); gp_Pnt codeb1 = S1->Value(Pardeb(1),Pardeb(2)); gp_Pnt codeb2 = S2->Value(Pardeb(3),Pardeb(4)); Standard_Real tol1 = Max(codeb1.Distance(codeb2),tol3d); Standard_Boolean bondeb = (tol1 == tol3d); gp_Pnt pntd(0.5*(codeb1.Coord() + codeb2.Coord())); gp_Pnt cofin1 = S1->Value(Parfin(1),Parfin(2)); gp_Pnt cofin2 = S2->Value(Parfin(3),Parfin(4)); Standard_Real tol2 = Max(cofin1.Distance(cofin2),tol3d); Standard_Boolean bonfin = (tol2 == tol3d); gp_Pnt pntf(0.5*(cofin1.Coord() + cofin2.Coord())); Standard_Integer nbp = L2S->NbPoints(), i; Standard_Real ddeb = Precision::Infinite(); Standard_Real dfin = Precision::Infinite(); Standard_Real dd; Standard_Integer indd = 0, indf = 0; for(i = 1; i <= nbp; i++) { dd = L2S->Value(i).Value().Distance(pntd); if(dd <= ddeb) { ddeb = dd; indd = i;} dd = L2S->Value(i).Value().Distance(pntf); if(dd < dfin) { dfin = dd; indf = i;} } if(indd > indf) { L2S->Reverse(); indd = nbp - indd + 1; indf = nbp - indf + 1; } for (i = 1; i < indd; i++) { L2S->RemovePoint(1); nbp--; indf--; } for (i = indf + 1; i <= nbp; i++) { L2S->RemovePoint(indf + 1); } nbp = indf; if(nbp==1) return Standard_False; //The extremities are inserted in the line if the extremity points on it //are too far and if pardeb and parfin are good. if(ddeb >= tol3d && bondeb) { IntSurf_PntOn2S p1 = L2S->Value(1); IntSurf_PntOn2S p2 = L2S->Value(2); gp_Vec v1(pntd,p1.Value()); gp_Vec v2(p1.Value(),p2.Value()); gp_Vec v3(pntd,p2.Value()); p1.SetValue(pntd,Pardeb(1),Pardeb(2),Pardeb(3),Pardeb(4)); if(v1.Dot(v3) < 0) { if(v3.Magnitude() < 0.2*v2.Magnitude()) { L2S->RemovePoint(1); nbp--; } L2S->Value(1,p1); } else if(v1.Magnitude() > 0.2*v2.Magnitude()) { L2S->InsertBefore(1,p1); nbp++; } else{ L2S->Value(1,p1); } ddeb = 0.; } if(dfin >= tol3d && bonfin) { IntSurf_PntOn2S p1 = L2S->Value(nbp); IntSurf_PntOn2S p2 = L2S->Value(nbp - 1); gp_Vec v1(pntf,p1.Value()); gp_Vec v2(p1.Value(),p2.Value()); gp_Vec v3(pntf,p2.Value()); p1.SetValue(pntf,Parfin(1),Parfin(2),Parfin(3),Parfin(4)); if(v1.Dot(v3) < 0) { if(v3.Magnitude() < 0.2*v2.Magnitude()) { L2S->RemovePoint(nbp); nbp--; } L2S->Value(nbp,p1); } else if(v1.Magnitude() > 0.2*v2.Magnitude()) { L2S->Add(p1); nbp++; } else{ L2S->Value(nbp,p1); } dfin = 0.; } // Handle(IntPatch_WLine) WL = new IntPatch_WLine(L2S,Standard_False); #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG //WL->Dump(0); #endif GeomInt_WLApprox approx; approx.SetParameters(tolap, tol2d, 4, 8, 0, 30, Standard_True); // manage here the approximations that are not useful on planes! approx.Perform(S1,S2,WL, Standard_True,Standard_True,Standard_True, 1,nbp); if(!approx.IsDone()) return Standard_False; // tolreached = approx.TolReached3d(); // Standard_Real tolr2d = approx.TolReached2d(); // tolreached = Max(tolreached,ChFi3d_ConvTol2dToTol3d(S1,tolr2d)); // tolreached = Max(tolreached,ChFi3d_ConvTol2dToTol3d(S2,tolr2d)); const AppParCurves_MultiBSpCurve& mbs = approx.Value(1); Standard_Integer nbpol = mbs.NbPoles(); TColgp_Array1OfPnt pol3d(1,nbpol); mbs.Curve(1,pol3d); TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d pol2d1(1,nbpol); mbs.Curve(2,pol2d1); TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d pol2d2(1,nbpol); mbs.Curve(3,pol2d2); // The extremities of the intersection are reset on known points. if(ddeb >= tol1) { pol3d(1) = pntd; pol2d1(1).SetCoord(Pardeb(1),Pardeb(2)); pol2d2(1).SetCoord(Pardeb(3),Pardeb(4)); // tolreached = Max(tolreached,ddeb); } if(dfin >= tol2) { pol3d(nbpol) = pntf; pol2d1(nbpol).SetCoord(Parfin(1),Parfin(2)); pol2d2(nbpol).SetCoord(Parfin(3),Parfin(4)); // tolreached = Max(tolreached,dfin); } const TColStd_Array1OfReal& knots = mbs.Knots(); const TColStd_Array1OfInteger& mults = mbs.Multiplicities(); Standard_Integer deg = mbs.Degree(); C3d = new Geom_BSplineCurve(pol3d,knots,mults,deg); Pc1 = new Geom2d_BSplineCurve(pol2d1,knots,mults,deg); Pc2 = new Geom2d_BSplineCurve(pol2d2,knots,mults,deg); tolreached = ChFi3d_EvalTolReached(S1,Pc1,S2,Pc2,C3d); tolreached = Max(tolreached,ddeb); tolreached = Max(tolreached,dfin); return Standard_True; } } } //======================================================================= //function : IntCS //purpose : Fast calculation of the intersection curve