########### suite/json/t/json_group_concat_innodb.test # # Tests group_concat json function using the innodb storage engine # # # # This test copies some tests originally in json.test # ###################################################################### # Set the session storage engine set default_storage_engine=innodb; --source suite/json/inc/json_group_concat.inc create table t(j json, c varchar(20)) charset utf8mb4; show create table t; insert into t values (cast('[1,2,3]' as json), '[a,b,c]'); insert into t values (cast(7 as json), '7'), (cast(2 as json), '2'); insert into t values (cast(7 as json), '7'), (cast(2 as json), '2'); select group_concat(j), group_concat(distinct j), group_concat(c) from t; select group_concat(j order by j), group_concat(distinct j order by j), group_concat(c order by c) from t; insert into t values (NULL, NULL); select group_concat(j), group_concat(distinct j), group_concat(c) from t; --echo # --echo # Bug#22992666 NULL VALUE IN JSON COLUMN CORRUPTS GROUP_CONCAT --echo # WITH ORDER BY CLAUSE --echo # SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(j ORDER BY j) AS c1, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT j ORDER BY j) AS c2, GROUP_CONCAT(c ORDER BY c) AS c3 FROM t; drop table t;