/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is also distributed with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** @file @brief Sorts a database */ #include "sql_priv.h" #include "filesort.h" #include "unireg.h" // REQUIRED by other includes #ifdef HAVE_STDDEF_H #include /* for macro offsetof */ #endif #include #include "sql_sort.h" #include "probes_mysql.h" #include "opt_range.h" // SQL_SELECT #include "bounded_queue.h" #include "filesort_utils.h" #include "sql_select.h" #include "debug_sync.h" #include "opt_trace.h" #include "sql_optimizer.h" // JOIN #include "sql_base.h" #include #include using std::max; using std::min; /* functions defined in this file */ static uchar *read_buffpek_from_file(IO_CACHE *buffer_file, uint count, uchar *buf); static ha_rows find_all_keys(Sort_param *param,SQL_SELECT *select, Filesort_info *fs_info, IO_CACHE *buffer_file, IO_CACHE *tempfile, Bounded_queue *pq, ha_rows *found_rows); static int write_keys(Sort_param *param, Filesort_info *fs_info, uint count, IO_CACHE *buffer_file, IO_CACHE *tempfile); static void register_used_fields(Sort_param *param); static int merge_index(Sort_param *param,uchar *sort_buffer, BUFFPEK *buffpek, uint maxbuffer,IO_CACHE *tempfile, IO_CACHE *outfile); static bool save_index(Sort_param *param, uint count, Filesort_info *table_sort); static uint suffix_length(ulong string_length); static SORT_ADDON_FIELD *get_addon_fields(ulong max_length_for_sort_data, TABLE *const table, Field **ptabfield, uint sortlength, uint *plength); static void unpack_addon_fields(struct st_sort_addon_field *addon_field, uchar *buff); static bool check_if_pq_applicable(Opt_trace_context *trace, Sort_param *param, Filesort_info *info, TABLE *table, ha_rows records, ulong memory_available); void Sort_param::init_for_filesort(uint sortlen, TABLE *table, ulong max_length_for_sort_data, ha_rows maxrows, bool sort_positions) { sort_length= sortlen; ref_length= table->file->ref_length; if (!(table->file->ha_table_flags() & HA_FAST_KEY_READ) && !table->fulltext_searched && !sort_positions) { /* Get the descriptors of all fields whose values are appended to sorted fields and get its total length in addon_length. */ addon_field= get_addon_fields(max_length_for_sort_data, table, table->field, sort_length, &addon_length); } if (addon_field) res_length= addon_length; else { res_length= ref_length; /* The reference to the record is considered as an additional sorted field */ sort_length+= ref_length; } rec_length= sort_length + addon_length; max_rows= maxrows; } static void trace_filesort_information(Opt_trace_context *trace, const SORT_FIELD *sortorder, uint s_length) { if (!trace->is_started()) return; Opt_trace_array trace_filesort(trace, "filesort_information"); for (; s_length-- ; sortorder++) { Opt_trace_object oto(trace); oto.add_alnum("direction", sortorder->reverse ? "desc" : "asc"); if (sortorder->field) { if (strlen(sortorder->field->table->alias) != 0) oto.add_utf8_table(sortorder->field->table); else oto.add_alnum("table", "intermediate_tmp_table"); oto.add_alnum("field", sortorder->field->field_name ? sortorder->field->field_name : "tmp_table_column"); } else oto.add("expression", sortorder->item); } } /** Sort a table. Creates a set of pointers that can be used to read the rows in sorted order. This should be done with the functions in records.cc. Before calling filesort, one must have done table->file->info(HA_STATUS_VARIABLE) The result set is stored in table->io_cache or table->record_pointers. @param thd Current thread @param table Table to sort @param filesort How to sort the table @param sort_positions Set to TRUE if we want to force sorting by position (Needed by UPDATE/INSERT or ALTER TABLE or when rowids are required by executor) @param[out] examined_rows Store number of examined rows here This is the number of found rows before applying WHERE condition. @param[out] found_rows Store the number of found rows here. This is the number of found rows after applying WHERE condition. @note If we sort by position (like if sort_positions is 1) filesort() will call table->prepare_for_position(). @retval HA_POS_ERROR Error @retval \# Number of rows in the result, could be less than found_rows if LIMIT were provided. */ ha_rows filesort(THD *thd, TABLE *table, Filesort *filesort, bool sort_positions, ha_rows *examined_rows, ha_rows *found_rows) { int error; ulong memory_available= thd->variables.sortbuff_size; uint maxbuffer; BUFFPEK *buffpek; ha_rows num_rows= HA_POS_ERROR; IO_CACHE tempfile, buffpek_pointers, *outfile; Sort_param param; bool multi_byte_charset; Bounded_queue pq; Opt_trace_context * const trace= &thd->opt_trace; SQL_SELECT *const select= filesort->select; ha_rows max_rows= filesort->limit; uint s_length= 0; DBUG_ENTER("filesort"); if (!(s_length= filesort->make_sortorder())) DBUG_RETURN(HA_POS_ERROR); /* purecov: inspected */ /* We need a nameless wrapper, since we may be inside the "steps" of "join_execution". */ Opt_trace_object trace_wrapper(trace); trace_filesort_information(trace, filesort->sortorder, s_length); #ifdef SKIP_DBUG_IN_FILESORT DBUG_PUSH(""); /* No DBUG here */ #endif Item_subselect *subselect= table->reginfo.join_tab ? table->reginfo.join_tab->join->select_lex->master_unit()->item : NULL; MYSQL_FILESORT_START(table->s->db.str, table->s->table_name.str); DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "filesort_start"); /* Release InnoDB's adaptive hash index latch (if holding) before running a sort. */ ha_release_temporary_latches(thd); /* Don't use table->sort in filesort as it is also used by QUICK_INDEX_MERGE_SELECT. Work with a copy and put it back at the end when index_merge select has finished with it. */ Filesort_info table_sort= table->sort; table->sort.io_cache= NULL; DBUG_ASSERT(table_sort.record_pointers == NULL); outfile= table_sort.io_cache; my_b_clear(&tempfile); my_b_clear(&buffpek_pointers); buffpek=0; error= 1; param.init_for_filesort(sortlength(thd, filesort->sortorder, s_length, &multi_byte_charset), table, thd->variables.max_length_for_sort_data, max_rows, sort_positions); table_sort.addon_buf= 0; table_sort.addon_length= param.addon_length; table_sort.addon_field= param.addon_field; table_sort.unpack= unpack_addon_fields; if (param.addon_field && !(table_sort.addon_buf= (uchar *) my_malloc(param.addon_length, MYF(MY_WME)))) goto err; if (select && select->quick) thd->inc_status_sort_range(); else thd->inc_status_sort_scan(); thd->query_plan_flags|= QPLAN_FILESORT; // If number of rows is not known, use as much of sort buffer as possible. num_rows= table->file->estimate_rows_upper_bound(); if (multi_byte_charset && !