/***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1996, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is also distributed with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA *****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************//** @file include/dict0boot.h Data dictionary creation and booting Created 4/18/1996 Heikki Tuuri *******************************************************/ #ifndef dict0boot_h #define dict0boot_h #include "univ.i" #include "mtr0mtr.h" #include "mtr0log.h" #include "ut0byte.h" #include "buf0buf.h" #include "fsp0fsp.h" #include "dict0dict.h" typedef byte dict_hdr_t; /**********************************************************************//** Gets a pointer to the dictionary header and x-latches its page. @return pointer to the dictionary header, page x-latched */ dict_hdr_t* dict_hdr_get( /*=========*/ mtr_t* mtr); /*!< in: mtr */ /**********************************************************************//** Returns a new table, index, or space id. */ void dict_hdr_get_new_id( /*================*/ table_id_t* table_id, /*!< out: table id (not assigned if NULL) */ index_id_t* index_id, /*!< out: index id (not assigned if NULL) */ ulint* space_id, /*!< out: space id (not assigned if NULL) */ const dict_table_t* table, /*!< in: table */ bool disable_redo); /*!< in: if true and table object is NULL then disable-redo */ /**********************************************************************//** Writes the current value of the row id counter to the dictionary header file page. */ void dict_hdr_flush_row_id(void); /*=======================*/ /**********************************************************************//** Returns a new row id. @return the new id */ UNIV_INLINE row_id_t dict_sys_get_new_row_id(void); /*=========================*/ /**********************************************************************//** Reads a row id from a record or other 6-byte stored form. @return row id */ UNIV_INLINE row_id_t dict_sys_read_row_id( /*=================*/ const byte* field); /*!< in: record field */ /**********************************************************************//** Writes a row id to a record or other 6-byte stored form. */ UNIV_INLINE void dict_sys_write_row_id( /*==================*/ byte* field, /*!< in: record field */ row_id_t row_id);/*!< in: row id */ /*****************************************************************//** Initializes the data dictionary memory structures when the database is started. This function is also called when the data dictionary is created. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code. */ dberr_t dict_boot(void) /*===========*/ MY_ATTRIBUTE((warn_unused_result)); /*****************************************************************//** Creates and initializes the data dictionary at the server bootstrap. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code. */ dberr_t dict_create(void) /*=============*/ MY_ATTRIBUTE((warn_unused_result)); /*********************************************************************//** Check if a table id belongs to system table. @return true if the table id belongs to a system table. */ UNIV_INLINE bool dict_is_sys_table( /*==============*/ table_id_t id) /*!