false <_summary>Whether the migration of old setting was already done '' <_summary>An absolute path where the gpg (or gpg2) binary is <_description>An example is “/usr/bin/gpg”; when it is left empty, or an incorrect value is set, then it will be searched for. Change requires restart of the application. true <_summary>Whether to load photos of signers/encrypters <_description>When set to “true”, tries to load also photo of the signers/encrypters, if available in the key/certificate. '' <_summary>Override SMTP HELO/EHLO argument <_description>When not empty, it's used as the SMTP HELO/EHLO argument, instead of the local host name/IP. [] <_summary>Array of user header names <_description>These headers can be stored in the folder summary, eventually being visible in the GUI. The value can contain a pipe character ('|'), which delimits the display name from the header name. Example: 'Span Score|X-Spam-Score' '' <_summary>GIO name of the GNetworkMonitor to use for an ENetworkMonitor instance <_description>When set to an unknown value, then the default GNetworkMonitor is used in the background. A special value “always-online” is used for no network monitoring. '' <_summary>A full path to a directory where .source files with preconfigured options can be stored <_description>This directory, if filled with an existing path, is checked additionally to XDG configure directories. [''] <_summary>A list of variables which can be part of the autoconfig .source files <_description>Each item of the array is expected to be of the form: name=value. These variables are checked before environment variables, but after the predefined USER, REALNAME and HOST variables. [''] <_summary>A list of hints for OAuth2 services <_description>Users can extend the list of supported protocols and hostnames for defined OAuth2 services, in addition to those hard-coded. Each line can be of the form: servicename[-protocol]:hostname1,hostname2,... where “servicename” is the actual service name; the “-protocol” is optional, and if written, then the service can be used only if both “protocol” and “hostnameX” match; the “hostnameX” is the actual host name to compare with, case insensitively. Each line can contain multiple values, separated by comma. There can be provided multiple lines for one OAuth2 service. Note that the actual URL where the token is requested and refreshed cannot be changed here, the hostname is to allow other servers, where the OAuth2 service can be used. Examples: Company:mail.company.com — enables “Company” OAuth2 authentication for “mail.company.com” host Company-CalDAV:caldav.company.com — enables “Company” OAuth2 authentication for any “CalDAV” source, which reads data from “caldav.company.com” host '' <_summary>An OAuth2 client ID to use to connect to Google servers, instead of the one provided during build time <_description>User-specified OAuth2 client ID for Google servers. Empty string means to use the one provided during build time. Change of this requires restart. '' <_summary>An OAuth2 client secret to use to connect to Google servers, instead of the one provided during build time <_description>User-specified OAuth2 client secret for Google servers. Empty string means to use the one provided during build time. Change of this requires restart. '' <_summary>An OAuth2 client ID to use to connect to Outlook servers, instead of the one provided during build time <_description>User-specified OAuth2 client ID for Outlook servers. Empty string means to use the one provided during build time. Change of this requires restart. '' <_summary>An OAuth2 client secret to use to connect to Outlook servers, instead of the one provided during build time <_description>User-specified OAuth2 client secret for Outlook servers. Empty string means to use the one provided during build time. Change of this requires restart. '' <_summary>An OAuth2 client ID to use to connect to Yahoo! servers, instead of the one provided during build time <_description>User-specified OAuth2 client ID for Yahoo! servers. Empty string means to use the one provided during build time. Change of this requires restart. '' <_summary>An OAuth2 client secret to use to connect to Yahoo! servers, instead of the one provided during build time <_description>User-specified OAuth2 client secret for Yahoo! servers. Empty string means to use the one provided during build time. Change of this requires restart.