(param.tmp_buffer= (char*) my_malloc(param.sort_length,MYF(MY_WME)))) goto err; if (check_if_pq_applicable(trace, ¶m, &table_sort, table, num_rows, memory_available)) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("filesort PQ is applicable")); const size_t compare_length= param.sort_length; if (pq.init(param.max_rows, true, // max_at_top NULL, // compare_function compare_length, &make_sortkey, ¶m, table_sort.get_sort_keys())) { /* If we fail to init pq, we have to give up: out of memory means my_malloc() will call my_error(). */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("failed to allocate PQ")); table_sort.free_sort_buffer(); DBUG_ASSERT(thd->is_error()); goto err; } // For PQ queries (with limit) we initialize all pointers. table_sort.init_record_pointers(); filesort->using_pq= true; } else { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("filesort PQ is not applicable")); /* We need space for at least one record from each merge chunk, i.e. param->max_keys_per_buffer >= MERGEBUFF2 See merge_buffers()), memory_available must be large enough for param->max_keys_per_buffer * (record + record pointer) bytes (the main sort buffer, see alloc_sort_buffer()). Hence this minimum: */ const ulong min_sort_memory= max(MIN_SORT_MEMORY, ALIGN_SIZE(MERGEBUFF2 * (param.rec_length + sizeof(uchar*)))); /* Cannot depend on num_rows. For external sort, space for upto MERGEBUFF2 rows is required. */ if (num_rows < MERGEBUFF2) num_rows= MERGEBUFF2; while (memory_available >= min_sort_memory) { ha_rows keys= memory_available / (param.rec_length + sizeof(char*)); param.max_keys_per_buffer= (uint) min(num_rows, keys); table_sort.alloc_sort_buffer(param.max_keys_per_buffer, param.rec_length); if (table_sort.sort_buffer_size() > 0 && table_sort.get_sort_keys()) break; ulong old_memory_available= memory_available; memory_available= memory_available/4*3; if (memory_available < min_sort_memory && old_memory_available > min_sort_memory) memory_available= min_sort_memory; } if (memory_available < min_sort_memory) { my_error(ER_OUT_OF_SORTMEMORY,MYF(ME_ERROR + ME_FATALERROR)); goto err; } } if (open_cached_file(&buffpek_pointers,mysql_tmpdir,TEMP_PREFIX, DISK_BUFFER_SIZE, MYF(MY_WME))) goto err; param.sort_form= table; param.end= (param.local_sortorder= filesort->sortorder) + s_length; // New scope, because subquery execution must be traced within an array. { Opt_trace_array ota(trace, "filesort_execution"); num_rows= find_all_keys(¶m, select, &table_sort, &buffpek_pointers, &tempfile, pq.is_initialized() ? &pq : NULL, found_rows); if (num_rows == HA_POS_ERROR) goto err; } maxbuffer= (uint) (my_b_tell(&buffpek_pointers)/sizeof(*buffpek)); Opt_trace_object(trace, "filesort_summary") .add("rows", num_rows) .add("examined_rows", param.examined_rows) .add("number_of_tmp_files", maxbuffer) .add("sort_buffer_size", table_sort.sort_buffer_size()) .add_alnum("sort_mode", param.addon_field ? "" : ""); if (maxbuffer == 0) // The whole set is in memory { if (save_index(¶m, (uint) num_rows, &table_sort)) goto err; } else { thd->query_plan_flags|= QPLAN_FILESORT_DISK; if (table_sort.buffpek && table_sort.buffpek_len < maxbuffer) { my_free(table_sort.buffpek); table_sort.buffpek= 0; } if (!(table_sort.buffpek= (uchar *) read_buffpek_from_file(&buffpek_pointers, maxbuffer, table_sort.buffpek))) goto err; buffpek= (BUFFPEK *) table_sort.buffpek; table_sort.buffpek_len= maxbuffer; close_cached_file(&buffpek_pointers); /* Open cached file if it isn't open */ if (! my_b_inited(outfile) && open_cached_file(outfile,mysql_tmpdir,TEMP_PREFIX,READ_RECORD_BUFFER, MYF(MY_WME))) goto err; if (reinit_io_cache(outfile,WRITE_CACHE,0L,0,0)) goto err; /* Use also the space previously used by string pointers in sort_buffer for temporary key storage. */ param.max_keys_per_buffer= table_sort.sort_buffer_size() / param.rec_length; maxbuffer--; // Offset from 0 if (merge_many_buff(¶m, (uchar*) table_sort.get_sort_keys(), buffpek,&maxbuffer, &tempfile)) goto err; if (flush_io_cache(&tempfile) || reinit_io_cache(&tempfile,READ_CACHE,0L,0,0)) goto err; if (merge_index(¶m, (uchar*) table_sort.get_sort_keys(), buffpek, maxbuffer, &tempfile, outfile)) goto err; } if (num_rows > param.max_rows) { // If find_all_keys() produced more results than the query LIMIT. num_rows= param.max_rows; } error= 0; err: my_free(param.tmp_buffer); if (!subselect || !subselect->is_uncacheable()) { table_sort.free_sort_buffer(); my_free(buffpek); table_sort.buffpek= 0; table_sort.buffpek_len= 0; } close_cached_file(&tempfile); close_cached_file(&buffpek_pointers); /* free resources allocated for QUICK_INDEX_MERGE_SELECT */ free_io_cache(table); if (my_b_inited(outfile)) { if (flush_io_cache(outfile)) error=1; { my_off_t save_pos=outfile->pos_in_file; /* For following reads */ if (reinit_io_cache(outfile,READ_CACHE,0L,0,0)) error=1; outfile->end_of_file=save_pos; } } if (error) { int kill_errno= thd->killed_errno(); DBUG_ASSERT(thd->is_error() || kill_errno); my_printf_error(ER_FILSORT_ABORT, "%s: %s", MYF(ME_ERROR + ME_WAITTANG), ER_THD(thd, ER_FILSORT_ABORT), kill_errno ? ((kill_errno == THD::KILL_CONNECTION && !shutdown_in_progress) ? ER(THD::KILL_QUERY) : ER(kill_errno)) : thd->get_stmt_da()->message()); if (log_warnings > 1) { sql_print_warning("%s, host: %s, user: %s, thread: %lu, query: %-.4096s", ER_THD(thd, ER_FILSORT_ABORT), thd->security_ctx->host_or_ip, &thd->security_ctx->priv_user[0], (ulong) thd->thread_id, thd->query()); } } else thd->inc_status_sort_rows(num_rows); *examined_rows= param.examined_rows; #ifdef SKIP_DBUG_IN_FILESORT DBUG_POP(); /* Ok to DBUG */ #endif // Assign the copy back! table->sort= table_sort; DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("num_rows: %ld examined_rows: %ld found_rows: %ld", (long) num_rows, (long) *examined_rows, (long) *found_rows)); MYSQL_FILESORT_DONE(error, num_rows); DBUG_RETURN(error ? HA_POS_ERROR : num_rows); } /* filesort */ void filesort_free_buffers(TABLE *table, bool full) { DBUG_ENTER("filesort_free_buffers"); my_free(table->sort.record_pointers); table->sort.record_pointers= NULL; if (full) { table->sort.free_sort_buffer(); my_free(table->sort.buffpek); table->sort.buffpek= NULL; table->sort.buffpek_len= 0; } my_free(table->sort.addon_buf); my_free(table->sort.addon_field); table->sort.addon_buf= NULL; table->sort.addon_field= NULL; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void