< in: table id to check */ MY_ATTRIBUTE((warn_unused_result)); /* Space id and page no where the dictionary header resides */ #define DICT_HDR_SPACE 0 /* the SYSTEM tablespace */ #define DICT_HDR_PAGE_NO FSP_DICT_HDR_PAGE_NO /* The ids for the basic system tables and their indexes */ #define DICT_TABLES_ID 1 #define DICT_COLUMNS_ID 2 #define DICT_INDEXES_ID 3 #define DICT_FIELDS_ID 4 /* The following is a secondary index on SYS_TABLES */ #define DICT_TABLE_IDS_ID 5 #define DICT_HDR_FIRST_ID 10 /* the ids for tables etc. start from this number, except for basic system tables and their above defined indexes; ibuf tables and indexes are assigned as the id the number DICT_IBUF_ID_MIN plus the space id */ /* The offset of the dictionary header on the page */ #define DICT_HDR FSEG_PAGE_DATA /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Dictionary header offsets */ #define DICT_HDR_ROW_ID 0 /* The latest assigned row id */ #define DICT_HDR_TABLE_ID 8 /* The latest assigned table id */ #define DICT_HDR_INDEX_ID 16 /* The latest assigned index id */ #define DICT_HDR_MAX_SPACE_ID 24 /* The latest assigned space id,or 0*/ #define DICT_HDR_MIX_ID_LOW 28 /* Obsolete,always DICT_HDR_FIRST_ID*/ #define DICT_HDR_TABLES 32 /* Root of SYS_TABLES clust index */ #define DICT_HDR_TABLE_IDS 36 /* Root of SYS_TABLE_IDS sec index */ #define DICT_HDR_COLUMNS 40 /* Root of SYS_COLUMNS clust index */ #define DICT_HDR_INDEXES 44 /* Root of SYS_INDEXES clust index */ #define DICT_HDR_FIELDS 48 /* Root of SYS_FIELDS clust index */ #define DICT_HDR_FSEG_HEADER 56 /* Segment header for the tablespace segment into which the dictionary header is created */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The columns in SYS_TABLES */ enum dict_col_sys_tables_enum { DICT_COL__SYS_TABLES__NAME = 0, DICT_COL__SYS_TABLES__ID = 1, DICT_COL__SYS_TABLES__N_COLS = 2, DICT_COL__SYS_TABLES__TYPE = 3, DICT_COL__SYS_TABLES__MIX_ID = 4, DICT_COL__SYS_TABLES__MIX_LEN = 5, DICT_COL__SYS_TABLES__CLUSTER_ID = 6, DICT_COL__SYS_TABLES__SPACE = 7, DICT_NUM_COLS__SYS_TABLES = 8 }; /* The field numbers in the SYS_TABLES clustered index */ enum dict_fld_sys_tables_enum { DICT_FLD__SYS_TABLES__NAME = 0, DICT_FLD__SYS_TABLES__DB_TRX_ID = 1, DICT_FLD__SYS_TABLES__DB_ROLL_PTR = 2, DICT_FLD__SYS_TABLES__ID = 3, DICT_FLD__SYS_TABLES__N_COLS = 4, DICT_FLD__SYS_TABLES__TYPE = 5, DICT_FLD__SYS_TABLES__MIX_ID = 6, DICT_FLD__SYS_TABLES__MIX_LEN = 7, DICT_FLD__SYS_TABLES__CLUSTER_ID = 8, DICT_FLD__SYS_TABLES__SPACE = 9, DICT_NUM_FIELDS__SYS_TABLES = 10 }; /* The field numbers in the SYS_TABLE_IDS index */ enum dict_fld_sys_table_ids_enum { DICT_FLD__SYS_TABLE_IDS__ID = 0, DICT_FLD__SYS_TABLE_IDS__NAME = 1, DICT_NUM_FIELDS__SYS_TABLE_IDS = 2 }; /* The columns in SYS_COLUMNS */ enum dict_col_sys_columns_enum { DICT_COL__SYS_COLUMNS__TABLE_ID = 0, DICT_COL__SYS_COLUMNS__POS = 1, DICT_COL__SYS_COLUMNS__NAME = 2, DICT_COL__SYS_COLUMNS__MTYPE = 3, DICT_COL__SYS_COLUMNS__PRTYPE = 4, DICT_COL__SYS_COLUMNS__LEN = 5, DICT_COL__SYS_COLUMNS__PREC = 6, DICT_NUM_COLS__SYS_COLUMNS = 7 }; /* The field numbers in the SYS_COLUMNS