# The include statement below is a temp one for tests that are yet to #be ported to run with InnoDB, #but needs to be kept for tests that would need MyISAM in future. --source include/force_myisam_default.inc # # Run the Cluster/J JPA JUnit tests from MTR # --source include/have_ndb.inc --source include/have_big5.inc --source include/have_utf8.inc --source include/have_sjis.inc --source include/not_embedded.inc --source suite/ndb/include/have_clusterj.inc --source suite/ndb/include/have_clusterj_jpa.inc --source suite/ndb/include/have_openjpa.inc --source suite/ndb/include/have_connectorj.inc --source suite/ndb/include/have_java.inc # workaround for http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENJPA-1224 # OpenJPA MySQL BigDecimal ignoring Precision/Scale column Annotation when generating tables # fixed in only 1.3.0 and 2.0.0 drop table if exists decimaltypes; create table decimaltypes ( id int not null primary key, decimal_null_hash decimal(10,5), decimal_null_btree decimal(10,5), decimal_null_both decimal(10,5), decimal_null_none decimal(10,5) ) ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; --let JAVA_CLASSPATH=$CLUSTERJ_JPA_JAR --let JAVA_CLASSPATH_1=$CLUSTERJ_JPA_TEST_JAR --let JAVA_CLASSPATH_2=$CLUSTERJ_TEST_JAR # MTR_CLASSPATH automatically added to JAVA_CLASSPATH --let JAVA_JVM_OPTS= -ea -Xcheck:jni -Dclusterj.properties=$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/clusterj.properties --let JAVA_JVM_OPTS_1= -Djava.library.path="$NDBCLIENT_LIB_DIR" --let JAVA_JVM_OPTS_2= -Dopenjpa.ConnectionDriverName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" --let JAVA_JVM_OPTS_3= -Dopenjpa.ConnectionURL="jdbc:mysql://localhost:$MASTER_MYPORT/test" -Dopenjpa.ConnectionUserName="root" --let JAVA_JVM_OPTS_4= -Dopenjpa.ndb.connectString="$NDB_CONNECTSTRING" --let JAVA_JVM_OPTS_5= -Dcom.mysql.clusterj.jpa.PersistenceUnit="enhance" --let JAVA_JVM_OPTS_6= -Dopenjpa.jdbc.SynchronizeMappings="buildSchema(ForeignKeys=true,SchemaAction='add,deleteTableContents')" --let JAVA_JVM_OPTS_7= -Dopenjpa.jdbc.DBDictionary="mysql(TableType=ndbcluster)" --let JAVA_CLASS= testsuite.clusterj.AllTests --let JAVA_ARGUMENTS= $CLUSTERJ_JPA_TEST_JAR --source suite/ndb/include/run_java.inc drop table if exists T_Basic; drop table if exists longlongstringpk; drop table if exists charsetlatin1; drop table if exists longintstringpk; drop table if exists longlongstringfk; drop table if exists longintstringfk; drop table if exists a; drop table if exists b0; drop table if exists blobtypes; drop table if exists decimaltypes; drop table if exists bigintegertypes; drop table if exists timestamptypes; drop table if exists timetypes; drop table if exists datetypes; drop table if exists datetimetypes; drop table if exists OPENJPA_SEQUENCE_TABLE; drop table if exists shortpk; drop table if exists bytepk; exit;