Filesort::cleanup() { if (select && own_select) { select->cleanup(); select= NULL; } } uint Filesort::make_sortorder() { uint count; SORT_FIELD *sort,*pos; ORDER *ord; DBUG_ENTER("make_sortorder"); count=0; for (ord = order; ord; ord= ord->next) count++; if (!sortorder) sortorder= (SORT_FIELD*) sql_alloc(sizeof(SORT_FIELD) * (count + 1)); pos= sort= sortorder; if (!pos) DBUG_RETURN(0); for (ord= order; ord; ord= ord->next, pos++) { Item *const item= ord->item[0], *const real_item= item->real_item(); pos->field= 0; pos->item= 0; if (real_item->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM) { // Could be a field, or Item_direct_view_ref wrapping a field DBUG_ASSERT(item->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM || (item->type() == Item::REF_ITEM && static_cast(item)->ref_type() == Item_ref::VIEW_REF)); pos->field= static_cast(real_item)->field; } else if (real_item->type() == Item::SUM_FUNC_ITEM && !real_item->const_item()) { // Aggregate, or Item_aggregate_ref DBUG_ASSERT(item->type() == Item::SUM_FUNC_ITEM || (item->type() == Item::REF_ITEM && static_cast(item)->ref_type() == Item_ref::AGGREGATE_REF)); pos->field= item->get_tmp_table_field(); } else if (real_item->type() == Item::COPY_STR_ITEM) { // Blob patch pos->item= static_cast(real_item)->get_item(); } else pos->item= item; pos->reverse= (ord->direction == ORDER::ORDER_DESC); DBUG_ASSERT(pos->field != NULL || pos->item != NULL); } DBUG_RETURN(count); } /** Makes an array of string pointers for info->sort_keys. @param info Filesort_info struct owning the allocated array. @param num_records Number of records. @param length Length of each record. */ /** Read 'count' number of buffer pointers into memory. */ static uchar *read_buffpek_from_file(IO_CACHE *buffpek_pointers, uint count, uchar *buf) { ulong length= sizeof(BUFFPEK)*count; uchar *tmp= buf; DBUG_ENTER("read_buffpek_from_file"); if (count > UINT_MAX/sizeof(BUFFPEK)) return 0; /* sizeof(BUFFPEK)*count will overflow */ if (!tmp) tmp= (uchar *)my_malloc(length, MYF(MY_WME)); if (tmp) { if (reinit_io_cache(buffpek_pointers,READ_CACHE,0L,0,0) || my_b_read(buffpek_pointers, (uchar*) tmp, length)) { my_free(tmp); tmp=0; } } DBUG_RETURN(tmp); } #ifndef DBUG_OFF /* Print a text, SQL-like record representation into dbug trace. Note: this function is a work in progress: at the moment - column read bitmap is ignored (can print garbage for unused columns) - there is no quoting */ static void dbug_print_record(TABLE *table, bool print_rowid) { char buff[1024]; Field **pfield; String tmp(buff,sizeof(buff),&my_charset_bin); DBUG_LOCK_FILE; fprintf(DBUG_FILE, "record ("); for (pfield= table->field; *pfield ; pfield++) fprintf(DBUG_FILE, "%s%s", (*pfield)->field_name, (pfield[1])? ", ":""); fprintf(DBUG_FILE, ") = "); fprintf(DBUG_FILE, "("); for (pfield= table->field; *pfield ; pfield++) { Field *field= *pfield; if (field->is_null()) fwrite("NULL", sizeof(char), 4, DBUG_FILE); if (field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_BIT) (void) field->val_int_as_str(&tmp, 1); else field->val_str(&tmp); fwrite(tmp.ptr(),sizeof(char),tmp.length(),DBUG_FILE); if (pfield[1]) fwrite(", ", sizeof(char), 2, DBUG_FILE); } fprintf(DBUG_FILE, ")"); if (print_rowid) { fprintf(DBUG_FILE, " rowid "); for (uint i=0; i < table->file->ref_length; i++) { fprintf(DBUG_FILE, "%x", (uchar)table->file->ref[i]); } } fprintf(DBUG_FILE, "\n"); DBUG_UNLOCK_FILE; } #endif /** Search after sort_keys, and write them into tempfile (if we run out of space in the sort_keys buffer). All produced sequences are guaranteed to be non-empty. @param param Sorting parameter @param select Use this to get source data @param sort_keys Array of pointers to sort key + addon buffers. @param buffpek_pointers File to write BUFFPEKs describing sorted segments in tempfile. @param tempfile File to write sorted sequences of sortkeys to. @param pq If !NULL, use it for keeping top N elements @param [out] found_rows The number of FOUND_ROWS(). For a query with LIMIT, this value will typically be larger than the function return value. @note Basic idea: @verbatim while (get_next_sortkey()) { if (using priority queue) push sort key into queue else { if (no free space in sort_keys buffers) { sort sort_keys buffer; dump sorted sequence to 'tempfile'; dump BUFFPEK describing sequence location into 'buffpek_pointers'; } put sort key into 'sort_keys'; } } if (sort_keys has some elements && dumped at least once) sort-dump-dump as above; else don't sort, leave sort_keys array to be sorted by caller. @endverbatim @retval Number of records written on success. @retval HA_POS_ERROR on error. */ static ha_rows find_all_keys(Sort_param *param, SQL_SELECT *select, Filesort_info *fs_info, IO_CACHE *buffpek_pointers, IO_CACHE *tempfile, Bounded_queue *pq, ha_rows *found_rows) { int error,flag,quick_select; uint idx,indexpos,ref_length; uchar *ref_pos,*next_pos,ref_buff[MAX_REFLENGTH]; my_off_t record; TABLE *sort_form; THD *thd= current_thd; volatile THD::killed_state *killed= &thd->killed; handler *file; MY_BITMAP *save_read_set, *save_write_set; bool skip_record; DBUG_ENTER("find_all_keys"); DBUG_PRINT("info",("using: %s", (select ? select->quick ? "ranges" : "where": "every row"))); idx=indexpos=0; error=quick_select=0; sort_form=param->sort_form; file=sort_form->file; ref_length=param->ref_length; ref_pos= ref_buff; quick_select=select && select->quick; record=0; *found_rows= 0; flag= ((file->ha_table_flags() & HA_REC_NOT_IN_SEQ) || quick_select); if (flag) ref_pos= &file->ref[0]; next_pos=ref_pos; if (!quick_select) { next_pos=(uchar*) 0; /* Find records in sequence */ DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("bug14365043_1", DBUG_SET("+d,ha_rnd_init_fail");); if ((error= file->ha_rnd_init(1))) { file->print_error(error, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(HA_POS_ERROR); } file->extra_opt(HA_EXTRA_CACHE, current_thd->variables.read_buff_size); } if (quick_select) { if (select->quick->reset()) DBUG_RETURN(HA_POS_ERROR); } /* Remember original bitmaps */ save_read_set= sort_form->read_set; save_write_set= sort_form->write_set; /* Set up temporary column read map for columns used by sort */ bitmap_clear_all(&sort_form->tmp_set); /* Temporary set for register_used_fields and register_field_in_read_map */ sort_form->read_set= &sort_form->tmp_set; // Include fields used for sorting in the read_set. register_used_fields(param); // Include