/* Copyright (c) 2015, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is also distributed with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ #ifndef RPL_SERVICE_INTERFACE_INCLUDE #define RPL_SERVICE_INTERFACE_INCLUDE //Channel errors #define RPL_CHANNEL_SERVICE_RECEIVER_CONNECTION_ERROR -1 #define RPL_CHANNEL_SERVICE_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_CREATION_ERROR -2 #define RPL_CHANNEL_SERVICE_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER_ACTIVE -3 #define RPL_CHANNEL_SERVICE_CHANNEL_DOES_NOT_EXISTS_ERROR -4 //Error for the wait event consumption, equal to the server wait for GTID method #define REPLICATION_THREAD_WAIT_TIMEOUT_ERROR -1 #define REPLICATION_THREAD_WAIT_NO_INFO_ERROR -2 //Settings //Used whenever a parameter should take the server default value #define RPL_SERVICE_SERVER_DEFAULT -1 //Channel creation settings /** Types of channels */ enum enum_channel_type { SLAVE_REPLICATION_CHANNEL, //Master slave replication channels GROUP_REPLICATION_CHANNEL //Group replication channels }; /** Know parallelization options that can be applied to channel appliers */ enum enum_multi_threaded_workers_type { CHANNEL_MTS_PARALLEL_TYPE_DB_NAME, CHANNEL_MTS_PARALLEL_TYPE_LOGICAL_CLOCK }; /** SSL information to be used when creating a channel. It maps the SSL options present in a CHANGE MASTER. */ struct st_ssl_info { int use_ssl; //use SSL char* ssl_ca_file_name; //SSL list of trusted certificate authorities char* ssl_ca_directory; //SSL certificate authorities directory char* ssl_cert_file_name; //SSL connection certificate char* ssl_crl_file_name; //SSL certificate revocation list char* ssl_crl_directory; //SSL certificate revocation list file directory char* ssl_key; //SSL key file for connections char* ssl_cipher; //list of permissible ciphers to use for SSL int ssl_verify_server_cert; //check the server's Common Name value char* tls_version; //TLS version to use for SSL }; typedef struct st_ssl_info Channel_ssl_info; void initialize_channel_ssl_info(Channel_ssl_info* channel_ssl_info); /** Creation information for a channel. It includes the data that is usually associated to a change master command */ struct st_channel_info { enum_channel_type type; char* hostname; int port; char* user; char* password; Channel_ssl_info* ssl_info; int auto_position; int channel_mts_parallel_type; int channel_mts_parallel_workers; int channel_mts_checkpoint_group; int replicate_same_server_id; int thd_tx_priority; //The applier thread priority int sql_delay; int connect_retry; //How many seconds to wait between retries. int retry_count; //Limits the number of reconnection attempts bool preserve_relay_logs; //If the logs should be preserved on creation bool m_ignore_write_set_memory_limit; //Shall ignore write set mem limits bool m_allow_drop_write_set; //Shall not require write set to be preserved }; typedef struct st_channel_info Channel_creation_info; void initialize_channel_creation_info(Channel_creation_info* channel_info); //Start settings /** The known types of channel threads. All new types should be power of 2 */ enum enum_channel_thread_types { CHANNEL_NO_THD=0, CHANNEL_RECEIVER_THREAD=1, CHANNEL_APPLIER_THREAD=2 }; /** The known until conditions that can be applied to channels */ enum enum_channel_until_condition { CHANNEL_NO_UNTIL_CONDITION, CHANNEL_UNTIL_APPLIER_BEFORE_GTIDS, CHANNEL_UNTIL_APPLIER_AFTER_GTIDS, CHANNEL_UNTIL_APPLIER_AFTER_GAPS, CHANNEL_UNTIL_VIEW_ID }; /** Channel information to connect to a receiver */ struct st_channel_connection_info { int until_condition; //base on enum_channel_until_condition char* gtid; //Gtids to wait on a until condition char* view_id; //The view id to wait on a until condition }; typedef struct st_channel_connection_info Channel_connection_info; void initialize_channel_connection_info(Channel_connection_info* channel_info); /** Initializes a channel connection in a similar way to a change master command. @note If the channel exists, it is reconfigured with the new options. About the logs, the preserve_relay_logs option allows the user to maintain them untouched. @param channel The channel name @param channel_information Channel creation information. @return the operation status @retval 0 OK @retval !=0 Error on channel creation */ int channel_create(const char* channel, Channel_creation_info* channel_information); /** Start the Applier/Receiver threads according to the given options. If the receiver thread is to be started, connection credential must be supported. @param channel The channel name @param connection_info Channel connection information @param threads_to_start The types of threads to be started @param wait_for_connection If when starting the receiver, the method should wait for the connection to succeed @return the operation status @retval 0 OK @retval !=0 Error */ int channel_start(const char* channel, Channel_connection_info* connection_info, int threads_to_start, int wait_for_connection); /** Stops the channel threads according to the given options. @param channel The channel name @param threads_to_stop The types of threads to be stopped @param timeout The expected time in which the thread should stop @return the operation status @retval 0 OK @retval !=0 Error */ int channel_stop(const char* channel, int threads_to_stop, long timeout); /** Stops all the running channel threads according to the given options. @param threads_to_stop The types of threads to be stopped @param timeout The expected time in which the thread should stop @return the operation status @retval 0 OK @retval !