// Created on: 1992-05-07 // Created by: Jacques GOUSSARD // Copyright (c) 1992-1999 Matra Datavision // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS // // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty. // // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE // commercial license or contractual agreement. #include //======================================================================= //function : IntCoCo //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean IntCoCo(const IntSurf_Quadric& Quad1, const IntSurf_Quadric& Quad2, const Standard_Real Tol, Standard_Boolean& Empty, Standard_Boolean& Same, Standard_Boolean& Multpoint, IntPatch_SequenceOfLine& slin, IntPatch_SequenceOfPoint& spnt) { Standard_Integer i, NbSol; Standard_Real U1,V1,U2,V2; IntSurf_TypeTrans trans1,trans2; IntAna_ResultType typint; // gp_Cone Co1(Quad1.Cone()); gp_Cone Co2(Quad2.Cone()); // IntAna_QuadQuadGeo inter(Co1,Co2,Tol); if (!inter.IsDone()) { return Standard_False; } // typint = inter.TypeInter(); NbSol = inter.NbSolutions(); Empty = Standard_False; Same = Standard_False; switch (typint) { case IntAna_Empty : { Empty = Standard_True; } break; case IntAna_Same: { Same = Standard_True; } break; //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Nov 30 12:56:06 2005f case IntAna_Line :{ Standard_Real para, aDot; gp_Pnt aPApex1, aPApex2, ptbid; gp_Lin linsol; gp_Vec NormC1,NormC2; IntPatch_Point aPtsol; Handle(IntPatch_GLine) glig; // aPApex1=Co1.Apex(); aPApex2=Co2.Apex(); // if (NbSol==1) { IntSurf_Situation situC1, situC2; // linsol = inter.Line(1); para =ElCLib::Parameter(linsol, aPApex1); ptbid=ElCLib::Value(para+5., linsol); Quad1.Parameters(aPApex1, U1, V1); Quad2.Parameters(aPApex1, U2, V2); // aPtsol.SetValue(aPApex1, Tol, Standard_False); aPtsol.SetParameters(U1, V1, U2, V2); aPtsol.SetParameter(para); // NormC1=Quad1.Normale(ptbid); NormC2=Quad2.Normale(ptbid); aDot=NormC1.Dot(NormC2); if (aDot<0.) { situC1=IntSurf_Outside; situC2=IntSurf_Outside; } else { Standard_Real aR1, aR2; gp_Lin aLAx1(aPApex1, Co1.Axis().Direction()); gp_Lin aLAx2(aPApex2, Co2.Axis().Direction()); // aR1=aLAx1.Distance(ptbid); aR2=aLAx2.Distance(ptbid); // situC1=IntSurf_Inside; situC2=IntSurf_Outside; if (aR1>aR2) { // Intersection line parametrizes from Apex1 to Apex2, situC1=IntSurf_Outside; // So the distance between ptbid and aLAx1 is greater than the situC2=IntSurf_Inside; // distance between ptbid and aLAx2 and in that case Cone2 // is inside Cone 1 } } // 1 glig=new IntPatch_GLine(linsol, Standard_True, situC1, situC2); glig->AddVertex(aPtsol); glig->SetFirstPoint(1); slin.Append(glig); // 2 linsol.SetDirection(linsol.Direction().Reversed()); para =ElCLib::Parameter(linsol, aPApex1); aPtsol.SetParameter(para); glig = new IntPatch_GLine(linsol, Standard_True, situC2, situC1); glig->AddVertex(aPtsol); glig->SetFirstPoint(1); slin.Append(glig); } // if (NbSol==1) { ////////////////////// else if (NbSol==2) { // for (i=1; i<=2; ++i) { linsol = inter.Line(i); para =ElCLib::Parameter(linsol, aPApex1); ptbid=ElCLib::Value(para+5., linsol); Quad1.Parameters(aPApex1, U1, V1); Quad2.Parameters(aPApex1, U2, V2); // trans1 = IntSurf_In; trans2 = IntSurf_Out; if (linsol.Direction(). DotCross(Quad2.Normale(ptbid),Quad1.Normale(ptbid)) >0.) { trans1 = IntSurf_Out; trans2 = IntSurf_In; } // Multpoint = Standard_True; // 1,3 aPtsol.SetValue(aPApex1, Tol, Standard_False); aPtsol.SetParameters(U1,V1,U2,V2); aPtsol.SetParameter(para); aPtsol.SetMultiple(Standard_True); glig = new IntPatch_GLine(linsol, Standard_False, trans1, trans2); glig->AddVertex(aPtsol); glig->SetFirstPoint(1); slin.Append(glig); // 2,4 linsol.SetDirection(linsol.Direction().Reversed()); para = ElCLib::Parameter(linsol, aPApex1); aPtsol.SetParameter(para); glig = new IntPatch_GLine(linsol, Standard_False, trans1, trans2); glig->AddVertex(aPtsol); glig->SetFirstPoint(1); slin.Append(glig); // } //for (i=1; i<=2; ++i) } //else if (NbSol==2) } break; //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Nov 30 12:56:10 2005t case IntAna_Point : { gp_Pnt ptcontact; gp_Pnt apex1(Co1.Apex()); gp_Pnt apex2(Co2.Apex()); Standard_Real param1,param2; Standard_Real paramapex1 = ElCLib::LineParameter(Co1.Axis(),apex1); Standard_Real paramapex2 = ElCLib::LineParameter(Co2.Axis(),apex2); for (i=1; i <= NbSol; i++) { ptcontact = inter.Point(i); param1 = ElCLib::LineParameter(Co1.Axis(),ptcontact); param2 = ElCLib::LineParameter(Co2.Axis(),ptcontact); Quad1.Parameters(ptcontact,U1,V1); Quad2.Parameters(ptcontact,U2,V2); if (apex1.Distance(ptcontact) <= Tol && apex2.Distance(ptcontact) <= Tol) { IntPatch_Point ptsol; ptsol.SetValue(ptcontact,Tol,Standard_False); ptsol.SetParameters(U1,V1,U2,V2); spnt.Append(ptsol); } else if (param1 >= paramapex1 && param2 >= paramapex2) { IntPatch_Point ptsol; ptsol.SetValue(ptcontact,Tol,Standard_True); ptsol.SetParameters(U1,V1,U2,V2); spnt.Append(ptsol); } } } break; case IntAna_Circle: { IntPatch_Point aPtsol; gp_Vec Tgt; gp_Pnt ptref; for (i = 1; i <= NbSol; i++) { gp_Circ cirsol = inter.Circle(i); ElCLib::D1(0.,cirsol,ptref,Tgt); Standard_Real qwe=Tgt.DotCross(Quad2.Normale(ptref),Quad1.Normale(ptref)); if(qwe> 0.00000001) { trans1 = IntSurf_Out; trans2 = IntSurf_In; } else if(qwe<-0.00000001){ trans1 = IntSurf_In; trans2 = IntSurf_Out; } else { trans1=trans2=IntSurf_Undecided; } Handle(IntPatch_GLine) glig = new IntPatch_GLine(cirsol,Standard_False,trans1,trans2); if(inter.HasCommonGen()) { const gp_Pnt& aPChar = inter.PChar(); Quad1.Parameters(aPChar, U1, V1); Quad2.Parameters(aPChar, U2, V2); aPtsol.SetValue(aPChar, Tol, Standard_False); aPtsol.SetParameters(U1, V1, U2, V2); aPtsol.SetParameter(0.); glig->AddVertex(aPtsol); } slin.Append(glig); } } break; case IntAna_Ellipse: { IntPatch_Point aPtsol; gp_Elips elipsol = inter.Ellipse(1); gp_Vec Tgt; gp_Pnt ptref; ElCLib::D1(0.,elipsol,ptref,Tgt); Standard_Real qwe=Tgt.DotCross(Quad2.Normale(ptref),Quad1.Normale(ptref)); if(qwe> 