fields used by conditions in the read_set. if (select && select->cond) select->cond->walk(&Item::register_field_in_read_map, 1, (uchar*) sort_form); // Include fields used by pushed conditions in the read_set. if (select && select->icp_cond) select->icp_cond->walk(&Item::register_field_in_read_map, 1, (uchar*) sort_form); sort_form->column_bitmaps_set(&sort_form->tmp_set, &sort_form->tmp_set); DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "after_index_merge_phase1"); for (;;) { if (quick_select) { if ((error= select->quick->get_next())) break; file->position(sort_form->record[0]); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("debug_filesort", dbug_print_record(sort_form, TRUE);); } else /* Not quick-select */ { { error= file->ha_rnd_next(sort_form->record[0]); if (!flag) { my_store_ptr(ref_pos,ref_length,record); // Position to row record+= sort_form->s->db_record_offset; } else if (!error) file->position(sort_form->record[0]); } if (error && error != HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED) break; } if (*killed) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("Sort killed by user")); if (!quick_select) { (void) file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE); file->ha_rnd_end(); } DBUG_RETURN(HA_POS_ERROR); /* purecov: inspected */ } if (error == 0) param->examined_rows++; if (!error && (!select || (!select->skip_record(thd, &skip_record) && !skip_record))) { ++(*found_rows); if (pq) { pq->push(ref_pos); idx= pq->num_elements(); } else { if (idx == param->max_keys_per_buffer) { if (write_keys(param, fs_info, idx, buffpek_pointers, tempfile)) DBUG_RETURN(HA_POS_ERROR); idx= 0; indexpos++; } make_sortkey(param, fs_info->get_record_buffer(idx++), ref_pos); } } /* Don't try unlocking the row if skip_record reported an error since in this case the transaction might have been rolled back already. */ else if (!thd->is_error()) file->unlock_row(); /* It does not make sense to read more keys in case of a fatal error */ if (thd->is_error()) break; } if (!quick_select) { (void) file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE); /* End cacheing of records */ if (!next_pos) file->ha_rnd_end(); } if (thd->is_error()) DBUG_RETURN(HA_POS_ERROR); /* Signal we should use orignal column read and write maps */ sort_form->column_bitmaps_set(save_read_set, save_write_set); DBUG_PRINT("test",("error: %d indexpos: %d",error,indexpos)); if (error != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) { file->print_error(error,MYF(ME_ERROR | ME_WAITTANG)); // purecov: inspected DBUG_RETURN(HA_POS_ERROR); /* purecov: inspected */ } if (indexpos && idx && write_keys(param, fs_info, idx, buffpek_pointers, tempfile)) DBUG_RETURN(HA_POS_ERROR); /* purecov: inspected */ const ha_rows retval= my_b_inited(tempfile) ? (ha_rows) (my_b_tell(tempfile)/param->rec_length) : idx; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("find_all_keys return %u", (uint) retval)); DBUG_RETURN(retval); } /* find_all_keys */ /** @details Sort the buffer and write: -# the sorted sequence to tempfile -# a BUFFPEK describing the sorted sequence position to buffpek_pointers (was: Skriver en buffert med nycklar till filen) @param param Sort parameters @param sort_keys Array of pointers to keys to sort @param count Number of elements in sort_keys array @param buffpek_pointers One 'BUFFPEK' struct will be written into this file. The BUFFPEK::{file_pos, count} will indicate where the sorted data was stored. @param tempfile The sorted sequence will be written into this file. @retval 0 OK @retval 1 Error */ static int write_keys(Sort_param *param, Filesort_info *fs_info, uint count, IO_CACHE *buffpek_pointers, IO_CACHE *tempfile) { size_t rec_length; uchar **end; BUFFPEK buffpek; DBUG_ENTER("write_keys"); rec_length= param->rec_length; uchar **sort_keys= fs_info->get_sort_keys(); fs_info->sort_buffer(param, count); if (!my_b_inited(tempfile) && open_cached_file(tempfile, mysql_tmpdir, TEMP_PREFIX, DISK_BUFFER_SIZE, MYF(MY_WME))) goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ /* check we won't have more buffpeks than we can possibly keep in memory */ if (my_b_tell(buffpek_pointers) + sizeof(BUFFPEK) > (ulonglong)UINT_MAX) goto err; buffpek.file_pos= my_b_tell(tempfile); if ((ha_rows) count > param->max_rows) count=(uint) param->max_rows; /* purecov: inspected */ buffpek.count=(ha_rows) count; for (end=sort_keys+count ; sort_keys != end ; sort_keys++) if (my_b_write(tempfile, (uchar*) *sort_keys, (uint) rec_length)) goto err; if (my_b_write(buffpek_pointers, (uchar*) &buffpek, sizeof(buffpek))) goto err; DBUG_RETURN(0); err: DBUG_RETURN(1); } /* write_keys */ /** Store length as suffix in high-byte-first order. */ static inline void store_length(uchar *to, uint length, uint pack_length) { switch (pack_length) { case 1: *to= (uchar) length; break; case 2: mi_int2store(to, length); break; case 3: mi_int3store(to, length); break; default: mi_int4store(to, length); break; } } #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN const bool Is_big_endian= true; #else const bool Is_big_endian= false; #endif void copy_native_longlong(uchar *to, int to_length, longlong val, bool is_unsigned) { copy_integer(to, to_length, static_cast(static_cast(&val)), sizeof(longlong), is_unsigned); } /** Make a sort-key from record. */ void make_sortkey(Sort_param *param, uchar *to, uchar *ref_pos) { SORT_FIELD *sort_field; for (sort_field= param->local_sortorder ; sort_field != param->end ; sort_field++) { bool maybe_null= false; if (sort_field->field) { Field *field= sort_field->field; if (field->maybe_null()) { if (field->is_null()) { if (sort_field->reverse) memset(to, 255, sort_field->length+1); else memset(to, 0, sort_field->length+1); to+= sort_field->length+1; continue; } else *to++=1; } field->make_sort_key(to, sort_field->length); } else { // Item Item *item=sort_field->item; maybe_null= item->maybe_null; switch (sort_field->result_type) { case STRING_RESULT: { const CHARSET_INFO *cs=item->collation.collation; char fill_char= ((cs->state & MY_CS_BINSORT) ? (char) 0 : ' '); if (maybe_null) *to++=1; /* All item->str() to use some extra byte for end null.. */ String tmp((char*) to,sort_field->length+4,cs); String *res= item->str_result(&tmp); if (!res) { if (maybe_null) memset(to-1, 0, sort_field->length+1); else { /* purecov: begin deadcode */ /* This should only happen during extreme conditions if we run out of memory or have an item marked not null when it can be