/* Copyright (c) 2003, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is also distributed with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* Some useful string utility functions used by the MySQL server */ #include "sql_priv.h" #include "unireg.h" #include "strfunc.h" #include "sql_class.h" #include "typelib.h" // TYPELIB #include "m_ctype.h" // my_charset_latin1 #include "mysqld.h" // system_charset_info /* Return bitmap for strings used in a set SYNOPSIS find_set() lib Strings in set str Strings of set-strings separated by ',' err_pos If error, set to point to start of wrong set string err_len If error, set to the length of wrong set string set_warning Set to 1 if some string in set couldn't be used NOTE We delete all end space from str before comparison RETURN bitmap of all sets found in x. set_warning is set to 1 if there was any sets that couldn't be set */ static const char field_separator=','; ulonglong find_set(TYPELIB *lib, const char *str, uint length, const CHARSET_INFO *cs, char **err_pos, uint *err_len, bool *set_warning) { const CHARSET_INFO *strip= cs ? cs : &my_charset_latin1; const char *end= str + strip->cset->lengthsp(strip, str, length); ulonglong found= 0; *err_pos= 0; // No error yet *err_len= 0; if (str != end) { const char *start= str; for (;;) { const char *pos= start; uint var_len; int mblen= 1; if (cs && cs->mbminlen > 1) { for ( ; pos < end; pos+= mblen) { my_wc_t wc; if ((mblen= cs->cset->mb_wc(cs, &wc, (const uchar *) pos, (const uchar *) end)) < 1) mblen= 1; // Not to hang on a wrong multibyte sequence if (wc == (my_wc_t) field_separator) break; } } else for (; pos != end && *pos != field_separator; pos++) ; var_len= (uint) (pos - start); uint find= cs ? find_type2(lib, start, var_len, cs) : find_type(lib, start, var_len, (bool) 0); if (!find && *err_len == 0) // report the first error with length > 0 { *err_pos= (char*) start; *err_len= var_len; *set_warning= 1; } else found|= 1ULL << (find - 1); if (pos >= end) break; start= pos + mblen; } } return found; } /* Function to find a string in a TYPELIB (similar to find_type() of mysys/typelib.c) SYNOPSIS find_type() lib TYPELIB (struct of pointer to values + count) find String to find length Length of string to find part_match Allow part matching of value RETURN 0 error > 0 position in TYPELIB->type_names +1 */ uint find_type(const TYPELIB *lib, const char *find, uint length, bool part_match) { uint found_count=0, found_pos=0; const char *end= find+length; const char *i; const char *j; for (uint pos=0 ; (j=lib->type_names[pos++]) ; ) { for (i=find ; i != end && my_toupper(system_charset_info,*i) == my_toupper(system_charset_info,*j) ; i++, j++) ; if (i == end) { if (! *j) return(pos); found_count++; found_pos= pos; } } return(found_count == 1 && part_match ? found_pos : 0); } /* Find a string in a list of strings according to collation SYNOPSIS find_type2() lib TYPELIB (struct of pointer to values + count) x String to find length String length cs Character set + collation to use for comparison NOTES RETURN 0 No matching value >0 Offset+1 in typelib for matched string */ uint find_type2(const TYPELIB *typelib, const char *x, uint length, const CHARSET_INFO *cs) { int pos; const char *j; DBUG_ENTER("find_type2"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("x: '%.*s' lib: 0x%lx", length, x, (long) typelib)); if (!typelib->count) { DBUG_PRINT("exit",("no count")); DBUG_RETURN(0); } for (pos=0 ; (j=typelib->type_names[pos]) ; pos++) { if (!my_strnncoll(cs, (const uchar*) x, length, (const uchar*) j, typelib->type_lengths[pos])) DBUG_RETURN(pos+1); } DBUG_PRINT("exit",("Couldn't find type")); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* find_type */ /* Un-hex all elements in a typelib SYNOPSIS unhex_type2() interval TYPELIB (struct of pointer to values + lengths + count) NOTES RETURN N/A */ void unhex_type2(TYPELIB *interval) { for (uint pos= 0; pos < interval->count; pos++) { char *from, *to; for (from= to= (char*) interval->type_names[pos]; *from; ) { /* Note, hexchar_to_int(*from++) doesn't