surface. // //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_IntCS(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& S, const Handle(Adaptor3d_Curve)& C, gp_Pnt2d& p2dS, Standard_Real& wc) { IntCurveSurface_HInter Intersection; Standard_Real uf = C->FirstParameter(), ul = C->LastParameter(); Standard_Real u1 = S->FirstUParameter(), u2 = S->LastUParameter(); Standard_Real v1 = S->FirstVParameter(), v2 = S->LastVParameter(); IntCurveSurface_IntersectionPoint pint; Intersection.Perform(C,S); Standard_Boolean keepfirst = (wc < -1.e100), keeplast = (wc > 1.e100); Standard_Real temp = 0.; if(keepfirst) temp = 1.e100; if(keeplast) temp = -1.e100; Standard_Real dist = 2.e100; if(Intersection.IsDone()) { Standard_Integer nbp = Intersection.NbPoints(),i,isol = 0; for (i = 1; i <= nbp; i++) { pint = Intersection.Point(i); Standard_Real up = pint.U(); Standard_Real vp = pint.V(); if(S->IsUPeriodic()) up = ChFi3d_InPeriod(up,u1,u1+S->UPeriod(),1.e-8); if(S->IsVPeriodic()) vp = ChFi3d_InPeriod(vp,v1,v1+S->VPeriod(),1.e-8); if(uf <= pint.W() && ul >= pint.W() && u1 <= up && u2 >= up && v1 <= vp && v2 >= vp) { if(keepfirst && pint.W() < temp) { temp = pint.W(); isol = i; } else if(keeplast && pint.W() > temp) { temp = pint.W(); isol = i; } else if(Abs(pint.W() - wc) < dist) { dist = Abs(pint.W() - wc); isol = i; } } } if(isol == 0) return Standard_False; pint = Intersection.Point(isol); Standard_Real up = pint.U(); Standard_Real vp = pint.V(); if(S->IsUPeriodic()) up = ChFi3d_InPeriod(up,u1,u1+S->UPeriod(),1.e-8); if(S->IsVPeriodic()) vp = ChFi3d_InPeriod(vp,v1,v1+S->VPeriod(),1.e-8); p2dS.SetCoord(up,vp); wc = pint.W(); return Standard_True; } return Standard_False; } //======================================================================= //function : ComputesIntPC //purpose : Intersection of two PCurves of type FaceInterference // the parameters of the pcurves at the solution point are // UInt1,UInt2 //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_ComputesIntPC (const ChFiDS_FaceInterference& Fi1, const ChFiDS_FaceInterference& Fi2, const Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface)& HS1, const Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface)& HS2, Standard_Real& UInt1, Standard_Real& UInt2) { gp_Pnt bid; ChFi3d_ComputesIntPC(Fi1,Fi2,HS1,HS2,UInt1,UInt2,bid); } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_ComputesIntPC //purpose : //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_ComputesIntPC (const ChFiDS_FaceInterference& Fi1, const ChFiDS_FaceInterference& Fi2, const Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface)& HS1, const Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface)& HS2, Standard_Real& UInt1, Standard_Real& UInt2, gp_Pnt& P) { // Only one intersection to be carried out, however, the effort // is taken to check the extremities by an extrema c3d/c3d // created on pcurveonsurf of fillets. Standard_Real x,y,distref2; Fi1.PCurveOnSurf()->Value(UInt1).Coord(x,y); gp_Pnt p3d1 = HS1->Value(x,y); Fi2.PCurveOnSurf()->Value(UInt2).Coord(x,y); gp_Pnt p3d2 = HS2->Value(x,y); distref2 = p3d1.SquareDistance(p3d2); P.SetXYZ(0.5*(p3d1.XYZ() + p3d2.XYZ())); // recalculation of the extremums Standard_Real delt1 = Min(0.1,0.05*(Fi1.LastParameter() - Fi1.FirstParameter())); Handle(Geom2dAdaptor_Curve) hc2d1 = new Geom2dAdaptor_Curve(Fi1.PCurveOnSurf(),UInt1-delt1,UInt1+delt1); Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface cons1(hc2d1,HS1); Standard_Real delt2 = Min(0.1,0.05*(Fi2.LastParameter() - Fi2.FirstParameter())); Handle(Geom2dAdaptor_Curve) hc2d2 = new Geom2dAdaptor_Curve(Fi2.PCurveOnSurf(),UInt2-delt2,UInt2+delt2); Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface cons2(hc2d2,HS2); Extrema_LocateExtCC ext(cons1,cons2,UInt1,UInt2); if(ext.IsDone()) { Standard_Real dist2 = ext.SquareDistance(); if(dist2Surf()).Surface()); if ((IFaCo1 == 0)||(IFaArc1 == 0)) return HS1; const ChFiDS_FaceInterference& FiCo1 = Fd1->Interference(IFaCo1); const ChFiDS_FaceInterference& FiArc1 = Fd1->Interference(IFaArc1); Standard_Real Du,Dv,mu,Mu,mv,Mv; gp_Pnt2d UVf1,UVf2,UVl1,UVl2; UVf1 = FiCo1.PCurveOnSurf()->Value(FiCo1.FirstParameter()); UVl1 = FiCo1.PCurveOnSurf()->Value(FiCo1.LastParameter()); UVf2 = FiArc1.PCurveOnSurf()->Value(FiArc1.FirstParameter()); UVl2 = FiArc1.PCurveOnSurf()->Value(FiArc1.LastParameter()); ChFi3d_Boite(UVf1,UVf2,UVl1,UVl2,Du,Dv,mu,Mu,mv,Mv); GeomAbs_SurfaceType styp = S1.GetType(); if (styp == GeomAbs_Cylinder) { Dv = Max(0.5*Dv,4.