null. This code is here mainly to avoid a hard crash in this case. */ DBUG_ASSERT(0); DBUG_PRINT("warning", ("Got null on something that shouldn't be null")); memset(to, 0, sort_field->length); // Avoid crash /* purecov: end */ } break; } uint length= res->length(); if (sort_field->need_strxnfrm) { char *from=(char*) res->ptr(); uint tmp_length MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)); if ((uchar*) from == to) { DBUG_ASSERT(sort_field->length >= length); set_if_smaller(length,sort_field->length); memcpy(param->tmp_buffer,from,length); from=param->tmp_buffer; } tmp_length= cs->coll->strnxfrm(cs, to, sort_field->length, item->max_char_length(), (uchar*) from, length, MY_STRXFRM_PAD_WITH_SPACE | MY_STRXFRM_PAD_TO_MAXLEN); DBUG_ASSERT(tmp_length == sort_field->length); } else { uint diff; uint sort_field_length= sort_field->length - sort_field->suffix_length; if (sort_field_length < length) { diff= 0; length= sort_field_length; } else diff= sort_field_length - length; if (sort_field->suffix_length) { /* Store length last in result_string */ store_length(to + sort_field_length, length, sort_field->suffix_length); } my_strnxfrm(cs,(uchar*)to,length,(const uchar*)res->ptr(),length); cs->cset->fill(cs, (char *)to+length,diff,fill_char); } break; } case INT_RESULT: { longlong value= item->field_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_TIME ? item->val_time_temporal_result() : item->is_temporal_with_date() ? item->val_date_temporal_result() : item->val_int_result(); if (maybe_null) { *to++=1; /* purecov: inspected */ if (item->null_value) { if (maybe_null) memset(to-1, 0, sort_field->length+1); else { DBUG_PRINT("warning", ("Got null on something that shouldn't be null")); memset(to, 0, sort_field->length); } break; } } copy_native_longlong(to, sort_field->length, value, item->unsigned_flag); break; } case DECIMAL_RESULT: { my_decimal dec_buf, *dec_val= item->val_decimal_result(&dec_buf); if (maybe_null) { if (item->null_value) { memset(to, 0, sort_field->length+1); to++; break; } *to++=1; } if (sort_field->length < DECIMAL_MAX_FIELD_SIZE) { uchar buf[DECIMAL_MAX_FIELD_SIZE]; my_decimal2binary(E_DEC_FATAL_ERROR, dec_val, buf, item->max_length - (item->decimals ? 1:0), item->decimals); memcpy(to, buf, sort_field->length); } else { my_decimal2binary(E_DEC_FATAL_ERROR, dec_val, to, item->max_length - (item->decimals ? 1:0), item->decimals); } break; } case REAL_RESULT: { double value= item->val_result(); if (maybe_null) { if (item->null_value) { memset(to, 0, sort_field->length+1); to++; break; } *to++=1; } if (sort_field->length < sizeof(double)) { uchar buf[sizeof(double)]; change_double_for_sort(value, buf); memcpy(to, buf, sort_field->length); } else { change_double_for_sort(value, (uchar*) to); } break; } case ROW_RESULT: default: // This case should never be choosen DBUG_ASSERT(0); break; } } if (sort_field->reverse) { /* Revers key */ if (maybe_null) to[-1]= ~to[-1]; uint length= sort_field->length; while (length--) { *to = (uchar) (~ *to); to++; } } else to+= sort_field->length; } if (param->addon_field) { /* Save field values appended to sorted fields. First null bit indicators are appended then field values follow. In this implementation we use fixed layout for field values - the same for all records. */ SORT_ADDON_FIELD *addonf= param->addon_field; uchar *nulls= to; DBUG_ASSERT(addonf != 0); memset(nulls, 0, addonf->offset); to+= addonf->offset; for (Field* field; (field= addonf->field) ; addonf++) { if (addonf->null_bit && field->is_null()) { nulls[addonf->null_offset]|= addonf->null_bit; } else { (void) field->pack(to, field->ptr); } to+= addonf->length; } } else { /* Save filepos last */ memcpy((uchar*) to, ref_pos, (size_t) param->ref_length); } return; } /* Register fields used by sorting in the sorted table's read set */ static void register_used_fields(Sort_param *param) { SORT_FIELD *sort_field; TABLE *table=param->sort_form; MY_BITMAP *bitmap= table->read_set; for (sort_field= param->local_sortorder ; sort_field != param->end ; sort_field++) { Field *field; if ((field= sort_field->field)) { if (field->table == table) bitmap_set_bit(bitmap, field->field_index); } else { // Item sort_field->item->walk(&Item::register_field_in_read_map, 1, (uchar *) table); } } if (param->addon_field) { SORT_ADDON_FIELD *addonf= param->addon_field; Field *field; for ( ; (field= addonf->field) ; addonf++) bitmap_set_bit(bitmap, field->field_index); } else { /* Save filepos last */ table->prepare_for_position(); } } static bool save_index(Sort_param *param, uint count, Filesort_info *table_sort) { uint offset,res_length; uchar *to; DBUG_ENTER("save_index"); table_sort->sort_buffer(param, count); res_length= param->res_length; offset= param->rec_length-res_length; if (!(to= table_sort->record_pointers= (uchar*) my_malloc(res_length*count, MYF(MY_WME)))) DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: inspected */ uchar **sort_keys= table_sort->get_sort_keys(); for (uchar **end= sort_keys+count ; sort_keys != end ; sort_keys++) { memcpy(to, *sort_keys+offset, res_length); to+= res_length; } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /** Test whether priority queue is worth using to get top elements of an ordered result set. If it is, then allocates buffer for required amount of records @param trace Current trace context. @param param Sort parameters. @param filesort_info Filesort information. @param table Table to sort. @param num_rows Estimate of number of rows in source record set. @param memory_available Memory available for sorting. DESCRIPTION Given a query like this: SELECT ... FROM t ORDER BY a1,...,an LIMIT max_rows; This function tests whether a priority queue should be used to keep the result. Necessary conditions are: - estimate that it is actually cheaper than merge-sort - enough memory to store the records. If we don't have space for records, but we *do* have space for keys, we may rewrite 'table' to sort with references to records instead of additional data. (again, based on estimates that it will actually be cheaper). @retval true - if it's ok to use PQ false - PQ will be slower than merge-sort, or there is not enough memory. */ bool check_if_pq_applicable(Opt_trace_context *trace, Sort_param *param, Filesort_info *filesort_info, TABLE *table, ha_rows num_rows, ulong memory_available) { DBUG_ENTER("check_if_pq_applicable"); /* How much Priority Queue sort is slower than qsort. Measurements (see unit test) indicate that PQ is roughly 