/*********************************************************************** * * MODULE: r.resamp.bspline * * AUTHOR(S): Roberto Antolin (v.surf.bspline) * Markus Metz (adapted for r.resamp.bspline) * * PURPOSE: Spline Interpolation and cross correlation * * COPYRIGHT: (C) 2006 by Politecnico di Milano - * Polo Regionale di Como * * This program is free software under the * GNU General Public License (>=v2). * Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS * for details. * **************************************************************************/ /*INCLUDES*/ #include #include #include #include #include "bspline.h" #define NDATA_MAX 100 #define PARAM_LAMBDA 6 #define PARAM_SPLINE 0 #define SWAP(a, b) {double t=a; a=b; b=t;} /* internal functions */ double calc_mean(double *values, int nvalues) { int i; double sum = .0; if (nvalues == 0) return .0; for (i = 0; i < nvalues; i++) sum += values[i]; return sum / nvalues; } double calc_root_mean_square(double *values, int nvalues) { int i; double rms, sum = .0; if (nvalues == 0) return .0; for (i = 0; i < nvalues; i++) sum += pow(values[i], 2) / nvalues; rms = sqrt(sum); return rms; } double calc_standard_deviation(double *values, int nvalues) { double mean, rms, stdev; if (nvalues == 0) return .0; rms = calc_root_mean_square(values, nvalues); mean = calc_mean(values, nvalues); stdev = sqrt(pow(rms, 2) - pow(mean, 2)); return stdev; } struct Stats alloc_Stats(int n) { double *err, *stm; struct Stats stat; stat.n_points = n; err = (double *)G_calloc(n, sizeof(double)); stm = (double *)G_calloc(n, sizeof(double)); stat.error = err; stat.estima = stm; return stat; } double find_minimum(double *values, int *l_min) { int l; double min; min = values[0]; for (l = 0; l < PARAM_LAMBDA; l++) { if (min > values[l]) { min = values[l]; *l_min = l; } } return min; } struct Point *swap(struct Point *point, int a, int b) { SWAP(point[a].coordX, point[b].coordX); /* Once the last value is let out, it is swap with j-value */ SWAP(point[a].coordY, point[b].coordY); SWAP(point[a].coordZ, point[b].coordZ); SWAP(point[a].cat, point[b].cat); return point; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int cross_correlation(SEGMENT *in_seg, struct Cell_head *src_reg, double passWE, double passNS) /* matrix: matrix with raster values passWE: spline step in West-East direction passNS: spline step in North-South direction RETURN: TRUE on success FALSE on failure */ { int bilin = TRUE; /*booleans */ int nsplx, nsply, nparam_spl, ndata; double *mean, *rms, *stdev; #ifdef nodef double rms_min, stdev_min; int lbd_min; /* lbd_min: index where minimun lambda index is found */ #endif /* double lambda[PARAM_LAMBDA] = { 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 10.0 }; */ /* Fixed values (by the moment) */ double lambda[PARAM_LAMBDA] = { 0.0001, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05 }; /* Fixed values (by the moment) */ double *TN, *Q, *parVect; /* Interpolation and least-square vectors */ double **N, **obsVect; /* Interpolation and least-square matrix */ struct Point *observ; struct Stats stat_vect; struct Cell_head region; G_get_window(®ion); G_debug(5, "CrossCorrelation: Some tests using different lambda_i values will be done"); ndata = region.rows * region.cols; if (ndata > NDATA_MAX) G_warning(_("%d are too many cells, recommended are < 100 cells. " "The cross validation would take too much time."), ndata); /*points = Vect_new_line_struct (); */ /*Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct (); */ /* Current region is read and points recorded into observ */ observ = P_Read_Raster_Region_Map(in_seg, ®ion, src_reg, &ndata, 1024); G_debug(5, "CrossCorrelation: %d points read in region. ", ndata); G_verbose_message(n_("%d point read in region", "%d points read in region", ndata), ndata); if (ndata > 50) G_warning(_("Maybe it takes too long. " "Consider reducing the region extents.")); else G_debug(5, "CrossCorrelation: It shouldn't take too long."); if (ndata > 0) { /* If at least one point is in the region */ int i, j, lbd; /* lbd: lambda index */ int BW; double mean_reg, *obs_mean; int verbosity; mean = G_alloc_vector(PARAM_LAMBDA); /* Alloc as much mean, rms and stdev values as the total */ rms = G_alloc_vector(PARAM_LAMBDA); /* number of parameter used used for cross validation */ stdev = G_alloc_vector(PARAM_LAMBDA); verbosity = G_verbose(); /* store for later reset */ /* Setting number of splines as a function of WE and SN spline steps */ nsplx = ceil((region.east - region.west) / passWE); nsply = ceil((region.north - region.south) / passNS); nparam_spl = nsplx * nsply; /* Total number of splines */ if (nparam_spl > 22900) G_fatal_error(_("Too many splines (%d x %d). " "Consider changing spline steps \"ew_step=\" \"ns_step=\"."), nsplx, nsply); BW = P_get_BandWidth(bilin, nsply); /**/ /*Least Squares system */ N = G_alloc_matrix(nparam_spl, BW); /* Normal matrix */ TN = G_alloc_vector(nparam_spl); /* vector */ parVect = G_alloc_vector(nparam_spl); /* Parameters