work one some compilers, e.g. IRIX. Looks like a compiler bug in inline functions in combination with arguments that have a side effect. So, let's use from[0] and from[1] and increment 'from' by two later. */ *to++= (char) (hexchar_to_int(from[0]) << 4) + hexchar_to_int(from[1]); from+= 2; } interval->type_lengths[pos] /= 2; } } /* Check if the first word in a string is one of the ones in TYPELIB SYNOPSIS check_word() lib TYPELIB val String to check end End of input end_of_word Store value of last used byte here if we found word RETURN 0 No matching value > 1 lib->type_names[#-1] matched end_of_word will point to separator character/end in 'val' */ uint check_word(TYPELIB *lib, const char *val, const char *end, const char **end_of_word) { int res; const char *ptr; /* Fiend end of word */ for (ptr= val ; ptr < end && my_isalpha(&my_charset_latin1, *ptr) ; ptr++) ; if ((res=find_type(lib, val, (uint) (ptr - val), 1)) > 0) *end_of_word= ptr; return res; } /* Converts a string between character sets SYNOPSIS strconvert() from_cs source character set from source, a null terminated string to destination buffer to_length destination buffer length NOTES 'to' is always terminated with a '\0' character. If there is no enough space to convert whole string, only prefix is converted, and terminated with '\0'. RETURN VALUES result string length */ uint strconvert(CHARSET_INFO *from_cs, const char *from, CHARSET_INFO *to_cs, char *to, uint to_length, uint *errors) { int cnvres; my_wc_t wc; char *to_start= to; uchar *to_end= (uchar*) to + to_length - 1; my_charset_conv_mb_wc mb_wc= from_cs->cset->mb_wc; my_charset_conv_wc_mb wc_mb= to_cs->cset->wc_mb; uint error_count= 0; while (1) { /* Using 'from + 10' is safe: - it is enough to scan a single character in any character set. - if remaining string is shorter than 10, then mb_wc will return with error because of unexpected '\0' character. */ if ((cnvres= (*mb_wc)(from_cs, &wc, (uchar*) from, (uchar*) from + 10)) > 0) { if (!wc) break; from+= cnvres; } else if (cnvres == MY_CS_ILSEQ) { error_count++; from++; wc= '?'; } else break; // Impossible char. outp: if ((cnvres= (*wc_mb)(to_cs, wc, (uchar*) to, to_end)) > 0) to+= cnvres; else if (cnvres == MY_CS_ILUNI && wc != '?') { error_count++; wc= '?'; goto outp; } else break; } *to= '\0'; *errors= error_count; return (uint32) (to - to_start); } /* Searches for a LEX_STRING in an LEX_STRING array. SYNOPSIS find_string_in_array() heap The array needle The string to search for NOTE The last LEX_STRING in the array should have str member set to NULL RETURN VALUES -1 Not found >=0 Ordinal position */ int find_string_in_array(LEX_STRING * const haystack, LEX_STRING * const needle, CHARSET_INFO * const cs) { const LEX_STRING *pos; for (pos= haystack; pos->str; pos++) if (!cs->coll->strnncollsp(cs, (uchar *) pos->str, pos->length, (uchar *) needle->str, needle->length, 0)) { return (pos - haystack); } return -1; } char *set_to_string(THD *thd, LEX_STRING *result, ulonglong set, const char *lib[]) { char buff[STRING_BUFFER_USUAL_SIZE*8]; String tmp(buff, sizeof(buff), &my_charset_latin1); LEX_STRING unused; if (!result) result= &unused; tmp.length(0); for (uint i= 0; set; i++, set >>= 1) if (set & 1) { tmp.append(lib[i]); tmp.append(','); } if (tmp.length()) { result->str= thd->strmake(tmp.ptr(), tmp.length()-1); result->length= tmp.length()-1; } else { result->str= const_cast(""); result->length= 0; } return result->str; } char *flagset_to_string(THD *thd, LEX_STRING *result, ulonglong set, const char *lib[]) { char buff[STRING_BUFFER_USUAL_SIZE*8]; String tmp(buff, sizeof(buff), &my_charset_latin1); LEX_STRING unused; if (!result) result= &unused; tmp.length(0); // note that the last element is always "default", and it's ignored below for (uint i= 0; lib[i+1]; i++, set >>= 1) { tmp.append(lib[i]); tmp.append(set & 1 ? "=on," : "=off,"); } result->str= thd->strmake(tmp.ptr(), tmp.length()-1); result->length= tmp.length()-1; return result->str; }