3 times slower. */ const double PQ_slowness= 3.0; Opt_trace_object trace_filesort(trace, "filesort_priority_queue_optimization"); if (param->max_rows == HA_POS_ERROR) { trace_filesort .add("usable", false) .add_alnum("cause", "not applicable (no LIMIT)"); DBUG_RETURN(false); } trace_filesort .add("limit", param->max_rows) .add("rows_estimate", num_rows) .add("row_size", param->rec_length) .add("memory_available", memory_available); if (param->max_rows + 2 >= UINT_MAX) { trace_filesort.add("usable", false).add_alnum("cause", "limit too large"); DBUG_RETURN(false); } ulong num_available_keys= memory_available / (param->rec_length + sizeof(char*)); // We need 1 extra record in the buffer, when using PQ. param->max_keys_per_buffer= (uint) param->max_rows + 1; if (num_rows < num_available_keys) { // The whole source set fits into memory. if (param->max_rows < num_rows/PQ_slowness ) { filesort_info->alloc_sort_buffer(param->max_keys_per_buffer, param->rec_length); trace_filesort.add("chosen", true); DBUG_RETURN(filesort_info->get_sort_keys() != NULL); } else { // PQ will be slower. trace_filesort.add("chosen", false) .add_alnum("cause", "quicksort_is_cheaper"); DBUG_RETURN(false); } } // Do we have space for LIMIT rows in memory? if (param->max_keys_per_buffer < num_available_keys) { filesort_info->alloc_sort_buffer(param->max_keys_per_buffer, param->rec_length); trace_filesort.add("chosen", true); DBUG_RETURN(filesort_info->get_sort_keys() != NULL); } // Try to strip off addon fields. if (param->addon_field) { const ulong row_length= param->sort_length + param->ref_length + sizeof(char*); num_available_keys= memory_available / row_length; Opt_trace_object trace_addon(trace, "strip_additional_fields"); trace_addon.add("row_size", row_length); // Can we fit all the keys in memory? if (param->max_keys_per_buffer >= num_available_keys) { trace_addon.add("chosen", false).add_alnum("cause", "not_enough_space"); } else { const double sort_merge_cost= get_merge_many_buffs_cost_fast(num_rows, num_available_keys, row_length); trace_addon.add("sort_merge_cost", sort_merge_cost); /* PQ has cost: (insert + qsort) * log(queue size) * ROWID_COMPARE_COST + cost of file lookup afterwards. The lookup cost is a bit pessimistic: we take scan_time and assume that on average we find the row after scanning half of the file. A better estimate would be lookup cost, but note that we are doing random lookups here, rather than sequential scan. */ const double pq_cpu_cost= (PQ_slowness * num_rows + param->max_keys_per_buffer) * log((double) param->max_keys_per_buffer) * ROWID_COMPARE_COST; const double pq_io_cost= param->max_rows * table->file->scan_time() / 2.0; const double pq_cost= pq_cpu_cost + pq_io_cost; trace_addon.add("priority_queue_cost", pq_cost); if (sort_merge_cost < pq_cost) { trace_addon.add("chosen", false); DBUG_RETURN(false); } trace_addon.add("chosen", true); filesort_info->alloc_sort_buffer(param->max_keys_per_buffer, param->sort_length + param->ref_length); if (filesort_info->get_sort_keys()) { // Make attached data to be references instead of fields. my_free(filesort_info->addon_buf); my_free(filesort_info->addon_field); filesort_info->addon_buf= NULL; filesort_info->addon_field= NULL; param->addon_field= NULL; param->addon_length= 0; param->res_length= param->ref_length; param->sort_length+= param->ref_length; param->rec_length= param->sort_length; DBUG_RETURN(true); } } } DBUG_RETURN(false); } /** Merge buffers to make < MERGEBUFF2 buffers. */ int merge_many_buff(Sort_param *param, uchar *sort_buffer, BUFFPEK *buffpek, uint *maxbuffer, IO_CACHE *t_file) { uint i; IO_CACHE t_file2,*from_file,*to_file,*temp; BUFFPEK *lastbuff; DBUG_ENTER("merge_many_buff"); if (*maxbuffer < MERGEBUFF2) DBUG_RETURN(0); /* purecov: inspected */ if (flush_io_cache(t_file) || open_cached_file(&t_file2,mysql_tmpdir,TEMP_PREFIX,DISK_BUFFER_SIZE, MYF(MY_WME))) DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: inspected */ from_file= t_file ; to_file= &t_file2; while (*maxbuffer >= MERGEBUFF2) { if (reinit_io_cache(from_file,READ_CACHE,0L,0,0)) goto cleanup; if (reinit_io_cache(to_file,WRITE_CACHE,0L,0,0)) goto cleanup; lastbuff=buffpek; for (i=0 ; i <= *maxbuffer-MERGEBUFF*3/2 ; i+=MERGEBUFF) { if (merge_buffers(param,from_file,to_file,sort_buffer,lastbuff++, buffpek+i,buffpek+i+MERGEBUFF-1,0)) goto cleanup; } if (merge_buffers(param,from_file,to_file,sort_buffer,lastbuff++, buffpek+i,buffpek+ *maxbuffer,0)) break; /* purecov: inspected */ if (flush_io_cache(to_file)) break; /* purecov: inspected */ temp=from_file; from_file=to_file; to_file=temp; setup_io_cache(from_file); setup_io_cache(to_file); *maxbuffer= (uint) (lastbuff-buffpek)-1; } cleanup: close_cached_file(to_file); // This holds old result if (to_file == t_file) { *t_file=t_file2; // Copy result file setup_io_cache(t_file); } DBUG_RETURN(*maxbuffer >= MERGEBUFF2); /* Return 1 if interrupted */ } /* merge_many_buff */ /** Read data to buffer. @retval (uint)-1 if something goes wrong */ uint read_to_buffer(IO_CACHE *fromfile, BUFFPEK *buffpek, uint rec_length) { uint count; uint length; if ((count=(uint) min((ha_rows) buffpek->max_keys,buffpek->count))) { if (mysql_file_pread(fromfile->file, (uchar*) buffpek->base, (length= rec_length*count), buffpek->file_pos, MYF_RW)) return((uint) -1); /* purecov: inspected */ buffpek->key=buffpek->base; buffpek->file_pos+= length; /* New filepos */ buffpek->count-= count; buffpek->mem_count= count; } return (count*rec_length); } /* read_to_buffer */ /** Put all room used by freed buffer to use in adjacent buffer. Note, that we can't simply distribute memory evenly between all buffers, because new areas must not overlap with old ones. @param[in] queue list of non-empty buffers, without freed buffer @param[in] reuse empty buffer @param[in] key_length key length */ void reuse_freed_buff(QUEUE *queue, BUFFPEK *reuse, uint key_length) { uchar *reuse_end= reuse->base + reuse->max_keys * key_length; for (uint i= 0; i < queue->elements; ++i) { BUFFPEK *bp= (BUFFPEK *) queue_element(queue, i); if (bp->base + bp->max_keys * key_length == reuse->base) { bp->max_keys+= reuse->max_keys; return; } else if (bp->base == reuse_end) { bp->base= reuse->base; bp->max_keys+= reuse->max_keys; return; } } DBUG_ASSERT(0); } /** Merge buffers to one buffer. @param param Sort parameter @param from_file File with source data (BUFFPEKs point to this file) @param to_file File to write the sorted result data. @param sort_buffer Buffer for