vector */ obsVect = G_alloc_matrix(ndata, 3); /* Observation vector */ Q = G_alloc_vector(ndata); /* "a priori" var-cov matrix */ obs_mean = G_alloc_vector(ndata); stat_vect = alloc_Stats(ndata); for (lbd = 0; lbd < PARAM_LAMBDA; lbd++) { /* For each lambda value */ G_message(_("Beginning cross validation with " "lambda_i=%.4f ... (%d of %d)"), lambda[lbd], lbd+1, PARAM_LAMBDA); /* How the cross correlation algorithm is done: For each cycle, only the first ndata-1 "observ" elements are considered for the interpolation. Within every interpolation mean is calculated to lowering border errors. The point left out will be used for an estimation. The error between the estimation and the observation is recorded for further statistics. At the end of the cycle, the last point, that is, the ndata-1 index, and the point with j index are swapped. */ for (j = 0; j < ndata; j++) { /* Cross Correlation will use all ndata points */ double out_x, out_y, out_z; /* This point is left out */ for (i = 0; i < ndata; i++) { /* Each time, only the first ndata-1 points */ /* Setting obsVect vector & Q matrix */ Q[i] = 1; /* Q=I */ obsVect[i][0] = observ[i].coordX; obsVect[i][1] = observ[i].coordY; obsVect[i][2] = observ[i].coordZ; obs_mean[i] = observ[i].coordZ; } /* i index */ /* Mean calculation for every point less the last one */ mean_reg = calc_mean(obs_mean, ndata - 1); for (i = 0; i < ndata; i++) obsVect[i][2] -= mean_reg; /* This is left out */ out_x = observ[ndata - 1].coordX; out_y = observ[ndata - 1].coordY; out_z = obsVect[ndata - 1][2]; if (bilin) { /* Bilinear interpolation */ normalDefBilin(N, TN, Q, obsVect, passWE, passNS, nsplx, nsply, region.west, region.south, ndata - 1, nparam_spl, BW); nCorrectGrad(N, lambda[lbd], nsplx, nsply, passWE, passNS); } else { /* Bicubic interpolation */ normalDefBicubic(N, TN, Q, obsVect, passWE, passNS, nsplx, nsply, region.west, region.south, ndata - 1, nparam_spl, BW); nCorrectGrad(N, lambda[lbd], nsplx, nsply, passWE, passNS); } /* if (bilin) interpolation (&interp, P_BILINEAR); else interpolation (&interp, P_BICUBIC); */ G_set_verbose(G_verbose_min()); G_math_solver_cholesky_sband(N, parVect, TN, nparam_spl, BW); G_set_verbose(verbosity); /* Estimation of j-point */ if (bilin) stat_vect.estima[j] = dataInterpolateBilin(out_x, out_y, passWE, passNS, nsplx, nsply, region.west, region.south, parVect); else stat_vect.estima[j] = dataInterpolateBilin(out_x, out_y, passWE, passNS, nsplx, nsply, region.west, region.south, parVect); /* Difference between estimated and observated i-point */ stat_vect.error[j] = out_z - stat_vect.estima[j]; G_debug(1, "CrossCorrelation: stat_vect.error[%d] = %lf", j, stat_vect.error[j]); /* Once the last value is left out, it is swapped with j-value */ observ = swap(observ, j, ndata - 1); G_percent(j, ndata, 2); } mean[lbd] = calc_mean(stat_vect.error, stat_vect.n_points); rms[lbd] = calc_root_mean_square(stat_vect.error, stat_vect.n_points); stdev[lbd] = calc_standard_deviation(stat_vect.error, stat_vect.n_points); G_message(_("Mean = %.5lf"), mean[lbd]); G_message(_("Root Mean Square (RMS) = %.5lf"), rms[lbd]); G_message("---"); } /* ENDFOR each lambda value */ G_free_matrix(N); G_free_vector(TN); G_free_vector(Q); G_free_matrix(obsVect); G_free_vector(parVect); #ifdef nodef /*TODO: if the minimum lambda is wanted, the function declaration must be changed */ /* At this moment, consider rms only */ rms_min = find_minimum(rms, &lbd_min); stdev_min = find_minimum(stdev, &lbd_min); /* Writing some output */ G_message(_("Different number of splines and lambda_i values have " "been taken for the cross correlation")); G_message(_("The minimum value for the test (rms=%lf) was " "obtained with: lambda_i = %.3f"), rms_min, lambda[lbd_min]); *lambda_min = lambda[lbd_min]; #endif G_message(_("Table of results:")); fprintf(stdout, _(" lambda | mean | rms |\n")); for (lbd = 0; lbd < PARAM_LAMBDA; lbd++) { fprintf(stdout, " %9.5f | %10.4f | %10.4f |\n", lambda[lbd], mean[lbd], rms[lbd]); } G_free_vector(mean); G_free_vector(rms); } /* ENDIF (ndata > 0) */ else G_warning(_("No point lies into the current region")); G_free(observ); return TRUE; } #ifdef nodef void interpolation(struct ParamInterp *interp, boolean bilin) { if (bilin == P_BILINEAR) { /* Bilinear interpolation */ normalDefBilin(interp->N, interp->TN, interp->Q, interp->obsVect, interp->stepE, interp->stepN, interp->nsplx, interp->nsply, interp->region.west, interp->region.south, interp->ndata, interp->nparam_spl, interp->BW); nCorrectGrad(interp->N, interp->lambda[lbd], interp->nsplx, interp->nsply, interp->stepE, interp->stepN); } else { /* Bicubic interpolation */ normalDefBicubic(interp->N, interp->TN, interp->Q, interp->obsVect, interp->stepE, interp->stepN, interp->nsplx, interp->nsply, interp->region.west, interp->region.south, interp->ndata, interp->nparam_spl, interp->BW); nCorrectGrad(interp->N, interp->lambda[lbd], interp->nsplx, interp->nsply, interp->stepE, interp->stepN); } return TRUE; } #endif