clustered index */ enum dict_fld_sys_columns_enum { DICT_FLD__SYS_COLUMNS__TABLE_ID = 0, DICT_FLD__SYS_COLUMNS__POS = 1, DICT_FLD__SYS_COLUMNS__DB_TRX_ID = 2, DICT_FLD__SYS_COLUMNS__DB_ROLL_PTR = 3, DICT_FLD__SYS_COLUMNS__NAME = 4, DICT_FLD__SYS_COLUMNS__MTYPE = 5, DICT_FLD__SYS_COLUMNS__PRTYPE = 6, DICT_FLD__SYS_COLUMNS__LEN = 7, DICT_FLD__SYS_COLUMNS__PREC = 8, DICT_NUM_FIELDS__SYS_COLUMNS = 9 }; /* The columns in SYS_INDEXES */ enum dict_col_sys_indexes_enum { DICT_COL__SYS_INDEXES__TABLE_ID = 0, DICT_COL__SYS_INDEXES__ID = 1, DICT_COL__SYS_INDEXES__NAME = 2, DICT_COL__SYS_INDEXES__N_FIELDS = 3, DICT_COL__SYS_INDEXES__TYPE = 4, DICT_COL__SYS_INDEXES__SPACE = 5, DICT_COL__SYS_INDEXES__PAGE_NO = 6, DICT_COL__SYS_INDEXES__MERGE_THRESHOLD = 7, DICT_NUM_COLS__SYS_INDEXES = 8 }; /* The field numbers in the SYS_INDEXES clustered index */ enum dict_fld_sys_indexes_enum { DICT_FLD__SYS_INDEXES__TABLE_ID = 0, DICT_FLD__SYS_INDEXES__ID = 1, DICT_FLD__SYS_INDEXES__DB_TRX_ID = 2, DICT_FLD__SYS_INDEXES__DB_ROLL_PTR = 3, DICT_FLD__SYS_INDEXES__NAME = 4, DICT_FLD__SYS_INDEXES__N_FIELDS = 5, DICT_FLD__SYS_INDEXES__TYPE = 6, DICT_FLD__SYS_INDEXES__SPACE = 7, DICT_FLD__SYS_INDEXES__PAGE_NO = 8, DICT_FLD__SYS_INDEXES__MERGE_THRESHOLD = 9, DICT_NUM_FIELDS__SYS_INDEXES = 10 }; /* The columns in SYS_FIELDS */ enum dict_col_sys_fields_enum { DICT_COL__SYS_FIELDS__INDEX_ID = 0, DICT_COL__SYS_FIELDS__POS = 1, DICT_COL__SYS_FIELDS__COL_NAME = 2, DICT_NUM_COLS__SYS_FIELDS = 3 }; /* The field numbers in the SYS_FIELDS clustered index */ enum dict_fld_sys_fields_enum { DICT_FLD__SYS_FIELDS__INDEX_ID = 0, DICT_FLD__SYS_FIELDS__POS = 1, DICT_FLD__SYS_FIELDS__DB_TRX_ID = 2, DICT_FLD__SYS_FIELDS__DB_ROLL_PTR = 3, DICT_FLD__SYS_FIELDS__COL_NAME = 4, DICT_NUM_FIELDS__SYS_FIELDS = 5 }; /* The columns in SYS_FOREIGN */ enum dict_col_sys_foreign_enum { DICT_COL__SYS_FOREIGN__ID = 0, DICT_COL__SYS_FOREIGN__FOR_NAME = 1, DICT_COL__SYS_FOREIGN__REF_NAME = 2, DICT_COL__SYS_FOREIGN__N_COLS = 3, DICT_NUM_COLS__SYS_FOREIGN = 4 }; /* The field numbers in the SYS_FOREIGN clustered index */ enum dict_fld_sys_foreign_enum { DICT_FLD__SYS_FOREIGN__ID = 0, DICT_FLD__SYS_FOREIGN__DB_TRX_ID = 1, DICT_FLD__SYS_FOREIGN__DB_ROLL_PTR = 2, DICT_FLD__SYS_FOREIGN__FOR_NAME = 3, DICT_FLD__SYS_FOREIGN__REF_NAME = 4, DICT_FLD__SYS_FOREIGN__N_COLS = 5, DICT_NUM_FIELDS__SYS_FOREIGN = 6 }; /* The field numbers in the SYS_FOREIGN_FOR_NAME secondary index */ enum dict_fld_sys_foreign_for_name_enum { DICT_FLD__SYS_FOREIGN_FOR_NAME__NAME = 0, DICT_FLD__SYS_FOREIGN_FOR_NAME__ID = 1, DICT_NUM_FIELDS__SYS_FOREIGN_FOR_NAME = 2 }; /* The columns in SYS_FOREIGN_COLS */ enum dict_col_sys_foreign_cols_enum { DICT_COL__SYS_FOREIGN_COLS__ID = 0, DICT_COL__SYS_FOREIGN_COLS__POS = 1, DICT_COL__SYS_FOREIGN_COLS__FOR_COL_NAME = 2, DICT_COL__SYS_FOREIGN_COLS__REF_COL_NAME = 3, DICT_NUM_COLS__SYS_FOREIGN_COLS = 4 }; /* The field numbers in the SYS_FOREIGN_COLS clustered index */ enum dict_fld_sys_foreign_cols_enum { DICT_FLD__SYS_FOREIGN_COLS__ID = 0, DICT_FLD__SYS_FOREIGN_COLS__POS = 1, DICT_FLD__SYS_FOREIGN_COLS__DB_TRX_ID = 2, DICT_FLD__SYS_FOREIGN_COLS__DB_ROLL_PTR = 3, DICT_FLD__SYS_FOREIGN_COLS__FOR_COL_NAME = 4, DICT_FLD__SYS_FOREIGN_COLS__REF_COL_NAME = 5, DICT_NUM_FIELDS__SYS_FOREIGN_COLS = 6 }; /* The columns in SYS_TABLESPACES */ enum dict_col_sys_tablespaces_enum { DICT_COL__SYS_TABLESPACES__SPACE = 0, DICT_COL__SYS_TABLESPACES__NAME = 1, DICT_COL__SYS_TABLESPACES__FLAGS = 2, DICT_NUM_COLS__SYS_TABLESPACES = 3 }; /* The field numbers in the SYS_TABLESPACES clustered index */ enum dict_fld_sys_tablespaces_enum { DICT_FLD__SYS_TABLESPACES__SPACE = 0, DICT_FLD__SYS_TABLESPACES__DB_TRX_ID = 1, DICT_FLD__SYS_TABLESPACES__DB_ROLL_PTR = 2, DICT_FLD__SYS_TABLESPACES__NAME = 3, DICT_FLD__SYS_TABLESPACES__FLAGS = 4, DICT_NUM_FIELDS__SYS_TABLESPACES = 5 }; /* The columns in SYS_DATAFILES */ enum dict_col_sys_datafiles_enum { DICT_COL__SYS_DATAFILES__SPACE = 0, DICT_COL__SYS_DATAFILES__PATH = 1, DICT_NUM_COLS__SYS_DATAFILES = 2 }; /* The field numbers in the SYS_DATAFILES clustered index */ enum dict_fld_sys_datafiles_enum { DICT_FLD__SYS_DATAFILES__SPACE = 0, DICT_FLD__SYS_DATAFILES__DB_TRX_ID = 1, DICT_FLD__SYS_DATAFILES__DB_ROLL_PTR = 2, DICT_FLD__SYS_DATAFILES__PATH = 3, DICT_NUM_FIELDS__SYS_DATAFILES = 4 }; /* The columns in SYS_DICT */ enum dict_col_sys_zip_dict_enum { DICT_COL__SYS_ZIP_DICT__ID = 0, DICT_COL__SYS_ZIP_DICT__NAME = 1, DICT_COL__SYS_ZIP_DICT__DATA = 2, DICT_NUM_COLS__SYS_ZIP_DICT = 3 }; /* The field numbers in the SYS_DICT clustered index */ enum dict_fld_sys_zip_dict_enum { DICT_FLD__SYS_ZIP_DICT__ID = 0, DICT_FLD__SYS_ZIP_DICT__DB_TRX_ID = 1, DICT_FLD__SYS_ZIP_DICT__DB_ROLL_PTR = 2, DICT_FLD__SYS_ZIP_DICT__NAME = 3, DICT_FLD__SYS_ZIP_DICT__DATA = 4, DICT_NUM_FIELDS__SYS_ZIP_DICT = 5 }; /* The columns in SYS_DICT_COLS */ enum dict_col_sys_zip_dict_cols_enum { DICT_COL__SYS_ZIP_DICT_COLS__TABLE_ID = 0, DICT_COL__SYS_ZIP_DICT_COLS__COLUMN_POS = 1, DICT_COL__SYS_ZIP_DICT_COLS__DICT_ID = 2, DICT_NUM_COLS__SYS_ZIP_DICT_COLS = 3 }; /* The field numbers in the SYS_DICT_COLS clustered index */ enum dict_fld_sys_zip_dict_cols_enum { DICT_FLD__SYS_ZIP_DICT_COLS__TABLE_ID = 0, DICT_FLD__SYS_ZIP_DICT_COLS__COLUMN_POS = 1, DICT_FLD__SYS_ZIP_DICT_COLS__DB_TRX_ID = 2, DICT_FLD__SYS_ZIP_DICT_COLS__DB_ROLL_PTR = 3, DICT_FLD__SYS_ZIP_DICT_COLS__DICT_ID = 4, DICT_NUM_FIELDS__SYS_ZIP_DICT_COLS = 5 }; /* The columns in SYS_VIRTUAL */ enum dict_col_sys_virtual_enum { DICT_COL__SYS_VIRTUAL__TABLE_ID = 0, DICT_COL__SYS_VIRTUAL__POS = 1, DICT_COL__SYS_VIRTUAL__BASE_POS = 2, DICT_NUM_COLS__SYS_VIRTUAL = 3 }; /* The field numbers in the SYS_VIRTUAL clustered index */ enum dict_fld_sys_virtual_enum { DICT_FLD__SYS_VIRTUAL__TABLE_ID = 0, DICT_FLD__SYS_VIRTUAL__POS = 1, DICT_FLD__SYS_VIRTUAL__BASE_POS = 2, DICT_FLD__SYS_VIRTUAL__DB_TRX_ID = 3, DICT_FLD__SYS_VIRTUAL__DB_ROLL_PTR = 4, DICT_NUM_FIELDS__SYS_VIRTUAL = 5 }; /* A number of the columns above occur in multiple tables. These are the length of thos fields. */ #define DICT_FLD_LEN_SPACE 4 #define DICT_FLD_LEN_FLAGS 4 /* When a row id which is zero modulo this number (which must be a power of two) is assigned, the field DICT_HDR_ROW_ID on the dictionary header page is updated */ #define DICT_HDR_ROW_ID_WRITE_MARGIN 256 #ifndef UNIV_NONINL #include "dict0boot.ic" #endif #endif