*S1.Cylinder().Radius()); Du = 0.; S1.Load(DStr.Surface(Fd1->Surf()).Surface(), mu,Mu,mv-Dv,Mv+Dv); } //In the case of a torus or cone, it is not necessary that the bounds create a surface with period more than 2PI. else if (styp == GeomAbs_Torus || styp == GeomAbs_Cone) { Du = Min(M_PI-0.5*Du,0.1*Du); Dv = 0.; S1.Load(DStr.Surface(Fd1->Surf()).Surface(), mu-Du,Mu+Du,mv,Mv); } else if (styp == GeomAbs_Plane) { Du = Max(0.5*Du,4.*Dv); Dv = 0.; S1.Load(DStr.Surface(Fd1->Surf()).Surface(), mu-Du,Mu+Du,mv,Mv); } return HS1; } //======================================================================= //function : SearchPivot //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Integer ChFi3d_SearchPivot(Standard_Integer* s, Standard_Real u[3][3], const Standard_Real t) { // This function finds as pivot a cd the sections which of // do not cross on the opposite face. // - probably there will be cases asymmetric to the point that // none of tree fillets will match! To be SEEN. // - in case when several fillets match the // first one taken is not inevitably the best // it should be refined by comparing the parameters on // guide lines and (/or) radiuses. Standard_Boolean bondeb,bonfin; for(Standard_Integer i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { if(s[(i+1)%3] == 1) {bondeb = (u[(i+1)%3][i]-u[(i+1)%3][(i+2)%3] >= -t);} else {bondeb = (u[(i+1)%3][i]-u[(i+1)%3][(i+2)%3] <= t);} if(s[(i+2)%3] == 1) {bonfin = (u[(i+2)%3][i]-u[(i+2)%3][(i+1)%3] >= -t);} else {bonfin = (u[(i+2)%3][i]-u[(i+2)%3][(i+1)%3] <= t);} if (bondeb && bonfin) { return i; } } return -1; } //======================================================================= //function : SearchFD //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_SearchFD(TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& DStr, const Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& cd1, const Handle(ChFiDS_Stripe)& cd2, const Standard_Integer sens1, const Standard_Integer sens2, Standard_Integer& i1, Standard_Integer& i2, Standard_Real& p1, Standard_Real& p2, const Standard_Integer ind1, const Standard_Integer ind2, TopoDS_Face& face, Standard_Boolean& sameside, Standard_Integer& jf1, Standard_Integer& jf2) { Standard_Boolean found = Standard_False; Standard_Integer id1 = ind1, id2 = ind2; Standard_Integer if1 = ind1, if2 = ind2; Standard_Integer l1 = cd1->SetOfSurfData()->Length(); Standard_Integer l2 = cd2->SetOfSurfData()->Length(); Standard_Integer i; Standard_Boolean fini1 = Standard_False, fini2 = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean visavis,visavisok = Standard_False; TopoDS_Vertex Vtx; while( !found ) { for(i = id1; (i*sens1) <= (if1*sens1) && !found && !fini2; i = i+sens1 ) { if(ChFi3d_IsInFront(DStr,cd1,cd2,i,if2,sens1,sens2,p1,p2,face,sameside,jf1,jf2,visavis,Vtx,Standard_False,0)) { i1 = i; i2 = if2; found = Standard_True; } else if (visavis && !visavisok) { visavisok = Standard_True; i1 = i; i2 = if2; } } if(!fini1) { if1 = if1 + sens1; if(if1 < 1 || if1 > l1) { if1 = if1 - sens1; fini1 = Standard_True; } } for(i = id2; (i*sens2) <= (if2*sens2) && !found && !fini1; i = i+sens2 ) { if(ChFi3d_IsInFront(DStr,cd1,cd2,if1,i,sens1,sens2,p1,p2,face,sameside,jf1,jf2,visavis,Vtx,Standard_False,0)) { i1 = if1; i2 = i; found = Standard_True; } else if (visavis && !visavisok) { visavisok = Standard_True; i1 = if1; i2 = i; } } if(!fini2) { if2 = if2 + sens2; if(if2 < 1 || if2 > l2) { if2 = if2 - sens2; fini2 = Standard_True; } } if(fini1 && fini2) break; } return found; } //======================================================================= //function : Parameters //purpose : compute the parameters and of the 3d point // on the surface if it's an analytic surface //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_Parameters(const Handle(Geom_Surface)& S, const gp_Pnt& p3d, Standard_Real& u, Standard_Real& v) { GeomAdaptor_Surface gas(S); switch ( gas.GetType() ) { case GeomAbs_Plane : ElSLib::Parameters(gas.Plane(),p3d,u,v); break; case GeomAbs_Cylinder : ElSLib::Parameters(gas.Cylinder(),p3d,u,v); break; case GeomAbs_Cone : ElSLib::Parameters(gas.Cone(),p3d,u,v); break; case GeomAbs_Sphere : ElSLib::Parameters(gas.Sphere(),p3d,u,v); break; case GeomAbs_Torus : ElSLib::Parameters(gas.Torus(),p3d,u,v); break; case GeomAbs_BezierSurface : case GeomAbs_BSplineSurface : default : { GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf tool(p3d,S); if ( tool.NbPoints() != 1 ) throw StdFail_NotDone ("ChFi3d_Parameters() - no projection results"); else tool.Parameters(1,u,v); } } } //======================================================================= //function : TrimCurve //purpose : trims the curve between the points and // . The trimmed curve is //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_TrimCurve(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& gc, const gp_Pnt& FirstP, const gp_Pnt& LastP, Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve)& gtc) { Standard_Real uf = 0.,ul = 0.; GeomAdaptor_Curve gac(gc); switch ( gac.GetType() ) { case GeomAbs_Line : { uf = ElCLib::Parameter(gac.Line(),FirstP); ul = ElCLib::Parameter(gac.Line(),LastP); } break; case GeomAbs_Circle : { uf = ElCLib::Parameter(gac.Circle(),FirstP); ul = ElCLib::Parameter(gac.Circle(),LastP); } break; case GeomAbs_Ellipse : { uf = ElCLib::Parameter(gac.Ellipse(),FirstP); ul = ElCLib::Parameter(gac.Ellipse(),LastP); } break; case GeomAbs_Hyperbola : { uf = ElCLib::Parameter(gac.Hyperbola(),FirstP); ul = ElCLib::Parameter(gac.Hyperbola(),LastP); } break; case GeomAbs_Parabola : { uf = ElCLib::Parameter(gac.Parabola(),FirstP); ul = ElCLib::Parameter(gac.Parabola(),LastP); } break; default : { GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve tool(FirstP,gc); if ( tool.NbPoints() != 1 ) throw StdFail_NotDone ("ChFi3d_TrimCurve() - no projection results for the first point"); else uf = tool.Parameter(1); tool.Init(LastP,gc); if ( tool.NbPoints() != 1 ) throw StdFail_NotDone ("ChFi3d_TrimCurve() - no projection results for the second point"); else ul = tool.Parameter(1); } } gtc = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(gc,uf,ul); } //======================================================================= //function : GoodExt //purpose : //======================================================================= static Standard_Boolean GoodExt(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& C, const gp_Vec& V, const Standard_Real f, const Standard_Real l, const Standard_Real a) { for(Standard_Integer i = 0; i < 6; i++) { gp_Pnt d0; gp_Vec d1; const Standard_Real t = i * 0.2; C->D1(((1-t)*f+t*l),d0,d1); const Standard_Real ang = d1.Angle(V); const Standard_Real angref = a*t + 0.002; if(ang > angref) return Standard_False; } return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : PerformElSpine //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_EXPORT void ChFi3d_PerformElSpine(Handle(ChFiDS_ElSpine)& HES, Handle(ChFiDS_Spine)& Spine, const GeomAbs_Shape continuity, const Standard_Real tol, const Standard_Boolean IsOffset) { Standard_Boolean periodic, Bof, checkdeb, cepadur,bIsSmooth; Standard_Integer IEdge,IF,IL,nbed, iToApproxByC2; Standard_Real WF, WL, Wrefdeb, Wreffin,nwf,nwl,period,pared = 0.,tolpared; Standard_Real First, Last, epsV, urefdeb, tolrac; GeomAbs_Shape aContinuity; gp_Pnt PDeb, PFin, Bout; gp_Vec VrefDeb, VrefFin; Handle(Geom_Curve) Cv; Handle(Geom_BoundedCurve) TC; Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve) BS, BSpline; TopoDS_Edge E, Eold; TopoDS_Vertex V; // ChFiDS_ElSpine& ES = *HES; WF = ES.FirstParameter(); WL = ES.LastParameter(); Wrefdeb = WF; Wreffin = WL; nwf = WF; nwl = WL; nbed = Spine->NbEdges(); periodic = Spine->IsPeriodic(); if(periodic) { period = Spine->Period(); nwf = ElCLib::InPeriod(WF,-tol,period-tol); IF = Spine->Index(nwf,1); nwl = ElCLib::InPeriod(WL,tol,period+tol); IL = Spine->Index(nwl,0); if(nwlIndex(WF,1); IL = Spine->Index(WL,0); Wrefdeb = Max(Spine->FirstParameter(IF),WF); Wreffin = Min(Spine->LastParameter(IL),WL); } // Spine->D1(WF,PDeb,VrefDeb); Spine->D1(WL,PFin,VrefFin); VrefDeb.Normalize(); VrefFin.Normalize(); // TColgp_Array1OfPnt ExtrapPole(1, 5); TColgp_Array1OfPnt ExtraCoeffs(1, 5); TColgp_Array1OfXYZ Cont(1,5); // Attention on segmente eventuellement la premiere et la // derniere arete. // Traitment de la premiere arete cepadur = 0; E = (IsOffset)? Spine->OffsetEdges(IF) : Spine->Edges(IF); Bof = BRepLib::BuildCurve3d(E); const BRepAdaptor_Curve& edc = Spine->CurrentElementarySpine(IF); tolpared = edc.Resolution(tol); Cv = BRep_Tool::Curve(E, First, Last); //Add vertex with tangent if (ES.IsPeriodic()) { Standard_Real ParForElSpine = (E.