# Configuration that affects behaviour being tested: shared_preload_libraries = 'pglogical' wal_level = logical max_wal_senders = 20 max_replication_slots = 20 max_worker_processes = 20 track_commit_timestamp = on # Purely testing related: hba_file = './regress-pg_hba.conf' DateStyle = 'ISO, DMY' log_line_prefix='[%m] [%p] [%d] ' fsync=off # Handy things to turn on when debugging #log_min_messages = debug2 #log_error_verbosity = verbose #log_statement = 'all' pglogical.synchronous_commit = true # Indirection of dsns for testing pglogical.orig_provider_dsn = 'dbname=sourcedb' pglogical.provider_dsn = 'dbname=regression' pglogical.provider1_dsn = 'dbname=regression1' pglogical.subscriber_dsn = 'dbname=postgres' # Uncomment to test SPI and multi-insert #pglogical.use_spi = true #pglogical.conflict_resolution = error