0.00000001) { trans1 = IntSurf_Out; trans2 = IntSurf_In; } else if(qwe<-0.00000001) { trans1 = IntSurf_In; trans2 = IntSurf_Out; } else { trans1=trans2=IntSurf_Undecided; } Handle(IntPatch_GLine) glig = new IntPatch_GLine(elipsol,Standard_False,trans1,trans2); if(inter.HasCommonGen()) { const gp_Pnt& aPChar = inter.PChar(); Quad1.Parameters(aPChar, U1, V1); Quad2.Parameters(aPChar, U2, V2); aPtsol.SetValue(aPChar, Tol, Standard_False); aPtsol.SetParameters(U1, V1, U2, V2); aPtsol.SetParameter(0.); glig->AddVertex(aPtsol); } slin.Append(glig); } break; case IntAna_Hyperbola: { IntPatch_Point aPtsol; gp_Vec Tgt; gp_Pnt ptref; for(i=1; i<=2; i++) { gp_Hypr hyprsol = inter.Hyperbola(i); ElCLib::D1(0.,hyprsol,ptref,Tgt); Standard_Real qwe=Tgt.DotCross(Quad2.Normale(ptref),Quad1.Normale(ptref)); if(qwe> 0.00000001) { trans1 = IntSurf_Out; trans2 = IntSurf_In; } else if(qwe<-0.00000001){ trans1 = IntSurf_In; trans2 = IntSurf_Out; } else { trans1=trans2=IntSurf_Undecided; } Handle(IntPatch_GLine) glig = new IntPatch_GLine(hyprsol,Standard_False,trans1,trans2); if(inter.HasCommonGen()) { const gp_Pnt& aPChar = inter.PChar(); Quad1.Parameters(aPChar, U1, V1); Quad2.Parameters(aPChar, U2, V2); aPtsol.SetValue(aPChar, Tol, Standard_False); aPtsol.SetParameters(U1, V1, U2, V2); aPtsol.SetParameter(0.); glig->AddVertex(aPtsol); } slin.Append(glig); } } break; case IntAna_Parabola: { IntPatch_Point aPtsol; gp_Parab parabsol = inter.Parabola(1); gp_Vec Tgtorig(parabsol.YAxis().Direction()); Standard_Real ptran = Tgtorig.DotCross(Quad2.Normale(parabsol.Location()), Quad1.Normale(parabsol.Location())); if (ptran >0.00000001) { trans1 = IntSurf_Out; trans2 = IntSurf_In; } else if (ptran <-0.00000001) { trans1 = IntSurf_In; trans2 = IntSurf_Out; } else { trans1=trans2=IntSurf_Undecided; } Handle(IntPatch_GLine) glig = new IntPatch_GLine(parabsol,Standard_False,trans1,trans2); if(inter.HasCommonGen()) { const gp_Pnt& aPChar = inter.PChar(); Quad1.Parameters(aPChar, U1, V1); Quad2.Parameters(aPChar, U2, V2); aPtsol.SetValue(aPChar, Tol, Standard_False); aPtsol.SetParameters(U1, V1, U2, V2); aPtsol.SetParameter(0.); glig->AddVertex(aPtsol); } slin.Append(glig); } break; case IntAna_NoGeometricSolution: { gp_Pnt psol; IntAna_IntQuadQuad anaint(Co1,Co2,Tol); if (!anaint.IsDone()) { return Standard_False; } if (anaint.NbPnt() == 0 && anaint.NbCurve() == 0) { Empty = Standard_True; } else { NbSol = anaint.NbPnt(); for (i = 1; i <= NbSol; i++) { psol = anaint.Point(i); Quad1.Parameters(psol,U1,V1); Quad2.Parameters(psol,U2,V2); IntPatch_Point ptsol; ptsol.SetValue(psol,Tol,Standard_True); ptsol.SetParameters(U1,V1,U2,V2); spnt.Append(ptsol); } gp_Pnt ptvalid, ptf, ptl; gp_Vec tgvalid; Standard_Real first,last,para; Standard_Boolean tgfound,firstp,lastp,kept; Standard_Integer kount; NbSol = anaint.NbCurve(); for (i = 1; i <= NbSol; i++) { Handle(IntPatch_ALine) alig; kept = Standard_False; IntAna_Curve curvsol = anaint.Curve(i); curvsol.Domain(first,last); firstp = !curvsol.IsFirstOpen(); lastp = !curvsol.IsLastOpen(); if (firstp) { ptf = curvsol.Value(first); } if (lastp) { ptl = curvsol.Value(last); } para = last; kount = 1; tgfound = Standard_False; while (!tgfound) { para = (1.123*first + para)/2.123; tgfound = curvsol.D1u(para,ptvalid,tgvalid); if(tgvalid.SquareMagnitude() < 1e-14) { //-- on se trouve ds un cas ou les normales n'auront pas de sens tgfound = Standard_False; } if (!tgfound) { kount ++; tgfound = kount > 5; } } if (kount <= 5) { Standard_Real qwe= tgvalid.DotCross(Quad2.Normale(ptvalid), Quad1.Normale(ptvalid)); if(qwe > 0.000000001) { trans1 = IntSurf_Out; trans2 = IntSurf_In; } else if(qwe < -0.000000001) { trans1 = IntSurf_In; trans2 = IntSurf_Out; } else { trans1=trans2=IntSurf_Undecided; } alig = new IntPatch_ALine(curvsol,Standard_False,trans1,trans2); kept = Standard_True; } else { ptvalid = curvsol.Value(para); alig = new IntPatch_ALine(curvsol,Standard_False); kept = Standard_True; //-- cout << "Transition indeterminee" << endl; } if (kept) { Standard_Boolean Nfirstp = !firstp; Standard_Boolean Nlastp = !lastp; ProcessBounds(alig,slin,Quad1,Quad2,Nfirstp,ptf,first, Nlastp,ptl,last,Multpoint,Tol); slin.Append(alig); } } } } break; default: { return Standard_False; } } //When two cones have common generatrix passing through apexes //it is necessary to add it is solution if(inter.HasCommonGen()) { Standard_Real para; IntPatch_Point aPtsol; gp_Pnt aPApex1, aPApex2; aPApex1=Co1.Apex(); aPApex2=Co2.Apex(); //common generatrix of cones gce_MakeLin aMkLin(aPApex1, aPApex2); const gp_Lin& linsol = aMkLin.Value(); Handle(IntPatch_GLine) glig = new IntPatch_GLine(linsol,Standard_True,IntSurf_Undecided,IntSurf_Undecided); const gp_Pnt& aPChar = inter.PChar(); Quad1.Parameters(aPChar, U1, V1); Quad2.Parameters(aPChar, U2, V2); aPtsol.SetValue(aPChar, Tol, Standard_False); aPtsol.SetParameters(U1, V1, U2, V2); para = ElCLib::Parameter(linsol, aPChar); aPtsol.SetParameter(para); glig->AddVertex(aPtsol); slin.Append(glig); } return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : IntCoSp //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean IntCoSp(const IntSurf_Quadric& Quad1, const IntSurf_Quadric& Quad2, const Standard_Real Tol, const Standard_Boolean Reversed, Standard_Boolean& Empty, Standard_Boolean& Multpoint, IntPatch_SequenceOfLine& slin, IntPatch_SequenceOfPoint& spnt) { Standard_Integer i; IntSurf_TypeTrans trans1,trans2; IntAna_ResultType typint; gp_Sphere Sp; gp_Cone Co; Standard_Real U1,V1,U2,V2; if (!Reversed) { Co = Quad1.Cone(); Sp = Quad2.Sphere(); } else { Co = Quad2.Cone(); Sp = Quad1.Sphere(); } IntAna_QuadQuadGeo inter(Sp,Co,Tol); if (!inter.IsDone()) {return Standard_False;} typint = inter.TypeInter(); Standard_Integer NbSol = inter.NbSolutions(); Empty = Standard_False; switch (typint) { case IntAna_Empty : { Empty = Standard_True; } break; case IntAna_Point : { gp_Pnt ptcontact; gp_Pnt apex(Co.Apex()); Standard_Real param; Standard_Real paramapex = ElCLib::LineParameter(Co.Axis(),apex); for (i=1; i <= NbSol; i++) { ptcontact = inter.Point(i); param = ElCLib::LineParameter(Co.Axis(),ptcontact); Quad1.Parameters(ptcontact,U1,V1); Quad2.Parameters(ptcontact,U2,V2); if (apex.Distance(ptcontact) <= Tol) { IntPatch_Point ptsol; ptsol.SetValue(ptcontact,Tol,Standard_False); ptsol.SetParameters(U1,V1,U2,V2); spnt.Append(ptsol); } else if (param >= paramapex) { IntPatch_Point ptsol; ptsol.SetValue(ptcontact,Tol,Standard_True); ptsol.SetParameters(U1,V1,U2,V2); spnt.Append(ptsol); } } } break; case IntAna_Circle: { gp_Vec Tgt; gp_Pnt ptref; for (i=1; i<=NbSol; i++) { gp_Circ cirsol = inter.Circle(i); //-- param = ElCLib::LineParameter(Co.Axis(), //-- cirsol.Location()); //-- if (param >= paramapex) { ElCLib::D1(0.,cirsol,ptref,Tgt); Standard_Real qwe = Tgt.DotCross(Quad2.Normale(ptref), Quad1.Normale(ptref)); if(qwe> 0.00000001) { trans1 = IntSurf_Out; trans2 = IntSurf_In; } else if(qwe< -0.00000001) { trans1 = IntSurf_In; trans2 = IntSurf_Out; } else { trans1=trans2=IntSurf_Undecided; } Handle(IntPatch_GLine) glig = new IntPatch_GLine(cirsol,Standard_False,trans1,trans2); slin.Append(glig); //-- } } } break; case IntAna_PointAndCircle: { gp_Vec Tgt; gp_Pnt ptref; gp_Pnt apex(Co.Apex()); Standard_Real param; Standard_Real paramapex = ElCLib::LineParameter(Co.Axis(),apex); // le point est necessairement l apex Quad1.Parameters(apex,U1,V1); Quad2.Parameters(apex,U2,V2); IntPatch_Point ptsol; ptsol.SetValue(apex,Tol,Standard_False); ptsol.SetParameters(U1,V1,U2,V2); spnt.Append(ptsol); gp_Circ cirsol = inter.Circle(1); param = ElCLib::LineParameter(Co.Axis(), cirsol.Location()); ElCLib::D1(0., cirsol, ptref, Tgt); Standard_Real qwe = Tgt.DotCross(Quad2.Normale(ptref), Quad1.Normale(ptref)); if (param >= paramapex) { if (qwe > Precision::PConfusion()) { trans1 = IntSurf_Out; trans2 = IntSurf_In; } else if (qwe < -Precision::PConfusion()) { trans1 = IntSurf_In; trans2 = IntSurf_Out; } else { trans1 = trans2 = IntSurf_Undecided; } } else { if (qwe < -Precision::PConfusion()) { trans1 = IntSurf_Out; trans2 = IntSurf_In; } else if (qwe > Precision::PConfusion()) { trans1 = IntSurf_In; trans2 = IntSurf_Out; } else { trans1 = trans2 = IntSurf_Undecided; } } Handle(IntPatch_GLine) glig = new IntPatch_GLine(cirsol, Standard_False, trans1, trans2); slin.Append(glig); } break; case IntAna_NoGeometricSolution: { gp_Pnt psol; IntAna_IntQuadQuad anaint(Co,Sp,Tol); if (!anaint.IsDone()) { return Standard_False; } if (anaint.NbPnt()==0 && anaint.NbCurve()==0) { Empty = Standard_True; } else { NbSol = anaint.NbPnt(); for (i = 1; i <= NbSol; i++) { psol = anaint.Point(i); Quad1.Parameters(psol,U1,V1); Quad2.Parameters(psol,U2,V2); IntPatch_Point ptsol; ptsol.SetValue(psol,Tol,Standard_True); ptsol.SetParameters(U1,V1,U2,V2); spnt.Append(ptsol); } gp_Pnt ptvalid, ptf, ptl; gp_Vec tgvalid; Standard_Real first,last,para; Standard_Boolean tgfound,firstp,lastp,kept; Standard_Integer kount; NbSol = anaint.NbCurve(); for (i = 1; i <= NbSol; i++) { Handle(IntPatch_ALine) alig; kept = Standard_False; IntAna_Curve curvsol = anaint.Curve(i); curvsol.Domain(first,last); firstp = !curvsol.IsFirstOpen(); lastp = !curvsol.IsLastOpen(); if (firstp) { ptf = curvsol.Value(first); } if (lastp) { ptl = curvsol.Value(last); } para = last; kount = 1; tgfound = Standard_False; while (!tgfound) { para = (1.123*first + para)/2.123; tgfound = curvsol.D1u(para,ptvalid,tgvalid); if (!tgfound) { kount ++; tgfound = kount > 5; } } if (kount <= 5) { para = ElCLib::LineParameter(Co.Axis(),ptvalid); Standard_Real qwe = tgvalid.DotCross(Quad2.Normale(ptvalid), Quad1.Normale(ptvalid)); if(qwe> 0.000000001) { trans1 = IntSurf_Out; trans2 = IntSurf_In; } else if(qwe<-0.000000001) { trans1 = IntSurf_In; trans2 = IntSurf_Out; } else { trans1=trans2=IntSurf_Undecided; } alig = new IntPatch_ALine(curvsol,Standard_False,trans1,trans2); kept = Standard_True; } else { ptvalid = curvsol.Value(para); para = ElCLib::LineParameter(Co.Axis(),ptvalid); alig = new IntPatch_ALine(curvsol,Standard_False); kept = Standard_True; //-- cout << "Transition indeterminee" << endl; } if (kept) { Standard_Boolean Nfirstp = !firstp; Standard_Boolean Nlastp = !lastp; ProcessBounds(alig,slin,Quad1,Quad2,Nfirstp,ptf,first, Nlastp,ptl,last,Multpoint,Tol); slin.Append(alig); } } } } break; default: { return Standard_False; } } return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : IntSpSp //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean IntSpSp(const IntSurf_Quadric& Quad1, const IntSurf_Quadric& Quad2, const Standard_Real Tol, Standard_Boolean& Empty, Standard_Boolean& Same, IntPatch_SequenceOfLine& slin, IntPatch_SequenceOfPoint& spnt) // Traitement du cas Sphere/Sphere { IntSurf_TypeTrans trans1,trans2; IntAna_ResultType typint; gp_Sphere sph1(Quad1.Sphere()); gp_Sphere sph2(Quad2.Sphere()); IntAna_QuadQuadGeo inter(sph1,sph2,Tol); if (!inter.IsDone()) {return Standard_False;} typint = inter.TypeInter(); Empty = Standard_False; Same = Standard_False; switch (typint) { case IntAna_Empty : { Empty = Standard_True; } break; case IntAna_Same: { Same = Standard_True; } break; case IntAna_Point: { gp_Pnt psol(inter.Point(1)); Standard_Real U1,V1,U2,V2; Quad1.Parameters(psol,U1,V1); Quad2.Parameters(psol,U2,V2); IntPatch_Point ptsol; ptsol.SetValue(psol,Tol,Standard_True); ptsol.SetParameters(U1,V1,U2,V2); spnt.Append(ptsol); } break; case IntAna_Circle: { gp_Circ cirsol = inter.Circle(1); gp_Pnt ptref; gp_Vec Tgt; ElCLib::D1(0.,cirsol,ptref,Tgt); Standard_Real qwe=Tgt.DotCross(Quad2.Normale(ptref),Quad1.Normale(ptref)); if(qwe>0.00000001) { trans1 = IntSurf_Out; trans2 = IntSurf_In; } else if(qwe<-0.00000001) { trans1 = IntSurf_In; trans2 = IntSurf_Out; } else { trans1=trans2=IntSurf_Undecided; } Handle(IntPatch_GLine) glig = new IntPatch_GLine(cirsol,Standard_False,trans1,trans2); slin.Append(glig); } break; default: { return Standard_False; // on ne doit pas passer ici } } return Standard_True; }