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD)? First : Last; gp_Pnt PntForElSpine; gp_Vec DirForElSpine; Cv->D1(ParForElSpine, PntForElSpine, DirForElSpine); ES.AddVertexWithTangent(gp_Ax1(PntForElSpine, DirForElSpine)); } ///////////////////////// urefdeb = Spine->FirstParameter(IF); checkdeb = (nwf > urefdeb); if(checkdeb) { Spine->Parameter(IF,nwf,pared,0); } // if(E.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) { Standard_Real sov = First; First = Cv->ReversedParameter(Last); Last = Cv->ReversedParameter(sov); if(checkdeb) { pared = Cv->ReversedParameter(pared); } else{ pared = First; } if(First < pared) { First = pared; } if(IL == IF) { Standard_Real ureffin = Spine->LastParameter(IL); Standard_Boolean checkfin = (nwl < ureffin); if(checkfin) { Spine->Parameter(IL,nwl,pared,0); pared = Cv->ReversedParameter(pared); } else { pared = Last; } if(pared < Last) { Last = pared; } } Cv = Cv->Reversed(); }//if(E.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) else {//#1 if(!checkdeb) { pared = First; } if(First < pared) { First = pared; } if(IL == IF) { Standard_Real ureffin = Spine->LastParameter(IL); Standard_Boolean checkfin = (nwl < ureffin); if(checkfin) { Spine->Parameter(IL,nwl,pared,0); } else { pared = Last; } if(pared < Last) { Last = pared; } } }// else {//#1 // if(Abs(Last-First) < tolpared) { cepadur = 1; } // //Petite veru pour les cas ou un KPart a bouffe l arete //sans parvenir a terminer. On tire une droite. if(cepadur) { Handle(Geom_Line) L; gp_Pnt ptemp; gp_Vec vtemp; if(WL < Spine->FirstParameter(1) + tol) { ES.LastPointAndTgt(ptemp,vtemp); gp_Dir d(vtemp); gp_Pnt olin; olin.ChangeCoord().SetLinearForm(-WL,d.XYZ(),PFin.XYZ()); L = new Geom_Line(olin,d); ES.SetCurve(L); } else if(WF > Spine->LastParameter(nbed) - tol) { ES.FirstPointAndTgt(ptemp,vtemp); gp_Dir d(vtemp); gp_Pnt olin; olin.ChangeCoord().SetLinearForm(-WF,d.XYZ(),PDeb.XYZ()); L = new Geom_Line(olin,d); ES.SetCurve(L); } return;// => } // TC = new (Geom_TrimmedCurve)(Cv, First, Last); BS=GeomConvert::CurveToBSplineCurve(TC); CurveCleaner(BS, Abs(WL-WF)*1.e-4, 0); // //Smoothing of the curve iToApproxByC2=0; aContinuity=TC->Continuity(); bIsSmooth=ChFi3d_IsSmooth(TC); if (aContinuity < GeomAbs_C2 && !bIsSmooth) { ++iToApproxByC2; BS = ChFi3d_ApproxByC2(TC); TC=BS; } // // Concatenation des aretes suivantes GeomConvert_CompCurveToBSplineCurve Concat( TC, Convert_QuasiAngular ); // Eold = E; for (IEdge=IF+1; IEdge<=IL; ++IEdge) { Standard_Integer iloc = IEdge; if(periodic) { iloc = (IEdge - 1)%nbed + 1; } // E = (IsOffset)? Spine->OffsetEdges(iloc) : Spine->Edges(iloc); if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(E)) { continue; } // epsV = tol; Bof = TopExp::CommonVertex(Eold, E, V); if (Bof) { epsV = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(V); } // Bof = BRepLib::BuildCurve3d(E); if (!Bof) { throw Standard_ConstructionError("PerformElSpine : BuildCurve3d error"); } // Cv = BRep_Tool::Curve(E, First, Last); //Add vertex with tangent Standard_Real ParForElSpine = (E.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD)? First : Last; gp_Pnt PntForElSpine; gp_Vec DirForElSpine; Cv->D1(ParForElSpine, PntForElSpine, DirForElSpine); ES.AddVertexWithTangent(gp_Ax1(PntForElSpine, DirForElSpine)); ///////////////////////// if(IEdge == IL) { Standard_Real ureffin = Spine->LastParameter(iloc); Standard_Boolean checkfin = (nwl < ureffin); if(checkfin) { Spine->Parameter(iloc,nwl,pared,0); } else { pared = Last; } if(E.