=0 Error */ int channel_stop_all(int threads_to_stop, long timeout); /** Purges the channel logs @param reset_all If true, the method will purge logs and remove the channel If false, only the channel information will be reset. @return the operation status @retval 0 OK @retval !=0 Error */ int channel_purge_queue(const char* channel, bool reset_all); /** Tells if the selected component of the channel is active or not. If no component is passed, this method returns if the channel exists or not @param channel The channel name @param type The thread that should be checked. If 0, this method applies to the channel existence. @return is the channel (component) active @retval true Yes @retval false No */ bool channel_is_active(const char* channel, enum_channel_thread_types type); /** Returns the id(s) of the channel threads: receiver or applier. If more than one applier exists, an array is returned, on which first index is coordinator thread id. @param[in] channel The channel name @param[in] thread_type The thread type (receiver or applier) @param[out] thread_id The array of id(s) @return the number of returned ids @retval -1 the channel does no exists, or the thread is not present @retval >0 the number of thread ids returned. */ int channel_get_thread_id(const char* channel, enum_channel_thread_types thread_type, unsigned long** thread_id); /** Returns last GNO from applier from a given UUID. @param channel the channel name @param sidno the uuid associated to the desired gno @return the last applier gno @retval <0 the channel does no exists, or the applier is not present @retval >0 the gno */ long long channel_get_last_delivered_gno(const char* channel, int sidno); /** Adds server executed GTID set to channel received GTID set. @param channel the channel name @return the operation status @retval 0 OK @retval != 0 Error */ int channel_add_executed_gtids_to_received_gtids(const char* channel); /** Queues a event packet into the current active channel. @param buf the event buffer @param event_len the event buffer length @return the operation status @retval 0 OK @retval != 0 Error on queue */ int channel_queue_packet(const char* channel, const char* buf, unsigned long len); /** Checks if all the queued transactions were executed. @note This method assumes that the channel is not receiving any more events. If it is still receiving, then the method should wait for execution of transactions that were present when this method was invoked. @param timeout the time (seconds) after which the method returns if the above condition was not satisfied @return the operation status @retval 0 All transactions were executed @retval REPLICATION_THREAD_WAIT_TIMEOUT_ERROR A timeout occurred @retval REPLICATION_THREAD_WAIT_NO_INFO_ERROR An error occurred */ int channel_wait_until_apply_queue_applied(const char* channel, double timeout); /** Checks if the applier, and its workers when parallel applier is enabled, has already consumed all relay log, that is, applier is waiting for transactions to be queued. @param channel The channel name @return the operation status @retval <0 Error @retval 0 Applier is not waiting @retval 1 Applier is waiting */ int channel_is_applier_waiting(const char* channel); /** Checks if the applier thread, and its workers when parallel applier is enabled, has already consumed all relay log, that is, applier thread is waiting for transactions to be queued. @param thread_id the applier thread id to check @param worker flag to indicate if thread is a parallel worker @return the operation status @retval -1 Unable to find applier thread @retval 0 Applier thread is not waiting @retval 1 Applier thread is waiting */ int channel_is_applier_thread_waiting(unsigned long thread_id, bool worker= false); /** Flush the channel. @return the operation status @retval 0 OK @retval != 0 Error on flush */ int channel_flush(const char* channel); /** Initializes channel structures if needed. @return the operation status @retval 0 OK @retval != 0 Error on queue */ int initialize_channel_service_interface(); /** Returns the receiver thread retrieved GTID set in string format. @param channel The channel name. @param[out] retrieved_set Pointer to pointer to string. The function will set it to point to a newly allocated buffer, or NULL on out of memory. @return the operation status @retval 0 OK @retval !=0 Error on retrieval */ int channel_get_retrieved_gtid_set(const char* channel, char** retrieved_set); /** Tells if the selected component of the channel is stopping or not. @param channel The channel name @param type The thread that should be checked. @return is the channel (component) stopping @retval true Yes @retval false No, no type was specified or the channel does not exist. */ bool channel_is_stopping(const char* channel, enum_channel_thread_types type); /** Checks if the given channel's relaylog contains a partial transaction. @param channel The channel name @return @retval true If relaylog contains partial transcation. @retval false If relaylog does not contain partial transaction. */ bool is_partial_transaction_on_channel_relay_log(const char* channel); /** Checks if any slave threads of any channel is running @param[in] thread_mask type of slave thread- IO/SQL or any @return @retval true atleast one channel threads are running. @retval false none of the the channels are running. */ bool is_any_slave_channel_running(int thread_mask); #endif //RPL_SERVICE_INTERFACE_INCLUDE