data to store up to MERGEBUFF2 sort keys. @param lastbuff OUT Store here BUFFPEK describing data written to to_file @param Fb First element in source BUFFPEKs array @param Tb Last element in source BUFFPEKs array @param flag @retval 0 OK @retval other error */ int merge_buffers(Sort_param *param, IO_CACHE *from_file, IO_CACHE *to_file, uchar *sort_buffer, BUFFPEK *lastbuff, BUFFPEK *Fb, BUFFPEK *Tb, int flag) { int error; uint rec_length,res_length,offset; size_t sort_length; ulong maxcount; ha_rows max_rows,org_max_rows; my_off_t to_start_filepos; uchar *strpos; BUFFPEK *buffpek; QUEUE queue; qsort2_cmp cmp; void *first_cmp_arg; THD * const thd = current_thd; volatile THD::killed_state *killed= &thd->killed; THD::killed_state not_killable; DBUG_ENTER("merge_buffers"); thd->inc_status_sort_merge_passes(); thd->query_plan_fsort_passes++; if (param->not_killable) { killed= ¬_killable; not_killable= THD::NOT_KILLED; } error=0; rec_length= param->rec_length; res_length= param->res_length; sort_length= param->sort_length; offset= rec_length-res_length; maxcount= (ulong) (param->max_keys_per_buffer / ((uint) (Tb-Fb) +1)); to_start_filepos= my_b_tell(to_file); strpos= (uchar*) sort_buffer; org_max_rows=max_rows= param->max_rows; /* The following will fire if there is not enough space in sort_buffer */ DBUG_ASSERT(maxcount!=0); if (param->unique_buff) { cmp= param->compare; first_cmp_arg= (void *) ¶m->cmp_context; } else { cmp= get_ptr_compare(sort_length); first_cmp_arg= (void*) &sort_length; } if (init_queue(&queue, (uint) (Tb-Fb)+1, offsetof(BUFFPEK,key), 0, (queue_compare) cmp, first_cmp_arg)) DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: inspected */ for (buffpek= Fb ; buffpek <= Tb ; buffpek++) { buffpek->base= strpos; buffpek->max_keys= maxcount; strpos+= (uint) (error= (int)read_to_buffer(from_file, buffpek, rec_length)); if (error == -1) goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ buffpek->max_keys= buffpek->mem_count; // If less data in buffers than expected queue_insert(&queue, (uchar*) buffpek); } if (param->unique_buff) { /* Called by Unique::get() Copy the first argument to param->unique_buff for unique removal. Store it also in 'to_file'. This is safe as we know that there is always more than one element in each block to merge (This is guaranteed by the Unique:: algorithm */ buffpek= (BUFFPEK*) queue_top(&queue); memcpy(param->unique_buff, buffpek->key, rec_length); if (my_b_write(to_file, (uchar*) buffpek->key, rec_length)) { error=1; goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ } buffpek->key+= rec_length; buffpek->mem_count--; if (!--max_rows) { error= 0; /* purecov: inspected */ goto end; /* purecov: inspected */ } queue_replaced(&queue); // Top element has been used } else cmp= 0; // Not unique while (queue.elements > 1) { if (*killed) { error= 1; goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ } for (;;) { buffpek= (BUFFPEK*) queue_top(&queue); if (cmp) // Remove duplicates { if (!(*cmp)(first_cmp_arg, &(param->unique_buff), (uchar**) &buffpek->key)) goto skip_duplicate; memcpy(param->unique_buff, (uchar*) buffpek->key, rec_length); } if (flag == 0) { if (my_b_write(to_file,(uchar*) buffpek->key, rec_length)) { error=1; goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ } } else { if (my_b_write(to_file, (uchar*) buffpek->key+offset, res_length)) { error=1; goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ } } if (!--max_rows) { error= 0; /* purecov: inspected */ goto end; /* purecov: inspected */ } skip_duplicate: buffpek->key+= rec_length; if (! --buffpek->mem_count) { if (!(error= (int) read_to_buffer(from_file,buffpek, rec_length))) { (void) queue_remove(&queue,0); reuse_freed_buff(&queue, buffpek, rec_length); break; /* One buffer have been removed */ } else if (error == -1) goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ } queue_replaced(&queue); /* Top element has been replaced */ } } buffpek= (BUFFPEK*) queue_top(&queue); buffpek->base= sort_buffer; buffpek->max_keys= param->max_keys_per_buffer; /* As we know all entries in the buffer are unique, we only have to check if the first one is the same as the last one we wrote */ if (cmp) { if (!(*cmp)(first_cmp_arg, &(param->unique_buff), (uchar**) &buffpek->key)) { buffpek->key+= rec_length; // Remove duplicate --buffpek->mem_count; } } do { if ((ha_rows) buffpek->mem_count > max_rows) { /* Don't write too many records */ buffpek->mem_count= (uint) max_rows; buffpek->count= 0; /* Don't read more */ } max_rows-= buffpek->mem_count; if (flag == 0) { if (my_b_write(to_file,(uchar*) buffpek->key, (rec_length*buffpek->mem_count))) { error= 1; goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ } } else { uchar *end; strpos= buffpek->key+offset; for (end= strpos+buffpek->mem_count*rec_length ; strpos != end ; strpos+= rec_length) { if (my_b_write(to_file, (uchar *) strpos, res_length)) { error=1; goto err; } } } } while ((error=(int) read_to_buffer(from_file,buffpek, rec_length)) != -1 && error != 0); end: lastbuff->count= min(org_max_rows-max_rows, param->max_rows); lastbuff->file_pos= to_start_filepos; err: delete_queue(&queue); DBUG_RETURN(error); } /* merge_buffers */ /* Do a merge to output-file (save only positions) */ static int merge_index(Sort_param *param, uchar *sort_buffer, BUFFPEK *buffpek, uint maxbuffer, IO_CACHE *tempfile, IO_CACHE *outfile) { DBUG_ENTER("merge_index"); if (merge_buffers(param,tempfile,outfile,sort_buffer,buffpek,buffpek, buffpek+maxbuffer,1)) DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* merge_index */ static uint suffix_length(ulong string_length) { if (string_length < 256) return 1; if (string_length < 256L*256L) return 2; if (string_length < 256L*256L*256L) return 3; return 4; // Can't sort longer than 4G } /** Calculate length of sort key. @param thd Thread handler @param sortorder Order of items to sort @param s_length Number of items to sort @param[out] multi_byte_charset Set to 1 if we are using multi-byte charset (In which case we have to use strxnfrm()) @note sortorder->length is updated for each sort item. @n sortorder->need_strxnfrm is set 1 if we have to use strxnfrm @return Total length of sort buffer in bytes */ uint sortlength(THD *thd, SORT_FIELD *sortorder, uint s_length, bool *multi_byte_charset) { uint total_length= 0; const CHARSET_INFO *cs; *multi_byte_charset= false; for (; s_length-- ; sortorder++) { sortorder->need_strxnfrm= 0; sortorder->suffix_length= 0; if (sortorder->field) { cs= sortorder->field->sort_charset(); sortorder->length= sortorder->field->sort_length(); if (use_strnxfrm((cs=sortorder->field->sort_charset()))) { sortorder->need_strxnfrm= 1; *multi_byte_charset= 1; sortorder->length= cs->coll->strnxfrmlen(cs, sortorder->length); } if (sortorder->field->maybe_null()) total_length++; // Place for NULL marker if (sortorder->field->result_type() == STRING_RESULT && !sortorder->field->is_temporal()) { set_if_smaller(sortorder->length, thd->variables.max_sort_length); } } else { sortorder->result_type= sortorder->item->result_type(); if (sortorder->item->is_temporal()) sortorder->result_type= INT_RESULT; switch (sortorder->result_type) { case STRING_RESULT: sortorder->length= sortorder->item->max_length; set_if_smaller(sortorder->length, thd->variables.max_sort_length); if (use_strnxfrm((cs=sortorder->item->collation.collation))) { sortorder->length= cs->coll->strnxfrmlen(cs, sortorder->length); sortorder->need_strxnfrm= 1; *multi_byte_charset= 1; } else if (cs == &my_charset_bin) { /* Store length last to be able to sort blob/varbinary */ sortorder->suffix_length= suffix_length(sortorder->length); sortorder->length+= sortorder->suffix_length; } break; case INT_RESULT: #if SIZEOF_LONG_LONG > 4 sortorder->length=8; // Size of intern longlong #else sortorder->length=4; #endif break; case DECIMAL_RESULT: sortorder->length= my_decimal_get_binary_size(sortorder->item->max_length - (sortorder->item->decimals ? 1 : 0), sortorder->item->decimals); break; case REAL_RESULT: sortorder->length=sizeof(double); break; case ROW_RESULT: default: // This case should never be choosen DBUG_ASSERT(0); break; } if (sortorder->item->maybe_null) total_length++; // Place for NULL marker } total_length+= sortorder->length; } sortorder->field= NULL; // end marker DBUG_PRINT("info",("sort_length: %u", total_length)); return total_length; } /** Get descriptors of fields appended to sorted fields and calculate its total length. The function first finds out what fields are used in the result set. Then it calculates the length of the buffer to store the values of these fields together with the value of sort values. If the calculated length is not greater than max_length_for_sort_data the function allocates memory for an array of descriptors containing layouts for the values of the non-sorted fields in the buffer and fills them. @param thd Current thread @param ptabfield Array of references to the table fields @param sortlength Total length of sorted fields @param[out] plength Total length of appended fields @note The null bits for the appended values are supposed to be put together and stored the buffer just ahead of the value of the first field. @return Pointer to the layout descriptors for the appended fields, if any @retval NULL if we do not store field values with sort data. */ static SORT_ADDON_FIELD * get_addon_fields(ulong max_length_for_sort_data, TABLE *const table, Field **ptabfield, uint sortlength, uint *plength) { Field **pfield; Field *field; SORT_ADDON_FIELD *addonf; uint length= 0; uint fields= 0; uint null_fields= 0; MY_BITMAP *read_set= table->read_set; /* If there is a reference to a field in the query add it to the the set of appended fields. Note for future refinement: This this a too strong condition. Actually we need only the fields referred in the result set. And for some of them it makes sense to use the values directly from sorted fields. */ *plength= 0; for (pfield= ptabfield; (field= *pfield) ; pfield++) { if (!bitmap_is_set(read_set, field->field_index)) continue; if (field->flags & BLOB_FLAG) return 0; length+= field->max_packed_col_length(field->pack_length()); if (field->maybe_null()) null_fields++; fields++; } if (!fields) return 0; length+= (null_fields+7)/8; if (length+sortlength > max_length_for_sort_data || !(addonf= (SORT_ADDON_FIELD *) my_malloc(sizeof(SORT_ADDON_FIELD)* (fields+1), MYF(MY_WME)))) return 0; *plength= length; length= (null_fields+7)/8; null_fields= 0; for (pfield= ptabfield; (field= *pfield) ; pfield++) { if (!bitmap_is_set(read_set, field->field_index)) continue; addonf->field= field; addonf->offset= length; if (field->maybe_null()) { addonf->null_offset= null_fields/8; addonf->null_bit= 1<<(null_fields & 7); null_fields++; } else { addonf->null_offset= 0; addonf->null_bit= 0; } addonf->length= field->max_packed_col_length(field->pack_length()); length+= addonf->length; addonf++; } addonf->field= 0; // Put end marker DBUG_PRINT("info",("addon_length: %d",length)); return (addonf-fields); } /** Copy (unpack) values appended to sorted fields from a buffer back to their regular positions specified by the Field::ptr pointers. @param addon_field Array of descriptors for appended fields @param buff Buffer which to unpack the value from @note The function is supposed to be used only as a callback function when getting field values for the sorted result set. @return void. */ static void unpack_addon_fields(struct st_sort_addon_field *addon_field, uchar *buff) { Field *field; SORT_ADDON_FIELD *addonf= addon_field; for ( ; (field= addonf->field) ; addonf++) { if (addonf->null_bit && (addonf->null_bit & buff[addonf->null_offset])) { field->set_null(); continue; } field->set_notnull(); field->unpack(field->ptr, buff + addonf->offset); } } /* ** functions to change a double or float to a sortable string ** The following should work for IEEE */ #define DBL_EXP_DIG (sizeof(double)*8-DBL_MANT_DIG) void change_double_for_sort(double nr,uchar *to) { uchar *tmp=(uchar*) to; if (nr == 0.0) { /* Change to zero string */ tmp[0]=(uchar) 128; memset(tmp+1, 0, sizeof(nr)-1); } else { #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN memcpy(tmp, &nr, sizeof(nr)); #else { uchar *ptr= (uchar*) &nr; #if defined(__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER) && (__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN) tmp[0]= ptr[3]; tmp[1]=ptr[2]; tmp[2]= ptr[1]; tmp[3]=ptr[0]; tmp[4]= ptr[7]; tmp[5]=ptr[6]; tmp[6]= ptr[5]; tmp[7]=ptr[4]; #else tmp[0]= ptr[7]; tmp[1]=ptr[6]; tmp[2]= ptr[5]; tmp[3]=ptr[4]; tmp[4]= ptr[3]; tmp[5]=ptr[2]; tmp[6]= ptr[1]; tmp[7]=ptr[0]; #endif } #endif if (tmp[0] & 128) /* Negative */ { /* make complement */ uint i; for (i=0 ; i < sizeof(nr); i++) tmp[i]=tmp[i] ^ (uchar) 255; } else { /* Set high and move exponent one up */ ushort exp_part=(((ushort) tmp[0] << 8) | (ushort) tmp[1] | (ushort) 32768); exp_part+= (ushort) 1 << (16-1-DBL_EXP_DIG); tmp[0]= (uchar) (exp_part >> 8); tmp[1]= (uchar) exp_part; } } }