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) { Standard_Real sov = First; First = Cv->ReversedParameter(Last); Last = Cv->ReversedParameter(sov); if(checkfin) { pared = Cv->ReversedParameter(pared); } else{ pared = Last; } Cv = Cv->Reversed(); } if(pared < Last) { Last = pared; } } // TC = new (Geom_TrimmedCurve)(Cv, First, Last); BS = GeomConvert::CurveToBSplineCurve(TC); CurveCleaner(BS, Abs(WL-WF)*1.e-4, 0); // //Smoothing of the curve aContinuity=TC->Continuity(); bIsSmooth=ChFi3d_IsSmooth(TC); if (aContinuity < GeomAbs_C2 && !bIsSmooth) { ++iToApproxByC2; BS = ChFi3d_ApproxByC2( TC ); TC = BS; } // tolrac = Min(tol, epsV); Bof = Concat.Add( TC, 2.*tolrac, Standard_True ); // si l'ajout ne s'est pas bien passe on essai d'augmenter la tolerance if (!Bof) { Bof = Concat.Add( TC, 2.*epsV, Standard_True ); } if (!Bof) { Bof = Concat.Add( TC, 200.*epsV, Standard_True ); if (!Bof) { throw Standard_ConstructionError("PerformElSpine: spine merged error"); } } Eold = E; }// for (IEdge=IF+1; IEdge<=IL; ++IEdge) { // // On a la portion d elspine calculee sans prolongements sur la partie // valide des aretes du chemin. BSpline = Concat.BSplineCurve(); // There is a reparametrisation to maximally connect the abscissas of edges. TColStd_Array1OfReal BSNoeuds (1, BSpline->NbKnots()); BSpline->Knots(BSNoeuds); BSplCLib::Reparametrize (Wrefdeb, Wreffin, BSNoeuds); BSpline->SetKnots(BSNoeuds); // // Traitement des Extremites Standard_Integer caredeb, carefin; Standard_Real LocalWL, LocalWF, Angle; GeomAdaptor_Curve gacurve; Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve) newc; // caredeb = 0; carefin = 0; Angle = M_PI*0.75; LocalWL = WL; LocalWF = WF; if (!ES.IsPeriodic() && !PDeb.IsEqual(BSpline->Pole(1), tol) ) { // Prolongement C3 au debut // afin d'eviter des pts d'inflexions dans la partie utile de la // spine le prolongement se fait jusqu'a un point eloigne. if(BSpline->IsRational()) { caredeb = 1; } // Standard_Real rabdist = Wrefdeb - WF; Bout = PDeb.Translated(-20*rabdist * VrefDeb); Standard_Boolean goodext = 0; for(Standard_Integer icont = 3; icont>=1 && !goodext; icont--) { Handle(Geom_BoundedCurve) anExtCurve = BSpline; GeomLib::ExtendCurveToPoint (anExtCurve, Bout, icont, Standard_False); newc = Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve)::DownCast (anExtCurve); gacurve.Load(newc); GCPnts_AbscissaPoint GCP(gacurve,-rabdist,Wrefdeb,WF); if(GCP.IsDone()) { WF = GCP.Parameter(); goodext = GoodExt(newc,VrefDeb,Wrefdeb,WF,Angle); } } if(caredeb) { caredeb = newc->NbKnots() - BSpline->NbKnots(); } BSpline = newc; LocalWF = BSpline->FirstParameter(); } // if (!ES.IsPeriodic() && !PFin.IsEqual(BSpline->Pole(BSpline->NbPoles()), tol) ) { // Prolongement C3 en fin if(BSpline->IsRational()) { carefin = 1; } Standard_Real rabdist = WL - Wreffin; Bout = PFin.Translated(20*rabdist * VrefFin); Standard_Boolean goodext = 0; for(Standard_Integer icont = 3; icont>=1 && !goodext; icont--) { Handle(Geom_BoundedCurve) anExtCurve = BSpline; GeomLib::ExtendCurveToPoint (anExtCurve, Bout, icont, Standard_True); newc = Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve)::DownCast (anExtCurve); gacurve.Load(newc); GCPnts_AbscissaPoint GCP(gacurve,rabdist,Wreffin,WL); if(GCP.IsDone()) { WL = GCP.Parameter(); goodext = GoodExt(newc, VrefFin, Wreffin,WL,Angle); } } if(carefin) { carefin = newc->NbKnots() - BSpline->NbKnots(); } BSpline = newc; LocalWL = BSpline->LastParameter(); } // //Reparametrisation et segmentation sur le domaine de la Spine. if(Abs(BSpline->FirstParameter() - WF)FirstParameter(); } if(Abs(BSpline->LastParameter() - WL)LastParameter(); } // if ( (LocalWFWL)) { // pour eviter des pb avec segment! BSpline->Segment(WF, WL); ES.FirstParameter(WF); ES.LastParameter(WL); } // if (BSpline->IsRational()) { Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve) C1; C1 = Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve)::DownCast(BSpline->Copy()); GeomConvert::C0BSplineToC1BSplineCurve(C1, tol, 0.1); // Il faut s'assurer que l'origine n'a pas bouge (cts21158) if (C1->FirstParameter() == BSpline->FirstParameter()) { BSpline = C1; } else { //std::cout << "Attention : Echec de C0BSplineToC1 !" << std::endl; } } // Standard_Integer fk, lk, MultMax, ii; // Deformation eventuelle pour rendre la spine C2. // ou C3 pour des approx C2 if((caredeb || carefin) && BSpline->Degree() < 8) { BSpline->IncreaseDegree(8); } // fk = 2; lk = BSpline->NbKnots()-1; if(BSpline->IsPeriodic()) { fk = 1; } if(caredeb) { fk += caredeb; } if(carefin) { lk -= carefin; } // if (continuity == GeomAbs_C3) { if (BSpline->Degree() < 7) { BSpline->IncreaseDegree(7); } MultMax = BSpline->Degree() - 3; } else { if (BSpline->Degree() < 5) { BSpline->IncreaseDegree(5); } MultMax = BSpline->Degree() - 2; } // correction C2 or C3 (if possible) CurveCleaner(BSpline, Abs(WL-WF)*1.e-4, 1); CurveCleaner(BSpline, Abs(WL-WF)*1.e-2, MultMax); Standard_Integer MultMin = Max(BSpline->Degree() - 4, 1); for (ii = fk; ii <= lk; ii++) { if( BSpline->Multiplicity(ii) > MultMax ) { Bof = BSpline->RemoveKnot(ii, MultMax, Abs(WL-WF)/10); } // See C4 if( BSpline->Multiplicity(ii) > MultMin ) { Bof = BSpline->RemoveKnot(ii, MultMin, Abs(WL-WF)*1.e-4); } } // elspine periodic => BSpline Periodic if(ES.IsPeriodic()) { if(!BSpline->IsPeriodic()) { BSpline->SetPeriodic(); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Dec 10 12:20:22 2010ft if (iToApproxByC2) { Bof = BSpline->RemoveKnot(1, MultMax, Abs(WL-WF)/10); } //Bof = BSpline->RemoveKnot(1, MultMax, Abs(WL-WF)/10); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Mon Dec 13 14:12:54 2010t } } else { // Otherwise is it necessary to move the poles to adapt // them to new tangents ? Standard_Boolean adjust = Standard_False; gp_Pnt P1, P2; gp_Vec V1, V2; BSpline->D1(WF, P1, V1); V1.Normalize(); ES.FirstPointAndTgt(PDeb,VrefDeb); Standard_Real scaldeb = VrefDeb.Dot(V1); Standard_Real disdeb = PDeb.Distance(P1); if((Abs(WF-LocalWF) < 1.e-12) && ((scaldeb <= 0.9999999) || disdeb >= tol)) { // Yes if there was no extension and the tangent is not the good one. adjust = Standard_True; } BSpline->D1(WL, P2, V2); V2.Normalize(); ES.LastPointAndTgt(PFin,VrefFin); Standard_Real scalfin = VrefFin.Dot(V2); Standard_Real disfin = PFin.Distance(P2); if((Abs(WL-LocalWL) < 1.e-12) && ((scalfin <= 0.9999999)|| disfin >= tol)) { // the same at the end adjust = Standard_True; } if(adjust) { Handle(Geom_BoundedCurve) anExtCurve = BSpline; GeomLib::AdjustExtremity(anExtCurve, PDeb, PFin, VrefDeb, VrefFin); BSpline = Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve)::DownCast (anExtCurve); } } // Le Resultat ES.SetCurve(BSpline); //Temporary //gp_Pnt ptgui; //gp_Vec d1gui; //( HES->Curve() ).D1(HES->FirstParameter(),ptgui,d1gui); } //======================================================================= //function : cherche_face1 //purpose : find face F different from F1 in the map. // The map contains two faces adjacent to an edge //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_cherche_face1 (const TopTools_ListOfShape & map, const TopoDS_Face & F1, TopoDS_Face & F) { TopoDS_Face Fcur; Standard_Boolean trouve=Standard_False; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape It; for (It.Initialize(map);It.More()&&!trouve;It.Next()) { Fcur=TopoDS::Face (It.Value()); if (!Fcur.IsSame(F1)) { F=Fcur;trouve=Standard_True;} } if (F.IsNull()) { throw Standard_ConstructionError ("Failed to find face"); } } //======================================================================= //function : cherche_element //purpose : find edge E of F1 other than E1 and containing vertex V // Vtx is the other vertex of E //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_cherche_element(const TopoDS_Vertex & V, const TopoDS_Edge & E1, const TopoDS_Face & F1, TopoDS_Edge & E , TopoDS_Vertex & Vtx ) { Standard_Integer ie; TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2; Standard_Boolean trouve=Standard_False; TopoDS_Edge Ecur; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape MapE; TopExp::MapShapes( F1,TopAbs_EDGE,MapE); for ( ie=1; ie<= MapE.Extent()&& !trouve; ie++) { Ecur = TopoDS::Edge (MapE(ie)); if (!Ecur.IsSame(E1)) { TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape MapV; TopExp::MapShapes(Ecur, TopAbs_VERTEX, MapV); if (MapV.Extent()==2) { V1 = TopoDS::Vertex (MapV(1)); V2 = TopoDS::Vertex (MapV(2)); if (V1.IsSame(V)) { Vtx=V2; E=Ecur; trouve=Standard_True; } else if (V2.IsSame(V)) { Vtx=V1; E=Ecur; trouve=Standard_True; } } } } if (E.IsNull()) { throw Standard_ConstructionError ("Failed to find element"); } } //======================================================================= //function : cherche_edge //purpose : find edge E of F1 other than the list of edges E1 and // containing vertex V Vtx is the other vertex of E. //======================================================================= void ChFi3d_cherche_edge(const TopoDS_Vertex & V, const TopTools_Array1OfShape & E1, const TopoDS_Face & F1, TopoDS_Edge & E , TopoDS_Vertex & Vtx ) { Standard_Integer ie,i; TopoDS_Vertex V1,V2; Standard_Boolean trouve=Standard_False; TopoDS_Edge Ecur; Standard_Boolean same; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape MapE; TopExp::MapShapes( F1,TopAbs_EDGE,MapE); for ( ie=1; ie<= MapE.Extent()&& !trouve; ie++) { Ecur=TopoDS::Edge (MapE(ie)); same=Standard_False; for (i=E1.Lower();i<=E1.Upper() ;i++) { if (Ecur.IsSame(E1.Value(i))) same=Standard_True; } if (!same) { TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape MapV; TopExp::MapShapes(Ecur, TopAbs_VERTEX, MapV); if (MapV.Extent()==2) { V1 = TopoDS::Vertex (MapV(1)); V2 = TopoDS::Vertex (MapV(2)); if (V1.IsSame(V)) { Vtx=V2; E=Ecur; trouve=Standard_True; } else if (V2.IsSame(V)) { Vtx=V1; E=Ecur; trouve=Standard_True; } } } } if (E.IsNull()) { throw Standard_ConstructionError ("Failed to find edge"); } } //======================================================================= //function : nbface //purpose : calculates the number of faces common to a vertex // //======================================================================= Standard_Integer ChFi3d_nbface (const TopTools_ListOfShape & mapVF ) { Standard_Integer nface=0; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ItF,JtF; Standard_Integer fj = 0; for (ItF.Initialize(mapVF); ItF.More(); ItF.Next()) { fj++; Standard_Integer kf = 1; const TopoDS_Shape& cur = ItF.Value(); for (JtF.Initialize(mapVF); JtF.More( )&&(kfFirstParameter(), Last = C->LastParameter(); Standard_Integer NbPoints = 101; TColgp_Array1OfPnt Points( 1, NbPoints ); Standard_Real delta = (Last - First) / (NbPoints-1); for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= NbPoints-1; i++) Points(i) = C->Value(First + (i-1)*delta); Points(NbPoints) = C->Value(Last); GeomAPI_PointsToBSpline Approx( Points , Approx_ChordLength, 3, 8, GeomAbs_C2, 1.000001e-3); Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve) BS = Approx.Curve(); return BS; } //======================================================================= //function : ChFi3d_IsSmooth //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ChFi3d_IsSmooth( const Handle(Geom_Curve)& C ) { GeomAdaptor_Curve GAC( C ); Standard_Integer ii; Standard_Integer intrv, nbintv = GAC.NbIntervals(GeomAbs_CN); TColStd_Array1OfReal TI(1,nbintv+1); GAC.Intervals(TI,GeomAbs_CN); Standard_Real Resolution = gp::Resolution(), Curvature; GeomLProp_CLProps LProp(C, 2, Resolution); gp_Pnt P1, P2; Standard_Integer Discretisation = 30; gp_Vec PrevVec; Standard_Boolean prevVecFound = Standard_False; Standard_Integer intrvFound = 0; for( intrv = 1; intrv <= nbintv; intrv++) { Standard_Real t = TI(intrv); Standard_Real step = (TI(intrv+1) - t) / Discretisation; for (ii = 1; ii <= Discretisation; ii++) { LProp.SetParameter(t); if (!LProp.IsTangentDefined()) return Standard_False; Curvature = Abs(LProp.Curvature()); if (Curvature > Resolution) { C->D0(t, P1); LProp.CentreOfCurvature(P2); PrevVec = gp_Vec(P1, P2); prevVecFound = Standard_True; break; } t += step; } if( prevVecFound ) { intrvFound = intrv; break; } } if( !prevVecFound ) return Standard_True; //for (intrv = 1; intrv <= nbintv; intrv++) { for (intrv = intrvFound; intrv <= nbintv; intrv++) { Standard_Real t = TI(intrv); Standard_Real step = (TI(intrv+1) - t) / Discretisation; for (ii = 1; ii <= Discretisation; ii++) { LProp.SetParameter(t); if (!LProp.IsTangentDefined()) return Standard_False; Curvature = Abs(LProp.Curvature()); if (Curvature > Resolution) { C->D0(t, P1); LProp.CentreOfCurvature(P2); gp_Vec Vec(P1, P2); Standard_Real Angle = PrevVec.Angle( Vec ); if (Angle > M_PI/3.) return Standard_False; Standard_Real Ratio = Vec.Magnitude() / PrevVec.Magnitude(); if (Ratio < 1.) Ratio = 1. / Ratio; if (Ratio > 2. && (intrv != nbintv || ii != Discretisation)) return Standard_False; PrevVec = Vec; } t += step; } } return Standard_True; }