"Table", "View" => "View", "Trigger" => "Trigger", "Function" => "Function"); $langueTranslated = array( 1=>"French", 2=>"English", 3=>"Polish", 4=>"German", 5=>"Japanese", 6=>"Italian", 7=>"Croatian", 8=>"Brazilian portuguese", 9=>"Netherlands", 10=>"Spanish", 11=>"Danish", 12=>"Chinese traditional", 13=>"Chinese simplified"); $themeTranslated = array("default"=>"Default", "green"=>"Green", "PMA"=>"PMA", "jall"=>"Jall"); $TEXT[1] = "Home"; $TEXT[2] = "Welcome to SQLiteManager version"; $TEXT[3] = "SQLite version"; $TEXT[4] = "SQLite Documentation"; $TEXT[5] = "SQL Language"; $TEXT[6] = "The SQLite extension can't be loaded."; $TEXT[7] = "Unable to open the 'SQLite' configuration database.
Error message"; $TEXT[8] = "The configuration database is read-only (not writeable)!"; $TEXT[9] = "Error"; $TEXT[10] = "Function"; $TEXT[11] = "Aggregate"; $TEXT[12] = "Final function"; $TEXT[13] = "Nb Args"; $TEXT[14] = "Modify"; $TEXT[15] = "Delete"; $TEXT[16] = "New function properties"; $TEXT[17] = "Function properties"; $TEXT[18] = "Error: All fields must be filled."; $TEXT[19] = "Name"; $TEXT[20] = "Type"; $TEXT[21] = "Step Properties"; $TEXT[22] = "Final Properties"; $TEXT[23] = "Nb args"; $TEXT[24] = "Attribute this function to all databases."; $TEXT[25] = "New table properties"; $TEXT[26] = "Table properties"; $TEXT[27] = "Field"; $TEXT[28] = "Type"; $TEXT[29] = "Length"; $TEXT[30] = "Null"; $TEXT[31] = "Default"; $TEXT[32] = "Primary"; $TEXT[33] = "Action"; $TEXT[34] = "Check all"; $TEXT[35] = "Uncheck all"; $TEXT[36] = "For the selection"; $TEXT[37] = "Are you sure you want to delete this/these fields?"; $TEXT[38] = "Management of index(es)"; $TEXT[39] = "Are you sure you want to delete the field"; $TEXT[40] = "Yes"; $TEXT[41] = "No"; $TEXT[42] = "Primary"; $TEXT[43] = "Add"; $TEXT[44] = "Field(s)"; $TEXT[45] = "At the end of table"; $TEXT[46] = "At the beginning of table"; $TEXT[47] = "After"; $TEXT[48] = "Insert new record"; $TEXT[49] = "Modify a record"; $TEXT[50] = "Value"; $TEXT[51] = "Save"; $TEXT[52] = "Insert data from a file."; $TEXT[53] = "Trigger"; $TEXT[54] = "New trigger properties"; $TEXT[55] = "Trigger properties"; $TEXT[56] = "Moment"; $TEXT[57] = "Event"; $TEXT[58] = "On"; $TEXT[59] = "Condition"; $TEXT[60] = "Step"; $TEXT[61] = "Properties"; $TEXT[62] = "New View properties"; $TEXT[63] = "View properties"; $TEXT[64] = "No query has been executed!"; $TEXT[65] = "Bad resource connection!"; $TEXT[66] = "Execute one or more request(s)"; $TEXT[67] = "Or from an sql file"; $TEXT[68] = "Query format: Standard (SQLite)"; $TEXT[69] = "Execute"; $TEXT[70] = "query has been executed."; $TEXT[71] = "Line has been modified."; $TEXT[72] = "Structure"; $TEXT[73] = "Display"; $TEXT[74] = "SQL"; $TEXT[75] = "Insert"; $TEXT[76] = "Export"; $TEXT[77] = "Empty"; $TEXT[78] = "Do you really want to delete this function?"; $TEXT[79] = "Do you really want to empty this table?"; $TEXT[80] = "Do you really want to delete this table?"; $TEXT[81] = "Add"; $TEXT[82] = "Do you really want to delete this view?"; $TEXT[83] = "Do you really want to delete this trigger?"; $TEXT[84] = "Options"; $TEXT[85] = "Are you really sure you want to delete this database? Only the subscription will be removed, the database will not be destroyed. "; $TEXT[86] = "Delete"; $TEXT[87] = "Add a new View"; $TEXT[88] = "Add a new Trigger"; $TEXT[89] = "Add a new Function"; $TEXT[90] = "SQL query"; $TEXT[91] = "Key name"; $TEXT[92] = "Do you really want to delete this Index"; $TEXT[93] = "Add an Index on"; $TEXT[94] = "column(s)"; $TEXT[95] = "Ignore"; $TEXT[96] = "Add on the key"; $TEXT[97] = "Create a View with name "; $TEXT[98] = "from this query."; $TEXT[99] = "Error line(s)"; $TEXT[100] = "There is certainly a problem of write rights on the configuration database"; $TEXT[101] = "Impossible to create or read this database"; $TEXT[102] = "All the fields must be filled!"; $TEXT[103] = "Create or add new database"; $TEXT[104] = "Path"; $TEXT[105] = "The data array has not a constant number of elements"; $TEXT[106] = "The paramaters of the constructor class 'Grid' must be an array"; $TEXT[107] = "The column alignment array doesn't haven't a good number of elements."; $TEXT[108] = "The cells alignment must be: 'left', 'right' or 'center'"; $TEXT[109] = "The parameters for the columns