/* src/test/modules/test_extensions/test_ext8--1.0.sql */ -- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION test_ext8" to load this file. \quit -- create some random data type create domain posint as int check (value > 0); -- use it in regular and temporary tables and functions create table ext8_table1 (f1 posint); create temp table ext8_temp_table1 (f1 posint); create function ext8_even (posint) returns bool as 'select ($1 % 2) = 0' language sql; create function pg_temp.ext8_temp_even (posint) returns bool as 'select ($1 % 2) = 0' language sql; -- we intentionally don't drop the temp objects before exiting