alignment must be an array"; $TEXT[110] = "The parameters for the columns format must be an array"; $TEXT[111] = "The column sort array doesn't haven't a good number of elements."; $TEXT[112] = "The sort paramaters must be 0=no sort, Or 1=sort."; $TEXT[113] = "The paramaters for the columns sort must be an array"; $TEXT[114] = "The format string for the calculate column is empty."; $TEXT[115] = "The title is obligatory for a calculate column."; $TEXT[116] = "The paramaters of the constructor class 'ArrayToGrid' must be an array."; $TEXT[117] = "Impossible to count the number of records"; $TEXT[118] = "Nb records"; $TEXT[119] = "Insert"; $TEXT[120] = "Are you sure you want to delete"; $TEXT[121] = "the"; $TEXT[122] = "the"; $TEXT[123] = "Are you sure you want to empty this table"; $TEXT[124] = "Structure only"; $TEXT[125] = "Structure and Data"; $TEXT[126] = "Data only"; $TEXT[127] = "Complete inserts"; $TEXT[128] = "send"; $TEXT[129] = "Host"; $TEXT[130] = "Generation Time"; $TEXT[131] = "Database"; $TEXT[132] = "Table structure for table"; $TEXT[133] = "Dumping data for table"; $TEXT[134] = "View structure for view"; $TEXT[135] = "User Defined Function properties"; $TEXT[136] = "Records"; $TEXT[137] = "File"; $TEXT[138] = "Replace content"; $TEXT[139] = "Separator"; $TEXT[140] = "Insert of data from text formatted file"; $TEXT[141] = "Language"; $TEXT[142] = "Theme"; $TEXT[143] = "Upload Database"; $TEXT[144] = "Upload folder does not accessible.
(Modify constant 'DEFAULT_DB_PATH' in the file 'include/user_defined.inc.php')"; $TEXT[145] = "Explain SQL"; $TEXT[146] = "Management of attached databases"; $TEXT[147] = "You are not allowed to access. You must enter a valid login and password."; $TEXT[148] = "This login is not valid."; $TEXT[149] = "This password don't correspond to this login."; $TEXT[150] = "PHP version"; $TEXT[151] = "After save"; $TEXT[152] = "Go back to previous page"; $TEXT[153] = "Insert another new row"; $TEXT[154] = "The configuration database is read-only.
Some features of SQLiteManager can't work correctly."; $TEXT[155] = "This database is read-only."; $TEXT[156] = "Privileges"; $TEXT[157] = "Change password"; $TEXT[158] = "Logoff"; $TEXT[159] = "Add user"; $TEXT[160] = "Add group"; $TEXT[161] = "User overview"; $TEXT[162] = "Groups overview"; $TEXT[163] = "Name"; $TEXT[164] = "Login"; $TEXT[165] = "Group"; $TEXT[166] = "execSQL"; $TEXT[167] = "data"; $TEXT[168] = "export"; $TEXT[169] = "empty"; $TEXT[170] = "del"; $TEXT[171] = "Incorrect old password."; $TEXT[172] = "Password and confirmation are different."; $TEXT[173] = "The password has been changed"; $TEXT[174] = "Click here for re-logon"; $TEXT[175] = "Old:"; $TEXT[176] = "New:"; $TEXT[177] = "Confirm:"; $TEXT[178] = "Information"; $TEXT[179] = "Location:"; $TEXT[180] = "Size:"; $TEXT[181] = "Rights:"; $TEXT[182] = "Last modified:"; $TEXT[183] = "Integrity Check"; $TEXT[184] = "Vacuum"; $TEXT[185] = "Default synchronous:"; $TEXT[186] = "Default cache_size:"; $TEXT[187] = "OFF "; $TEXT[188] = "NORMAL "; $TEXT[189] = "FULL "; $TEXT[190] = "Access control management"; $TEXT[191] = "Yes"; $TEXT[192] = "No"; $TEXT[193] = "Default Temporary Storage"; $TEXT[194] = "DEFAULT"; $TEXT[195] = "MEMORY"; $TEXT[196] = "FILE"; $TEXT[197] = "Unique"; $TEXT[198] = "Index"; $TEXT[199] = "Data"; $TEXT[200] = "Apply"; $TEXT[201] = "Selection"; $TEXT[202] = "Operator"; $TEXT[203] = "additional condition:"; $TEXT[204] = "AND"; $TEXT[205] = "OR"; $TEXT[206] = "Select"; $TEXT[207] = "Search"; $TEXT[208] = "Rename"; $TEXT[209] = "Move"; $TEXT[210] = "Copy"; $TEXT[211] = "Plugins"; $TEXT[212] = "Maintenance"; $TEXT[213] = "Query time:"; $TEXT[214] = "msec."; $TEXT[215] = "Rename table to:"; $TEXT[216] = "Move table to (database.table):"; $TEXT[217] = "Copy table to (database.table):"; $TEXT[218] = "Add DROP TABLE"; $TEXT[219] = "Save as new row"; $TEXT[220] = "Save"; $TEXT[221] = "Save Type"; $TEXT[222] = "Operation"; $TEXT[223] = "Update"; $TEXT[224] = "Tip : You can use internal PHP functions in your queries !"; $TEXT[225] = "Truncated text"; $TEXT[226] = "Full text"; $TEXT[227] = "-- select --"; $TEXT[228] = "(s)"; $TEXT[229] = "Version"; $TEXT[230] = "(new database)"; $TEXT[231] = "Official SQliteManager Homepage"; $TEXT[232] = "The database can't be attain"; $TEXT[233] = "Trigger structure"; ?>